
* Children of Men I I<I O... Ix\llIlllxII ( ‘III.III.l K. I‘M»: (‘hxc (mt-IL Jllll.IllllL' \lnnIc. \llklldk'l (lime. ('hmclcl l‘.]lHlHI ll-1IIIIII Scc II-x Icu. [mgr >14 (II‘III‘III/ II/I’Ilw

Clerks IIIIVOC IKI'xIII \IIIIIh.l \. 2mm llI'mn (l'llullnI‘IIII. JcII \IIIchxnII. Rnx.IIIn l).mxnn ‘VIIIIII \I'c m It“. pagc l ‘\ .‘IIIIl pnflllv. pagc *3. \I /II II I/ II I: (IV Clickdlh.’ IlI.IIIk('III.III.l S. Jllllhl ;\Il.Illl Sdlltllt‘l. Kdlt' llL'klxlllMllt'. (‘hIIxInpht-I \VIIlkL-II I‘VIIIIII \I'I- \lxn RI'lL'.I\L'Il. page 4* (n ’ll'III/ II /I'I1\I

Crank I IN C. I.\l.IIk \cwlIlmc. llIIIIII l.I}|nI. I'S. Illllm .l.IxnII \l.IIlI.‘IIII. -\ll|_\ XIIMI‘I. JIHU l’.Il\|n('.IIIIIlln VIIIIII r\ Il.Ixh} .II‘IInIIcI III \\lll\ll ( ‘hm ('hchnx llllIl\ llllll\L'll IIIIu II'Il v. uh .I IlmIll} \L‘llllll. .ILII\.IlI’Il ll lll\ llL'IHll‘L'IIl Illnpx lx'lnu .l II'IMIII lC\L'l l'IIIh.IIkIII;_' nII .I I.IIIIp;Ig_'c llllHlllel l .-\‘x (llllllllIIl llllIlL‘HMlllIl. xIIxI.IIIIcIl h} xm. IlllljJ\ .IIIIl xnmc Ilct'cIII L'.” and llL'llUllllCl .lk'llllll. \IIIIIlmm .Ix Ihc II'.IIl lump .'l xIIIpIIxmg; .IIIInImI nl Illng} In uh.” Ix I-xxI-nlmll) ll mmw lIIIkIIIII \lnII- nl II IIIIIIl In N Ih.III .I t'ldlll'x II-.Il|_\ \I II I [I’ll


Cyberworld 30 Il’( iI I \}IIInIIx. l'S. :lllllll .lI'IIII.I lllmgm. \luII III-\wI. \Muul} :\lchI. llmm. .chmII lillllldll Ix Ihc \‘}lk'l han uhn llllllltlllL'C\ IIx In \III'InIIx lllll'L‘liIlL‘Il xchIII'IIIx nl @th .IIIIIII;IIInII. I/lI' MIN/mun :IIIIl slur. III.leI' .il) IIppcquIIccx lll II pr'I‘IIIL‘IIIIII Ilprlu} nl InIlII} ‘x IIIan IIIIpII'xxIw gmphlt‘ Icchnnlng). l.llil.\' l/II'IIIII. (r/IHQIIH.

The Da Vinci Code 00 I l::\l IRnII llnquIl. [8. 300m 'l'nm llIllllx\. .-\IIIlI’c} lillllUll. lgm \cht‘llI-II. l’uul lit-Hunt |~l.\'IIIIII llnu.II'Il'x l\\n .IIIIl {l hull hnIII )Imn lI'xl. ()I/I'IIII .\I //II' (JIIIIL (i/mgnu. Dirty Sanchez: The Movie I I3»

0. I.lllll llIckc). l'lx'. ZIIIIIII lu- DIIIIIInII. |)IIII .ln_\u'. Kihllllll KIIImn. lllllmm. Scc .'\l\Il Rclcuxml. [IIIth' 45‘

.‘('/('I III] I'I'/I'I1\I'.

