Visual Art
Gossip, chat and rumour from the gallery floor
l Two of Scotland’s most recent Venice Biennale artists, Joanne Tatham and Tom O’Sullivan, have been invited to exhibit at this year’s Pittenweem Arts Festival, 5-13 Aug (Cathy Wilkes is working with The Pier Arts Centre in Orkney, and Alex Pollard is developing an exhibition with The Talbot Rice Gallery at The University of Edinburgh). Their exhibition Three Lean Meanings is the third and final reconfiguration of their work commissioned for the project Selective Memory 2, Scotland’s presentation at the Venice Biennale in 2005, and will be sited in a medieval gatehouse in the Fife coastal village of Pittenweem. Three Lean Meanings consists of four pieces of work, two of which were shown in Venice, one in Edinburgh and one is a new piece that picks up on motifs and themes from both of the previous projects.
I The second Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Visual Art, which ran from 19 Apr-1 May this year, attracted attendances of almost 54,000 (a 156% increase on attendance over the inaugural event in 2005). The US musician. poet and artist. Patti Smith. and the acclaimed South African artist. William Kentridge, were among the international names who exhibited. while Ross Sinclair. Karla Black. Claire Barclay and numerous other Glasgow-based artists demonstrated the quality of local talent.
I With the future of St Peter’s Seminary in Cardross still hanging in the balance, The List has decided to continue its support for the Modernist masterpiece with an exhibition of works on paper, films and architectural plans, etc. Premature Dereliction: Cardross past/presen t/future will present work looking at the history of St Peters, with artists including Toby Paterson, film maker Murray Grigor, and Modemi taking part. The exhibition is at the Scottish Art Club and is open until 19 Aug.
I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'ni\er\rt} til (ilthgim. N: lllllllc‘dtl Street. NUS-1.”. .\lon Sat ‘) Warn 5pm l'l‘L'c.
Doves and Dreams: The Art of Frances MacDonald and J Herbert McNair Sat l2 :\tig Sat IS _\'o\. B rtlr .-\ \clcctron ol rarel} \cen \xorln b} the artistic couple in ho \\ rth ('R \lacltrrrtmh and Margaret .\lacl)ona|d lor'incd the lamoux ‘(ilaxgou l‘oirr‘ r. rncludrng \xatercolourx graphicx. lurnitrrre. rrretaluor‘k and te\trle\. NET. SHWI.
.r\rg_\ Ie Street. -76 059‘). Mon llltl tk Sat lllam 5pm; l-rr & Sun llam 5pm. l‘r'ee.
Building Stories l‘nrrl Sun I“ Scp. .\ celebration ol' the rextor‘atron ol‘ (ilasgrm'x lamurrte burldrng in photograph and lilm.
I THE LIGHTHOUSE ll Mitchell l.ane. Ill (i303. .\lori tk
\Ved Sat lll._‘~tlam 5pm; 'l'ue llam 5pm;
Sun noon 5pm. £3 tSllp).
Defining Place l'ntil Sun 27 .-\ug. li\hibition ol~ irnagex inspired b} the pr‘e\ mm \hoxt .‘ll't'llllll‘t'llll't' in St'orlurrt/ 2004 2mm.
Marcel Breuer - Design and Architecture 0000. l'ntil Sun 27
Aug. 'l‘he onl} l'K Slit)“ irig ol' thix major
e\hibition of work b} the Bauhaus
graduate and teacher. including l'urniture.
photographx. models and drau lllgx. Lightweight Medical l'ntil Sun 10 Sep. The first comrrrercial product l'rom Lightu eight .\ledical\ range (it trampor‘t incubators trsed tor tr‘anxlerring criticall} ill babicx.
Fulguro l'ntil Sat 33 Sep. :\n innmatixe house project b} S“ ixx dexign corrrpan} l-‘ulguro entitled ‘r'ell()l'Sli/BA’l'll'. \\lllc‘ll lakex a contemporar} look at \uxtairrabilit} and ethical dexign.
Station Road. .\li|nga\ie. 578 8347.
Tue Sat ltlam lpm & 2 5pm.
