uponynonx IIIIIIIIoIIII (Int-l III\PCLIHI I)rc_\lllx IKIIIICI lI\t'\ I‘lllllI‘Illlj.‘ lnxpulor ('IolGCIIll (\IIIIIIIII .Ix II IICUI}. olll} lo II.I\L' ('louxI-IIII \HI\L' lhc tIIIIIL' ‘\ ‘hI-IIIII‘ ol lllHIIL'll L‘\tIL'lllt'llI III.II III.II\L’\ lhc (with) orIgIIIIle look IIIII- IIIIleI-Iuorkx (’IIII'IIm/Il I’ll/L/Il'llll. (l/(l\;’llll
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest I I3 \I O. I( inu- \t'lhllhkl. I'S. loom .loIInn) Dcpp. Kt'IIII KIIIgIIlIc}. ()II.IIIIlo Bloom. BIII \Igh} Ilillnnn 'I'III' IIIIplt-xx gIIng .IIc llIIoun luck Inlo .IIIHIIICI .III\L'IlIlHt'. \IIIII liloorn'x tchIn \III 'IIIIIIL'I .IIIII KIIIfJIlIIC} ‘x IIIIIIIIIIIloI} girl SIIIIIIII .Illt-InplIng lo xIIu~ Dcpp‘x xl.IggcrIIIg SIIIIIIIIII lIoIII I).I\_\ .IUIIL'\ RIIIIhIxII \t't|lIL'I (I'I'III'III/ Il'lf'lIH
II! Rebecca Il’l i I 0000 I-xIIII-II
IIIIt III’HI II. ['5. I‘HHI lIIlIIL‘nL‘L' I )II\ IL'I. .IoIIn I-onlIIInc. .IIIIIIIII ;\nIIchIIn l illnnn :\ lL’ l\\lIL‘ ol IIIL' \IoIIIIt'IlIIII} .lIllltl\[‘IlL‘llL' I()l||.IIItt'. IIIIIIIL' \kIlt'll IlIlt’II \IIIx .Il IIIx III-Ighl IIIt' _\oIIng IIIIIII- ol llt'Il \\ ItIH\\t'I .\III\IIII Ilc \\ Inlcr IoInx Illlll IIl IIIx ngInII IIIIIIIonn \IIIIIIICIII'} HIII I'M-r} \\IIt'|t' xhc IIIInx. IIIL'IL' .IIt' IIIL‘IIIHIIL'\ ol Inx lIle \\ IIL'. uhoxc III-IIIII Ix \lllll‘lllltIt'tI h} lll_\ le-I} Andcrxon'x oIt‘IIIIoIIgIIl (iollnu IIoIIxI'kI'I'pI-I .\IIx l)IIn\ ch xchIIx IIIt‘ xhou. (iluujun lI/m I/II'IIII‘I'. (i/uwuu. Renaissance l ISI .00 «(‘lII-IxIIIIn \‘olt'kInIIn. l'I‘IIIIt'C/l 'K/IIIu-Inhurg. Illllln I)i|IIIL'I ('I'IIIg. RoIIIoIII (iIIIIII. .loIIIIlIIIIII I’ryc. lll5InIn. lIIIpI’cxxIw IIIIIkIIIg .il) lIIlIII'leII' lIII'Ilch' u IlII II black and \KIIIIL' I'cnIch “IIIL'II IIL‘\L‘I quIlc gle goIng. I’III'Ix Ills-I IIoIIII 'I.;l\\l|t'l\ l( iIII‘III I. II }oUIIg IIIIII III'IIIIIInl IL‘\t‘&IIL'IIL‘I' Ix \Iolcnll} kIIlnIIppt-Il. .'\\.’lIHII. II gIIInl InullInIIlIonIII t‘Iil‘pUl'IllIHll .IIIII III-r cmplo} or. \\;IIII\ III'I’ loIInII. lh'llt-IIIIIII'II II’I'} t'cl. .-\\IIlon'x ('Iil ). IIIIx I'cqucxlul lhIIl ()l'l‘II‘I-I‘ KIII'IIx I(‘I'IIIg l. II lonlIIgc I'clI'chIII pr‘I‘IIIlle IInII lhc Inoxl conlrm cI'xIIII cop III lhc lorcc. hc III I‘IIIII‘gc ol lhc L'il\L‘. ('II'III’I} lllIIllt‘llL‘L'tI h} llIc ngIphIc nowa ol I'I'IIIIk \IIllcr. lhIx Ix IIII InlcrL'xlIng oIIIIIl}. ('Iumw. I-.I/In/IIIru/I,
* A Scanner DarklyI ISI .00” lRIcIIIIrII I.llII\I£|IL‘l'. l’S. lellm Kt’illlll RL'C\L'\. RUIM‘I'I I)o\\llt‘} .Il'. \Illt‘h IIIIKL‘I’. lllllnnn. Scc I'cx Icu. pIIgc ll). Sr/I’I‘II'I/ If'll'llH'.
