Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.
Activates 8 Fun
Alice Through the Looking Class
I nlil Sal 3” Scp. lllalll opin (ilaSg'iw. Scicncc ('cntic. l’acitic Qua}. ~12” 5i“) lzxplotc pctccplion and rcalit} through ltllS ol ttnnd ltcnding inIctacInc actorttcs. Cockroach Corner'l hu 2| Sat 2‘ St-p. 'lhti lit 4. 3Ilptn. lit/Sat | 3(lpiit l’rtcc incltidcd tn titlIIIISSIHIl. (ilasgou Scicncc ('cntic. l’acilic ()ua}. 12“ 5M)“ \rc )ou hiaxc cnouglt Io ltandlc a giant \ladagaxgan lltxxlttg (‘ocltloaclt’
Giant Merchant Map In 22 Scp.
l 2 3Hpnt & 330 5pm. L251) \lcrcltant Squatc. llic ('ourt};ud. 2'] .-\|l\ton StIch. 552 002” llclp ctcatc a llllllllSc‘IIStil'} 3|) inap ol lltc \lcicltaiit ('it} al (iianI l’roduclionx‘ \t'l'lt'S ol \ ISII.‘Il arts \xtil'lellIIPS lot‘ 3 | I _\car oldx arid thctr lllllllllL'S I’NI’I HI I/lt' l/t'l't lltllll ( iII\ /(‘\Illtl/ Jill/i.
Sail Back in Time l'l'l 22 Mon 25 Scp. noon. 'l'llc lall Ship at (ilaxgou ll.ll'l\titll'. Stolicioxx Road. 222 25l3. Sail hack III Iitnc Io llil _\cai\ ago \\licll Ihc S\' (ilcnlcc took lici tnatdcn \o}agc. Stiitahlc lot all agcx
CCA Kids Club: Shadow Stories Sal 23 Scp. Illatn noon. L3 (‘('.\. 35H Sauclttchall Strch. 352 4‘“). llaxc a go at crcalitig }Iitit’ oun littlc \Iortcs \\ llll Karcn and Karcna al this art uorkshop lllSlill't‘tl h} car|_\ optical c\pcruncnI\. .\f_'L'\ .5 l2.
Children’s Day Sat 23 Scp. l lain Spin. l~rcc. (iratnalon. 7 King SIrch. 552 7l77. .-\ hunipcr da_\ ol lrcc latnil) lutt in tlSStlt'ltllltlll \\ ith Ilic RtlSSlttll (‘ultural (‘cnllc l’url u/ I/lt' .llr'n'liuul (in /'('\Ill'tl/ _‘IllI/)_
Toy Cars Sat 23 Scp. | 1.30am lpin k
2 3.30pm & Sat 3t) Scp. l lain noon k
2 3pm. l‘rcc. .\lu\cunt oi 'l'ransport. lx'c|\in llall. llunhouxc Road. 2S7 2(i5l. (inc )tllll' kids Ihcir lirxt dri\ ing lcxson iii onc oi thc ntuscuin'x to} pcdal cars. :\gc\ 5 S wars.
Burrell Famin Club Sat 23 Scp & Sat 3” Scp. 2 4pm. l‘rcc. Burrcll ('ollcction. 200“ l’UlltllelItI\\\ Road. 2S7 255i). chular lattiil} drop in \cxxion lcaluring l'un acti\ iIicx including \tor}Iclling. tours. arts and cral'tx hascd on llic Burrcll'x lascinating collcclions.
Saturday Art Club Sat 23 Scp «k Sat 3() Scp. Illain lpnt. l'rcc. (i;lllc‘l'} ot' .\lodcrn .-\l'l. Ro}aI li\cliangc Sqtiarc. 22‘) WW». litin art actn iticx tor childrcn agcd 3 l I parcnts catt gct stuck in too.
Back to the Drawing Board Sun 24 Scp. llant lptti & 2 4pm. .\ltt\cuni oi 'l'ransport. Kchin Hall. I Bunhouw Road. 287 272”. l5un Sunda) \uil'kxlttip.
Miss Baxter’s Back to School Sun 24 Scp. 2 3pm. L'l.5tl. Scotland SIrch School .\lu\cuni. 225 Scotland Strcct. 2S7 0500. Join lcachcr .\ll\\ Ba\tcr tor a |i\ing histor} class \cI in Victorian Iinics. .-\rri\c l5 niinulcx carl_\ Io drcxx up in pct‘iod L‘USllllllL‘. Booking cxscntial. call (ll-ll 2S7 U500. .-\gc\ 5 to adult.
