\ariet} ol' \onguriting collahoratot‘x e\tremel} hig namex \\Ito turned out lo he lexx


than pleaxant htit \ta} ed grotmded. \tuck to hix gun\ and remained \\ith .lim l)uguid. III\ long- lllliL‘ L‘oIItthot'alot‘.

'IItL‘} \tlggL‘\lL‘tI Iottd\ ol people to \\ot‘k \\ III]: .\'utini \a}\. li\en l.inda l’err} at one point.‘ he \a}\. ‘I mean \he'\ \xorked \\ith e\c'r"\orie lrom Rohhie \Villiamx to Pink to (‘ourtne_\ l.o\e. hut _\ou get in \xith her it \lop\ heing a l’aolo \utini record and \tart\ heing a l.inda l’err) record. “Inch ix cool I'ot' \(IIIIL' lioIk. Iitll il \\;l\ cahlct' hit me tojuxt uork \\ ith the gu_\\ I had alread} heen \xriting \\ ith.'

'l‘he rexulting alhum. prodttced h_\ Ken .\'el\on. \\ ho \xorked hix unaxxuming magic on (‘oltlpltn‘x l’umc/mlt'x among other\. hax nou


sold o\er llltl.llt)() copiex in it\ tirxt l\\o month\ of release. In .lanuar) he \\a\ _Ill\l another lace in a \er} crouded market; h} the time he take\ the stage for thix \old out ‘I' on the hinge \ho\\ hell he on the \erge oi hecoming indecentl} huge.

The most significant indicator oi .\'utini'\ mo\e itito the puhlic conxcience \\a\ \\ hen he \\a\ splashed ttL‘l'o.\\ the trout ol‘ lItL‘ I‘llt' Still on the Saturda} morning oil in the Park declaring ho\\ he liked to indulge in marijuana at textual» While the initial \enxation \\a\ anger. \utinik response Iitls no“ mello\\ ed.

'I didn‘t e\en sa} that \hit. She [the journalntl “as just tr_\ing to get tne to \a} all \ortx cocaine. ecxtas). ewryhing and thank (iod l .xaid no. It just felt like a reall) cheap \hot. It \xax tunn} though. didn't do an} harm. The onl_\ thing


tltat anno_xed me ahotit it \\a\ that m_\ mum got upxet. 'l'hat'x it. done. ('hip paper Ito\\ rcall} ixn‘t it."

'I'he incident in all truth did lmn nothing htit good I'ot' Iti\ pt‘olilc. IIl\ \ i\il lo I in the I’al'k \\;l\ a \ttccexx. With a headlining 'I Break \tagc appearance and a couple ol' \ottg\ on the main \tage. he lel't alter making indelihle llill‘l‘L‘\\IHli and \\ ill ine\ itahh return.

Speaking to \utini. _\ott get the teeling he \xill IIL‘ tlI‘IL‘ to IlttlitIIL‘ IIIL' t'oc‘kiliil'oll lilc. I)e\pite Iii\ )otrth he hax an tinderxtanding ol \xhat he\ getting himer into uitnexxing the untid_\ dixxolution ol Speedua}. a hunch ot' indie kid\ on a Iahel \xith .v\tomic Kitten and Blue. ma_\ haxe heen a \aluahle lemon. lle ix. like l’e\\ at hix age. prepared tor the ride.

'\\'hen it come\ to the hu\ine\\ \ide ol II. a\ much ax )titi might hate it. the rcaht_\ I\ that yin gi\e the record compan} a \ort ol ounerxhip ol _\our \ongx. \o _\ou'\e got to make \ure ym're getting e\er_\thing _\oti can otit ol it tto\\ hecauxe il'}ou're not. then \xho ix‘.”

We can onl_\ hope hi\ next coaxt draul \\III not he al‘l‘ected into \ome mid-.4\tlantic pretence on hix return to Scotland I-tll‘ hix htggext \hou _\el. at the Itarrouland in l)ecemhet‘. and that he t'e\i\t\ heliex ing too much oi the h_\perholc and plauditx led to muxicianx that \o otten t\\r\t\ their head\ and artiliciall} inllatex their egox. \utini triex to com e_\ hix thought\ on thix \\ ith another \tor}.

'()ne ol' the (ierman record compan} e\ec\ catne to the gig at the (iarage. and thanked me lot the on—xtage dedication. uhich l ne\ er e\cn ga\e them? 'I‘he} ith! can‘t underxtand the lICCL'III I.

Succev ma} not he a \\;tII\ ill the park tor him at lirxt. hut _\ou get the l‘celing I’aolo \trtini \till he ahle to handle it.

T on the Fringe, Liquid Room, 08780 169 0100, 26 Aug, SOLD OUT; ABC Glasgow, 28 Sep; Barrowland, Glasgow, 14 Dec.

Nutini’s rise to tame has been nothing if not swift. He's made it all look very straightforward indeed. But what are the chances of this happening for the other singer/songwriterly talent on at T on the Fringe? Malcolm Jack assesses the odds of just who could be next to “do a Paolo‘.

Jo Mango WhO?'I‘I"'I' :' '.'1'} {2' -' It",

Chances of her ‘doing a Paolo'? N ' :r :1:

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Regina Spek r Who? “In ' w 2’, ,:

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