

WHIPLASH GLAMOUR Director Mary Harron talks about her non-exploitative Bettie Page biopic.

‘There was a fanzine called The Bettie Pages, and the guys who ran it had interviewed everyone who ever knew her. We talked to a lot of those people again. We never did meet Bettie, because her lawyer was negotiating for her to be involved in a different project. But we met her brother, her first husband, a lot of photographers and photographic studio owner Paula Klaw who was at that point still alive.

‘We watched lots of films from that period: Sam Fuller, Orson Welles in his B-picture period, early Stanley Kubrick. But we made the film in the spirit of the photographs themselves. There’s a lot of joy in them that reflects her joy of being photographed, though I see it as a melancholy story. She had a very sad life. But her experience of being photographed wasn’t. There were no men in the photographs, and they were shot in a playful atmosphere. They didn’t involve her committing sexual acts before customers. I don’t think she thought they were that provocative, or that they were that big a deal.

‘Bettie saw the film after it was finished. She really liked Gretchen. She saw it at the Playboy Mansion - she’s friends with Hugh Hefner, who’s been very good to her, helped her to get money for her pictures. But it was very upsetting for her to see the Senate hearings. That’s still a sore point for her.

‘Bettie was out of step with what was a fairly conservative era, and she was also somewhat naive. But she was also a rebel. She walked outside of the traditional line. She thought bodies were beautiful and there was nothing wrong with being naked.’

(Interview by Miles Fielder)

I The Notorious Bettie Page is at Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh and selected cinemas from Fri 4 Aug. See interview page 17 and review, page 20.

22 THE LIST 3—10 Aug 2006

Goal! I 13%.. «Danny (anon. l S. :U‘Hi Kuno lieeker. -\lexxandro \i\i\l.i. Mareel lurex. Anna l-riel ll\min 'l‘hix l'irxt lilm in a propoxed toothalling trilog} xerx ex tip a highl} xaiiiti/ed \ieu ot top-leer xpoii lt'x a eomentional ragx-to-riehex .ieeoiint ahout .i good-looking and e\eeptioiiall} talented )oung pla}er Santiago \une/ illeekeri. u ho tra\ elx tioiii l.-\ to attend a trial at Neueaxtle l'nited liut liax he got the xtainina. dextre and eapaeit} tor teatimork to proxper at the higliext le\el 'lired. pedextrian and uninxpired xportx melodrama. atid guexx \\ hat 'l‘here'x more to eome (i/(Muim I‘l/Nl Hti'um'. (“intuit

Golmaal t l2.-\i iRoliit Shett}. liidia. Zoom l-Wmin l‘un unlimited ix piomixed in thix lioll}\\ood tale ol tour gii}x hound together h} eliildixliiiexx and good old laxhioiied lraud. ()t/l'llll nil [in Qiuix. (iii/won .' ()i/i'iiii lori Kiiiiiiiiril. Izi/iii/iiire/i. Hell on Wheels (Hollentour) it’tii il’epe l)anqtiart and Werner Selm ei/ei. (ierinan). 2005i llfiniin l'p eloxe and perxotial aeeount oi the I‘ll),i 'l‘our de l'ranee loeuxing on the (ierman team \kllll a little xenxationalixtii and a lot ol admiration. (i/tivuim I‘ll/m Htt'ili’t'. (i/inuim. Housekeeping l Pt ii 000 iliill liorx'uh. ('anada. l‘iHTi (‘lii‘ixtine l.aliti. Sara Walker. Andrea Burehill. l loinin. Serupulouxl} laithltil to .\l;ii‘i|}iiiie Rohinxon'x timel. liorx}tli‘x liliii tellx ol two orphaned xixtet'x etllt‘uxled to the euxtod} ol~ their eeeentrie aunt S} |\ ie tl.ahtil. Literalel} xeripted. eonl'identl) directed. heautil'till} photographed and perl‘oriiied \iith \Cll\lll\ e inxight. (i/iixeim l'i/iii Theatre. (i/mgim.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown «ti

.0. t('ar|ox Saldatiha. l'S. Zoom \'oieex ot' Ra} Romano. John I.egtii/aiiio. l)enix Lear}. Seann William Seott. 00min. liiijoyihle tolltm -tip to the ('anadian It)”: animated l'eature. lin'H Sum/en and .S‘i'iii/miiis xei'ihe Jon \'itti piekx up the “riting reinx “itli aploiiih ax .\lanlred. Sid and Diego laee their higgext ehallenge in date the end til. the lee Age. ('iiii'iiiii'li/ l’urk/it'utl. (i/iiwoii': ('iiii'ii‘oi'lil Iii/iii/iiu'g/i. Iii/iiilmi‘g/i.