Snakes on a Plane I ISI .0
ll)II\III R lillix. l'S. loom SIIIIIIICI l, JIIckxon. B'non l.II\\xon. \IIIIIIIII I’hIIIIpx. IIISIIIIII. SL‘C l‘L‘\ lL‘\\. pilgt‘ 2 (iI'IlI’I'Il/ I'l'll'llu’.
Stay Alive l l5! .. (\VIIIIIIIII III'cnl Bull. [8. Zilllm Jon I-'IIxIcI’. SIIInIIIrc .-\I‘IIleI'ong. 85mm. I’I‘oInIxIng onInIlIng. but IIIlIInIIlcl} IolIIll} IIIIIlt-I‘Ixhcllning 'lccnx III lI‘oIIhlc' horror. 'I‘hIx pop cullurc- IIIIIcn lI‘IglIll'cxl lIIkvx lhc lcgcnIl ol‘ (‘oIInIL‘xx lilI/IIhclh IiIIlhor} ol’ IIIIIIgIII'} IInII I'clocIIlcx II to pI'c-KIIII‘IIIII NC“ ()I'chInx. ’l‘hc [IIIcIng and II IoI ol' IIIL‘ IIt'lIng l'I'oIII lhc )oung L‘ihl Ix \III} oll'. (‘IIII‘II-nrltl Ri'll/l'i'll .‘ll'c'i‘l. (l/(Mulm. Stormbreaker I l’( i I O. Inml'l‘rc} SII\. (icrrnIInVl’K/l '5. mm») .-\lc\ Punk-I. I'.\\IIn .\Ic(ircgor. \Iit‘kc} Rourkc. Bill Nigh}. .-\lIcIII Silwrxlonc. ‘Unnn. Young xupcr xp§ .'\IC\ RIIIcI' lllL‘\\CUlllL‘l' .-\lc\ I’cll} It'l‘l hIIlIch \ IIIIIIIIoIIx I‘IIIIUIIIIII'L' DIII‘I‘IIIx (Mick) Rourkcl. 'I’hc IIIII‘k Bond- Cxquc ch'ICx ol' hookx \Ilnch InprrcIl lhc IIIIII IIIIw II IICJIIII}. IInII-IIIII‘I'} I’ollCl‘ \‘Ihc. “Inch gclx loxl III lrIIanIIlIon. 'l‘hcrc'x \UlllL‘ I‘I‘Ilcnipnon III lhc l‘ornI ol’ t'iIIIUlh .\Il5 hoxx Bill .\'Igh_\ IIIIII II Q-xl} lc cIIInCo l‘rorn Slcphcn H} and lhcrc IIrc II Icu pIIxxIIhlc IIL‘IIUII \CtIUCIICC\. I00. (iI'III'I'Il/ I‘t’lt'llu'. Superman Returns I l3.-\I 0000 (Bryan Singer. ['8. 3leth Brandon Roulh. KIIlc Boxxxorih. Kcvin SpIIcC}. JIIInt-x .\IIIerlcn. .\IIIrlon Bl'illltIU. IS-Innn. The Son ol‘ KI'}ploII IIIIx hccn IIhxcnl l'roIn Earth on II tlllL‘\I lo lind xur\ I\ Ing l‘rIIgIncnIx ol‘ hix long xIncc Ilt‘xlro} L'tI homc \on'ld. .-\rchcncIn} I.L‘\ Lulhor Ix out ol‘ prixon IInIl hIIlchIng IInolhcr Inurdcroux. Inonc_\ IIIIIIIIng xchcmc. But. Inoxl IrouhlIng of III]. lo\c ol‘ hix lilk' l.on [.IInc Ix InIIrI‘IcII \xIlh II CIIIItI. The Man ol‘ $1ch Inighl he the Inoxl PII_\\IL‘;III_\ poxwrl‘ul being on tho pIIIncI. but low. hopc IIIIII deprIir IIrc cmolIonx lhIIl L‘Iin'l be ignored. (it'm'ml I‘I’II‘IIM'. Syriana I ISI .0. (Slcphcn (iIIghIIn. I78. ZIXISI KII}\IIII .\'o\'IIk. (icorgc (‘looIIc_\. (‘hrixlophcr I’lunnncr. .ICII‘I'L‘}
