Wht 'sOn

1mg flakqu \s at me mum‘s 04 366mm, wmurt LS Qumi exams ume fou STDFTD None? THM zmgs ARE MOST VEfimWrsJOT Win \8 ON IN SLOT' mp. meme um (~me MNHEAKD 0f Rowe mesa rm; - Bur

mag Few AND FM W. name: A PEP TALKTD 661 mu THNKNG new HON Mb NW 7m mouw PRODUCE 10w? (MN.

' J "J ‘i 2.

. 8ka WHEN WW? k BKMEN Tar/NW

' biggies AND ASK u: TH‘ZY'D HKBTD WT MY wig. ~ MLARV @3me, MD VD V0 w 963T TO EXPLMN R IN 9: numew, NOT GREA‘M’

, I Hagav 9(1le GRAPHIC'WSS owwor (MAW -~l was Muem mutate a: new MD

t. . " ‘IIIIII' .. ._J!"III CIII' Illa-II II.

A zine is a publication that you do yourself.

imple. Honestly. You can go look for wordier definitions, right now we’re just going to work with that one.

. m 301mm WAW umo mums “mam k we?" mm; %A use;

2It’s that 5

’EB’ but

world of zines is much b' r th th t. f‘ » k 2, MM” ARV, mamas, szlmNe OF PEMon CoN vasmNAb WRHNG * ‘52-; ia-

, [Game ON mm, mue WNW, AND 0N MD on. Velma kaa antes .

. our 0: Tuna mama: renew me was 0th or 2‘} Vs‘ W I. . - -' ' ‘4‘ (A ~ / ' or m ATDO (cum? nus. \s A mm films?

we How-To \5 REAW awn? You uuwwmre m6

' finNGfoK REAL. mo cooumne «sour was. IS mm we crux mme STDVMNS You lS (W— YOUR sat/FIDOWT, PROCRhS-TWNRT‘ON, wRITER‘s BLOCK, WWW. SORT Tm our, Ms Tou'RE DONE! You HAVE

7 OOMVLETB mam. mmmv YUM Dom {we TD SUBMH' rr 10 «NY camcs |F wuwN‘rwANr To. ALL " You new \$ A use an OF cm mime Puorucomue, 6R A Joe‘wm "(CM [c291 {AM rr. ‘6; 2' 1 fifilllflllullllllllf "7:7 This is the bit where we pause to examine your feelings of inadequacy. Not pu

Not feminist enough? Don

't ride a bike? Whatever. You might not fi but then that already applies if you're not based in the USA.

\::;There are no set rules with zines. and sometimes zine culture co

nk enough? Not vegan enough? t the profile of a typical zinester,

, so get out

uld use a diversity injection . there and give us something different to read. .\ 1"!


“I fee; coi;ga:ec to Ha

:L you that exact

H . M . I'n. no: I . -1 c .yplca- zine reader/ante: ' dor-‘t 4. p 9 . - . \‘~ - J: was-er. .c pum. muszc. - don't make my ow. clothes \ .- snave my armpzts, I'm no: a I

vegan .and ce*'a1~‘ n t I vi . ~ _ -. nty 0"? -reegan , - m not :ea-ly interested in ge-.-ng to Know my cunt, Z r;de the bus

. instead of a bike anc‘ none of my bags

0“. , WWW 3-6 coverec w

-.. homemade patcnes . " O f9 5

.. Alice Roo;sor., A pa}. In The hie ' Gomom MAKE YouR Fovmme mam “moz/ . __ ,

u ‘“\t"... .lresources VWXWCZ 000V muse {Ow/~10 ‘T, W W m t {Ou'RB uuwdxm Mmous amen. —--. 0N wou'aa vome Tum FOR me we OF NEW A (“a “953m me w W vove 0F wme» \T kwfiyfia ls IM- WW \3 & mews WATS NW 19;, 7 sauuoeacrmaz '. . . g 4 9 ; f I 5 Nine has been n and out of zines since the and-nineties. She wri

»~ W. which is available at 2“"? ' . u "an nag-Irwin- ; I ~- 24». . :‘l‘xgg’

u 10w! we» “1mm BOOK OF? RECGW the?

want mcK men was, 1t» cm omen ON-

uNb mm msrRIBuTDRS AROUND momma




. IQ; onwamuwmurwutxe " 1 I IT“ESEVNRL(5009>PLAQ§§IEJSUE*Arr ’1 . (ouR OWN fl“C,W.)

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