* The Innocents 1 i2.-\ l 0000. tlttL‘lx (’la_\‘ton. l'K. l‘)(il i l)ehorah Kerr. .\legx Jenkinx. Miehael Redgrm e. ‘Nniin. See re\ie\\. page lis'. I‘i/Nl/itlltu'. Iitli'iibiii'g/i. It’s Nice Up North l lSi COO iJohn Shuttleuorth. l'K. letl-li t)tlmin. (‘omie John Shuttleworth xetx out to prm e the theory that people are lriendl) the tuitlier north you go in thix tlUClllllCillttl‘} xet in the Shetland lxlex. ('umeii. Ift/iii/mijg/i.

Just my Luck ll’(il 00 ll)tilt;tltl l’etrie. l'S. Zoom l.tndxa_\ l.ohan. ('hi‘ix l’ine. hat/on l.o\e. .\lixxi l’}le. .\le l‘l_\. l()3min. Manhattan xoeialite :\\lth_\ tl.ohani hax a hit of a xlioeker alter her .xeemingl} newrending luek) xtreak eomex to a halt following a hit ol' xiiiooeliing with do“ n-and-out Jake tl’inei. ()ne l‘oi‘ Mel-ll} lvttlis. St’lt't‘lt’ll t‘t’lt'ttu'.

Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna ithei tKaran .lohai'. India. 2000) .-\mitahh Baeliehan. Sliahrukh Khan. Rani \ltikliei‘jee.Romantie drama ahout mo people \\ ho realixe the} love eaeh other dexpite the taet that the} are married to another. Selei'teil release.

alt The King t IS) 0000 tltiniex Marxh. l'S/l'K. letl5i (iael (iareia Bernal. IllSmin. Bernal p|a_\x lilx ix. juxt out ot the inn} and on the hunt for liix dad. llix l’opx ix the paxtor ot' a 'l‘exan eommunit} in denial of liix haxtard ol't‘xpring. u ho triex to puxh lilx'ix aha} t'rom liix tamiI} hel'ore liix true identit) can he revealed. (iluigou [Vi/iii Theatre. (ilusgmi': I'iliiiliuim’. Edinburgh. * Les Diaboliques l is» 00000 tllenri-(‘ieorgex (‘lou/ot. l-‘ranee. IUSSi Simone Signoret. \era (‘lou/ot. Paul Meurixxe. l()7min. Part ot‘ 5‘) Yearx ot the International Film l‘t‘xllHtl. I-‘iliiilioiiw, Ifdi'iiliurgli.

Little Fish t l5) .0. thm an \Voodx. .-\Uxtralia. 2005) Cute Blanehett. Sam Neill. llugo \Veax ing. I 15min. ’l‘raee} Heart “ork'x in a \ideo xtore in S}dne} and dreamx ot‘ xetting up her on n xhop. hut continuing triendxhipx \iith tigurex trom her paxt jeopardixe her emotional equilibrium. \Voodx‘ xeript heeomex mer- eomplieated in itx plotting. hut there'x an

e\eelleiit eeiitral pertoiiiiaiiee lioiii lilamhett. \ilio iiioxiiigl_\ tom e_\x liaee} 'x eontiadietot} qualitiex ol iiiiptilxixeiiexx atid iiideeixioii (ii'tixewv. [if/i: [iii “3": (Museum (ii/tint Iii/it"‘ziiei:

A Little Princess il’(ii COO

i-\ltoiixo (‘tiaroti l8. I‘M.“ ltleanoi liioii. l.i.iiii (‘tiiiniiighaiii l iexel \lattheux ‘l-‘litltt \otiiig Sdld ix loieed to le.i\e liei pm ileged lite iii lndia tor a \eu \oik girlx' hoarding xeliool “hen \\ \\ l hieakx otit llllllgN tiii‘ii tor the \\i\l\l. lli\\\ exei. \ilieii liei tatliei ix ieported iiiixxiiig in aetioii atid. peniiilexx. xlie ix xtihieeted to the eruelt} ol xelioolinixtiexx \lixx \liiieliin :\ iiio\ie \xitli a xeiixe ot real iiiagie .iiid lo\e ol xtor_\telliiig. that ix heautittill} dexigiied and intelligentl} aeted timoi iiiii, (i/ii'iuiiii