\\ rIglIl. .\I.Ill I).IIIIoII IJ-llllll \II.II\xlIolx lIoIn llIc InoIIt-rn Il.I_\ oIl IIIIIll\Il_\. lIoIII [Ilt' pul’ll) IlllII I‘CIIIIIL'II (II '\ UPCIIIIHL‘ IIIIIi “.IIIIC\ I(‘IIIIInc_\ I IInII IIIx .Ilchnplx to uphold \IIIIoIIx polIlIt‘III IIIIt‘It'\I\ lo IIIt' I'S III\I.-xlIgIIlIoII llllII Ihc IIIcht-I ol loo oIl t'oIIIpJnIt-x uIIIIlIng lo uploIl oII chclwx In KII/IIHIxIIIn \\ rIIt-I tIIIL'tII‘I (i.IglI.III Ix nol InlcrcxchI III olchIng II IIIIIIItlIgIIl .IIIIIl}xIx ol lhc oIl lllIIll\II_\. hnl IIIIoIIglI (It-WI cIIIlIIIg hc .IIgIch llI.Il nollIIng Ix I‘IIItI‘x .IIIII \xlnlc IInII cxcrulnng Ix .I I'oIIIpIoInIxc \x \lltIl \IIIIIIII. Ix I'onlIIxIng and .I IIIIIII \IIIII'II IIIIII \\ Ill horc .Ix IIIIIII} .Ix Il III-lIghlx (II/I m: II [III (Juan. (i/I1\;'Im
* Taxi Driver« 1.x: .0000 I \l.IIIm SI'ont'xt'. I S. I‘IVII Rolwrl I)I- \IIo_ ( "\lnll SIIL'pIIcIII. .IHtIIt' I'H\It'l ll-IIIIIII \ lL'*l\\llC ol lhc no“ t'IIIxxIt' xloI_\ ol .III IIIIL'IIIIICII l.I\I (III\L‘I III \cu York Ix xo II-[wllul II} Inc quIIIIoI‘ IInII IIIt' InoIIIl Ilct‘II} .IIoIInII IIIIII lIIIIl hc Ix tII'Ht'lI lo lt'I‘IIhII' \ Iolcnu- ()IIt' ol IIIL' kc} IIIlllx HI IIIL' \t'\t'IIIlL'\ \\ llIl IIIL' St'ont‘xc I)I' \II’o [IIII‘lnI‘IxInp .Il IIx Pt'IIIx (I/IHQIIH /I/nl //l¢'IlII'I'. (I/leguu
Vertigo I I’( i l ..... I .‘\IIICII IlIlt'ht'oI‘k. I'S. WSM .II'IIIIL'\ leIIIl. KIIII \oxIIk. IIIII‘hIII‘II “CI (It'tItIC\ IINIIIIII Hulu‘lnc SlcxxIIrl. II IIIIIII IIlIIIIIl ol III'Igzhlx. lIIIIx III low \IIIII .I \IoIIIIIn \xlIo .IIIIIIIII'IIII} goIIIInle \UIL'IKIL'. \thn Ilt‘ Int‘clx III-I IIIIlIhIC. Ilt' I‘L‘L‘UlllLW HI\\L'\\CII \\ IlIl IIIL' poxthIlIl} llIIIl xhc Ix xIIll IIII\L‘ I'.\lI'IIoI'IIInIII') plollIng III IlIIx IIIIIlI-HIIIIII'II IIIIL‘IIL'UCIK xluII} ol I'oInIIIIiII' InIInIII. \\llIl
see page 12 for details
\‘lt'mel lllt'llli‘IJI‘I} I,le .IgIIIIle l_\r\c .Ix llI.‘ IlleIIItll} on IIIK' I'Ilgc top IIIC III-IIIIIIII IIL'IIIIIIIIIII \kt‘Ik' Ix xIIIIII|l.IIIcoIle_\ IIleI IIIIIl IIleIIIhIIIg (i/IngmI III/II I/II Inn
