
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.



ll‘) (ioi'lials Sii‘ccl. 42‘) 0032. Il’. ll. m '. WA]

The Likes of Us inc 5 Sat ‘) Scp. 7.30pm. £12 tL'Si. llclcn ('lialmcrs' cxploration oi \torking pt'acliccs iii thc cat'l} 30th ccntury comparcs thc dt‘udgcr} that \sorkcrs laccd in thc carl} part oi thc ccntur} \tith mot'c inodcrn husincss cm ironincnts.

Stars 'l'uc 5 Sat ‘) Scp. 7.30pm. i; l 2 (£5 i. l'lollou ilig its stlcccss at th‘ lidinhurgh l-cstnal l‘t'ingc. Ania llilling's talc oi ioui' young pcoplc making thc iournc} into adulthood atid cspcricncitig thc inmitahlc loss of innoccncc along thc \xa}. conics to (ilasgou.

An Audience with Christopher Brookmyre Wt-ti o Scp. 7.}0pin. £10. 'l‘hc popular Scottiin author rcads i'rom liis latcst satirical \i'hodunnit xi 7il/(' lair/ml in Blood uml Hurt! Blur/t I’t'tit‘il. An Audience with John Sergeant Thu 7 Scp. 7.30pm. £l0. 'l’hc i‘ortncr BBC political corrcspondcnt cntcrtains with talcs lrom his varicd cai'ccr.

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'niscrsit} oi (ilasgoxs. H3 llillhcad Strcct. 330 5-13 l. [l’. \\'('. \VA]

When the Moon was Overhead Sun 3 Scp. Sun l0 Scp. Sun l" Scp tk Sun 24 Scp. 3 3.20pm l-rcc A l‘criormancc oi Allan Ratlcliitc\ dramatic tnonologuc. “lilcli toctiscs on thc liic oi Mackintosh's \ISIt‘i‘<lii»l.i\\ l5ranccs Macdonaltl. art artist iti licr oun right u ho cscntuall} committcd sutcttlc. Booking rccotnincnticd, l’ul'l at {In

.Wili klIiItH/l l't‘Uli‘il/


397 Bath Strcct. 240 MM. Ill. \\'('. “Al

The Rocky Horror Show l'ntti Sat 2o Aug Mon 'l‘hu 7.30pm; l-‘ri & Sat 5.30pm at 8.30pm. £11 £39.50. ('amp courting and i‘risolous tantasics in Richard ()'Brtan's popular gcndcr- hcnding musical.

Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story Mon 38 .Atig Sat 2 Scp. Mon 'l'hu 7.30pm; l‘i‘i & Sal 5.30pm tk Sitiptn. L'X £36. 'l‘hc sticcc'ssiul rock'n'roll shost rcturns. cclchrating thc lilt‘ oi' thc man hchind "l‘hat'll Bc 'l‘hc l)a_\ '. 'l’cgg) Suc' and '()h Bo} '.

Rikki & Me Mon 4 Sat 0 Scp. 7..“llilll thd a: Sat mat 2.30pm). £10.50 £32. Bascd on Katc l-‘ulton's hook Rik/ti A" .Ut'. [his shim rccrcatcs ihc‘ lilc and laughs oi' thc popular comic actor Rikki littlton.


73l 735 (ircat \\'cstct‘ti Road. 3."? (i200.

A Play, A Pie & A Pint: Side Effects Mon 38 Atig Sat 2 Scp. l.l0pin. i ii). The popular lunchtimc thcatrc scrics rcturns i'or anothcr scason. kicking oii~ with this short piccc h} Ratnan Rundair.

A Play, A Pie 8: A Pint: Drawing Board Mon 4 Sat ‘) Sc‘p. |.l0pni. L' [0.

A short pla} trotn l).tiiic'l Jackson ahout thtcc charactcts struggling to tiiakc a hung ttom drauitig comics


l 2 l Rt'lilit'ltl Slrt‘t‘l. u: l 34h Ill. \\ ( i. \\.-\1

Back to Benidorm Por Favor! l iilil Sat 3 Scp \\cd Sat " 30pm iSat itiat 3pm» {Ii Ll.‘ till Ll (‘onictis scttucl h) Russcl l anc in which all thc charactcts t'cturn to thc holttla} tcsort tot a \scdtling


S l0 lialcartcs -\\ctiuc. Kclstntlalc. ii" (HHS

Three Wishes Sat 3 Sci» Soc Kids listings.


2S2 llopc Sum. 240 llH Ill. \(il). \\'( '. way

Strangers on a Train l'tittl Sat 3o Aug. .\ion l'l'l 7 iilpnt t'l'hu tiiat 2.30pmi; Sat 4pm & Spin [I0 {3|

Alc\ ‘c\tl 'l’rmot' ltotti lxtisn‘m/t‘ls‘ l'L'lli\ stars iii this adaptation oi iltc l’atticia lltglistiitth tio\cl. \thn ism _\oung mcn tncct on a train. ltttlc do thc} knou that thcir casual chat ahotit lhc pcricct mutch \Hll soon turn itito sonicthtng iat inorc dangcrous.