DOA: Dead or Alive I IS I O.

I(‘nII-) YIICII. l'S. leIlm .lmmc I’I'cxxl). llnll} \IIIIIIIcc. SuI'IIh (‘III‘II'Iz 80mm. l'lllll



, ‘V ,~ . ". .6 V w.‘

~ I In' " IUI|«_:I;‘1.'




50 THE LIST 31 Sen—5 OCI 2006

.IIl.IpI.IIInII nl hI-xlxulhn; \ IIlcn _‘_'.Illlk‘ I): III l/HI (II III III/ II I'( II'\I

Document: Archive Screenings: Pretty Dyana l‘I Illnle \lIIIt. \I-Ihm. III“ M afinnn ('IIIncn l)}.III.I \.ll\ .IIc Iht' lllk' llllLL' hchmIl xnmc nl Iht~ RnIII.I l.IllllllL‘\ lll llclgrmlc uhn IIxI' lllL'lll .Ix pnuI'I f._'k'll\'l.llI‘l\ .lllIl \I'lIItlcx InI tnllulmg \.ll\ll‘\‘.ll\l .IIIIl hnIIlI-x In xt'll lhc pI'ngI.IIIIIIIc .len mt lllle'\ \IJIII‘II (l l (IIIMQHI'.

Don’t Look NowI IM 0000 I\ItnI.Ix Rncgnl k. l‘l~ in l)nII.I|Il SIIIIII'IIJIIII. ,lIIlIc (‘hIIxIII- IlliIIIIII SplI'IIIlIIl \lll‘k'lllIIllllJl xIprcIIxu mm II: .Ix xIIhIl} Ic\IIIII'Il .IIIIl hIIllmIIIl} cIlIIcIl .Ix .III} nI Rncfix \xnIk.

u Ilh lllt' .lll\lk'\l .IIl\.IIII.I;_'I' Ih.II II'x .I I.IIhI'I gnnIl _\.IIII (II/III n. /.IIIII/IIII:/I

Driving Lessons I IS I O. «Int-mt llInt‘Ll K. Ilium RIIpcII (iIIIII. ,lllllk' \\;IlII-Ix. l..IIII.I | lllllL‘) ‘lMIIm \ II.II'x xI‘ll llcn I'xtupcx .l xIIIIIIIIcI nI hIhlc t‘l.Ixxcx h} hIIImj: Ihc In;II| \xnh lk'lllt‘kl .lkll\'\\ l \ II: .III I‘I‘I'I'IIIIIt‘. Ill'llllxlllg. \\\k'.lllll‘.‘ prIIxII'I

[Nil III': I.( \wm \lL'k'l\ .I \‘Il\ll} [\It'IlIt’lJl‘lI' I'nIIIxI'. .Ix I'lIt‘lII'Il .Ix .III§ ‘IhI- xIIIIIIIIt-I Ih.II I'hIIIIgI-Il IN} MI" IlI.IIII;I. .Illhnugh. IIIlIIIIIIt-Ill} Ihc (l'l'l' III-I'InIIIMIIt‘cx nI \\.lll\'l\ I'llltl l.lllIlL'_\ IIInw IxImpl} \‘lllL'llIIllllllf; (i/Inguu l'l/IH //II IIIII. (i/mgnn. /)I'NI/IIII'I.'. l.I/lIl/’!ll'\'/II

* Echo Park, LA (Quinceafiera)

I ISI 0... IRIt'lIIIIIl (llIll/L'l'. \\.Ixh \\I'xIIIIIII'I'l;IIIIl.l S. Illllm l'mIl_\ RInx. .lI-xxc (ldl'k‘ld. ('lI.I|n ( inn/JIM. ‘lllIIIIII. Su-

IlllL‘l'\ It“. [mgr ~32 .IIIIl In my pugc «li (lilFlll'l/(l RI‘II/I'I lI .\I/I'I‘I. (I./(l\'\'4‘ll .‘ lI/III/InIIu'. IxI/III/IIIIg/I.