What Happens to the Innocent? (HI I\\ lII_\ \IIIIIIIII'Ix. ,IoIIII \II \IIIIIIIx.
l |\. Illlllo 1"InIII \ \II\\.IIIIII’._'\'\ ol IU\II\U l )Ig.InIx.IIIoII xtIt-t-Inng ol .I xlIoII IlIlll lo IIII\L' IIIt' [‘IHIIII‘ ol llIc LIIII ol xIIppoIl giwn lo lhoxc \xho .IIL‘ \\IoIIglIIll} tumult-II .loIIn \I\'\I.Illll\. I’IIIIII} IIlII .IIIIl UlIlL'l \lk'IIIlh ol |ll\ll\\' \HII .llI\\\L'I \lllt'\IlHII\ .IIIL‘I llIc xI'II‘t'IIIng (I/Ixu'on Ill/H[Ill-(11,1,(II/IJ\L'1’H
The WiId II I.. I\lt'\c \\ I||I.IInx. l'S. lellln Kwch SIIlIIt'IlIIIIII. .|.IIIII‘x lit-IIIxIII. ItIIIIIc l/IIIIII. IIIIIIK'IIIIL' ( i.IIol.I|o ‘l-Innn '\ IUIIIIIIIIIIu xloI} III‘UIII .I lIIllII-I .IIIII onI l.IIlIng lo honIl I‘L'L'IIII\C ol IIlt' [‘It‘\\lllt' lo Iw IIIIII‘IIo \\I' (Illl xcu IonI IIIIx
\xIll [Lin oIIl lhc lllHlllL‘llI “C lllt‘t'l I<_\.In IIII'
lIon (uh. \IlIo IIIIIIIx lo I-xmpc .\c\\ \oIk /IHI .llltI ICIII'II IN IN.” IlI‘xt' Ill\ \IIIII \I It I [I l/
cheating ways, they set up newbie Kate (Brittany Snow)
Wilderness 1‘7 COO \lzIIIIIW I I{.I\\\‘II l :INH‘ \t-JI‘. Inn?“ \‘x‘ \]\.\ Ix‘t'IIl. Iu'll\ Ixcl‘lwll ‘llttnn IzzzI'II‘xizn-J
IiIIIleI you Tcxl lIoIII II“..- IIIII'IIIII Ill l'lI IIIIIlt'IJllI‘Il Ill .I I' \IIIII i". xI‘lx .1 1sz x ml hIIIIchx .Illc: .-. :iIoIII‘ ol \ o'II'xzi
(\IIonII'Ix lmppul «‘l‘ .II: le.IIIIl llIItIk
II'IIf.‘ ( /\'.I\I..I IIIIxxI'II \\IlII /.- '..r x/\' I‘ (:m I-..~.I.' l\’( /:'I. \."I I I l:
The Wind that Shakes the Barley '1“ .... ‘I'\\‘II I o.II lI
(II‘IIIIIIm ll.Il\ \Imm I I.IIIII' III'IIIIIIll Ix I'M!» ('IllI.I:II \IIIII‘ln I‘.IIlI.:;. llI‘l.IIII~\
I I.IIII( IIIIIIIII:'II.IIII.HILIIIl,'-'I'I.I1Il I:qllllll II‘llIIIjJ llII' xloI‘. ol IlII' lIle: \\.II loI IIIIII‘Ik'IIIlI’IIII‘ lIoIII llII~ ltleI (‘I‘llll or ‘.II".\. I o.II lI .IIIII \IIIllleI xI :I'I‘rIwle': I’.III‘ I .IM'le [‘IIIIIIIII' .l xolIIl Ho Ill‘llxI"l\I' (\zI‘II' ol III.IIII.I IIIII‘II'xxHI‘h .IIII'I'. '\\ (‘IolI‘xonILIIx .lIIII IIoII |\:«~lI'xxIIII:.le .IIIIII‘ IoIIIxIII-x on my lIIIIII.III onlx ol .! 'l.:llII IIIIIleIII‘. Il xI'IxI-x .Ix .l I.‘.II\l|l‘_' I'\ lo' IIx lo II'.IIII lIoIII II.le IIIle.Il.I'x III.:\\III:' p.IIIIllI'lx lo lhI' (\rI'xI'IIl IoIIllIII III II.III