Face and Figure t'rrtil Hi Is Aug. Free. This exhibition on the human bod). tll'tl\\ll from the gallery\ permanent collection. includes portraiture. people at
\xorlt and pla}. and the .rlMtract use ot the tigure rrr corrrpmrtrorh
Riotous Abundance / Still Expanses l’ntrl l'rr l.S \ug l'ree Beaixden-lmrn artr\t Shona llar‘r captrrrc~ an abundance ot colour and lrght rn both large \xorkx and \lltall scale \trrdrex
I THE MACKINTOSH HOUSE llurrterrarr \rt (ialler‘y l irr\er\rt§ ot (il.l\:_‘U\\. K: Illllllk'dtl hllc‘t'l. ““ll S-l ll .\lon Sat ‘l illalll Spm L“ Hell Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh Sat l3 .-\trg Sat IS \o\. .-\x \\ ell ax being the partner" ol (‘harlex Rennie Mackintole \lar‘garet MacDonald \\a\ one ot the llltt\l grtted lernale ar‘trxtx ol her generation I‘hr\ e\hrbrtron locrr\e\ on her contribution ax a \\.rter'colotrr painter and gr‘aphrc dexrgner
(’entr'e l-or l)c\e|opirrental .\rt\. lS Albion Street. 55: SSE}. .\lon l-rr Illam 5pm.
Future Relics l'ntrl l'r'r I Scp .\ \clection ol two and three drrrrenxronal \tor'k b} .\lar'trn .\lc('ann lrorrr the .l‘l‘llllglllt‘ Sltltllrh.
New Work by Garvald and KCAT Artists l'ntil lit 33 Sep. l’arntrngx. tll';l\\lllf_'S. collage and te\trle \ktll'k b} artists l'rom the (iar\ald (‘eritre rn lidinburgh and the Krlkenn} (‘ollectne l'or .'\rt\ 'l‘alent tK('.»\'l'r Ill Ireland.
2 ('axtle Street. 553 3557. Mon llltl tk Sat Illam 5pm; l-rr & Sun llarrr 5pm. lice.
Women and War l‘ritil Sun l3 .\ug. Photographs b) Jenn} Matthexxx. \\llt) hax “mixed in “at /onc\ \trch ax lil Sahador'. the Middle liaxt. :\t'rica and .-\l'ghani\tan \ince IUSZ. lASl tflLllANtfil TO SEE.
25 .-\lbert l)r‘i\e. (LS-15 33H 35m. 'l'rie l'ri Illam 5pm: Sat & Sun noon 5pm.
I 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPEN-DANCE l'ntil Srrn Ill Aug. l)i\pla_\ ol' paxt ptrblicit}. photograle and lilm celebrating ten )earx ol the 'l'r'amxxa} '\ rcxident mo\ement/dance and disabilit} conrpan}.
Private Galleries
‘3 St \ltdtc‘\\\ Street. “"4: WIN: \lon Sat lllarn 5pm
Mental Health l’rrtrl Sun 2‘ \ug l'he lll\l \llt‘“ lt‘l llll\ l\\tlt‘ l‘.l\c‘il .lll g'dllt‘l\ lllcltltlc‘\ tilrn work created rn . collaboration urth \rrlnerable )oung people. e\plorrng the corrrple\ \rrbrett or mental health
5b" llurnbarton Road. (VSI.< (655" Me Sat noon Jprrr
Petrotyranny l‘ntrl Sat 13 \tig \ext plrotocollage \xorlt b} l'tran Srrtherland
I THE MODERN INSTITUTE a; Robertxon Street. Srrrte b. l‘loot l. 11S VII \lon l'rr ltlam 5pm. Sat noon .‘prn
Manfred Pernice l lllll Sat to Sep \ext \c'lllpltlldl \tork b} the (ierman ar‘trxt. \xlrrch corrtrntrex hrx laxclttalrott \\ rth contarrrerx
5 St \largaretK l’Iace. tl".\‘l_‘ (NV-15 l‘htr Sat l 5pm.
Alex Pollard l'rrrrl Sat 3 Sep .\lrnrma|r\t \\tlll\\ b} llll\ .tl'll\l \\lltt laxt mar r'epr'exented Scotland at the SN Venice Biennale.
Artist Spaces
334 Duke Street. 550 "I‘ll. 'ltre Sat noon (rpm.
Phantasm l'rrtrl Sat 1‘) .'\rrg .v\n e\|rrbrtron ol international photograph} loctixriig on the \\a_\ lll Much the artrxtx ha\e rixed light to capture \rrr‘r'eal or dream} \rltlatioll\. including \tork b} l)a\ rd llurroux. ‘l'r‘inrdad ('arrrllo. .I\\trrd Kl'll\t' .lenxen and Michelle Hannah
Save Money
see page 12 for details
An exhibition of artists who use photography as the central medium within their practice. This show brings together a collection of work in which they each use light to explore
imagined, surreal, and dreamspaces. I Market Gallery Glasgow, untr/ 79 Aug.
38 THE LIST 10-17 Aug 2006