Love + Hate i 1% O il)oiiiiiiie Saxage. l‘lx’li'eland. IllllSi 'l'oiii lliidxoii. Saitiina ~\\\.tll htxiiiiii .-\notliei -\xian .iiid liiitixli eroxx-etilttiial ioiiianee in the llatllltiitt Ul Lint I\ /.it\i. .lt‘ lit/Iii" Kin and Ift’llt/ II like [in k/iimi. 'l liix time the ‘\\l.tll ix 1" _\ear-old \axeeiiia l \xxaiii and liei

lti\ e IttlL‘l'L‘xl l\ .-\tl.tllt tlltltlxiiitl \xlioxe laiiiil} are li.\'l’ through and through 'l‘lie raee iiiexxage that ,-\\t.tll\ \xlio ahaiidon their laiiiil} traditionx xliotild he teted and that thoxe that aren't eoii\ iiieed h} the melting point xliotild he heateii up \killlltl iiiake Norman 'lehhit piotid. Seiiiioiiixing \xell paxt itx xell-h} date (i/iixeim l-i/iii III/lt'tlll't’. (i/tivgim.

>l< Miami Vice 1 isi oooo «\lieliael Mann. ('8. Illiltii ('olin l‘dt‘l'cll. Jamie l-'o\\. l.i (Song, 133mm. See re\ ie\\_ page l3. (it’ili‘l‘u/ I't'lt'tht’.

Microcosmos t t l 0.. i(‘lautte \tii'idxan}/'\larie l’ei‘ennou. l‘l'dllCL‘. l‘l‘lSi 75min. .-\ hug-e} ed look at the uorld ot inxeetx. thix l-reiieli one-oil tallx xoiiie\\liei‘e hem een a narramelexx tlUL‘lllilL‘lilitl'} and an enxeiiihle pieee loi’ itx arra} ot' tin} eharaelei‘x \Vliat tiiiloldx ix .i kind ol lite-iii-a-da} hem eeii the hladex ol gi'axx in an m ei‘gi'tmn meadow 'l‘lie .maid \xinning iiiaei'o-photograph} and iinaginath e xound e\oke and xtii‘paxx tlie artil'ieial uoi'ldx ereated iii all tlioxe xeienee lietion iiio\iex. (i/iiigim l'l/Hl I'Iii'iili'i'. (i/iiiguii.

Ml:3: Mission Impossible III iI3.-\i 0. ill .-\hramx. l'S. llllltii 'l'om ('i‘uixe. \'ing Rhamex_ Keri Riixxell. l35tnin.'l‘hird timeout tor xpeeial agent litlian llunt i(‘i'tiixei and tliix l'i‘aneliixe ix i'eall) heginning to loxe itx lll\lt‘L‘. 'l'lie eod politieal/ohltque \ltit’}llllL' eoiieernx lluiit‘x dealingx \\ itli a naxt) uher armx dealer illol‘l'niani. 'l‘ii'exome and uninterexting. ()ili'iiii. Iz'i/i'iiliiire/i.

The Motorcycle Diaries t iii

.0. t\\'alter Sallex. l'S/(iei'iii;iii}/l'K/l’eru/.-\rgentina/('liile. letl—li (iael (iareia liernal. Rodrigo de la Serna. .\lia \laexti‘o. 128mm. \eai‘x helore he heeame one ol' the leadei'x ot the (‘tihan Re\olution. lirnexto '(‘hc‘ (iue\ara took a l‘oi'iiiatn e journe} aei'oxx l.atin .‘\lllL‘l'lL';t on a riekel) motorhike \\ itli liix triend .-\|herto (iranado. liixpired h) (itiexara'x Journal aeeotint. lira/than direetor \Valter Sallex lo\ ingl) reereatex thix epie eroxx- eontinental trip. in a film that groux in xtature ax it progrexxex. .‘\ lilm that pa}x itx rexpeetx \xithout rexortiiig to eiaxx elielie. ('iiii'iiurli/ lii/i’ii/iiii'e/i. I;i/iiiliurg/i

My Super Ex-Girlfriend l 12A.

