who want to stretch themselves. but businesses interested in team building exercises. '(‘ompanies look upon it as a great way to improve stall retention.‘ lte says. 'So they 'll olten pay lor people‘s registration lees and might even match atty money they raise.‘ This may sound a bit calculated but lor Fox-Pitt. the ends definitely jttstily the means: ‘We had ()0

people taking part in this year\ (ireat Kendrochit Quadrathlon lor Mercy ('orps and in one weekend we raised £84.00“. which helped thousands ol people across the world. That's really w hat drives me.‘

I The Humii/m/ ('lm/lt'nec' lukt's [)llu't' mt 33’

A" 24 517). See it'it'it‘.IIumIi/m/t'liullwigr'.t'nnifor




It was only a week helore the event ilscll that ldlewild drttmmer ('olin Newton knew he was going to he ahseiling 365 lcct till the l'iot‘llt Road Bridge. ‘.-\ lriend ol my wile. who is the same age as tts. was travelling around littrope and died alter contracting meningitis in Spain.‘ he explains. "l‘hen ottt ol the blue someone sent round an email asking il anyone would do the jump lor the Meningitis Research Foundation. so it was the perlcct opportunity. I did it in memory ol him really.‘ With only a week to go it would have been tricky to raise much money. had it not been lor that miracle ol the tnodern world. www.justgiving.com. ‘We got around £(i()() within a week Using the website. It's great because you don‘t have to beg lace to lace or worry about collecting the money alterwards. We just sent one anonymous email to everyone.‘ It certainly lacks the personal touch but there's no doubt ol its ellectiveness: rather than leaving the money collection up to the individual. Jtist (iiving ensures that it is paid up lront via credit or debit card. But lor Newton. it was the distinctiveness ol the event that stood out lor the people who supported him. ‘I think because it was quite an unusual and scary thing to do. rather than just a sponsored walk. people were quite happy to part with their caslt.'

In the end Newton‘s pre-jump nerves vanished and he really enjoyed his experience. lor more reasons than just the money it raised to try and prevent tnore deaths like his lriend's. But perhaps this kind ol personal incentive is exactly what we pleasure-seekers need in order to raise crucial linds lor some incredibly vital charities. Alter all. no one does that kind ol thing just lor lun. right‘.’

I l’nr more details rifjinn/raising (limits/hr [/10 Alerting/'11s Research l’nmtrlutimz. visit mm;meningitis.my

1')-‘t 7 Aug 2%", THE LIST 7