moxing and chilling (ilmurm I'll"! 'Ilu'um'. (Haw/m

John Tucker Must Die I DA u I. tlictt} 'l'hoinax. [8.31leme \lctcallc. lirittan) Snow Axhanti. 89mm. John 'l‘uckcr (\lctcallci ix a philandcring xtud u ho xtringx along thrc-c girllricndx \Vlic-n thc urongcd trio gc-t \Hlld ol liix cheating “an. thc} xct tip llL'\\hlL‘ Katc iSnou. ) ax bait to humiliatc liitn (icncric chick llick lor aimlcxx lcc'iix. (irmvu/ I'i'li'uw

Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna t IDA. tKaran Johar. liidia. Zoom Amitahh liaclichan. Shahrukh Khan. Rani

Muklicricc Romantic drama about two pcoplc v. ho rcalixc thc} low cach othcr dc-xpitc llic lact that this} arc marricd to alttilllc'l St'li‘t It‘t/ I‘t'lt'tlu’.

Kidnapped 11')... tl)c'|hcrt Mann. l'K. W?! l .\lichacl ('ainc. Lawrcncc Douglax. \'i\ run llcilhron. lU7mtn. ('hcc'x} hut c-iiiti};ihlc' ho} 'x (NH) \crxion ol thix laiiiiliai highland adwnturc haxcd on the Rohcrt l.ouix Stcxcnxon'x lamoux nm cl. (ii/It'lttll'll/ I’M/‘k/u'ml. (i/(Iwmi.

Kiss Me Deadly 1 l8» 0.... (Rtihc'l'l Aldrich. l'S. WSS) Ralph Mcckcr. AI Dckkcr. Maxinc (‘oopc-r. IUSnnn. l’rixatc ow .‘xlikc llammcr pickx up a girl on a lilHlUHHI}. and \\ iiidx up \\ ith a corpxc on liix liandx. 'l‘liux hcginx a qticxt into thc unknonn lit xcarch of ‘thc grcat \xliatxit'. licaulilull) aclcd h} a grotip ol actorx \\ ho nc\cr rcall} got thcir duc in ’l‘inxcltoun. author and xcrccim ritcr Al Bel/cridcx' xcript liax a kind ol dixparit) and dc'xpcration in itx nictcr that ix at lcaxt lcn )carx ahcad ol’ ilx tiinc. (iluyumi I’llm ’I'Iu'utrt'. (iluwmi. Lady in the Watertt’m O. «M Night Sh)aiii;il;iii. l'S. Zoom l’aul (iiamatti. lli') cc l)al|ax Howard. Jc'll'rc} Wright.

I lllllllll. Watching llic film that l)ixtlL'}' c\ccx \\ rotc oil. with ihc liltc. ‘l don-l gct ii. tuliicli rcxultcd in Shyamalan taking hix film to \Varncr iJroxi. it'x difficult to xc'c'

u hat all tlic l'uxx wax about. Building janitor ((iiamatti) iininc'rxc'x himxc‘ll' in thc niundanc litc until a watcr nymph (Howard) cnlcrx hix

lit'c \\'ixh_\-\~;ixh}. happ} clapp} xcntimcnt (it'ltt'ru/ n‘ll’UH’

Lage Raho Munnabhai tthci tRaJkumar lliram. India. 2006. Santa} l)utt. .-\rxhad \Varxi. \'id}a Balan l,‘~t)min. Another ol lcading man [)utt'x rambling xlapxtick hcax} coincdicx lii\t)l\ ing magic incn and poor childrcn l-or lanx ot thc xtar onl}. ()(lc'un xi! Iii/Iv (Jilin. (iluwuu. ()i/i I'll l-urt Kiri/mm]. Edinburgh,

Lassie tl’(il O. t(‘har|cx Sturridgc. l'S/lrcland. 2005i Samantha Morton. John Lurch. Stcw l’cmbcrton. (ircgor l-ixhcr 99min. 'l‘hc implauxihl) rc-xilicnt (‘ollic hottndx back onto lhc' hig xcrccn. 'l‘hoxc' tamiliar \iitli thc- xior} “I” find lllllL‘ to )ap about in Sturridgc'x film The “Al-TA-

inning xxritcr/dircctor xcctnx liltcux} \t ith thc xourcc matcrial. turning \\ hat xhould hc a xtraightlomard childrcn'x )arn into a lccttirc on claxx and moralit). (Mt-mi l-urr Klimuml. [Zr/IlibllI‘L'li.

