Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Akeelah and the Bee l 12m

CC. ll)ntlj._' Alchlxnll. l'S. Ztlllhl chc l’altncr. l,aurcncc l'l\hhlll‘llL‘. Ancha liaxxcu l llinin Scc rcucu. pagc 3|. .Sr'lrr [I'll Il'lr‘tlu’

Alien Adventure 30 rt; 0...

lllcn Sttaxxcn. Japan. Stilll l \‘nicc nl Jnhn lln}lc. “Hull launch. Winin, .-\n alicn iacc Innkingg lnr a planct tn (Ulttllhc lind carth and unlnrtunatcl} cntcr a thcnic park uhcic thc} cath much annmng lll.’t}llL‘lll. /.tI.-t,\' lllr'tlll't'. (l/(I\L'Ill1,

Angel-A l 15).. ll.uc chxnn. l-iancc. lllllfll Jaincl l)cl\hntt/L'. Ric Rit\lllll\\L'll. (iilhci't .\lclkl. Sci'gc Rathnttktnc. Aknn ('lnr. 37min. A rnniantic lahlc nt \cll~acccptancc. \xhtch takcx placc nn thc \trcctx nl l’arix. Antlrc l\ a pclt} criminal tltmn on his luck. \xhnxc lilc l\ L'llllllfJL‘tl h} thc cpnnynnm charactcii Altcr an attcinptctl dnuhlc \lllL’ltit‘ thc pan cwntuall) tall in low. This I\ a t'clnai‘kahlc changc in tlircclinn tnr l.uc licxxnn. \klnch l\ tn hc Iaudcd though thc mcxxagc that nnc \hlllllti hc truc

Check out the

on paqe4


In nncwll gclx l()\[ \nmcuhcrc In thc Sctnc. \iu' Inlm/mrch ()mm. [mint/mm}! The Ant Bully l l l O. lJnhn .-\ [)anx. l'S. 20th Julia Rnhcrtx. Ntchnlax (ltgc. Mcr}l Strccp 39min th annthcr (‘(}l annnatinn hcxtnmng ltlc lcvnnx nn thc nattnn\ _\nung_' Tcn )car-nld Lucas likcx tn tnrincnt ant~. until rcsidcnt ant \n/artl Inc lNIcnIax (‘agcl \hrlnh\ lnin tn thcn \l/L' and tcachcx him In In c as part nl thc cnminuntt§ rathcr than an inth itlual l’rcthctahlc )dfll (it'lll’l‘rl/ I‘r'lt'rlu‘.

Ask the Dash 15) (Rnhcrt 'lkmnc. [8. 300m ('nlin l'arrcll. Salma Hawk. l)nnald Suthcrlantl I 17min. An adaptatinn nl Jnhn l‘antc'\ Hcprcxxinn-cra nn\ cl tlcpicttng thc tlctiancc. amhttinn and dcxpcratinn that \lctll trnin HUII}\\nnd dixcnchantincnt. (i/munu ll/m V/lu'tlll't‘. (ilthnit.

The Break-Up I DA... lPL'}lUll Rccd. 18. 3mm Jcnnllcr .'\lll\ltlll. Vincc Vaughn. Jnc} |.aurcn Adamx. ('nlc Hauxcr. Jnn I‘tnrcau. l Illnnn. Attcr tun )carx nl inarrtagc. cit} tnur gtntlc (Ear) l\'aughnt and art gallcr) axuxtant Brnch l.-\lll\ltllll haxc had cnnugh nl cach nthcr. but can't hung thcntxclxcs tn gn c up thctr cmctcd (‘hicagn cnntln. 'l‘hc rcxti‘ainctl cnrnic \t} lc :\lll\ltln rclinctl during hcr tcnurc nn l’ru'mlx lust dncxn't lit with \‘aughn'x t‘rccnhccling. \n it'x lcl't tn lhc \uppnrttng cast tn prm Itlc thc laughs. including Brnnkc‘x hitch} boss and till-\lllglllg hrnthci' and (iar_\ '\ lX'xl hudtl}. Jnhnn) t). (it'rtv/‘ul I't'lt'llu'.

Brick t 15) .0. lRian Jnhnxnn. l'S. 2005) Jnxcph (inrtlnn-l.c\ itt. Nora [chctncn litnilic dc Rann. Matt ()‘}. I lllmin. (iccky lnncr Brcntlan t(}nrdnn-l,c\itll I\

ha\ in; a had ucck. “h tunkic c\ girlt'ricnd ix dcad and hi\ 1m cxtigatinnx arc lcading nnwhcrc. ()n his \lth. hc httx thc Brain

.( l'lcar} and rich gnl xnphtsticatc rn_\\tcr} \xnrnan lama l/chctncr I. but thcn hc crnxxcx high ~chnnl crtrnc lord thc Pin «1 ukax Haaw and hh inuxtlc In; I.\nah l‘lt‘hv ('ntnmcndahlc hut tlccpl} tlaxxctl and m‘caxxtnnall} crtng} utxlatc nt thc c|.l\\lc lilm nntr In a llllkit'ln l'S lngh \chnnl xctttng -\ I“! cllnrt. (' lt‘l CMK'UIIUH (chfiuu Ill/'2 “It‘u‘lli'. (illu'xg'un

