Or has the Cannes hype been a tad overstated?
Bridging the arts divide
Major new cultural centre for Easterhouse. Words: Allan Radcliffe
he sweeping changes taking place across
(ilasgow' continue apaee with the opening of a
new cultural centre in the city‘s liast lind. Visitors to The Bridge in liasterhotlse will haye access to sports. arts and education ill the first centre of its kind ill Scotland.
The complex houses {our facilities -— l’latl‘orm. an arts centre. the only (ilasgow venue to play host to the National Theatre of Scotland's inaugural production llOMli in l‘ehrllary: the lil’elong learning centre. .lohn Wheatley (‘ollegez (ilasgow (‘ity (‘ouncil lihrary and a swimming pool.
Platform is easily recognised hy the distinctiye sis silyer chimneys crowning the timher clad hos-shaped building. The arts facility. which aims to engage the participation ol’ local people ill one of the city's most depriyed areas. will stage \arious performances in hoth the central auditorium and on a smaller stage ill the cale/har. The lirst hatch of these will he productions hy
the National Theatre ol' Scotland. a 'etlltural tenant‘ ill The Bridge. lnitial perl‘ormances include Douglas .\la\wcll‘s .lIu/lt‘ll/l 124 .»\ug ty 4 Sept. an adaptation ol Strindherg‘s Miss Julie h} /.illnie Harris (2‘) All}: (k 4 Sept and (job/m desised h_\ l)a\id (ireig l2 «k 5 Sepl. The NTS will also he launching a Tllll programllle ol' workshops and classes in \ istlal arts. cral'ts. music. dance and drama l‘or adults and children.
Visual artists will also lind a welcome emil'onment in which to work at l’latl‘orm. with a residency programme and a numher ol‘ e\hihition opportunities on ol'l‘er. Kat} l)o\e. who explores the relationship hetween sound and the moying image. through lilm. animation. music. painting and drawing is the lirst artist ill residence. and will he running workshops in the centre and across (ireater liasterhouse o\ er the coming two years.
www.platform-online.co.uk; www.nationaltheatrescotland.com
I Proving there’s literary life beyond the Edinburgh Book Festival, a pair of Scots creative giants from the world of comic books production - writer Alan Grant and illustrator Cam Kennedy - have announced they are to produce a thrilling graphic novel adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson‘s Kidnapped. Between them, Grant and Kennedy have worked on a wide range of titles, including the iconic Judge Dredd, Batman and Star Wars titles. The book, to be published by Waverley Books on 1 Feb 2007, is one of three editions being released in support of the One Book, One Edinburgh campaign, which aims to bring the classic swashbuckling tale to a whole new readership. The other formats are Canongate's new ‘classic' paperback edition of the original text with a forewod by Louise Welsh, and a ‘retold’ edition created for a younger audience. (AR)
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Alan Spence lll‘; latest novel The Pit/re Lauri returns the celebrated Scottish poet to the realms of fiction With a masterly samurai epic that has been snapped up by publlShers across the world. See review. page 78.