to \Itakc _\Hlll hoot} Kuccpath and himkiuj; rccorurncndcd

Voicebeat Multicultural Singing Group I',\cr_\ 'Ihu ‘I'hc \nncxc. ‘Ia Slcuam rllc \lrccl. I’artu k. ll5‘l4~ “5%” 5 l5 ‘lpni Li 5H \chL‘\ ol lhc uoild urnlc at lhrx \rnggrn}; group will an rulcrnalioual tlaxour \'o audition Ilcccwal} I'.lll.llI \oicchcall'l yrnarl coni IHl ilcl.ill\

Tchai Ovna Knitting Circle l \L'l} Ihu Ichai ()xna. IN) I)calt\lorl How. ()4‘) 7255 Split I~rcc (icl knitting; to thc \ouud ol Inc nurxrc.


Activities & Events

International Pole Dancing Day Iago. I4 I’rcard} I’Iacc. 475 "4 H

(i. W h illpui. I‘IL'C Scc caption. hclou Steadfast Rama, Stalwart Sita National l.II\rar"\ ol Scotland. (icol'gc IV Ilridgc. 32(r-15il. 7pm. I'rcc. tickctcd. .\hha Rodrrgucx. Ilaxhahr l-rawr'. and .lolin and .\Iar_\ llrockrngton c\plorc lhc qutorx ot tlux ancrcnl Indian talc. haxcd around lhc ric\\ lr'aihlalunr. /\'(IHI(I l/ri Shirl/Ito]. In /.ilI/\ [mm o/ [In Klimt/mull.

Friday 8

Food & Drink

Chocolate Connoisseur Evenings ('oco ol Ilrunxllicld. Ilruuhlicld. 338 4520 7.3” h". illprn. UH. Icarn all ahoul chocolatc and him rl‘x rnadc. trorn hcan lo har. Hooking: cxxcnlial.

Saturday 9

Spon * GB V Netherlands Nit-ado“ hank SI‘Hrtx ('cntrc. l3” I.ondon Road. (ihl 535l. 7pm. U3 lt‘U; Ull tarnil}, Scc IIllll\l.


Taster Film Making Workshop Sullx. 23 ('ockhurn Strcct. (i2: (illlll.

llarn 5pm. (All 1L3”). .-\ onc~da_\ lilni \xorkxhop inxprrcd h} thc \\ork ol .\Iariikc \an \Varrncdarn and 'l'rac) .\Iollat introducing: participantx to thc lcchniqucx rnxolwd in dual lilrn making.


The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Ix’o}al ('onunrxxron on lhc .-\ncicnl and Ilixtorical Monumcnh ol Scotland. .lohn Sinclair Ilouxc. lo Ilcrnard 'I‘crracc. ()0: l45o. I 3pm. John llorland ;i\c\ thix il|u\lr‘atcd talk on lhc carl} rncdic\al sculplurc ot Krncardincxhirc. I’urr or Storm/r .I/i'lriu'o/om .l/orrr/r.

Wednesday 13

Activities & Events

Storytelling Cafe: East and West Scotlixh Storyclhng (THUR-15 4.5 High Strccl. 55b “57”. 7pm. [3. ‘l'hix nc“ rnonlhl} niccting lol' lhoxc clll‘lolh ahout Il\C \IUI’HL‘IIIIIg I'L'allll'LN l;tIL‘\ rni\cd \\llIl music. poctr} and \ong. \cr'\cd up in a l'L‘Ia\L‘d cal-c \clting.


The RSPB in Scotland National I.ihrar_\ ol' Scolland. (icorgc I\‘ Hridgc. 32h 4.5.5 I. 7pm. l‘ll‘L‘L‘. IlL‘kL‘ICd. Join a loading rcprcxcntatnc l'r'orn thc Ro}a| Skk‘lcl} Ior lhc I’rotcction ot Bll‘d\ Io takc a hricl look at thc origins and Iil\lUl"\ ot I-Iuropc'x largcxl conxcnation charit}.


Drop-ln-And-Draw National (iallcn ot' .\Iodcrn .-\n. "5 llcll'ord Road. (324 (1200. 5.30 b.45pru. I-‘rcc. Drop in drauing \cxxionx intrixlucing dit'l’crcnl 1) pc\ ot~ an t‘rorn thc gallcn \ collcction. .-\Il matcrialx pro\ idcd. Booking exxcntial.

