I San Sebastian 'lchlu in nu. 43 (Mayo lnnc. 35" 4534 Hpni £3

Acnuxln wt in!!!) iliu'u l’HL‘le'l'x

I Liam Frost 8. The Slowdown Family .uul Fear of Music King; 'lul\ “Uh “uh Hul. 333.1 81 Vina-n! 8mm. 33! 537‘), 3. 30pm L" lacgcnli'ig .lL'llll\l|( pup ll'Hlll ll 33-}c.u‘ lllll \ingm/wngui'ilci \xllu gi'ulluulcll ll'Ulll \l.lllL'llC\lCl"\ :\l\Hll\lll\ .'\ll.ll'l\ll_\ nighlx. \\ Illl \llppiil'l ll'Hlll \lunc lccnugc uunlm.

I Babylon Bombs and Pink Lips l3ih \iilc (ulc. 5” (ill King Sli‘ccl. 553 1633. ‘Ipin. L3 NY l)nllwiillucnccll gluni puan I Spleen vs Ideal ll.” Bloc. l l7 Bull] Slim-l. 574 (MM). Upin. l‘i'cc. lfulucluxu- \KL'Hl'lllj.’ lmunun lllll\lL;ll llIllL'lllllL‘.


I Aberfeldy 'l hc liqunl RUHIH. W \icluiiu Sli'ccl. 335 3504. 3pm. L35”. 'loulul l'.\l||ll‘lll'_‘_‘ll huml uhn huw L‘llili'lllL‘ll inun} \Hlll lhcn' lo-li llt'thllL' lulk} wuml ginil lm} girl ll.’ll'lllUlllC\ uml liuu- |1I\l unnplclul Ihcn' wwnil album. I)“ ll'liulc'u'l' lurm in“ ()n. Sec [um lc“. [mgv (i3.

I 94 Aurora uml 7 Story Ruin ('uhgu'cl \lilluu‘c. 3h 33 llluir Sli‘ccl. 33“ M76. 7pm. £5. \cu lzilinhui'gh punk pup :uid cum.

I Open Mic \\'ln\ilclnnl\icx. 4 (\ Smuli lli‘nlgc. 557 5l l4. Upin. l'iu‘. Sec Mon

l l.

A r

Ill-lone limn Hull. Sumlgulc. (H393

(\l l333. Hpin. U4. l.ii};ill_\ puli'onixnl

\uigcr/wng“i'ilcr “ho \\ ill no douhl hc crooning lo u lull hoin.

Tuesday 1 9


I Aberfeldy .-\ll('. 331) Suuchichull Such 333 3333. 7.30pm. £8.50 Su- Mon IX and pl'C\ icxx. pugc (i3.

I Liberty Hunting, The Suspects, Rune .uul The Maple Thieves Burn} iupxluuxl. 3N) (lulc Sli'ccl. “X70 007 (NW). 7.30pm. liniu and rock hundx.

I Satyricon, Keep on Kalessin and lnsomnium 'l'hc (Killioiixc. l5 l‘nion Sum-i. 34X (mun. 7.30pm. USN). Nm'ucgiun liluck Inclul lrio.

I The Blood Arm, Flying Matchstick Men and Parka Burll}. 3m (lulu Sli‘ccl, 0870 007 (NW. 8pm. £5. l‘ll'ull/ li'rdinund-cmlorscd chaotic gurugc rockcrx l'rmn |.;\. \uppoi‘lcd h} li‘cnclic clcclm-puppcrx l-‘.\l.\l. Scc Sui lh l‘oi' l’ui‘ku.

I Rainbow Sheep 'l'cliui ()\ nu. 42 (Mayo Lunc. 357 4534. 8pm. [3. Warm wings on cool guilurx.

I Black Mary, Black Stone Valley, Nemesis Theory and Refuse Boy Rlilux 'l' l-‘irclly 307 Hope Slrccl. 333 I460. 8.30pm. l-‘i'cc. Blum rock.

I Freshly Ground King 'l‘ui‘\ \\';ih \Vuli lllll. 373.1 SI VlllL‘Clll Sli'ccl. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm. £8.50. South .-\l‘ric;in wwn-piccc \xilh llulc .uul \ iolin oinhcllithcm.

/‘ L“

This Dundonian fivesome are more resiliant than most, growing up from

awkward Nirvana-ites to develop into a solid, if acerbic rock outfit with flashes of brilliance. One such moment is the new single ‘Get Ready for the Trench Run' an impatient piece of molten guitar frenzy that doesn‘t stop to catch it's breath through it’s entire 180 seconds. That other Scottish mob who understand the finer points of melodic noise, Biffy Clyro are kindred spirits. New album

Kiprono in out 11 September.

l‘k/llil,’ ‘ri Sim. G/Jiugioi: '6 Sup.

I Sundancer licunwcnc. I‘) Skin lllf_‘ Sli‘ccl. Shim lilllll\. 0333000. 0pm. l‘i'cc. Scc Sun I“.

I Thunderbox chli‘cu li‘i‘i‘}. .-\ndL-i\lon (Jun). 'l'hc lli'ooinicluu. (llhllh 30.5 Sl l. RL‘u‘llL‘illllL'il [U l(\ Jill]. I Figure 5, Dieselbone null Rieser ()i‘un Min". 731 735 (ii‘cul \lecrn Roud. 357 63””. £5. Mod Rock from C\lilhll\llk‘tl locul lin}\ l'igurc .5. I Pamelia Kirsten Mono. l3 Kingx (hurl. King Sli'ccl. 553 0458. 'l'hci'cniin plu) or.


I The Black Seeds 'l‘lic liquid Room. ‘lc Vicloriu Sli‘ccl. 335 35(14. 7pm. U3. liiglil-piccc \cxx [culgunl hand hlcnding l'unk. i'cgguc. \uul .unl duh.

I Cantara l.ciih loll. ('luh. 'l'hc Villugc. South l-‘orl Slrccl. 47X 78H). 7.30pm. £5. l.cilh-liu\c«l llllk/Hlk‘k oullil “ho \mn lhc Dunn) K} Ic .»\\\;u‘d u! 3(lll3'\ ('cllic (‘onnccliunx

I Ga Ga Bi'unlon 'l‘liculrc. lull) \xcll \Vu}. \llixxclhurgh. N35 3340. 7.30pm.

L' l4 1U I50). A celebration ol' lhc llill\lL‘ ol‘ Quccn. nunu\ an} ill lhc ll\lllll \xig und liikc innuquchc cmcr hund li‘ippcrim.

I Band Showcase \\ lll\llcl\llll\lL'\. 4 (i Soulh lli'itlgc. 557 5| I4. ‘lpin. l'i'cc. SL'L‘ il'llC l3.

Wednesday 20


I Greg Trooper l.;uu‘lc\ Bur. 34 King Sli'ccl. “MI 553 “I33. ".3llpni. LN. \cxx .lci'xc} \ingcr/wngui'ilci' mm huwll lll \lixhx illc \Hlll u uniiili'} llllll lnlk mund.

I Acoustic Open Stage lllL‘ llllll lilll‘. Hill \Vmulldllth Ruml. .553 WW)“. lell. l‘ll'CC. SL‘L‘ \le l3.

I Dirty Rig, Disarm null Souldrive 'l'hc \ulc. 5 l)llll\l;l\ Slit-cl. 333 403x. Spin. £4. ()ltl \Clllllll inclul li'oni mv \Vzu‘i‘ior Soul inun Koi'} ('lui‘kc.

I Ewan McFarlane, We See Sophie, Eyrka and David Rollo lllll'l‘l). 3N) (.l}klk' SII'L'L‘I. “37H ‘lll? (NW), 8pm. £5. (ii‘un \oi‘lhcrn Social lionungui \lcl‘urlunc pci‘lln'inx win.

I Michael Simons ‘l'cliui (him. IN) Dcunxlon |)ri\c. (34‘) "35K. Spin. £3. Su- Wul I3.

I The Retrofrets, Seneka, The Fakes, King of Conspiracy, Already Naked uml Barry Price

Roch-ix. l-l \lnlluinl \liu'l. 33l H33h Spin. L3 Ruck nighl

I Tom Hingley llicl. 3‘) 4“ .\\lnnn l..ulc. 343 4mm. Spin L5 lnxpuul (lulu-h li‘nnlniun. llk'\ll llHlll lHlllllljJ \\llll lux i'cliuinnl Inlay} hund. [‘k‘lllllllh .l \HlH .luilhllx' \L‘l

I Paul Malcolm, Bwana Devil, Ali Moody .md James Lyall \n‘c'n‘Slm/y .l3l Suuvlnchull \liu'l. 3 3 3 (Mill. 8, 3llpin. Rl HR .iunmu' \liimcuw llllell.

I Claire Wood ll.” lllm‘. ll" llulll Sli‘ccl. 5‘4 (illhh. ‘lpni l'icc llllk'll\k' lun inlunulc piguin lll’l\i‘ll lll.ll\‘l|.ll lioni \\iuul\ l.llL‘\l .lll‘lllll //l¢‘ /\’4'\I U! !/14 /\’llt’\_

I Jim Bob .mll Yer Maw l 3th \uu- (me. 5” (in KllljJ Sim-i. 53* lh‘x ‘lpni. £3 ll‘x lhc Ullk' .lllll nnl} .lun Huh .\'o. no! hnn llHlll lllL‘ \\;illnn» 'l hc nlhci' (inc .lun Huh. C\»nl (lull-i llk‘ l‘nxlnppuhlt' Sm \luclunc

I Neil’s Children dlltl Headless (llll\:_‘ll\\ School ol :\i‘l. ll)" chlicu Sll'ccl. 353 453l. llpin L3 l.ul\ l. 9.5 ulmu’i \L'Il‘x (‘hilllicn .uc .i lmnllon lllkllL'l‘U} ll'lH lll\lllj..' [l\_\(llL'ilt'll.l .inll pmlspunk inllucnu'x pl;l_\lllj._' Inc at llll\ \Vhilc llcul nigh!

w' a} . - ,- g:v“ 1’. ’5'? a , I . 'R I c

is: .

The crowd pleasers...

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3—2 8-3:, I/fl'x} THE LIST 77