Electric Edwardians I l’( i I .00 ISIIguI \lIthI-Il. JIIIIch Kcnym. l'lx'.

l‘llll) I‘lllm 71mm. l'lIIx II'I‘I'IIII} IlIxI‘ant-Il L'Cllllll'} nlIl lnnIIIgc IInIII curl} lllllllllillxt'h Sagur \lIIchcll IIIIII .lumcx Kunnn \lIIm x \\nI'l\IIIg_'»cl.Ixx lIIc lll llIIIIIm “llk'll lllt' I'nIIIIIr} \xux Ihc \xnI‘ltl'x nnl) xIIpprImm I’I‘ngI'IIIIIIIIc IIIcIIIIlcx I'III‘I) l.IIIIIICI'c xhnI'lx II/nI/Inuu'. I'.IIIII/III/'g/I.

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind I ISI 0... IXlIt‘hI-l (inmh). l S. 3Hth KIIIL' \melcl. .lIm (KII'Q. ‘l‘nm

- i, A“(-".


Akeelah and the Bee

Doug Atchison's likeable feelgood drama about one little girl's progression up the

ranks of a national Spelling Bee may be slightly cliched but it does boast a great performance from young Keke Palmer (pictured). and there are some great support performances from the often underused Laurence Fishburne and Angela Bassett. It is also quite rare to find a US film that eulogises educational prowess and the power of liberal nurturing over a

win at all costs dogma.

I(}/lj(341:;<;w.'. I)" I'Ium'r

\\Ill\IIIxnII. KIIxIm I)IIIIxI lllMIIIII (‘h.IIlII~ K.IIIIIII.III\ \k'k'l‘llll I'nll.IhnI.IIInII \\ llll IlIII‘I'InI \llkllt'l (innIlI) I.IIII-I l/HIHII‘II

\II'HIII l Ix hIx hcxI llllll VI l'hc lIlIII'x glnIInIle} l‘.lllll_\ gnIIcI-II \t'k'\ ('.IIII'_\ ‘x lnxclnIn lnch. .lncl ll.IIIxh_ hum; IlII' [Mlllllll IIIcIIInI‘ch nl lIIx \'\ gnllIIcIIIl \llllet‘IIll} lL‘lll(l\L'\l. lI'x :m nIIII;I;_'cnIle_\ \lL'lllk'lllk'tl I‘IIlI'. hIII IIIIIlI'Il} Inf: IhIx II'I'IIIIt' IIIp .II'I- xnmt' xI-IInIIx Int-mph) xII'.I| IIIII'xIInIIx IIl‘Hlll hIIIIIIIII I'cIIIIInIIthpx (XIII lnw

I'IIIlIIIc ' ll nnl. \\.I\ ll unIIh II III Ihc IIIxI pl.’Iu‘t".' ( II'IIIIIx (IIIHII III'I_ (i/mgnn Farewell my Lovely I I’( i I .000 leIlqu'Il l)III_\II‘)k.l S. I‘MSI l)lk'lx l’nxwll. (’l.III'c 'l‘ImnI. ;\llllL' Shnlc} 05mm l’nuI-ll pla} x Ihc unIlIl-\\c.II‘_\ .\l.'II'ln\\c m l<.’l_\lllIIllIl (‘hIIIIIllcr'x haul IInIIL'Il lulu nI II pnmIc cw chII‘I‘hIIIg lnI' gm L'\ t'nn'x gnl. 'l hc IIIInnxpth'c Ix IIIIIIIIt'xchIII.Ill} IInII; IlIc plnI hIIx IIInI'c I“ lex IIIIIl IIIIIIx IhIm Ihnxt' “IIIIlmg Inule InIn Ihc lln|l_\\\nnIl llIllx

