Nacho Libre112A1 11.30am. 3.00. 4.30. 7.00. 9211. Over the Hedge 11'1 10.30.1111.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112A1 1.411. 5.1111. 11.30. 9.011. Stormbreaker11’(il 11.10am. Superman Returns112Ai 4.15. 13.00.

FRIDAY iii—THURSDAY 24 The Ant Bully 11'1

Matinee 1‘ri Sun: 10.50am. The Break-tip112A1 Daily: 5.30.

Als0 matinee l'ri Sun: Car'S1I’til

Daily: 3.50. 5.50. .-\1s0 matinee liri Sun: 1 1.40am. Carileld:ATale oi Mo Kitties1t'1 Daily: 1.40.

.»\1s0 matinee 1"ri Sun: Harsh TImes1151 Daily: 1.1111. 3.30. 0.411. 11.311. John Tucker Must Die112.1\1 Daily: 3.00. 4.10. 0.30. 8.40. .-\ls0 matinee liri S1111: 11.30am. Lady in the Water1l’( 11

Daily: 9.00. Lassle1l’(11 .‘ylati11ee15ri Sun: MiamiVice1151 Daily: 3.40. 5.40. 3.40.

Monster House 11'1

Daily: 1.10. 3.50. 0.11). 3.50.

.-\ls(1 matinee l‘ri Sun: 10.45am.

My Super Ex-Giriiriend 1 12A1

Daily: 3.40. 0.00. 8.30.

Nacho lere1I2A1

Daily: 1.211. 3.411. 0.1111. 3.30.

Also matinee ["0 Sun: 11.10am. Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112A1

Daily: 1.511. 5.1111. 11.211.

Snakes onaPIane1151

Daily: 1.31). 4.00. 0.30. 9.10. Stormbreaker 1 1’( i1

Matinee 1511 Sun: 13.10.

Superman Returns 1 1231

Daily: 2.11). 8.10.

Glasgow Film Theatre

12 Ruse Street. 0141 333 8130’. (Elle/bar. All pel'l‘0r111ances 1100111111112 1{\‘eniltgs: £5 (£41. .‘vlatinees (hei'0re 511111): £4.50 (£3.50). 1"1‘1 (11e1‘0re5pl11): £3.50 (£2.50). (1171‘ (‘i11e(‘ard litiltlt‘fsi £1 0111111 prices. (11"1' sayel‘s: £33.50 (£17.50) 10 see 5 films (valid 1111' three m0ntl1s1.


Brick ( 151 12.30. 5.50.

The Passenger (Protessione: Reporter) 1121\1 2.45. 8.15.

innocent Voices (Voces lnocentes) 112A) 3.110. 3.20.

The Wind that Shakes the Barley 1 151 5 3s


Eight Below (Subtitled) 1P(11 12.30. Innocent Voices (Voces lnocentes) (12A) 2.30. 8.20. LookBothWayS1l2.-\1 3.45. 0.15. 8.30.

Rebecca11’(i1 5.45.


The Pink Panther (Subtitled) 113(1) I 1.30am.

Look Both Ways 1 12.-\1 1.30. 0.15. 8.30.

innocent Voices (Voces lnocentes) (12A) 2.31). 8.20.

Rebecca 11’(11 5.45.


What Happens to the Innocent? 1 151 1.00.

Vertigo 1P(‘11 + North By Northwest 1P(i1 2.00.

Innocent Voices (Voces lnocentes) (12.41 2.30. 5.00.

Rebecca1P(i1 720.

Look Both Ways 1 12.»\1 7.3(1.


Offside (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1P(‘11 10.30am. Taxi Driver ( 18) 1.15. 0.00.



1 1.00am.


Offside11’(i1 1.30. 0.20.

Innocent Voices (Voceslnocentes)112.-\1 3.30. 11.20.

LookBothWays112.-\1 3.45. s30.



Innocent Voices (Voceslnocentes) 1 12.11 1.1111. 0.00.

Oiiside11’tii 3,311. 8.211. LookBothWays1l2.-\1 3.45. 0.111.

Taxi Driver11s’1 11.30.


TaxiDriver1ls'1 1.15.

Ofiside11’(i1 1.30. 0.211.

Innocent Voices (Voceslnocentes)112..\1 3.30. 8.20. LookBothWays1l2Al 3.45. AsktheDust1151 0.1111.


LookBothWays112A1 1.15. 0.111. innocent Voices (Voces lnocentes) 1 12.-\1 3.00. 0.1111. 11.211.

Taxi Driver1110 3.45.

AsktheDust1151 3.30.

Ashtnn Lane. llilll1ead. 11141 339 8444. 10 Sun: £5.50 hei‘0re 0pm: £0.50 alter: M011: £3.50: Tue 111112 £4.50 11e1‘0re 011111: £5.50 alter. Students/(MP: £3.50 (1101 ayailahle alter 011m l-‘ri S0111: (101111 £3.50: Kids‘ (‘11111 Sat 51011111132: £2.50.