Saturday 16


Card Making Workshop Hm A lioln \tldl‘ \lorc. I till I5 \c\\ lantldup \ard~. lil‘rwlllltiltlxc Road. 4-11‘L1‘MI

Ill mall) I 2“pm :3 Join lhc IIII\ and llolix crcu tor ruorc cratt} tun. locuxin; or] making \xcddrn; and ciillleallllaIlth card~ Music Production Workshop \or‘lh Izdinhuruh \rt\ ( 'cntrc. I5a I’cnn} ucll ('ourt. ‘15 2I5l I 1pm Ur ~L.‘ 5“ Hi .lorn \onfgur‘ltcr produccr and rnxlrurucnlalrxl 'Iaui 'Ircanor. III \I‘ \(K \lalc ot thc art \ltldro and lcaln about all thc Iatcxl lll rnuxrc production

Activrties & Events

Friendship Walk llolyootl I’ark. “Ill "4‘! VIII llaru L5 itr‘cc tor ullxl \ 5km \\a|k to rarxc lurid\ tor Ilrcaxt ('anccr (‘arnpaign

Wednesday 20

Talks * The Northern World and its Significance for Scotland Ro}al


\Iuvcuru. I (‘hanihcrx \lrcct. :‘1'l5lll" 5 lIll‘lll Il'c'k‘ \k'k‘ IIlIIl\I

\‘Vorksnops Writer's Group \orth I'tlinhuigh \ll\ (‘cnlro I5a l'cnniucll (hurt. 315 2151

(‘4‘ \ l‘pni ‘c-w‘c-

.. fill IIII\ \CdM‘II. award \\lIIl]lll_L' pla_uxrr;lil I\aI\‘l \\ right Icadx lhc lortnrghtl} group (‘ornc along; and \Italc rtlcax and unprration mth a \lllall. trrcndl_\ group ot tcllou \crihhlctx

Activities 8 Events

Summer Nights at the Observatory I \cr} I'l'l Ro)al ()Ikcnalor} \Nlor (critic. Illacktord Ihll. (m8 \Vlllvl

" \.-15prii U 5” 1 LC 5W. W l.llllll\ \ rcu llll.tf_‘c\ oI lhc \un uxurg lhc Rinal ()I‘\L‘l\.rltll} ‘\ \olar It‘lt‘u'ill‘x‘x lxt‘t‘l‘ )Utll c} c\ pcclcd lor \unxpotx. chcck oul rnclcoritcx and lind out \xhcrc to look Ior Saturn and .lupitcr Hooking cwcntral Soqotran Daily Life IIlll ll ,\ I‘ll l< \cp Ro}aI Ilotanrc (lardcn. I,\Illl‘|IlHll lIalI. Irncrlcrlh Row. 34\ 20m

(w. ill " I5pru U itli \ gurdcd tour ot lhc clrrrcnt Sol/HIM: lulu/or Illr l)lii"\'l‘l."\ ll/om/ lm c\hil\ilion. lcd h} Ih \luanda

Put all thoughts of sleazy night-spots filled with hordes of drooling men out of your heads. Pole dancing is the

latest fun fitness craze to sweep the nation, now celebrated by International Pole Dancing Day. If you’re keen to pole-ish up your moves, shimmy on down to Ego for one of the free introductory women’s sessions, which are being held across the UK, Ireland, Canada and


I Ego. Edinburgh, Thu 7 Sen. 6.30—8.3(

)ririi. Free.

Around Town

\Iorrix. uho uorkcd “uh \‘oaouanx to (Ullk'xl IIIC tllrlk‘lclvh l‘ll \Il\l‘l.l§


Birds of a Feather - Audubon in Edinburgh I nlrl \un l5 Ucl \atronal I rlirar_\ ot \cotland. (icorgc l\ Ilridgc. ISM-15W Illarn 5pm.: 5pm I rcc III\ nanic torcwr hnkcd \xrlh thc I \ \\ Iind I’iotcc lion \m ic1_\. thrx c\hil\iuon c\plorc\ thc \xork ol urcal \xrldlilc arlrxl Iohn .Ianic~ \uduhon

Conan Doyle and Joseph Bell - The Real Sherlock Holmes l nlrl l u 33

l)\'\ \urjgconx‘ IIaII \luwuin. Roin (’ollcgc ol \lllgcolh ot l dinhtugh. \rcolmn Stu-cl. 5:5 low \Ion Ill