Sunday Craft Club Sun 24 Scp .k Sun | Oct. | lain lpni. lircc. (ilaxgoxx .\ltt\cunt\ chourcc ('cntrc. 2Iltl Woodhcad Road. Nitxhill. 27o 0375. Drop-in cralt cluh \\ ith a dill'crcnt thctnc L‘tlclt \\ cck. :\:_'C\ 5 l2.
Scottish Opera Expressive Arts Classes \Vcd 27 Scp Iach l2 I4i .k Sat 30 Scp tach 3 l I l. 'l‘inicx \ar}.
((12 [I I2 t£3l £50). Scottish ()pcra. 4t) lidington SII'CL‘I. .352 9000. 'l'hc llI‘Sl oli lll \\cck|_\ cl'.t\\c\ ot’tcrittg childrcn and )oung pcoplc a hands-on opportunit) to mprcss thcnisclwx through Ihc building blocks ol‘ opcra. l5or morc ittl‘o go to
\\ \\ \\ .SL'UlllSllUPL‘ril.L‘U.lll\.
Children's Art Class Sat 30 Scp. ltlam noon. £35. (ilasgtm Botanic (iardcnx. 730 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. .334 2422. Craft) Inn in thc garden for ach
\ l2. lcd h} .i I‘It‘lcSSIHIIal .tll Icacltcl
'l lic lllSl \t'SSlUli tn a Icn \xcck block World of Shadows Sat in Scp. lllalli Ur Sc‘tilllSll \lask and l’uppcI ('cnttc. \ lialcarics \\cnuc. Kclnndalc. 33" I~l\5 ('tcalc )otu oun \hadou puppct and II} it out hclitnd a \hadim \crccn at llIIS tun \Kt‘ll\\llill‘ \f2\‘\ 4-0
Big Bird Birthday Sun I I)cI. 1 4pm l'rcc llogganlicld | och. 2\" WM“ lltc Iciitlt antuxcixat'} oI Iltc I.uiul_\ l‘lltl \xalching cxcnt. \\ llll dun/cs. clallS. gatncs and tnotc
Music for Early Ears Sat 2% St-p .\ Sat :II Scp. Sat l 3llpni i2 3}c.u~i. 2 15pm :3 .1}c.u\it\ 3 l5pIni-1 5 _\c.tI\I U tot loui \xcck courxc. ('iI} llalls. ('andlcrtgg\. 353 SIM“. (‘tcatn c llltl\lc clawcx lot )otitig cliildtcn and Iltcu patcnIchaIcH \\ iIli songs pcit IISSIHII
Theatre & Dance
Oscar and the Highland Castle Sat 3i) Scp. 2pm .& 3.45pm U (adults t; 1.5m Scotttxh Mask and l’uppcI (critic. ~\ lialcarrcx .-\\cnuc. Kcl\ tndalc. 33‘) (ilS5. ()scar Iltc IIIUIISL‘ licadx tot l.ocli chx and llt'lPS Inc} \\'itic} Sptdci trcc Ihc caxIlc. :\“_‘L'\ 3+.
Activities & Fun
Royal Museum Art Cart l‘nul Sun 5 No\. 2pm. l'rcc. Ro}al \lIISL'lllll. 2 ('hatnhcrs Strcct. 24" 42 I”. look out lot Ilic .-\rt ('art mth lt‘cc llltllt‘l'lttlS that _\ou can IISC Io dra\\ and colour piclurcx |)top Ill c\ cnl loI' all agcx.
Living History Characters l'nul Sat 30 Scp. l lain. noon. 2pm tk 3pm. lttclttdcd tn castlc iltlllllSSlIillI 9; Hi3” I£»l.5(l [S.5(li. lttlllll‘tll'g'li ('axtlc. l<o_\a| .\ltlc. 225 ‘lS4o. .\lcct SHIIIC .Il‘litll'llltillS lront Ilic “ho ha\ c lra\ cllcd through litnc Io cducalc and ctiIcrIatn, liach da} ol Iltc “cck lcaturcx a dtllcrcnt charactcr.
ls This a Dagger? The story of Macbeth l‘I‘l 22 k Sat 2.3 Scp. l'l'l Illatn (\ (iprn; Sal llattt. u» IL'3 L'JI; lainil) llL'kL‘l tl5t25. North lzdiiihurgh ,\I‘l\ ('cntrc. l’cnn_\\\cll ('ourt. 4732 titlt). lincountcrtng inurdcrcrs. c\ ll \\ itcltcx and dt'cadl'ul plots along Ilic \xa}. \\'cc Storicx PI'CSL‘III llicir o\\n \Iot'} ol' .ilm l’t'l/I. .-\gc\ .S‘+.