Cars(1’(11 12.45. 3.211. MiamiVIce1l51 1.1111. 3.45. 0.311. 11.15. Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest1I2A1 0.00. 8.50.

The World's Fastest Indian (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1 12m 10.30am.


Imagine Me and you (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1 12.»\1

Matinee Thu: 10.30am.

Imagine Me and you (Senior Screening) ( 12A)

Matinee Wed: 10.30am.

Miami Vice 1 151

Daily: 3.35. 0.15. 9.00.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s


Daily: 13.30.

A Scanner Darkiy1151

Daily: 1.211. 4.1111. 0.411. 11.15. TheWild1U1

Matinee Fri-Sun: 10.30am.

IMAX Theatre

(ilasgtiyy' Science Centre. 50 Paciiic Quay. 0141 430 5000. £0.95 (£4.95). 10‘} discuunt 011 parties 01'1110re than 10111:


Alien Adventure 3D1U1 2.1111. TheAntBuliyaD1171 110011. 3.15. 5.15. 7.30.

FRIDAY 18—THURSDAY 24 Alien Adventure 3D 1111 Daily: 3.00. TheAntBuIiy3D1L’1

Daily: 110011. 3.15. 5.15. 7.30.

Ddeon At The Quay

00‘ Paisley R0ad. ()141 429 7037. 11110 and (‘C hntiking: 0871 32 44 007. Adults £0 (premier seats £0.90); C011ces'si0ns £4.35 (premier seats £4.50). Family ticket £10.

‘HD TheAntBuIly1t‘1 11 311.1111. 130. TheBreak-tlp1l211 345. 0311. 915 Cal'Sil’(i1 11.00am. 1145.1111. 1.45. 2.30. 4.30. 5 311

GarfieldzATaleoi'IVvo Kitties 11'. 11.00.1111. 1.111).

Kath Alvida Na Kehna 1 13.-\1 110011.

4110. s00.

Lady intheWateril’tii 1.1111. 3.311. 0.15. 11.110.

MiamiVice1151 3.1111. 0.1111 11.1111 MORStBT Houseil'1 1145.011. 315. 445. 7.15. 11.30.

My Super Ex-GirliriendilZ.-\1 4.15. 045. 9.15.

Nacho Libre112.\1 7.110. 11311. Omkara112.»\1 s 311. Over the Hedge1t‘1 11.45.1111. Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.»\1 1.45. 5.15. 0145, Stormbreakenl’tii 11.45am. 2.011. Superman Returns1l2..\1 1.311. 5.00, 3.110. 11.1111.

11 311.1111. 311“. 4 311.

FRIDAY 18JIHURSDAY 2.: The Ant Buliy1t‘1

Matinee 111 Sun: 11.30am. The Break-Up 1 l3.-\1

Daily: 3.45. 0.30. 9.15. Cars 11’(i1

Daily: 3.30. 5.30.

.-\ls0 matinee 1111 Sun: 1 1.30am. Garfield: A Tale oi MO Kitties 11'1 Daily: 1.15. .-\ls0 matinee 1-‘1'1 S1111: Harsh Times 1 151 Daily: 13.45. 3.30. 0.15. 9.00. .-\1s01;11e 1'11 1& Sat: 11111111112111. John Tucker Must Die 1 12.-\1 Daily: 3.00. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30. .‘\ls(1 late 1511 0: Sat: 1111111032111. Kath Alvida Na Kehna 1 12;\1 Daily: 4.15. 3.30.

.1\1s0 matinee 111 Sun: 110011. Miami Vice 1 151

Daily: 3.00. 0.30. 9.15. Monster House 1t'1

Daily: 1.45. 4.15. 0.45.

.1\ls0 matinee 15ri Sun: 1 1.15am. My Super Ex-Girliriend 1 12.41 Daily: 9.15.

Nacho lere 1 12.-\1

Daily: 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. 9.00. 0mkara1l2.1\1

M011 11111: 8.30.

Over the Hedge 1t'1

Matinee 1511 Sun: 11.45am. Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 1 12.»\1

Daily: 1.45. 5.15. 8.45. Snakes on a Plane 1 151

Daily: 1.01). 3.45. 0.31). 9.15. .-\ls1) late 1’ri 1% Sat: 111idnig111. Stormbreaker 111(11

Daily: 1.31).

:\1s() matinee 1'31'i Sun: I 1.15am. Superman Returns 1 12111

Daily: 1.30. 5.00. 8.30. Syriana (Senior Screening) 1 151 Matinee 'l'ue: 10.30am.

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

S111mcase Leisure Park. Langmuir R0ad. ('0atl1ridge. 111111 line: 01330 434434. (‘(' 1111111111th 01330 433000. £5.01) (£4.50 11e1‘0re 0111111. (‘11ild/().-\l’: £4.50: Student: £4. 'l'ue all tickets: £4.50: Student £4.



