

Vox Motus, the much acclaimed young Scottish company present

this thought provoking visual piece with knockabout comedy and engaging wit about the theft of a diamond and the characters it encounters on its subsequent journey. A playful, quietly political little

piece, this looks an engaging night of theatre.

I i.'t1.t,’/,tt' r’tt‘tlt/t‘. [ll/1' {NH W.




|,ad_\ \\ cll \\'a_\. \ltixxcllittt‘gh. («)5 324”.

ll’. ll. \\'(‘. \\'.r\| Henry V li‘UL' l: «K \Vt‘d I3 SUP. 7. illpni. {Infill (toil) L'Si.\L‘t\.\itltillL‘\\ prcxcnt a contcniporar} -

drcxx production ol' Shakcxpcat‘c\ gt‘cat illSltll'} pla}.

Playboy of the Western World l~’ri I5 & Sat lo Scp. 7.3(lptn. HUSH tt'hill (Si. 1-\ pcrl'orinancc ol .l.\l

Wary”. they, four/rig,

S}n:_'c\ coincd} ahout thc phcnoincnon ol’cclchrit} h} l.o\ctk.\ladnc\\.

Body of Experience Wed 21) Scp. 7.30pm. L‘ lllfill l [0.50 {St .-\ cclchration ol~ ‘tltc inaturc pcrl'orinct” wt to music troni a \arict) ol' \xorld ll‘ttdiliottS.

Lion of Kabul \Vcd 2t) Sat 23 Scp. Scc KldS ItSlltlgS.

Losing Louis 'l'hu 2| Sat 23 Scp. Tfitlpin. t 1050 tt'h'i. Hordcrlinc 'l‘hcatrc pl'L‘SL‘lllS Sitnon \it‘lldCS dc (‘USIiIIS \L‘l‘iottx conicd} ahotit l'ainil) niattcrx. ln onc ol thoSc rarc llltllllL‘HIS ol t‘cxolttliott. a

tainil} contront thcu paSl lll thc hcdrooin \\ hcrc thc cham hcgan. 5" _\car\ hclorc


l“ I" \tcolv'n Strcct. 5:" NM” ill. \(il). m3 \\ \1

Fireman Sam to the Rescue! i'll .\ Sun 1” Scp Scc Kitlx lixtingx


5 Quccn Sticct. 33h -1 18”

A Play, a Pie 8- a Pint: Side Effects l‘nul Sat ‘) Scp 1pm till Short thcatic ptccc h} Rainan Rtindau A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Drawing Board .\lon ll Sat lo Scp lpnt (Ill. SL'L' (Ii.l\:__‘tl\\. ()l'dll \itll'

A Play, a Pie & a Pint: Sea Change \lon l.\ Sat 3‘ Scp, 1pm till Scc (ilaxgoxx. ()ran .\lot.


|5a l’cnn} ucll ('out‘t. HS SIS I. |\\'('. \\'.{\|

Mancub ’I hti Scp ".ani {S iii £51 I'hc National '| hcaltc ol Scotland and \dlllSillll}: l’oint prcxcnl liIIS lainil} pla}. utitlplL‘ti ll'tilll Jililll ix‘Vt'l'IIS lltt\ L‘i Illi‘ I'llg’lll u/ l/Ir' (‘tiummri h} )tlllll; [‘l.t}\\l'lf_‘ill Douglax .\la\\\cll. |t tclls thc \tor} ol a )oung nian lacing: thc \trugglcx ot grown; up III a Small town in Scotland Julie i'l'l S Scp. ".Ftlpin. LS H3 [51. /.innic llarrtx' nc\\ adaptation ol ,i,l\\ ./l(/It’ h} Sxxcdixh p|a_\\\rig_'ht :\u;_'u\t Slrindhct'g. xxhich \ccx thc |.aird\ daughtcr lall l'or hcr l'athcr'x hutlcr \\ ith t'\pitl\l\ c results.

Moussa’s Castle l-‘ri .S' S Sat ‘) Scp. SL'C KRIS ||\llll:_'\.

Gobbo Sat 0 Scp. Scc Kidx ltxtingx. Secrets and Lies and DIY Tim M Scp. 7.30pm. [8 lb“ [51. Scc (iltthtM. l’aixlc} .-\rt\ ('cntrc.

Defying Hitler ’l‘hu 2| Scp. “niiiplll. t'S ([3 L5 l. i'iliitiRlllg tt \L‘ii-tllli SUCCL'SS tilt Hroadha}. 'l‘hcatrc l'nliinitcd hringx this candid account ol' a )ottng tnan's lilc. grim ing up in Bcrlin undcr thc \a/ix. hack It) lilL‘ l.i\'.


i3 33 (il‘CCllSldC i’lttt‘t‘. HST” 0063434. lll. \\'('. \\'.'\|

Dora the Explorer: Live 'l‘hu 3| Sun 34 SUP. SCL‘ KIdS IISlIIIgS.