BBC National Lottery Day Sat 23 Scp. ‘).3Ham noon .& I 4pm. l-rcc. Iickctcd. 'l'ltc lltth. ('astlchtll. l{o_\al .\lI|c. HIS—7H Hill I50. l.carn ho“ to iugglc. prcscnt thc
tic“ \ and \xcatlicr. gct )our lacc painch. makc )iitit' o\\ n art Inaxtcrpiccc or \llllpl) clicck otit SIIIIIL' ol' Iltc |i\ c cntcrtaintncnt ott ol'lcr. as Ilic BBC roll into Io\\n \\ iIh this t'rcc da_\ oi" l.oltcr_\ -lundcd l'atntl} Ittn. Dance Kids Sat 23 Scp. IIIam .& l law. [4 It'l.5ll (2). North lidinhurgh .v\rI\ ('cntrc. l’cttn}\\c|l ('ourI. 3l5 2|5l. (icI _\our \hoc\ and socks oil and prcparc to stamp. \lidc. jump and Icap. ‘l'hc lirst scxsion IS l'oI‘ :igcx l 3. lltc Sccolld l'HI' agcx 2 4.
First Impressions: Native American Art Sat 23 Scp. l lain .\ lptn. £4
i£l.5ll £2). North lidinhurgh .»\rt\ ('cntrc. l’cnn_\\\cll ('ourt. 3|5 2|5 I. [cant about Nattxc .<\incrtcan art and inakc )our oun lxllt'lllllil dull. l'flll‘Sl \Hil'leliUp i\ litil' .tgL‘S
.3 (i and thc \L‘ctilid IS l-UI‘ agL‘S 7 l2. Junior Viking Training Day Sun 24 Scp. |2.45ptn. 1.45pm & 2.45pm. l-rcc. .\lu\cuin of Scotland. ('hanthcrs Strcct. 247 42W. .\lccl S\cn Roaring Lungs and l'lrika Rcdhcad and gct )ourxcll a Viking namc. lcarn tltc runic alphath and gct a \pccial ccttilicatc signcd h} (‘hici ( iod ()dlll.
A Bit of Batty Banter Sun 24 Scp.
I 3pm. I'rcc. llol_\rood Park. (i52SI5Il. l-‘ahtiloux l'ungi \xalk and talk. Hooking l‘L‘CtillllllL‘lithtl.
Big Art Wee Hands Sat 3n Scp. lllaIIt & noon. £4 t£l.50 £2i. North lidinhurgh .-\l'l\ ('cntrc. l’cnn_\\\cll ('oun. 3l5 2l5‘l. lla\ c a go at a rangc oi \ isual art nicdta. including painting. \ctilpturc. installation and digital photograph}. First xcxxion is for ttgc‘S .3 *5. Ihc \cctilid l-UI' .IgL‘S .5 S.
“It/«1M! t’ixi
Creators of children’s theatre think long and hard about their target age group. Then spend time and money informing people of it in advance publicity. Only for many parents to ignore their good advice and take their ‘terribly advanced’ two-year-old to a show aimed at ages five and over.
But an innovative new project run by North Edinburgh Arts Centre [NEAC] hopes to provide very young audiences with their own shows. Specifically designed for the under-threes, the Starcatchers Project will create multi- sensory work for toddlers experiencing theatre for the first time. Leading experts in children’s theatre from north and south of the border have joined forces with NEAC‘s core team of artists, to timetable a programme of research, discussion and performance. A great deal of crucial development work with children aged under three and their parents/carers has also taken place.
It’s early days, but the first show to emerge from the Starcatchers stable shows promise. Moussa’s Castle has a target audience of two-to-five- year-olds and, having been road-tested at NEAC, will hopefully tour Scotland in the future. Created by Heather Fulton, the show is peppered with tiny surprises which has youngsters giggling with excitement. Featuring live music and a set almost entirely comprising cardboard boxes, the show is certainly on the right track, although a less chaotic set, more engagement with the audience and fuller explanations for confused young minds might be in order if Moussa’s Castle is to really succeed in its aim. (Kelly Apter)
Scottish Arts Council
-',-:.v 'C C’.‘ 27,", THE LIST 63