I “no best friends wanted tn share dnuhle rnnrn in lilinhurgh lrarn lst September. £400 per rnnnthlineludcnuncil taxnnin. ()mnnths. Marcela 07033 503 030 I West end large rnnin Ill executive l'lat rnndern 3 hed- rnnms sharing with nwner‘. Surt pl‘lllt‘ssitiliill ltitllc‘Jltllxl he trustwnr'lh}. clean. nnrie \mnk- er' ga} l'riendlydepiisit U00 and £300l’(‘.\l . Tel 07780 304 030

I 26-year Old liemale pr‘nr lessintitll lnnkittg ltil‘ a nice diirihle-hedrnnrn in a l‘riendl} shared ll()U\L' Clll\L' l0 Cit) (Cli- tr'e l'rnrn ln/l 7 September. In lidinhurgh lnr viewings l0 - 3| Aug. l'elme: l \iednw (U )tllltitit'tullx' Tel 07787 330 033

I Double room available in tnp llnnr llat in The Grange. Wnuld \ttil )‘ntlttg prnl'essinnal. in share with 37 _\'/n laid hack guy. .itlllpern +hills'l'el07751 343 555

I Nice fresh spacious l'nnm tn let in clean liaxter‘ Rnad llal l‘nr‘ nne pet'snn. Sharing with nne nther‘. Rent is £380 pern incl enuneil tax. .\'nn srnnker please. Tel: 0].” 477 4073

I Dalkeith Rd Edinburgh. large r'nnni avail- able in a l'ull_\‘ furnished l‘lat nn main bus r'nutes. In share with 3 nther nnn srnnking mature \ltl- dents. ('lme tn (‘nrnrnnnweiilth pnnl. Kings Buildings and (‘arnernn 'l'nll. £300 including gas and electric hills. Tel 07880 873 008 nr‘ email

rnaekurdyfll hntrnailcnuk

I Bruntsfield large double rnnm m lantaxtle three hedrnnrn llat. sharing three nthers. gl‘c‘ttl \ iew \. lnurige. kitchen/dining. £300 rnth + etax hills, £400 ilepiwrt. (irnlh lease. .-\\arlahle 0 September. Stilt prnlexsrnnal. Tel 07700 307 20‘)

I I’m 24 years llltl. .-\grieultural lingineer. I'll lixe lll lidinhur‘gh a \ehnnl war. I pr‘eler In share the flat with inlet‘nalinn al \ltldeltl\ tn meet new e\per‘r- enees and cultures. and the lllli\l impnr‘lant In me. imprn\ e m} le\e| linglish. Ideal rent 350 380 pnunds. l‘m eax} gning and dnri't \rnnke and I like \pnr'tsl '0 he in lidinhur‘gh nn the 3rd nl September heeriuse the enurse \lttl'l\ the 4th nl‘ Seplerriher'. I am lnnking lnr‘ llatniates and sharellat ili that date. ('nntael: pr‘n} eetnespn- rnlitnlu hnlrnail.enrn Ser'gin

I 2 dbl rooms in ninder‘n l'lat l’nlwar‘th l'nr‘ pnxtgr'ads / pl‘til' L‘ltixt‘ tn 7 littx l'tllllL'\. quiet and within in walking distance nl' cit} eentr'e Tel ()7003 0l5 007

I Single room available in \ptlL‘ltith. well kept llat. lltrge |i\ ing r'nnni and kitchen dining r'nnrn. in share with 3 pr'nles- sinnalx in tliid twenties. .\'n srnnker'x please. £300 including ('titmc‘il 'l'ax. Tel 015] 007 ()I I0 I Looking for a gniiit t'iin easy gning tid} lidinhurgh l'niver‘sit} student In lake the third r'nnrn in a (ienr‘gian llat nn Rankeillnr‘ Street with twn see- nnd year students. 'l‘el 0700l8 5| l 3| l

I Grove St, Fountainbridge- \lliglt' t‘nnm In let in mndern lidlAllill— mg willi twn nther's.l:\eellent lncalinn 5 turns lr‘nrn \hnps cinemaete.:\\ai|.-18/08 l’r'nl lernale nnl}. Relx r‘eq. Rent :75 mini 'I'L-l 07008 (Ft) 700

I Lovely room available in spaerntrs. elean llat in lllll\ltlL‘. l0 llllll\ nn lnnt lr'nrn l’r‘rnees SI. Still n/smnkrng pt'nl l'emale sharing w rlh nne lemale and nne male. £335 pern plus £30 e/ta\ [‘lth l‘lll\ 0Hl 400 I070 iir‘ H7000 380 505

I Double room furnished l’nr' let Ill mnder'n llat. l.eith walk. l’r'ixate parkinglnnlang lnt’ l'r'rendl} llalrnale In share w ith nne nther‘. pr'eler‘ nnn-srnnker and linanerall} r‘espnnsihle. £385 pltlx lilll\, 'l‘el H7080 007 083

I Flatmate to share spa- einus. \unn}. rnnder'n 3hed- r'nnms l'lal ili rttiddle nl leitli Walk. .-\|l rnnd. ennx. £350 peiri + ("l‘ + hills. .'\\illl;lhlc l'nr' \rewrng & renting alter ln.-\ug. e-rriail: la\il'a\h((I )iilinn.gr' nnw. nt‘ call |)irnitr‘i\ at 070l0 355 040 alter ln.-\ug.