The World’s Fastest Indian l ‘ \
. '|\,l“.'t'I IIIIIMIIIxIIll \I'U. /I‘.I|.IIIIll \. .‘lNlV \IIlIIom Hop'mnx (Illhlfll‘Ilt‘l | .IxxloIIl. IIIIIII~ ( III-I'II\\.III-Il I’.III| Ix’oIIIIz'III'/. I)l.lllll\' I .IIlIl l.‘ 'IIII:I Ix’I'lIII'Il \mx /I‘.I|.IIIIII'I IiIII! \IIIIIIo IIIoI‘kIIIxI lI.I\I'lx \xlllI IIIx l‘l ‘Hx IIlIIl.lll InoloII It It‘ Iol I.IlI \III-I-Il “Ix-I». .illxI \xIlIIoIIl .I It'IIIIl oI IllllIIlllt'. III‘ xI'lx llII‘ l.IIIIl pr‘I'II II'IoIII owI .IIIIl owI .I".l|ll IIIIH .lllII
IIII'.II_\ l.IIIIIl_\ lIlIII humus“; II'..\
as bait to humiliate him, little guessing that She’s All That-type romance will ensue. John Tucker Must Die’s
If director Betty Thomas’ name rings a bell, then you’re showing your age; the blond bombshell was blousy yet tough beat cop Lucy Bates in 805 cop-show Hill Street Blues. Since then, she’s carved out a successful niche helming everything from Howard Stern’s Private Parts to Doctor Dolittle, and she brings perky energy to this generic chick flick for aimless teens. John Tucker (Jesse Metcalfe) is a philandering stud-muffin who abuses his position as a basketball-team player to string along three girlfriends (Ashanti, Sophia Bush and Arielle Kebbel). When the wronged trio get wind of his
title suggests a darker revenge comedy than Thomas’ bland fodder delivers; although there‘s plenty of pop- culture references, the overall impression is of old- fashioned sentiments being forced into the mouths of cheerleader babes, right down to the cover version of Cyndi Lauper’s ‘Time After Time’. And even the most dreamy US high-schoolers would be unlikely to confuse these squeaky-clean situations with real-life; John Tucker’s world is a fantasy one, yet no fantasy should be quite this dull. (Eddie Harrison)
Irr‘, rA ' (‘ ; ’r/ (V‘ Fr' ‘ 1' I 68'76‘ (1' It‘ren‘qa 1, ’1 /‘La )4
' r 2.: x THE LIST 25