.w...‘ ,,_“\‘-....;.... November 1996 February 1997 October 1998 "‘->\\;: a: it"? '~ ~

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didn‘t get tin} pletlxut‘e nut nl it. l‘l‘nnl an artistic pnint nl‘ \‘ieu I didn't like pt'ntlueing \thl‘lx’ nn :1 hig \lttgL‘ l‘tl been in at little hltlek hn\ \PLIL‘C ill 'l‘hetltl'e \an‘lxshnp. In litlL‘l. \\ hen I tried tn gel the keys l‘nr this pluee. Ill) tiiln \\;l.\ ln npen the perl‘eet \lllilll puh thezltl‘e.’

'l‘he then (iltixgnxx l)e\elnplnenl .-\gene} algl‘eetl tn pat} the enlllptlllyx rent l'nr it year. while the) xuh-let the \puee nn it ln\\et‘ rule. putting nn small-settle pl'ntlttetinns tintl Inning the time tn find a \m) nl’ lntllxing the .-\l'ehe\ \x‘nl'k. ‘Dut‘ing Illill _\e;ll' \\ e tlitln‘l ennle up \\ ith ill] unmet] my .-\l'nnltl. ‘hut near the end \\ e lllltl Alien Will: it ltu‘ge-xetlle llhlullttllttll \ isitnl‘ tilll'tlelinn. and then \lill’lL‘tl the elllh ltlglllx \\ ilh (‘ut‘c l.nen.~

'l'lltlt “its .\ltl_\ I‘NZ. .'\l'llUltl \\;t.\ :lppl'nuehetl h) l‘eell‘n MeShtlne tlntl [)11\ e ('ltlt'ke‘. \xhn \\ el‘e

‘_—.~ ~ -.


running Slum ill the Suheluh. MeShtlne l‘L‘L‘illl\ 'l was lnnklllg l-nt‘ tl \‘etlllc tn llnxt it \llt)\\'L‘il\L‘ ex‘ent illltl I stunlhletl ilL‘l't)\\ the .-\rehe\. The space blew me away MeShtlne. ('lzu'k illltl l’etet' lrx'ine [)l't)p().\L‘tl ln run :1 weekl) eluh night as ti vehiele l‘nl' Slum nn l'i'itlu'u. :\l'll()ltl tlgl‘eetl. nn the ennditinn that they tlxslsl lllllt running (‘ule l.nen. 1m experiment in hringing thetltl‘e tn eluhhers. nn Saturdays.

Slum‘s rent. and (‘ul‘c l.nen ill ltx entirety. pl'nVeLl the lll-L‘hltltltl nli the theatre cntllptln) all this Cl]ll)l'_\'t)lllc stzlge. liight _\'e2u'\ ngn. l‘llklll)’ Nightx with Slum mnrphed inln u massive mnnthly night. Pressure. whieh regularly pulls Cl't)\\tl\ nl‘up tn 3000115 \x'ell us the biggest l).l\ ill the \thl'ltl. ll()\\'C\'Cl'. ('ule l.nen uux. h} ull ilCCtlunh. \nlllcllllltg elxe ultngether.

'Il wax u [any kind nl’ ezlhuret Cill‘l')‘-t)ll

-._, April 2001

anuary 2001

" Sadr") Oct 203", THE LIST 17