l’.II'I nl ('hunIllcr chIxnn. II/nI/InIIxI. [LI/III/llll‘g/l,

The Fountainhead I l’( II 00.0

IKIIIg \'IIlnI'. l'S. I‘HUI ( iuI} (’nnpcI. |’;III'IL‘III \cul. R.I}IIInIId .\l;Ixxt'_\. lHIIIIII ;\ l'CIIl nIlIlII} IhIx (‘nnpcI play .m IIpquIIIlIIIg :II'I‘hIIch :II nIlle \\ llll Ihc cnIIIIIII'IcIulIxIII [II-I'xnIIIlIcIl III Ihc IIInIIc} lllL'll IIlUllllIl hIm; xn much xn IhIII hc L'\Clllll;lll} hlnu x up .I hIIIlIlIIIg III.'II IlnI'xII'I III hIx \ lk‘\\PI'llll. llan-Il IIIIIcnIIIInI‘IAhl} I nII .\_\ ll RIIIIIl'xIInu-l.ll1c llllll xII'ugglI'x In IIt‘hII-w IIx I-\pchxInmxIIt' x} mhnhxm. IIllhnIIgh xnmc nI llk' \ IxII.le .IlL' cnIt-I'IIIIIIIIIgl} hI/gII'IIi (ii/mun IIIl/(i/J. (i/mgun.

Garfield: A Tale of No Kitties ll I (Tim Hill, ['51 :llllhl llIL't‘lxlll \lt‘}Cl. .chmIIcI linw llcmll. llIll) (‘nIIIInll). BIll

l'alLIIL (.mnlul

[flljlrh / 30pm WHISKEY GALORE (PG)

[III/s .28 SM)? ’0 30am, 7 30:)!“ {3’ 7 30pm LITTLE MANHATTAN (PG)

7kl:)1 J) / inf/f)"


Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

\lIIII.I_\. l.III \lwIIInIIIhII: l\'H_‘.‘I'l lx’I‘I'x Mlmm lll lIIx II'IIIIII In my th xt II-I-II. lllC I'II'wI _‘.'lllf_‘k'l lk'llllk' Ixnltul l\\ \lIIII.I\ I. l.ll\\'\ .I IIIp In lllIgthl). .IIIIl IlIInIIg'h .I I .l\\‘ nI llll\l.ll\k‘ll IIlI'IIIII) I'IIle up IIIIIIIj: nch .l I.IIlIcI I|.leI} InIIIIII_\ IIIIc lhI' III-LIIInIIx

l nIIl l).ll_‘.jl\l(‘1‘llllllll.\ I h.Ix nIlII'I IIlmx llllllljfill (II III I‘ll II /I II'\I

Hermitage DwellersIl’I'... \Ilmm mu IlI'I llnIxI. \I'IlII'I|.IIIle. .‘llllil " lllllll \II c\.IIIIIII.IIInII nI RIIxmeI lllk' Ih.II xI'I'Lx nIII IIIInIIII.IIInII lInIn Ihc \Ulllxk‘l\. l.IlllL'l Ih.m Ihc .lllll.I\'l\. .II IlII' gII'III lx’IIxmeI IIIIIxI'IIIII. Ihc llk‘llllllIlfJI' Ill \I I’I'II'IthII: (i/mgnn III!” II“ III/I. HoodwinkedIl I... II‘IIII-x .\ Vllltltl l‘Il\\.IIle.l \. jllllln \(‘I\\'\ I" \IIIIInII} '\ll\l\'l\Illl. (ilI'IIII ('Ian'. lIIII llcluxln .\ l llllll \I'I' II‘\II'\\. [mgr '1‘ and [lllllllk‘. [‘II‘L'L’ (II III III/ II /I I1\I

