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Metro Area tell David Pollock why they refuse to conform to any ‘scene’, as they gear up to play the fifth Wee Chill.

he \Yee (‘hill ix l'i\eT‘ proelaimx (ilaxgou'x moxt dixtineti\e mini-l'exti\al in truth—tree

l‘axltion. It'x not the e\ent‘x ottl} heen rtmning tor a eouple ol' _\earx httt that makex it ex en tnore heartening to dixeo\ er that it hax heen xueeexxl'ul enough to reaeh itx t'it'th gathering at Queen'x l’ark (ilaxxhouxe in that time.

With a line—up eentred around thut not rextrieted tol danee aetx. the t'our-xtage e\ent pitehex up international namex like .v\l‘ro-houxe l).l ()xunlade and e\-.\l l’eople hloke Sho\ell alongxide (ilaxgou l).lx like Bill) \Yoodx. .\laxh. Dominie ('apello and lireekmenooxerx. \\ ith li\ e aetx to inelttde indie roekerx \'i\a Stereo and }tttitig (ilaxgoxx folk xinger \'i\ien Seotxton. l'ndouhtedl} the higgext name on the hill. ho\\e\ er. “ill he Ne“ Yttl‘k‘\ Metro .-\rea. \\hoxe l)arxhan .lext'ani \\ ill he pt‘m iding a headlining l).l xet.

'\\'e \\ ere doing a lull |i\ e xho\\ ax .\letro .r\rea.' xtl)\ .le\l';lltl. 'l‘lll \\ e'\e deeided llUl 1U dtt that for ;t little \\hi|e. \\e‘t‘e juxt xtieking to l).ling. I'\e heen huilding m_\ o\\tt xtudio and doing xome remi\ \xork tltix xummer. then \xe'll he xitting domi to \\ rite the lie“ alhum. the li\ e xho\\ \\ ill he haek after that.‘

The other half of" ‘txe‘ ix Morgan (ieixt. \\ltttlll .lexrani met o\et‘ muxie hlogx on the internet in 10%. .-\t the time hoth \\ ere tinkering \\ith their o\\n muxie. and onee the pair linixhed utti\erxit_\ ((ieixt in ()hio. .lexrani in upxtate .\'e\\ York) the) deeided to pool their tntttttal taxtex and talentx h_\ reloeating to Brookl} n.

"l‘here‘x not xo mueh one muxie xeene in .\'e\\ York ztx lots of. different .xeenexf xtt}x .lexl‘ttltt. 'll'x good and had; good heeauxe e\er_\one \\il| tind .xomething that

the} ean get into. httt had heeauxe it ean he eligueixh. and xometimex people don't \\ant to eome together otttxide (ll. their on n xl_\ lixlie Utlllllll'l /otle.

"l‘hat‘x one of. the thingx I‘m moxt proud of ahout .\letro :\rea. ()ur traekx end tip xtraddling all of thexe different danee muxie gent‘ex. \\ ithotit e\et‘ falling into one. We H} to take euex from elaxxie reeordx. onex that \xeren't tr_\ing to appeal to all} kind of xtriet

format. toda_\ it xeemx that people make a lot of

reeot'dx to It} and appeal to Mix in a \er} pat‘tieular area. httt \xe .iuxt \\;tlll to make good pieeex ot muxie \xhieh xtand up in an} eluh. We don't \\ant to make "xeene" l'eettl'dx.‘

'l‘heir xeriex of ntunhered '.\l;\' lil’x heginning \\ ith ‘.-\tmoxphrigue‘ in NW) and punetuated h_\ their epori_\moux alhum in Illlll (Radio ()ne'x l)anee .-\lhum ot the Year. and one of Rolling Stone'x top 5” in an) genrel allirmx thix ethie ot' ereating horder- eroxxing liouxe muxie. .lexrani ix enthuxed ahout hix t'anx‘ rexponxe. and ahout uhieh tarix are aetuall} rexponding.

‘l'm pleaxanth xurprixed ahout the reaetion \\ e get from all xortx of people.' he xa}x. 'You ne\ er t'eall} knoxt \xho‘x going to take to _\our xtul‘t. attd it makex

ux hotlt r'ea|l_\ happ) ax produeerx \\ hen a httneh of

different people \\ ho _\ou ma}he uouldn't ha\ e axxumed \tould he irtto )titir' muxie tell _\ou that the} lo\e it. lt‘x e\en hetter \xhen )oti get that reaetion in different plaeex around the \torld.’

The Wee Chill is at Queen’s Park Glasshouse, Glasgow, Sun 27 Aug.

Orange Street lno Mt. "Tflt't."-. Max Ht ,rtttrt » vttttturettt

tttili‘ tt‘ {tft uttrlt, truth 3;?" 3;) export a healthy dust: of rtvgtttat‘, duh and um autmn, Sturtrt: ."-1. It'll/)IJurg/t, fr/ fit/g.

Xplicit lht: thrut: hearted drurn é; tr; as» grant that ix Pendulum returns the: Bongo Club, [tit/thurg/t. In (’5) Aug.

Karbon Launch Weekend lht: launch ‘.’.":€}i<t:lttf if; lfl‘.’ltt‘i. only. avarlahlr: at ".‘/‘.“/W.llt‘)’f3l)£t(L(:.(;()l’l karhonttk. Kurburt, (Vaughn: Hi 93') 6'; Sat 96 Aug.

Loki Boat Party Set Sélli With MOlllllfl l’ut's Simon (Lon/liner and Andy l’mconttnr. (i/(ISfflM‘M. Sat (’8 Aug, flan/trig Moat Hut/at) (i.t3'();)rn

Stereotype ll()ti<;(: producer Torn Neville thehtnrl tilt; (LlItTSfSIC "Just l tick") guests. Bur/in, f-rfrnhur'gh. Sat 2/} Aug.

Vegas! A perfect l‘rxstr'xal closer With the war swinging Vegas? inch. Joined by lnts if) l,’l‘.’l.‘$ live. OHM/P ltjtlilI/lélt'. / with, [drlihtll‘g/i, Sat 20 Aug.

The Wee Chill A t/JG- year (Ml hat), on the textual Circuit hu grrmtng with ever; went. Osunladr; and Metro Area top the hilt Queenspark G/asghouse. G/asgow. Sun 27 Aug.

Essential More quality drum 8 h; ss Nztlt Bra/it's finest moon DJ Marky. Po Na Na, Fd/nhurg/i, Thu 37 Aug.

Utter Gutter Madame S and HUSlIDUDD‘,’ play a messed- un smorgasbord of electro. rock. disco. house and techno. The Fir/erode C/ub. tasgow, Sat 2 Sec.

Fat Tuesday Tent at Indian Summer DJ action from the likes of Mr Scruff. Moodyrnann. Opttrno and Amp Fiddler at Glasgow's newest festte. Victoria Park, Glasgow, Sat 2 Sep 8 Sun 3 Sep.

.; 'THE LIST 19