The Grufialo l'ntil Sat 2o Attg. Scc Kids listings,

Habeas Corpus Mon ZS Aug Sat 2 Scp. 7.30pm t'l‘hu tk Sat mat 2. i0pini. {l0 £23.50. 'l'hc l’ctcr llall ('onipan) t'L‘c‘t'L‘ulc‘s l‘)(i(ls Brighton. ultct‘t‘ llit' culturc oi i'rcc low is \scll and tru|_\ tti suing. i'or this \crsion ol Alan licnncti‘s conic-d) starring Jamcs l'llcct lol lit ur a) Milt/m iatnci.

Steptoe and Son in Murder at Oil Drum Lane Mon-1 Sat 0 Scp. 7.30pm t'l‘hu & Sat mat 2.30pm). L'l0 £23.50. 'l‘hc West lind hii coincs to (ilasgoo.

m It’s good to see Douglas Maxwell’s Mancub make a return to Scottish stages. Here revived by Vanishing Point, this piece deals with a boy’s transformation from adolescence into young

manhood. This is a traumatic experience at the best of times, but when the lad in question begins to see

animals take on the qualities of humans and vice-versa, there’s trouble ahead.

INOrt/i Edinburgh Arts Centre, Thu 7 Sep, then {Our/n9.

tt‘\ 1\ mg tlitctalls populat t hata. tcis \lhctt and llatoltl Sci iii thc ltitutc. long: aitct \lhctt has hccti tiittttlctctl l‘\ llaiold. thc \lil‘\\ catc hcs up \\ itli thc citant son \xhosc c tittiinal past has tonic hack to haunt littn


0“ ltongatc. “3-1301

Stepping Out - The Musical \\t-ti *0 \ug Sat 3 Scp " ittptn talso Sat

‘1 iilpnii Lo \ill\l\.tl conictls ahotit a group oi \toittcn iantl onc lliallt \sho altcnd a \scckls tap \I.IlI\ c \ lass. pciiotttictl l\_\ .tlll.llt‘lll ytottpl [‘\l.I§.'t‘ I‘llt'dllt‘

Knots Sat 3 Scp .Sptti LII 1! l0: ltcsli itotii thc l'tltnlititgh lcsttxal l-ttngc. litihltn‘s ('ois( ~cttn cotiipatis pctiotnis this piccc hascd on psst hiatttst ls’l)

l .lliif_'\ hook ahotil lio\\ stihtonst totis hchauout can llllt‘llt'lt‘ \sitli out tclattonships



l.ad_\\scll \Va}. Mussclhutgh. 00* .‘.‘ to ll’. ll. \\'('. \\'.-\|

The Tempest l‘ll I .\ Sat 3 St-p 7.30pm. L' l0.50 (LS). 'l'hcattc Alha pi‘cscnts Shakcspcatc's talc oi cnioicctl c\ilc. in which magician l’tospcio and his hcautiiul daughtct .\iii.inda atc marooncd oti ati island \\llll on|_\ a \sa} \satd spiitt atid unhapps tioll iot cotnpan}.

Showstoppers .\ion ‘1 Sup 7 illplli {I i ii; l050). Shoustoppcis icatutcs much lo\cd songs it'oin \\'cst I'lltl and liroatlua} musicals. irom thv likcs oi Rogct's atid llattitticrslcm. Icatnct .llltl l.oc\s c. and l.lo}d \Vchhct



l5a l’cnnpscll (‘ourt. H5 3 | 5| |\\'( '. \VAI

Mancub Thu 7 Scp. 7. i0pm. LS

(U £5). 'l'hc National 'l‘hcattc oi Scotland and Vanishing Point pit-sctit tlits laintl} p|a_\. atlaptcd itotn .loliti l.L'\'L'l'l.\ llti\ t'l I‘lll' hull! Hf I/It' ('iissmtu/‘t h} )(itilig plil}\\l'lj_‘lil Douglas Mauscll. li lclls lhc slot} oi a _\oung man iacmg thc strugglt-s oi groutng tip iii a small [out] tti Scotland.

Outside the Cities



Ta) Squarc. 0i is: 32 *5 i0. |l’. ll. \\'( ’l A Midsummer Night's Dream WM 10 Atig Sat lo Scp (not Sun/Mont 7.45pm «Sat mat 3.10pm. ch mat Iptni £5 U415 Lilli. l)undcc ch pcriottns Shakcspcarc‘s iantastical rom-coni

St Andrews


Ahhc} Strcct. 0| 134 475000. ll’. H. “1'. WA]

The 39 Steps l'ntil Sat 3 Scp lelil 3.30pm, L") {I450 (Lo Ll Ii John Buchan's classic \shoduntt talc is brought to lhc stagc iii this last and llillli} adaptation h} Nohh} l)imon arid Sittioti (’orhlc.

Losing Louis Thu 7 Sat lo Scp. Xptn; 2.30pm. U) £l4..501£o LIZ). liordcrlinc Thcatrc prcscnts Sitiioii Mcndcs dc ('osta's scrioUs comcd} about iamll} tnattcrs. ln onc oi thosc rarc tnotncnts oi I'L'stillllitili. a iamtl} coniront their past in lhc hc'droom uhch the chaos began. 50 }cars hci‘orc . . .

24/10“)? Set, 200‘, THE LIST 51