Illaru 4pm 15 it it \ xpccial c\hiI\ilron looking at lhc lrtc or ~lowph Iicll. torrncr [‘lL‘\l\ICllI Ul Illt' I\’\[\,tl ('HIICQ‘ i‘l \llljit‘illtx and lux lclalrolhltlp \\ uh lhc crcalor ot \hcrlm k lIolincx. \u \rthui (‘onan Ilo_\lc Soqotra: Land of the Dragon‘s Blood Tree l nlrl Mill 3" ( )cl Ix’oyrl Ilolanic (lardcn. I \hrhiuon Ilall. Inwrlcrth |\‘o\\. 55.‘ “I5! Illaru 5pm I rcc \laior c\hrlutron c\plorin_«: oric ol lhc \xorld'x ruoxl I‘IHIUletJII} docrw rxland \Il.tlll\. \IL'\\'III‘C\I I‘} \Hlllx‘ .l\ IIIk' '( i.lI.ll‘.l;3il\ HI Illk' Indian ( )ccair llctailrng: lhc [‘Ialllx anrrnalx and pcoplc that Ir\c Itarrnorlrouxh on lhc Maud. lhc c\hrl\iuon alxo c\plarn\ uh} IIIl\ liacrlc halancc l\ untlcr lhrcat World Press Photo 06l nlrl Ilttl " \cp Scollhh l’arlrarucnt Ilurldrric. IIolHood Road. 4“ Mill I‘rcc \\ inning: k'lllll\'\ lrorn tlux [‘IL'\II_‘.JlHll\ photograph) cornpclilron. go in; a ylunpw into lhc lrxcx Hl [‘t'lll‘lk' .tII .lcloxx lIlL' \killlil lint ii] {/11 liwlritr/ «it I’o/rrrt \ JUN/i,


Antique and Collectors Fair \‘ai In .\ Sun I~ \cp Ro}al Highland (critic. Inghxton. 555 353“ Want 5pm \ lllll\I lol

L‘agcl' collcclor \

Food <3 Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market l-wrx Sal. (‘axtlc Icrracc. b5} 5‘llll ‘lain Ipru .\lor'c local. dualrl}. cthrcal producc than )oli could \hakc a \lick at.

The 54th Annual Flower and Vegetable Show I'll H k \ai ‘) \‘t-p Southxrdc (‘ornrnunio ('cnlrc. (Hum-ha} \Idc. 44 i H4") .\ I‘otlllllitlh \clcclron ot hornc pron u llo\\CI\ and \cyctahlcx. organixcd h) lhc Izdrnhurgh t\' I)r\lrrct .~\Ilolrllclll\ and (iardcn .-\\\ociatron.


Introduction to Archaeological Skills I:\cr_\ Sal llllIlI it) Scp IIcadlaud x\l‘cll;lk'olof._'_\. I i .IaltL' SIlL'L‘I. Wt" 71‘” Illarn l3 illprn t\ 3 4 illprn. .»\ \L'llkN ol \xor'kxhopx v. rth a dIIlcrcnt \uhrcct cach lunc. introducing: thc haxrcx ot archacoloc} tor anialcurx and cornplctc hcgrrincr'x I’ll/i of \i oil/\lr .In lriri'o/um .llurrr/r

Salsa Dancing szcr} .\Ion Mcdrua.

45 4.~ Iothran Slrcct. 077' ‘4 435 i54

‘) lllpru. L5 ilc'4i. ul Ix trcc. I.carn thc latc\l \al\a mm c\ at lhcxc claxxcx \urtahlc Ior all agcx Ilcgrnncrx |c\cl oric lrorn 7pm; hcgrnncrx Ic\cl l\\o trorn Hpni. llllpl'ou‘h i.\chrna olll} l at 0pm. Izrnarl cadcoaxtxalxal" )ahoocotlk tor dctarlx. Salsa Dancing I'.\cr} 'Iuc. .'\[X'\ Intcr'nalional Ilotcl. il (ir';i\\rr1.'ir‘kcl. ‘177‘4 435354. 3 Uprn. L5 i£4i; ul Ix lr'cc. Scc al\o\ c.

Ron Mueck: Experimental Drawing Sun l7 & 'I‘hu 2| Scp. National (iallcry ol Scotland: ('lorc lzducatron ('cntrc. 'I‘hc Mound. (C4 (illlll. 2 4. illpni. {K it!» 'l'xm \xorkxhopx urth anixl Racth U'Ncrll haxcd on thc currcnl Run .llimA cxhihrtron ll\lll_‘._’ cqwruucntal dramng iSun l7 Scpi and \culplural I'I'hu 3| Scpi tcchniqucx.

Check out the


[772‘- S‘er, 27/, THE LIST 27