The List Surprise Movie ohm tthc. lhc‘. lbc) thc‘.\\'ho kntmx". ('Im'iiur/t/ Rt'njn'n .S'Irt’t'l. (i/mqmi.

Little Man t IZAJ O th'cnc-n hot} Wayanx. l'S. Zoom Marlon \Va}anx. Shaun Wayanx. 97min. Scc rcxic“. pagc Io. (it'lu'l'u/ I‘i'lt’uu'.

Live Containers and Anonymoust Yourst IS) H'ariouxi l 13min. Douhlc hill of ()r/u Sharipox 'x indictmcnt ol‘ the tixc- ol uomcn ax drug mulcx in 'l‘ajikixtan and (iaylc l‘crraro‘x c'\poxc" ol' Burincxc xcx trafficking. ('( I-l. (Hawaii.

Look Both Ways t 12A) .0 (Sarah Watt. Auxtralia. Zoom William Mclnncx. Jlixtinc (‘lark. Anthon} lla_\cx. l.ixa Flanagan. l()(lmin. An unconxcntional coincd)‘ hlcnding animation and lixc action ax Nick tMclnnc-x) and Mcryl (Clarke) xharc lhcir mutual ohxuxion \\ ith thcir min dcth in thix gcntlc Anxtralian drama that xurprixingly caxtx itxcll' ax a romantic coincd)‘. (ilusgmr I’ilm 'I‘hmm'. (Human; The Lost Children (15)... (Ali Saniadi Ahadi. ()livcr Stoltl. (icrman); 2005) lthin. A documentary about thc

childrcn tn l'ganda xx ho hax c managcd to c'xcapc abduction into thc' gucrrilla l.ord'x Rc'xtxtancc Ann} I‘l/HJIII’HH‘. faint/Hugh Lost Embrace I 1%.. ii).llllL'i Burman. .»\rgcntinalirancc Ital) Spain. 2004: Danicl llcndlcr. Adriana .-\i/cml\crg. Jorgc l)‘l:|ia ltllmin l)ixappointing conic-d} drama wt in a Bucnox .-\ircx xhopping mall Shmalt/ and chcap production \alucx dcrail xomc intcrcxting momcntx (i/uwun I’llm Iln'um: (i/uwon March of the Penguins a»... tl.uc Jacquct. l'irancc. 2005) 85mm l)c'lightlu| ll l'airl} routinc tin a l)txco\ci'_\ ('hanncl kind ot \\;l_\ | documcntar} \xhich tolloux thc lzmpcror l’cnguinx' annual altcmpt to bring ncxx life into thc trcc/ing climhx ot .-\ntarctica Morgan l'rccman'x rich. c‘llcc\_\ \oicc-ox c-r maka thc film (il'tHit'IiUI: (ilthfluii.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Ballroom Dancing 8. Charm School 1 I2.-\»

. tRandall \lillc‘r. l'S. 3W5! Rohci’t Carl} lc. .\larixa 'l'omci. John (ioodinan Ill—1min. Scc rm icu. pagc 37. ('ummrltl Rt'It/I'i'ii Sil‘c’t'l. (;I(I\L'llll .‘ Shunt (IH' (tm-mu. I’un/n. I’uislm.

Miami Vice t 15) O... t.\lichac| Mann. l'S. Zoom (‘olin liarrcll. Jainic l-'o\\. l.i (iong. 132mm. lntcrcxting fL‘llHL‘llllttll ol thc' qtiiiitc-xxc-ittial Xil'x cop xliou lrom acclaimcd dirc-ctor Michacl Mann, (ionc ix thc gloxx} glamour. inxtc'ad rcplacc‘d with an cpic Hm! xt_\ lc' criinc-talc and (‘ollatcral'x xlick lll) digital \'l\lliii\. l5arrcll and lim lack chcmixtr} hut thc} 'rc carried h} thc dircctor'x tradcmark xt} lc and xomc tcrrific action \CCHCx. (imvml I't'll’UM'.