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown Il l .0. I(‘.IIlnx SIIlIl.IIIlI.I. l \j Illllm \IIIt‘I-x nl |{.I_\ RnIIIIIIIn. lnhII l I-yIII/Innn. l)cIIIx l I'III}. Smnn \\ IllI.IIII \Inll ‘lllmm lzIIInthlI' Inllnxx up In my ( '.III;IIII.III Ill”:


.IIIIIIIIIII'Il lI'.IlIIII' /.Hl/’l/I (In/I Int/IA

IIIII‘NII I/\ I '( I/I. (i/nxunn

An Inconvenient Truth ll l... Il);I\ Ix ( iIIgggI-IIht-IIII. l‘S. IIIIIIH .\l (inn- ‘Ihmm lhc lHl'lllL‘l llL'\l pI‘I-xIIlI-III nI lllk'

l IIIII'Il SLIch hI‘IIng lIIx glnlml mummy 'xlIIlcxhnu' In Ihc lIIj: xI‘II'cII (inII' [III-xI'IIIx .I t'nIIIpclhng l’ImcIl’nIIII [‘IL‘\k‘lll.IllHll nI IlII' [ILIIIt-I'x IIIIpcIIIlIII; I'm IInIIIIII-III.II t'.II.IxIInplIc Ill \Ilml Ix .I xnIIIcIIIIII-x III.IIIIpII|.III\c hIII gcncmll} xnlm .lllll llllk‘lllfJL‘lll llllll \I'lI I III] II /I IHI

Inside Man I 1‘: COO. «SpIIxt- l I-Ia [8. 21mm Hun/cl \\.IthIIj_'InII. (‘hw ( )\‘.L'll. .lnIlIc l‘INlCl thIIIIII l).I|InII Rll\\t‘ll I()\wIII Ix pl.IIIIIIIIj_' IlIc III'IlIxI Inhht‘I} Hclu'llw I'III/IcI I\\'.IthIIj_'InIII IIIIIxI xlnp llllll. -\I1Il IhI' lmnk'x I‘lllpllL'lHl hII'I-x l.I\k}I-I \lIlIlL'llllk' \\ hIIc ll‘ll\lk'l I In PllllL'Ll hIx IIIIcI'cxI Slcck. llllL'lllfJL‘lll .IIIII t'Illl\llllllll.IlL‘l} lllIlIlL' IIIIIllI-I Ih.Il LlllllL'\ In .m uncxpu'II'Il (UllLllthll \iu II/I/I/Img/I ()I I an. I.I/I/I/III/'g/I

Joe Kid on a StingrayIl’I;.I\1.uL l'.;IInII. ,lnhII SuIII‘I'. lb. 3"“! 55mm l'nllnumg: Ihc ;II‘I nl lleX I‘IIlIIIf: IInIII IIx lllL'L'PllHll III Ihc (Illx In le L‘nIIIcIIIpnmI} t'nI'pnI'IIIc \[NlllVllL'kl xI.IIIIx. IhIx llllll xlInIIIIl Iln lnI' llIIx xpnrl \klldl/)II;'IIII1III1III//BUM IlIIl lnI' xRIIIclInIII'IlIII; (i/mzjmz /I/m

l/II (ll/'I_ (i/I1\;'IIII_

John Tucker Must Die I 13m 00 Illcll} 'l'llnrlmx l5. IINNH JL'\\L' \lclmllc. llI'IIIuII} Sun“. .v\\ll.'lllll Nimm. Jnhn 'lIIleL-I' IMcIL‘IIlIL-I Ix II phIIIIIIIlcrIII; xIIIIl uhn xII'IIng ulnng Ihrcc glrlIrIcnle \thn Ihc \II‘nnchl IrIn gc! u Ind nl hIx chculmg \HI} x. IhC} ch up ncuhIc KIIIc 18mm I :1x hIIII In lllllllllliIlL' hIm. (icncrIc chIclx llIclx Inr IIIIIIlex Iccnx. (iI'III'rII/ I'I'lI‘llH‘.