Edinburgh [EE_
381111111L'S1rcc1. lii111ltingx: 0870 75.5 1331. liar. (3111'. 34 Hour lnlnrrnuiinn 1.1nc: 0131 338 381111..\1ulnc\c111ng \t'rccningx: £5.90". £4.90.\l1111-l'r1 11c111rc (111111. (1101's: £3 5011c111rc (111111. £4.30 ultcr. Mun icucpt Bunk 1111111111}\1ull ilt'kutx: £4. Sundu} l)11ul11c11111\: £5 (£3,501 \Vt'tl: llt'\1 811mm 111 cuch \t‘rccn £1 1111 aunt-4411110. 111g St‘rcatn 'l‘liu £3501£3501 111r parents/gurus and lMll‘lL‘N 11111}. l-ricndx L'urdhnldcr \clictncx urt- uxulluhlc at £35 pcr )t'ur. 011cr111g dm‘nunicd 1111' all \t'rccningx.
Bad Education (La Mala Educaclon) 1 151 105.
Little Fish 1 151 3.35. Miami Vice 1 151 2.11 Renaissance 1 151 I. 850.
Thank you for Smoking 1 151 0.25. The Wind that Shakes the Barley 1 151 (1.10.
9.115. 1. 8.30. 15. 3.50. 0.20.
Fateless (Sorstalansag) 1 12.41 Muiincc l‘t'i. Sat 1% 511111 Wed: it’s Nice Up North 1 151
\Vt'tl: 8.30.
Little Fish 1 151
l)uil_\: 1.00. (1.35.
Miami Vice 1 151
Duil}: 3.1011101 811111. 5.30. 8.30. .-\1\11 inutincc Sun: 13.40.
.’\lSU lult' l'il'i 1Q Still 1 1.30. Renaissance 1 151 Dull): 3.30. 8.51). .1\1\0 luic 1'11 8; Sat: 1 1.50.
Riflfl1121 +36 (Dual des Drtevres)1151
Mutincc Sun: 1.30. Sin City 1 181 1.utc Fri 1% Sat: 1 1.35.
The Wind that Shakes the Barley 1 151 Dull): 3.30. (1.10. 9.00111111\\'c111.
Cineworid Edinburgh
l‘nuniuinpurk. Dundcc Strcct. 34hr lninr1nuiit1n & (‘rcdit (‘urd Booking 1.1110: 0871 300 3000. (‘ul‘c Bur. Adult: £(1 (£5.30 Mun-Fri 111'1'11rc 5pm). (’hiltl/siinlcni/cniicusii1n: £4. liurlyhird l’ricc: £3.70 all pcrihrinunccs l1cl'11rc 11111111. 15:111111} iickct: £17. Ycurly puss (unlimiicd 111m 1C8) £10.99 per month.
Angel-A1151 11.10.1111. 1.20. 3.40. 0.1111. 8.211.
The Break-tip112.41 12.511. 8.50.
Car511’(‘11 11.15am. 13.15. 1.15. 3.00. 3.00. 4.1111. 4.45. 5.45. 0.45. 7.311. 8.30.
Carfield:ATale 01 111110 KittieS1l'1 11.101101. 1.111. 3.111. 5.111. 7.111. Mialelce1151 11.30am. 3.11). 5.10. 8.211. 9.311.
Over the Hedge 11'1 11.30am. 1.30. 3.511. 0.1111.
Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.41 1|.00um. 13.30. 3.15. 3.411. 5.25. 7.1111. 8.40. 9.15. Stormbreaker 0’01 1 1.00.1111. 3.15. 5.40. 8.10.
Superman Retums112.41 1.211. 4.311. 8.011.
Wanior King (Tom Yum Coong)1181 11.00.1111. 1.30. 4.00. 0.411. 9.20.
3.30. (1.00.
Angel-A 1 151
Duil)‘: (1.00. 8.1511101 Mun).
.-\1.\11 luic Fri & Sat: 10.40.
The Ant Bully 11'1
Dail): 11.40am. 3.10. 4.35. (1.40. The Break-tip 112.41
Daily: 13.30. 3.10. 5.50. 8.30. Also latc Fri & Sat: 1 1.30.
D1111}: 11.30am. 13.10. 1.15. 3 4115. 4.1111 5,110 000. “.45. 8511. District 13 1 151
Late HI 1& Sat: 1 1.15.
Garfield: ATale of Mo Kitties 11'1 Dull}: 11.50am. 1.50. 3.50. lceAge 2:The Meltdown 11'1 Mutlncc Sui: 10.00am. Mlalelce1151
Dull): 11.00.1111. 11111111. 3.00. 3.00. 5.110. 0110. 8.00. 9,111.