I Double room in bright and t'r‘iendl} eentr‘al llat. Sharing with nne l'ernale and twn eats. £380 per‘ calendar rnnnth. .-\\;iilahle l‘r‘nrn lst September. 'l'el 07077 I07 533 I Huge double bedroom aurilahle n\er'lnnl\ing l.eith Links sharing w illi l'r‘iendl} pr'nl male and pr'nl' l'eniale. Vietnr'ian llat. \unn}. spacian with \ iews. £450 including all hills and enuneil tax lttnt pltnriel Tel 07700 305 408

Book your F latshare ad ONLINE

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because ’“e - s: s Scotland's bestselling entertainment and lifestyle magazine. it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to vou. i'it‘at‘s “‘C'G the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better a :’

flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 60.000 unique viSits per menth.

Go to www.list.co.ult and click on 'flatshare' at the top of the page

You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room. rent. number of other occupants and type ot person sought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring

Terms & Conditions

Flatshare adverts must be placed using our onllne booking service. For administration purposes. advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication) The Flatshare service Is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication in this section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be placed in our

'Flats to Let' section. full instructions for booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section.




I Dbl room to let in l’nlwar'th. stunning \ea \rews \nnismnker. In In e wrtli pr'nl lemale, £300prn + enunerlta\ + l‘lll\ id 07030 534 3l5

I Double room in bright \lnr‘nrngsrde llal. tn \ltale with nne nther. Surt n's. lemale pr'n- lessrnnal. linnd £370 Rent £37ll|icrn+("l‘+liill\. .-\\.irl.ihle Sept l\l 0n. l'el Wis“ 54‘ 483 I Single room available nnw in charming. \unn}. spar L‘ltltl\ 'l'l' llat a\;ir|ahle lnr nnn \rrinkrng pr'ntessinrial nr pnst grad. (i('ll. parking. Sharing l Ieaeher' r.\l l. £350 pent lrnel ('l'l + l‘lll\. Rnxehtrrn. lzdrnhurgh. \ear'h}: (‘hrnese (’nnsulate. l'.|(‘('. lla_\marl\et Stat 'I‘el H7705 “()0 7-1:

I Single Room in wen land l'lal marlahle lrnrn 5th Sept. 'l'wn share with twn nthv er‘s. ga) lr‘iendl}. Reril £333 pent ihillx £00 rel. enunerl Ia\ and electric”) l. l'lat l\ thr'nugh agents sn minimum 0 rnnnths. agene) lee £80. depth £344. inleetr‘ie healing. gas ennker'. spaernus l'lat. lel 078l8 343 037

I Lovely double room tt\;tll-

ahle in 3 bed tr'adilinnal tenement llat eliwe In ( )eean 'ler'rnrnal. l’l‘lL‘litll}. ens) gning pr‘nl. I‘ernale wanted. £350 pent including l‘lll\. Tel 07050 337 070

I Large room in .\lar'ehrnnnt l'lat. li\ing with nne nther'. .-\ll riind enns. l’nxl grad nr‘ pr'nl‘essinnal llate 30s+i nnn- \riinkirig. l‘r'iendl). quite lid} + clean? £380+("l'/hills Tel 07870 8| 3 430

I Double room in lull) l-tir‘nrshed mndern waterlrnnt llat lll l’restnnpans l’riee

l.\'('l l'l)l‘S (‘nunerl la\. l‘lL'vlllell}. llrnadhand Internet. lelephnne I ine Rental. l'Rl-l' landlrne \.lll\ within [K and In 38' cntmtrres .-\ll linen priwrd t‘tl \\.ttlal‘le St'plt'llll‘t‘l

£ i50pem 0770i 3|5 708

I 2 Bed, fully lurriixhed. central ladinhurgh llat .l\.lll.ll‘lt‘ lrnm September Spaernus li\ rng rnnrn. Inndern wet rnnrn i\ llllt‘tl ixllellt'll (Kill l‘lt‘t' [\th trig £375 pem +— l rnnnlhx tlt'leII lt‘l “73H” 77" 7.57

I Looking for small, ten lt‘al rnnrn/enueh lrnrn heg .-\ug until mid Sept. lnr eax} gning. nnn«rnnkrng male. rna\ prree £300 pm imel ("l + hillsl 'lel 0‘760 "nu {3|

To advertise in The List call

0 1 31 550 3060

It is company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be offensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation. if you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List. please refer to our website www.list.co.uli Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal safety, you should always have

someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.

'7 A. .g 20% THE LIST 43