TheAntBullyll'l 11.45am. 2.15. 4.45. The Break-lip1l2.-\1 11.35am. 3.05. 4.40. 7.45. 10.15.

Cars11’(i1 11.00am. 110011. 3.00. 3.00. 5.00. (1.00. 7.45. 10.30. Garfield:ATaIeot‘ltuo Kitties1L'1 11.20am. 3.30. 4.35. 7.15. 9.30. LadylntheWatenPUl 11.15am. 2.00.

4.55. 7.40. 111.15. MiamiVlce1l51 1.20. 4.211. 7.211. 11.20. 10.20.

MonsterHouse1t'1 11.25am. 2.115. 4.411. 7.15. 9.40. MySuper Err-Girlfriend 1 12:11

3.40. 5.10. 7.35. 9.55.



NachoUbre11:.\11::5. 311. 11511 OvertheHedgeit'i 111111111. 2111.

4 311

Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest11:.\1 11 15.1111. 331). "01). 731).

3 45. 5115.


Stormbreaker1l’(i~ 11 511.1111. .‘25. 4 511. “.15

Superman Returns112 1105.011. :35. “.115. .545

1R1DA\. 13411101151141. ;.1

AkeelahandtheBee1ljxi Daily 11.15.1111. 301) TheAnt BulIy1t'1

Daily: 11.45.1111.

The Break-Up 1 12.-\1

Daily. "45. 1035

Cars 11’(i1

Dally: 1100:1111. 110011. 3011. 0.110. 3.45.

:\ls111(tlL‘ 1'11 1\ $.11 11.1111 GarfieldzATaIe oi Mo Kitties 11'1 Dally 11.30am. 320. 4 35 Harsh Times 1 151

3111), 51111.

Dally: 11.15.1111. 340. 5.15. 350. 111,311.

John Tucker Must Die 1 12.11

Dally: 11.55.1111. 2.11). 4,45. "11). 9 311

.-\1s11 late 1:11 1k Sat: 11.45 Lady in theWater11’(i1 Dally: S45.

.>\ls0 late 1:11 1k Sat: Miami Vice 1 151 Daily: 1.20. 4.20. 7.211 11.40. 1020 Monster House 111

Daily: 11.35am. 3.05. 4.40. 7 05. My Super Ex-Girliriend 1 12.-\1

Daily: 5.10. 7.35. 9.55.


:\ls11 late 1511 1k Sat: 13.15am. Nacho lere 1 12.41 Daily: 13.35. 3.45. 505. 7.30. 9.50.

.-\lst1 late 1"1'11k Sat: 13.10am. Overthe Hedge1t'1 Daily: 11.00am. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 1 l3.-\1

Daily: 110011. 3.15. 7.01).

.-\ls11 late 1511 1% Sat: 10.15.

A Scanner Darkly 1 151

Daily: 11.00am. 1.55. 4.35. 7.00. 9.35. .-\1s0 late l'l‘l 1k Sat: 11.51).

Snakes on a Piane1151

Daily: 11.40am. 3.20. 4.50. 7.35. 7.55. 10.00. 10.30.

:\ls11 late 1'11 1& Sat: Stormbreaker 1 l’( i 1 Daily: 3.35. 4.50. Superman Returns 1 12.111 Daily: 11.05am. 3.35. 7.15. .‘\1\t) late Fri 1% Sat: 10.35.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(iriiiin .-\\enue. 1’110enix Basiness Pally. ()141SH71X)II.11110:014181170151100 111111101112: 11371 3311 111111).£5.5111£4.35 M011 1-'ri 11ei0re 0111111. (‘liild/DAI’: £4.30; Student: £4. Tue all tickets: £3.75.



TheAntBuily1t'1 11.45am. 3.15. 4.45. The Break-lip112Ai 11.35am. 3.05. 4.411. 7.45. 111.15.

Cars1t’(i1 11.00am. 1111011. 3.00. 3.00. 5.110. (1.00. 7.45. 10.311. 6arfleid:ATaIeoi'lilvo Kittie31t'1 11.301111). 3.30. 4.35. 7.10. 9.30. IadylntheWater11’(i1 11.15am. 3.00.

4.55. 7.40. 111.15.

MiamiVice1151 1.211. 4.211. 7.211. 11.211. 111.211.

Monster House1t'1 11.35am. 2.05. 4.411. 7.15. 9.40.

My Super Err-Girlfriend 1 12.111 12.10. 2.41). 5.10. 7.35. 9.55.

Nacho Libr1e112A1 12.25. 2.45. 5.05. 7.311. 9.50.

OvertheHedge1tT1 11.10am. 2.111. 4.311.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112A1 11.15am. 2.31). 7.00. 7.30.


Stormbreakerd’m 11.50am. 2.25. 4.50. 7.15.

Superman Returns112A1 11.05am. 2.35. 7.05. 8.45.

1.7—2.4 Aug 2006 THE LIST 27