Monster House tl' l .000 ((ill Kcnan. l'S. zoom Voicc'x ol‘ Stcxc Buxccmi. Maggic (i_\'llcnhaal. Mitclicl Muxxo. ‘Jlimn. ’l‘rouhlc-niaking t_\kc'x im c'xtigatc thc Cft‘c‘p} liouxc iii thix film. which i.x nicked fun for all agcx. (‘(il production in \xlucli not onl} ix thc titular houxc a [X'l'xtiliélhlc \ illain. it actuall} tcarx itxcll‘ tip from itx l'oundalionx in the climax ol Kcnan‘x xkill'ull} rcalixcd lamil) film. (iwn'rul n'lmm'.


Munich t l.<t 0... Atom Sptclhcig. [8. EMS» l'ric Hana. DJHICJ ('iaig. \latliicu Kaxxoxitl. (icotlrcx Rtixh lh‘min ln latc l‘r: a (cam Ul \klllc‘ti \it\\\.tcl .tg‘c‘ith \\ c'lt‘ xcnt to litiropc to awngc thc dcath ol ll lxracli athlctcx at that )cark \lumch

()l) mpicx '\\ncr tlianar and lnx inc-n \xctc xcnt on a inixxion ot \cngcancc tiom “illc‘ll thcic \xax no icdcmption Spiclhcrg chroniclcx thc galth Mood} adwnttiic ax part ho} x' oun traxcloguc and part xchcmatic paranoid political thrillci and iii litc' [‘rtk‘t‘xx c’tc‘alc‘x ltlx l‘c‘xl lilttt in )t'atx ()tlc'ou \: I’ln Qum, (i/muon

My Super Ex-Girltriend t l2-\i

C. than Rcitman. ['5] .‘Hth l'ma l'hurman. ltikc- \\ilxon. -\nna l’.lil\ "5mm Dirc xupcihcio [tilll'c'tllll that hax nclthci thc romancc. coiiicdx oi xtipcilicio to titakc ll an}tlnng moic than awiagc l ukc \\ ilxon finixhcx “Illl hookixli giilliiciid l'nia l’hui‘inan tlicn icgictx it \xlicn xlic hccomcx (i-(iirl and makcx liix litc a mixct} ()ccaxional|_\ cntcrtaimng (it rural n'lmu "aChO t i: -\l ... tJalt‘ti lit‘\\. [8. Zoom Jack lilack. .-\na dc la chticia. llcctoi Jimcnc/ ":llllll Jack Black \cliiclc about a .\lc\ican monk \xlio adoptx a xt-cict ltlcnlll} .|\ .i lllaxkcd \chllc‘l. ltt‘coittt‘x tamoux and “nix cnough monc) to xa\c lhc orphanagc in \xhicli hc \xoikx But lllt‘ film. co-u rittcn atid diicctcd h} Jaicd llcxx. (Napoleon lhllilllllh‘l. ix lacking a xpic) L'tig't' (it'lii‘l'tl/ It‘li‘ilu

Napoleon Dynamite ti’( o O... tJarcd llcxx. l'S. IiNHi Jolin llcdci. John (it'lc‘\. Aaron Rticll Uttmin Napolcon tllcdcri ix a qtiiik} Iccnagc gcck \\ ho hclicwx hc hax tlic potcntial to iulc lllt‘ unncrxc through tlic moxt oddball mcaiix but when lnx grandmothci ciackx hci cocc} \ in a motorhikc accidcnt. \lt'al} l'nclc Rico

t( irIL'\I ix callcd in ax h;ih_\xittci llilaiioux ll tincwn mixfit c‘tHilL‘tl} \xhicli p.i_\x huh} homagc to tlic Hilx mixfil coincdicx xuch ax Jcll Kane“ 'x Iln' Ri’i'i'nm' u! I/n' New/x and John lluglicx' lli'ml St u'm r ('mm'u. Izrlili/mrg/i.



24 Aug—7 Set) 2006 THE LIST 31