Dora’s Pirate Adventure 'l'liu

Zl Stilt 2-1 Scp. Scc Kids listing\.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE (‘atnhridgc Strcct. 223 IJllJ. ll’. ll. \\'('. \\'.-\|

How to Steal a Diamond 'l'hu

2| Sat 23 Scp. Spin. L'T’ [l3

H.450 £7). liroin .-\l'rican llllllL'S to cttt

throat (iIaSgtm \c‘hctllt‘S and thc ghtx ot Bond Sttcct. lill\ l\ a hcixt \li‘l_\ likc no othci. inxpncd h) unlwlrcxahlc _\ct ttuc

Outside the cities



la} Sttuaic. HI :5: :3 i‘ ;ll ll’. H. “('1 A Midsummer Night‘s Dream l lllli Sat lo Scp «not Sun \Iotti 715piii1Sat ma! 3 illptn. \\cd niat Iptni 1* L H It5 t W! Dundcc lx‘cp [\ctloinn Sli.ikc\tk‘atc\ lantaxtical toni cont Each Peach, Pear, Plumb l n .S .\ Sat ‘l Scp lll illatn .\ l illpin. 11am [3 5H {5 \gm i q ltdinl‘uigh'x l'uppct I ah picxcntx a puppct adaptation ot lanct and \llan .\h|hci;_'\ claxxic ih_\nnng: Slow

St Andrews


\hlx-i Silt't'liili:;‘i~1q‘-”“ il’, H. \\t‘_ \\ \ Losing Louis lliu Sat lo Scp Spin. 3 illpin. t” t It So l Ler Scc lzdinhurgh. Hiunton lhcatic

The Graffan and Friends Sun to Scp. 3pm. (I \uthot .lulia Honaldwn conicx to act otit hct \ltlllt‘S and on; hci \oiigx. hclpcd h_\ httSl‘attd \laltohn and plcnt} ol audicncc participation

The Cherry Orchard Inc l0 ln 3) Scp. Jipni. U151.('hckm'xlinal [‘|a_\ about a lannl} iHSlllf; IIS \xcalth IS takcn on h} \Iadtax ('ollc;c\ ph) \lt‘.ti cnxctnhlc St} lc ol Pt‘litllllldlltt'

Animal Farm 'l'hu 2| Sat 2% Scp 7,3llpni; Jillian. t'" itii. St,“ I picxcnt thcir takc on (iL'tllth' ( )mclI\ \alnc \\ilt'lt' 'all annnalx arc cqual. hut \onic\ arc tnorc cqual than othcix',



l'nixcrxit} ol Stirling. ll|“S(i .lttooho. ll’. ll. \\'('. \\’-\|

James Campbell‘s Comedy 4 Kids Sat lo Scp. 3pm tk Spin. {5 iL-li, \loic coincd} lor mm 5\ ax thc lll.t\lt'l ol ludx' coined} cntcrtainx \xith inoic lun talc\ and l’ltilt'llitllIS SongS. con-ring cxcr}thing_' Il'tllll parcntx lo I’la} \ltllltlllS.

Playboy of the Western Worid Sun l7 Inc I‘) Scp tnot \Ioni, Spin. t'lll iUn Scc ladtnhurgh. Hrunton 'l’hcattc.

Henry V .\Ion IS & Inc 1‘) Scp. Spin; Zptn. UHtUH Scc lidinhuifgh. Hrunton 'l‘hcatrc.

The Bomb \Vcd Ill Scp. Spin {Ill 1 UH .-\ction 'lranxport ptcxcnt lillS pla} hawd on thc rcal c\cnt\ o1 thc Brighton bombing: in WSJ. in which a girl lllt't'lS thc tnan \\ ho lulch hcr lathcr

Thursday 14 Friday 1.3

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh‘s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Saturday 16 Sunday 17 Monday 18 Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20 Thursday 21

Citizens see Film Breakfast at Audrey's T059 , .. I -- King's Sea Change Sea Change Sea Change Tir Nan 09 TI! Nan 09 T" Na“ 09 T" Na“ 09 Oran NOI' , ~ , . _ Theatre Royal My Dark Sky My Dark Sky My Dark Sky Tramway Tron t t i v - y‘ot . of . . seeRock' & Pop lJoNBody' Losing/Lion’ ' Festival Theatre [‘me DrawingBoned : DrawingBored SeaChange g SeeChmge ! 89301er i SeaChmge' g ~.. .~. - ' NEA - ‘a Traverse

88 THE LIST £1 Sc-t‘ .3 Qt: