I Soul Sunday at (lian Moi 3 "pin l'i'ee \Vcckl} \cu alternoon cluh pi‘exented h} l‘l'ltld} Street and the lioogaloo lmcxligalorx tlic lL'\l(lL'lll hand pliniiig their uxual \cl ot ()ll\-\l}lL' li\c tunk and Rtkll \xitli l)J \upport lioin Mike} ('ollin\ ct al
I Sound Sundays at the .‘\lcllL'\
‘lpiii Iain l'icc. \\eckl_\. .\ llt'\\ night lot‘ the .\ichc\ (ulc liar u itli 'l he Manhattan l’ioiect pla_\ing all llllllj_'\ clcctioitic.
I Spank at the ('atliouxe llpin 3am l'icc l£tli. “cckly (let a good \panking on the Sabbath l).l llaii'} pla.\\ alteiname. punk. L'l.‘t\\lt' iock. hip hop. metal and croxxoxci‘ iiiduxti‘ial to a late \\ cckclltl (“Mil
I Sunday Sessions at llluu. l l lpin. lice. \Veekl}. Andre“ l’ii‘ic tilt'a\\/.\lclting Poll I\ lt‘\ltlL'lll each and Her} Sunda} at llll\ allrda_\ei1
I Thirtynine at in! (Kit lllpiii 3am. lice. \Vcckl). .\ lll|\ ot |i\c |.‘t// lllll\lL' and l).l\ \\ itli liothc hand 'l'ag.
Chart & Party
I Shameless at the (image
llpm 3am. £3 £5 itreei. \Veekl}. ('liai't. houxc. Rtkll plux a diet ol \ltltlt'lll ttlllllt'llh.
John Tejada
Glasgow Mondays
I Burn at the llutt llpiii 3am £5 thee with trade \\ age \llpl \\eekl_\, \londa} night carnage uitli \Hl'llhkl. /eu\ and \laxh pla_\ing a \er} iiii\ed hag ot tunex at tlux legendai} .\londa_\ night \hindig.
I Happy Mondays at l'll‘c\\;tlt'l
0pm 3am. l‘rcc hetoi'c lll.3llpin. £3 £3 alter. \Veckl), l'ii‘c\\aler l\ nou open \c\cn niglitx a \xeek \\ itli a club each and e\er_\ night. .\londa_\\ aie indie. piin and rock inxpii‘ed \xith l‘L'\ltlL'lll l'llt'\\;tlL'l UL and tll'lllk\ pi‘oiiiox.
I Passionality at (‘uhe
ll.3llpin 3am. £3 £3, \Veekl}. l’leaxing chartixtr} lroiii l).l Shaun Rohci'tx. i'exuxcitating the \xeekeiid tor the g;i_\/ini\ed croml,
I Poptimism/Rocktimism at the Garage. I lpiii 3am. £4 iti'cei, \Veckl}. l)oe\ e\actl_\ \xliat it \a}\ on the tin. .\ health} doxc ot pop and rock loi nud- \\eek part} people.
I Studio 69 at Studio, ltl,3(lpiii 3am. £ | .(i‘) hcloi'e l3.3(lain, \\'eckl}. \cu ga} night leaturiiig tltc \xa\-\pinning talentx ol' I).l\ Annie and Karen l)an/ig. l‘rexh. lunk} and upbeat.
Mixing house, electro and drum & bass into his techno, John Tejada has proved he’s one of the most versatile DJ/producers on the scene. Growing up in California he embraced the emerging electronica scene, welding a Detroit feel to his subtle techno. With releases on the likes of A13, 7th City and Palette Recordings he should rock the floor at Freq.
I Freq at the Sub C/ul). G/asgow. Fri 75 89;).
I Why Don’t you Like Mondays Bob? at Blanket llpiii 3am l'ree £l “CURB lldtlL' \ldll .ttltl \ltltlcltl lllg‘lll \Hlll I” l il Rich pla_\ing an_\thiiig that cultlt‘\ to hand ('lieap. checittil and hux}
Glasgow Tuesdays
I All Mod Cons at l‘ll'c\\.tlL‘l'
‘lpiii 3am. l'i'cc hctoi‘e Ill 30pm. £3 £3 attci. \Veekl} l).l l)a\e Stone \l‘llh \ltmltmtt and .\'oitlierii \ottl plux a ten cur\e hallx lltt'o\\tt Ill tor good llit‘.t\lllt' I All Star Tuesdays at Bamboo. lllpin 3am £-l iti‘cci. \Veekl}. In the main iooiii Kaxh pla_\\ Rtkll and hip pop \xhile And} \Vilxon tlltlp\ all time cltl\\lc\ di'i//led “Hit a little rock and indie in the lounge.
I Kaleidoscope at .-\lt( '2
l lpiii 3ain. £-l t£2i. \Veekl} Retio iiiuxic polic} digging claxxic i'ock'ii'i‘oll. \Ulll. tunk. punk and pgchedelia ti'oiii the ci'atex ol (illx to thc pit-\cnt da_\ \\ itli lk'\ltlk'lll llttlll \L‘L'tllt'\.
I Killer Kitsch at the Butt.
10.3Hpiu 3am. £4 i£3i. \Vcckl} l‘.ll.tll and l)a\e pla} all )otii' taxourite electio ini\ed lll \\llll \Hlllt' Mix \_\nth. hip hop and aintliing clxe the} tanc}. l)o\\n\tau\. Roxx pla_\\ \oul. ltiiik and dixco. ('axx & Mangan guext 5 Sep.
I Revolution at Queen Margaret l'nion. lllpin Iain. £2 (U i. \Veekl}. \\'ith D] Martin Bate t.\l‘.\li.
I Spanked at ()ran Moi:
ltlpni 2.l5ain. l-‘i'ee. \Veekl}. .-\ night dedicated to ainthiiig and exer} thing. li\pect dixco punk. calculator tunk. indie and electronica to hip hop. hreakhcal. ll).\l :tlttl Ultl \kool.
I TIT at Karhon. lllpin 3am. £lhc. \Veekl}. (ilaxgou club night 'l'l'l‘ littx linall) lound itx lit“ hoine alter the 'l‘raxh lire. l.i\a l.ittle\\ood. (irahaine l't'l'glhtm and Krix Keegan l'L'\ltlL'.
Chart & Party
I FUN at (‘uhe ll.3()pin 3am. £3 (£2l. \N'eekl}. l).l Sha/Ia Halli“ ell ini\e\ older L‘l;t\\ic\ and lun tunex. Requextx uelcoiuc.
I Inflatable Fun at the (iarage.
l lpin 3am. £5 t£3i. \Veekl}. The main bar ix tilled \\ ith a dill'ei'cnt inl’latahle thing for )out' ainuxenient. Naught} Nicola l)J\ a nti\ of “tee! \oul. dii't_\ dixco. Rtkli. l'unk} house and the groin iext guitar llllhlL‘.
Glasgow Wednesdays
I Deliverence at the ('athouxe.
l lpin 3am. £4 (£2i. \Veekl}. Latest night from The (‘athou\e. More rock and hardcore ll‘tllll Dec.
I Gain at the ('athouxe. ltl.3()pin 3am. £3 t£l l. \Veekl}. [)1 Dec and DJ |)e\iant prox ide a blend of induxtrial. metal and rock tor all )ott inid-ueekerx.
I Tongue in Cheek at Baitihoo. l().3()pin 3am. £4 (£3i. \Veekl). l)J Miguel plu}\ R&B in the main room. l)J 'l'oaxt pla_\\ chart in the lounge and And} \Vilxon pla_\\ rock in the red room.
I White Heat at the (iliixgou School ot‘.-\rt. llpni 3am. £5 t£4 £3). 20 Sep. Soho's art-rock cluhnight uith lixe inuxic l'roin Neil's (‘hildren and Headlexx.
Chart & Party
I Allure at the 'l‘unnel. l l.3t)pin 3am. £3. Weekly. llapp}. cheex} pop t'roin l)J Darren and the guy behind
l’it\\l(lllillll\. , ', "7535,; _. ‘ \I 7 ‘ e ‘ .‘s' . c5 3 V, _ . _: v ‘ I . t 'y I
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.
Edinburgh Thursdays
I A Basement Boogie at llllth‘ll (‘luh llpiii 3am lice \\cckl} tllHlll ll Sept \cu intiiiiate \xeekl) lL‘\l\lL‘ll\"\ troiii the liouhlc l).l\ pl.i_\iiig out cluh cl.i\\ic\. clcctio. p ltiiik. \oul. hip hop. l‘lc.tl\\. \_\lllll pop and inoic
I Beat Root Juice at the Jan hat
I“ 3llpni 3aiii l-icc \\cekl) \lio heat. l.atin and \ka lioin tcxidcnt hand the (ioat Stcxx ()lclit'\ll.t. plu\ Ill Ham and the odd ll\L';1llL'\l and \pinnci
I Class! at Sulma} (‘ougalc
llpiii 3am. l~iec hcloic midnight. £3 altci i£l l. \Vcekl} \eu \tudent night tt'oiii l).l luck} I uciaiio t llig (‘liecxe/Sliag'l ag i.
I Espionage at l',\ptoti.tgc
llpiii 3am. l'iee \\cckl_\ hi (i l‘unk and .\lata llaii [‘lL'\t‘lll the \Illtuilll \Htttltl\ ol RtK ll
I Genetic at ('ittux ('luh llpiii 3am l‘i'ce below I | illpiii. £3 attei \Vcckl} Still a might} populai \Hll'L‘L‘ that \ho\\ca\c\ altci'natnc. indie and lo ti
I Rise Up at (‘ahai‘ct \'oltaiic,
llpiii 3am. £5 i£ 3», I-l Sep. Mote gig/club Cl't)\\t\\ ci' action at the (alt \\ llll Inc \et\ ll‘lllll indie l_\pc\ (‘ai‘tei and Kohai and a DJ \lot li‘oiii Mike l.\ll\lll\l tor the hext in indie and alternatixe liloot‘llllcl‘x.
I The Snatch Social at tlic l.lqllltl Rooin. llpiii 3am. £5. \Vcekl}. ('oiiied} caperx t'i'oin llarr} .-\lli\\\tit‘lll and 'lon} ('ai‘tei‘ at llll\ cheek} L'ttl‘dl‘t‘l*t‘llllI-tlhctt. llahex and 'l'i‘cnd} \\'eiitl_\ tinontlil} l'L‘\ltlL‘llll \uppl} hip hop and tunk} ltlltcx.
I Souled Out at ()pal lounge.
lllpin 3am. £3. \Veekl}. l'l‘tlltl Motoun to Northern Soul. l.eon laaxter. .\'ick Watwn and .\la\tet‘ (‘aird ion i‘otationi tull'il )iitii' needs. adding a daxh ot lltlthc ax the night goex on.
I Spies in The Wires at (‘aharet Voltaire. llpiii 3am. £5. 7 Sep. Spiex in the \Vii'ex continuex \\ illi indie pop l‘roui l'oal and a DJ \et li'oin RHI'} l’hillipx t'l'rashl in a late change to the line-up. Produced in conjunction \xith ill/IF 1.1”.
I Surgical Steel at ()piuin.
ltlpin 3am. l-‘rec. Weekly hill on metal axxault.
I White Heat at (‘ahat'el Voltaire.
l lpm 3am. £3 £5. 3| Sep. l.oiidon\ influential indie cluh returns arined \\ itli an arsenal ol‘ qualit} li\c hands. gothic punk trio .\'eil'\ ('hildren and London/Japan grunge/punk girl group Headless. \xliilc l)l\ OH} and Matt} prm ide the tunex lor dancing.
Chart & Party
I On Request at ligo. l lpiii 3ain. £3. 2| Sep. l’roinm and part} anthems all night.
I Siglo at Siglo. 4.30pm 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl). l'.\L'r}lllllig t’roin Xllx and chart lloor tillerx to chilch out alternatixes. I Vinyl at Muxxu. h’pin 3am. l-'ree. Weekl}. ('oiiiinercial chart and dance courtex} of Paul l‘unkxter. plux drinks prnltitis aplent) tor tlioxe u. ho want to \tart the \xeekend laxhionahl} earl}.
Edinburgh Fridays
I Absolute at Studio 24.
ll).3l)pni 3am. £ll). l5 Sep. 'l‘rance. techno. hard house and all things hard. I Alternanthem at ()pium. ltlpin—3am. Free. Weekly. Night of rock and alternative anthems.
7—21 880 200?. THE LIST 35