0. than Reitman. 18.3mm l‘iiia 'l‘huriiian. Luke \Vilxon. .-\nna l-arix. 95min. See re\ ieu. page 2-1. (ii'iii'm/ re/i'iiu:

3|! The Notorious Betty Page i 1m 0... i.\lar} llarron. l'S. 2005i (iretehen .\lol. ('lirix Bauer. Jared llarrix. l)a\ id Strathaii'n. l.ili 'l‘a} lor. ()llltlll. See iiiterx iexi. page I" and re\ iexi. page 2“ and profile. page 33. (.i'Itt'niir/i/ Rent/Mi Street. (i/meim .‘ l‘i/NI/IUHH’. lz'di'ii/iuruli. Omkara ithei i\'ixhal liliaraduai. India. letltii Ma} Dex gaii. Sail .-\li Khan. ISllmin. Bt)ll}\\tititl \erxion ot ()I/It'llll. ()t/t'mi A! The Qlttn. (i/(iwim .‘ ()t/t'mt I‘iiri Kiri/mild. Iii/iii/iuruli.

Over the Hedge it» 0.0 i't‘im Joliiixoii/K;ire_\ Kirkpatriek. ['8. 200m Bruee Willix. (Earr) Sliandling. Ax ril

l.a\ igiie. 83min. :\h(i\e aierage l)ream\\’orkx animation ahout an audaeion

laeeik‘ll \\lti‘ loolx a taiiiil} ot toiext eieattiiex to imade xtihtiihia \\ itli tiiie\peeted textiltx (ii M i... it It ..'\t

* The Passenger (Professione: Reporter) 1.‘ \i 0000. -\lielielangelo \iiioiiioiii.

l'iante ltal} l .\ \paiii. I‘VV laek \ieliolxon. \laiia \elllle‘hle'l. .leiim Rlllldtit‘. l.ttt lleiitlt_\. \te\eii lieikoll l:f\lllltl \ee iex iexx. page l.\ li.'iv:i:. um [tint/Huge

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest I.‘ \i .0 it we \eihiiixki, l .\ .‘llth .loliiiii} llepp lxeiia lxiiiglitle}. ( )ilaiido lilooiii. llill \igln ltslliiiiii llie liaplexx gang ate tliio\\ii l‘.l\h into another ad\eiittiie_ \\ llll lilooiii‘x t lean eiit ltiiiiei and l\lll}_‘ltllt"\.\ iii.iiid.itoi_\ giil S\\.tllll .itteiiiptiiig to xa'. e liepp'x xtaggeiiiig .\p.iiio\\ tioiii li.i\_\ Ioiiex lx’iihhixli xetiiiel (ii ’1( i.;.' ii [i an

Prime i l: \i 0.. «lien \oiiiigei. l .\. .‘llll5il iiia llitiiiiiaii. \lei}l Sheep llh'iiiiii \ eoiiiedn look at lo\ e tliioiigli tlie e.\ex ol .i lieu l_\ dixoieed taieei uoiiiaii. tlie _\otiiig aitixt xlie lallx tor and liei llieiapixt. \xlio itixt liappeiix to he liix llll‘lllk'l l lhk'dl‘lk' \k'“ \Hllx l\.t\t'tl laiee (iliwtt HUI, (illitufi '3'.