Cars l l’(il 0.. John I .l\\ClCl. l S. It”). \‘ntccx nl ()ucn \\ llvttl. l’aul \cmnan. Bnnnic Hunt. | art) l'hc (‘ahlc (in) lIlnnn Racccat laghtning McQuccn '0ng hi\ ua} cn rnutc tn thc tinal racc nt thc xcaxnn and tindx hnnxcll ntarnnncd lll thc xlccp} tnxxn nt Radiator Sl‘llllgN \xhtch l\ pnptilatcd h} an aria} nl nnxtit (ah l)c\pttc thc man} p0\lll\L‘\. (‘arx tlncsn't qultc llMIu' thc lnghcxt gradc tnatnl} l‘ccdlht' It'x thc lcaxt original Plhll‘ llllll )Cl (it'll! I’tl/ It't/t u'u

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 mo.

0. l:\tlant Shankinan. l'S. Illl5l Stcw Martin. linttnic Hunt. l’ipcr l’ctahn. 'lntn \Vclling. ‘l‘nnn. 'l‘hc Hakct lannh arc hack and thc) arc going; nn ltnlttla} hut thc} hadnl c\pcctcd Jnnm} \ltn'taugh ll.c\} l and tits tn; hrnntl. l’athcttc \cqttcl In a hcmltlcungl} \ucccxxl'ul lannl} cntllcd} [nu/nu ('lu/t'lnml ll'nrrm'rh l'( 'II. (./\(/('/’(III‘\[ (It/run l-nrl Klimt/ml. lnlm/mrg/z

Curious George «1'» O. l.\latthc\\ ()‘(KillaghaiL l'S. 30W») \thl l‘crrcll. Hank \Vclltcr. Hrcu Barrynnrc. Hand ('rnxx 86min. l-‘cattn'c annnattnn haxcd nn thc

athcnturcx nt thc hcrn nl Margarct and HR RC) .‘ I‘Ul‘ular clnltlrcn‘x hook scrim. l’arcntx Ina} hc ahlc tn \tcnt an} \tnctdal nnpulxcx h} lixtcning tn lhc laughtcr nl thcn' clnltlicn at thc lilm'x \nnplc \l;l[\\llL‘l\ anticx. (‘uu'nm'ltl l’urklu'ml. (ilmznn _' ('lm'unrltl lat/m/nu‘u/t. Edinburgh.



Taxi Driver This new print of the Schrader/Scorsese classic revisits the delusional fantasies of cabbie . Travis Bickle in his gutter world of New York. Robert De Niro worked 12 hour taxi shifts prior to taking on arguably his finest role, ad-Iibbing scenes and creating this legendary icon of the Viet-vet turned

disillusioned drifter.

I GFT. Glasgow (Mon 2 l-Tltu 24 Aug). Fl/mhouse. Edinburgh (Wed 30 Aug—Sun 3 Sep).


Snakes On A Plane (15) 105min O. llltl".l1Tl’.l.‘ 3w

Inttxtttt tlt~vx"«v.‘."tt. 'Mt n .

ltll 'tttltitt Jam“... 1 or t” M I" :‘Itllltlltl “,4qu :‘hnthlui

Jackrva t‘lléhll‘at Y‘tl ‘t.t~- l- (tt'llltlt‘lllgll hum t wt: Nona .w l Illlf3 FBI agent ‘tl‘ tn ht'twa-lt

tighttrtg a (trtttw ll {ltlt tt rt tun

snakes; lot loom- t:» lle a utttr ‘.'Jllll(’f§f§ Ill {1 htgh tth \Tllw w M (118‘).\Jtltikfltfllttltlfl \lt"~"‘.'l'll‘. charge, not to ttttélttlo!‘ rtw else aboard the Juml m let i)tlllllll: Ill'lllqlll tflllUllétlll'llt'lll. tho- T'lltl l);lt()(ll(ff3 B motto ltlét‘ tut-w; .‘.t‘,h (I()ll13l(i(?lillll(f10853‘ltll‘tl‘fif;llhttl ltt; proroloztssta h»; to that triggered a hlogglntt from", 1.1% year. Hawtg ztlrozttly (mutt-ll thw llllOOfIllO'DOSI‘.'.l<)lf31lllltll ttlw. year", {if} well at; filltl'fi’lllllr] Il‘, own Sli’éllQfllhltyDVID [Jlt )1 yen, Son/«<95; On A "Ira/rt, lltl‘) llll‘l our; tts greatest lasting how; on a llll) soundtrack leatunhg 'l’ahtrl At The Disco' ettvl 'thl! ()ut Bo; 'l General release from FM 1.“) Aug.

['5 "MC HI

Akeelah And The Bee (12A) 1 12min 0.. Carefully treading the hue het neon feel» good family values; and fUFlllllléll’; schmaltz. this youth rlrarha follows 1 1-year-old Akeelah (Keke Palmer; tmng to male good in Los Angeles' South Central black ghetto. Developed on the success of spelltng bee docwnentar/ Spellbound. the drama mtght not avorl PC predlctablllty. but the best

heartwarming tales rarer do. The

trim comes wnh strong Support from Angela Basset and Laurence Ftshboume. as .‘rell as a word-perfect performance from chtld star Palmer. llsla Leaver- Yap) General release from Fn 78 Aug.

7—2-1 Aug 27/, THE LIST 21