Alw luic 1n 1& Sat: 11.00.
The Motorcycle Diaries 1 151
Mon: 8.30.
My Super Ex-Clrltriend 1 12.41 Dull}: 111511111. 1.30. 4.00. (1.30. 8.45.
.-\1\11 lulc l‘ri 1& Sat: Dverthe Nedge1t'1 Dull}: 1 1.1011111. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 1 13.41
Dull}: 11.30.1111. 1.40. 3.40. 5.00. 5.511. 8.211. 9.115.
The Shaggy Dog 11'1 Mutincc Sui: 10,00urn. Stormbreaker 1 Pt; 1
Dull}: 11.35am. 1.40, 3.55. 8.40.
Superman Retums 1 12.41 111111}: 1.00. 4.311. 8.00. 9.00. :\1\11l;tlc 1‘11 1& Sui: 11.10.
The Thief Lord11’(11
Mutincc Sui: 10.00am.
Warrior King (Tom Yum Goong) 1 181 Dail}: (1.40. 9.10.
18 chthuttlc 'l'crrucc. 0131 447 4771. 1111.11: 0131 447 30110111111447 8450. ((3 111111king: 0131 447 4771. Adult: Standard £5.70. Stipcrinr £(1.(10. (‘incma 3/4 £0.00. licihrc (1pm. Mun-Fri: Standard £4.70. Supcrinr £4.90. (‘incmu 3/4 £5.00. (‘11ncc\xir1ns/(‘hi1drcn: Standard £4.30. Superinr £5.00. (‘incma 3/4 £4.30. l’ullrnuns: Afternoon £0.90. livcning
£1 1.50. S0lax/Rcclincrx: .1\l‘tcrni10n: £7.50. liwning £13.50. (‘incinu 3 5111.11: Alicrnnun £7.50. lix'cning £8.50. Studcnix (Sun-'l'hm £4.00 includes a drink. Family tickcis l‘rurn £3.40 per pcrsnn.
THilRwAY 3
The Break-lip112.41 8.30.
Cars1l’(11 1.55. 4.50. 7.50.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.41 2.30. 7.21). Stormbreakeril’m 1.35. 3.45. 0.1111. Superman Retums112.41 3.110. 0.50.
TheAnt Bully11'1 Daily: 1.30. 4.30. 7.00. Cars1l’(i1
Daily: 13.30. 3.05. MiamiVlce1151
Duil}: 5.40. 8.40. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.41
Duil)‘: 1.35. 7.00. Stormbreaker 1 P01 Daily: 3.00. 4.45. 7.30.
88 1.11thian R11ad.0131 338 3(188. Bar. Restaurant. Main cvcning screenings: £5.90 1£4.301. Early Evening screenings 4pm—7pm: £5.30 (£3.70). Matinee»: £4.00 1£3.501: Friday bargain mutinccx £3.00 1£1.701.
1.Angel-A1151 2.311. 5.00. 7.1111. 9.00. 2. Fateless (Sorstalansag) 1 12.41 2.15. 5.15. 8.15. 3.TheWindthatShakestheBarley1151 3.1111. 5.45. 8.30.
1.TheNotorlousBettyPage1181 2.1111. 4.10. 0.211. 8.30.
2.Angel-A1151 3.011. 5.1111. “.1111. 111111 3.The King1151 3.30. 8.45. Thelnnocent511241015.
1.TheNotoriousBettyPage1181 2.011. 4.111. 0.211. 8.30. 2.Angel-A1151 3.110. 5.011. “.1111 3.The King1151 3.30. 8.45.
The Innocents112.-\1 0.15.
1.The Notorious Betty Page1181 2.110. 0.20. 8.30.
LesDiaboliques1151 4.00. 2.Angel-A1151 3.1111. 5.110_ 3. The King 1 151 3.30. 8.45. The Innocent511241 0.15.
7.00. 9.00.
1.The Innocents (Parent81Baby Screening) 1 12.41 10.30.1111.
The Notorious Betty Page 1 181 2.311. 0.211. 8.30.
2. Angel-A1151 3.1111. 5.1111. 7.110. 9.00. 3. The Innocents 1 12.41 3.30.
Shoot First1l51 0.45.
The King1151 8.45.
1. The Notorious Betty Page 1 181 2.311. 0.20. 8.30.
2. Angel-A1151 3.00. 9.011.
The Passenger (Protesslone: Reporter) (13A) (1.15.
3. TonyTakltanl11'1 3.311. 8.45.
The Innocentsil2.41 0.311.
1. The Notorious Betty Page 1 181 2.311. 0.211. 8.30.
2. The Passenger (Prolesslone: Reporter)112.41 2.15.
Angel-A1151 5.1111. 7.00. 9.011.