Psycho i t M .....l \Iiiea lllltlltt‘xh. l'S. l‘ltilli \iitlion} l’eikiiix. laiiet l eigli. \eia \lilex. .loliii (i.i\ lll. \laitiii llalxaiii. .loliii \leliitiie lll‘liiiiii lliteh'x llll\(\“_'.\lll\ll\' lllaflelt‘k'et' ll.t\ .t _\i\tlll_L‘ xeeietai} lake oil to liiekxxille \\ itli .l hagttil ol liei hoxx‘ lllilllt'} l iitoitiiiiateh lot liet. xlie eliooxex to [‘ltl tip at the lialex \lotel. iiiii h} that iiiee \oiiiiaii ho§ llie iioiiie dialogue i ‘\lotliei'x iiot titiite lieixell hula} ' i make it .i to} to eateli an} tiiiie aioiiiid \Ne liked ll. didn't \\e iiiotliei tiiolliet '(i/iixeim liliii //ii‘iitii, (i/iixgim RV il’( it C. illaii} ~\oiiiieiiteld. l .\. Zoom Rohiii \\ illiaiiix. (‘lierxl lliiiex. ,lell l)amelx 05min 'I lie title xtaiidx toi 'Reei’eatioiial \eliiele' .iiid that‘x e\aell} \\ll.ll lioh \ltinio i\\ llll.tlll\l ieiitx to take liix tl}\ltlltellt\ll.ll laiiiil_\ on a mad tin to the (‘olotado Roekiex \\ illiaiiix' return to the laiiiil} eoiiied} ix a likeahle ll l.llll} tinxiii’piixing atlaii. pitelied xoiiie\\lieie hem een (‘lii'ii/iii /i\ Illt‘ Hint/i .‘ .iiid \tllll'lltl/I.t1I)I/Nliill'\ \tlt iii/mi (Ii/run lull A'iiiiiiiii‘il. /:i/iIi/iiir::/i

Renaissance l iii .0. I( ‘liiixiian Volekiiian. l'ianeeil 'l\'/l.ii\eiiihiiig. liltltii l)aniel (idly. Roiiiola (, .loiiatliaii l’i'_\ee. lll5llllll liiipiexxne looking il) ltittii‘ixtie tliiillei \iitli a hlaek .iiid \iliite render \\lllL'll nexei‘ quite getx going l’aiix IllSJ. lloiia 'laxxlien i(iaiai l. .i )tiiiiig .iiid hrilliant t'exeaieliei ix \ioleiitl} kidnapped .«\\a|on. a giatit multinational eoipoiation and her eiiiplo} ei. \iantx liei loiiiid l)e|lenhaeli il’i'_\ee l. ,-\\.tltlll-\ ('H ). liax I'L‘tlllexletl lllttl ()llle't't\ t( Il.ll‘L' i, .i lioxtage ieti'ie\.il xpeeialixt and the iiioxt eoiiti'm eixial eop til the loiee. he in eliaige ot the eaxe. (‘leatl.\ lllllllL‘lleL‘tl h_\ the grapliie iio\elx ol l'iank \lillei. tliix ix aii inteiexting oddit}. ("iiii'iwi'lii Nt‘ll/H'l‘. Sli‘i'i'i. (i/iiiuiiii ; ('iiiiii'ii, [ill/l/WI'J/l Rififi I lli O... iliilex l)axxiii. l‘l.lllL't'. l‘l55i lean Sei'\.iix. (‘ai'l \lolinei. Roheit \lilllllel. llqllllli. l)axxin'x eiioiiiioiixl} iiilliiential liliii eoiiihiiiex a xeiiiiiial lieixt xequenee \xitli ke} eleiiientx ol noii. ltx iiiipaet on '\lllL'l'lL';lll eineiiia ean‘t he undeixtated. lt leaxex itx .'\lllL’l‘lL'illl eouxiiix ot the xaiiie era xtandiiig 'l'lie hi‘oadx aie hi‘eaxtier. the lioodx haidei. the mood darker. the tenxion higher and the plotting at onee dooiii-laden and riddled v. itli ironie mixtx. :\nd li’iii/i li\ex tip to itx iiaiiie ‘rough and tuiiihle'. ax a nighteluh tll\.t e\plainx during a iauneh} iiiuxieal interlude. l‘l/Hl/IIIHH'. lat/Hibm'e/i,

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Il‘i C... iStanle} l)oiien. l'S. l‘i54i llimard Keel. Jell Riehardx. Rtixx 'l}iiiihl_\n. Illiiiiin (‘laxxie .\l(i.\l all~ xinging all-daneing muxieal looxel} haxed on the Rtl/H' iii the Sabine lit/Hit?! Dexptle itx areh \}lillllclr}. it remainx a eolourlul and \ igoroux illlitli‘ “till a eoxil} elleetixe xeore. The daneiiig. ehoreograplied h} .\liehael Kidd. ix itx xtrongext point hut he xure to u. ear )our xunglaxxex ax it'x prexented in glorion 'l‘eehnieolour. (i/uwim [VII/lit TIIt’tl/I't’. (i/uxgrm.