3. The Innocents 1 12.41 3.311. TonyTakltanl1t'1 0.311. 8.45.
1. The Notorious Betty Page 1 181 2.30. 0.211. 8.311.
2. Angel-A1151 3.1111. 9.00.
The Passenger (Prolesslone: Reporter) (13A) (1.15.
3. Tony Takltanl 11?) 3.30. 0.311.
The Innocents 1 12.41 8.45.
Ddeon Fort Kinnaird
Kinnaird l’urk. Newcruigliull R11ud. 0131
(1(19 0777. 111111 & 1311111111113: 0871 33 44
007. £5.70 (£4.70 11c1‘11rc 5pm). (3111lterll/\lllt1CiilS/()Al’SZ £4.30.
TheBreak-Up112.41 1.111. 3.50. 0.40. 9.30.
Caf81l’(i1 11.00um. 11111111. 1.00. 3.00.
3.00. 4.1111. 5.110. 0.00. 0.50. 8.00. 9.00.
Carileld:ATaIe of Mo Kitties1t'1 11.301111). 1.30. 3.40. (1.30.
Just my Luck (PU) 10.40am. MlamiVlce1151 11.50um. 3.51). (1.00. 9.00.
Dmkara112.41 12.511. 4.111. 7.40. Over the Hedge 11'1 10.50.1111.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.41 11.10am. 1.30. 3.30. 4.30. 5.30. 7.50. 8.40. StayAllve1151 9.30. Stormbreaker 1PG1 10.30am. 3.10. 5.40. 8.10.
Superman Retums112A1 11.30am. 3.30. 5.50. 8.30. 9.10. WarriorKing (TomYum Boong)1181 13.40. 3.30. (1.10. 8.50. TherldiL'1 11.00.1111.
FR1©41.-1~~THL1PSL‘4\ 1
Angelina Ballerina 8. Pingu 1i 1 .\1dl|llL'L‘ Sun 10 30.1111
The Ant Bully 11'1
D.111_\. 11.50.1111. 310. 4 411. "111 Bob the Builder 8. Pingu11‘1 Maurice Sat 10 30.1111
0.111} 1011 3 311. 01111. .\ 311 Car511’1‘11
1).11|_\ 1130.00. 1310. 13 511. 3 311. 3.10. 340. 5111. 5 50. 0 30. 915
GarfieldzATale at Mo Kitties 11'1 Dad}: 11 40.1111. 300. 410. (1311 Colmaal 1 12.41
Dad}: 8 311
Kath Aivlda Na Kehna 111K)
11111. 400. 810
Miami Vice 1 151
Dull} 11111111. 300, 11,011 111111
My Super Ex-Glrliriend 1 12.41
Dull}: 11.00.1111. 130. 350. (115. 8.50.
l)ui|_\: 8.011
Dull): 11.30.1111. 150 4.001\ (1.111 11111 11111
Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 1 13.41
Dull}: 1.10. 4.30. 7.50. RV11’(11
Dull}: 1100:1111.
Stay Alive 1 151
Dull}: 9.30. Stormbreakean l)uil_\: 13.30. 3.50. 5.30. 800 Superman Retums 1 12.41
Duil}: 1110:1111. 3.30. 5.40. 810111111 11101. 9.10.
8 411
11811111111111 R11ud.0|31 331 1477.111111 und ('(' 1111010113: 0871 33 44 007. liar. Adult: £5.50 111'1111‘1‘ 311111; £(1.50uiit'r. Studcnt/().1\l’/('lii|d: £4.30.
The Break-lip112.41 12.45. 3.15. 0.1111. 8.45. CarS1l’(i1 12.30. 3.00. 5.45. 8,311.
Mlaleice1151 1.30. 4.311. 8.00. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.41 1.15. 4.15. 7.45.
FED. -‘i {1:LHUBSDAY. .1 U
The Break-tip 1 12.41
Duil)": 3.15 111111'1'111‘1. (1.00 111111 Wed). 8.30111111'1'11111.
The Break-lip (Subtitled) 1 13.41 1111': 3.15.
\Vcd: (1.00.
11111: 8.30.
Miami Vice 1 151
Daily: 1.30. 4.31). 8.00.
MI:3: Mission Impossible lll (Senior Screening) 1 12.41
Maiincc Tue: 1 1.00am.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 1 13.41
Dull}: 1.15. 4.15. 7.45. Stormbreaker 113(11
Daily: 1.15.
Stormbreaker (Parent 81 Baby Screening) 11’(11
Mutincc'l‘uc: 10.30am.
Superman Returns 1 12.41
Dull}: 1.00. 5.00. 8.00.
Save Money
'2- ' '1 A1; 290‘. THE LIST 27