l." l i
They may look like characters out of Jack Black’s new Mexican wrestling movie
Nacho Libre, but Frightened Rabbit are actually two surname-less brothers from Glasgow called Scott and Grant. Specialising in off the wall, DlY folk rock, their Sings The Greys album is the kind of thing that could only come from two Glasgow boys in masks. Also on the bill are kindred spirits The Red
Well and Beerjacket.
l«.t.ll' . ’.. ’,{‘) li4‘\[' it? . mt:
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70 THE LIST .‘t‘ .4 Amt} .‘Oat
I The Hoydens, The Firesouls and The Jaks NIL'LHTSlt‘u/‘M ~l2l Sauehlelmll Street. HHMN) N illpiu [-1, local llltllt' .ultl illlt‘lllillHt' \Ulllltl\
I The Rab Howat Band Hututerumttx \itlth} Street. 55h *2“, 3pm. l'lee. long: winding illltl e\tielue|} popului emeix hand.
I Crossover (lilnuet Volume. 30 xx lH.lll' Sheet. 22llhl7o 7 illpiu lulu L31 Ne“ gig/club t'l'tt\\tl\t'l llllell Melting: oll \ch h\e \etx hqu M} lalet'll'le loxe .'\ll.lll. Big: Sti'ltlex .mtl l'he(‘13_';uette\. ulth |)J\ taking: met lioiu Ilpiu
I Forever Never Sulmu} ('oneule. 0‘) ('ougute. 225 (l7()(). 7 ,illptu t5 lL-ll ('outple\ umth Iuetul hoiu Hll\ l'.\\e\ \upetgi'oup t‘tllllplht'tl ol lllL'lllllt‘h ol Klllxlh. l\lll. Ill logie .intl \gitlu
. Sphygs l‘Ult‘\l (.itlL‘. l Hll\l0 Plant. 22” 4% ‘5 Nplll l'lt‘t' l'.l\l [lilt‘t‘tl \‘l;t\\lt ioeku'toll.
I Kathy Stewart 8- Frequent Flyers “cc l'olk ('Iuh. Rt)_\;tl ()ttlx. luluumi) Street. 557 2‘l70 X illpiu Li Hlllt'le;t\\. touuti‘) and lolk lioiu Bllltlt'l\ lxixetl \eu Yolk \ongxmtei Kath} Stewart
I Acoustic Open Mic lhe lion. 9 Hunter Squgu'e. High Street. 22h ()‘Hl 0pm l'i‘ee lhxeixe open HHL night \kllll un .tll}llllll:_' goex attitude
I Raff and Jase \Vhlxtleluukiex. J o South Bridge. 557 5| l4 0pm l‘ree (‘merx and original»
I Hobo 'l he Bongo ('luh. Mom} Houxe. 37 Hol_\iootl Road. 553 7Nl~1
lllpiu Run l‘i'ee helore llpiu. Li MIN '| l\L' lllll\lt‘ .iml .ilternutne Lll\\ll loi lll\llllk'tl \Iuneh' llt‘\llllf_"llllltll\ll41ml J.t\ehu 12‘ Jul» ltlllH\\L'tl h} 'l he Hu\\'\\ .llltl \umh t\ the Suuktw till Juli
Monday 24
I Islands .-\B('2. iill Suuehiehull Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £7. l‘.\pcfllllClll;tl p\}t‘ht'tlt'lit‘ troupe l'rom Vuneom er.
I Every Scar is a Victory, The February Solution, From Beneath, The Black Chain .mtl Remains of the Dead \ouutlhuux. 71' Huh-pink \ueet 22] lrfi" ‘ lilpui 1-1 Um l-lx thou (il.t\_l_'u\\ iuet.il lll.l\\.l\lk' I Acoustic Jam \ite n'\le.m. -:.‘| \iutlut'thI \llet'l, Hill‘NNl 5pm lice “cekh \llt‘\\\.l\\' lot |o\.il \oit:‘\\tilei\ peiloiuuuy oiieuml umteiml I Billy Joel \l ('t f l uuuextou ()u.i\ o.\"o iLlo .looo \pui \()l I) (ll 1 lop iuueuye lioiu the [who own lhoueh ll u‘lllt'\ .11 .t [‘lltt' I Guy Clark lhe \ithex 2“ \l:'\lt‘ Sheet “\‘ll .‘ ltl '*_‘\ \piu tl‘ le\.iu ltlllx \llljjt‘l \Hllt'\\lllt'l tillllt‘llll‘i'ldl} \‘l louuex \.tu /.lll\ll “how \ouj.‘\ h.i\t' lwt'u tmetetl h\ the like\ ol .lohiuo <th .lll\l l}lt‘ l o\t‘ll
Roddy Woomble .nnl Foxtace \louo. l2 l\lll;‘\ ('ouit kuu' \tieet “2 ‘l-Hn .\piu lit-e hut llk ketetl ltllcmltl ltout umu lx’otltltl) \Mmluhlt' g'ot'x \olo \HHI new .tlhuui \I\ \u n! I\ up, w. mt \Hlll .I hit ol help loiiu lellou l‘.lll\llll.lll' Rotl Jone» l).|\l\l ( iou. .uul \Illtlll l euuou ol \oux t\ I).tu_~,'htei\, John \ltl 'uxkei .tutl \Iuh (‘ultiug' \ee ptexiew pow hi I Goose l\iu§.: lut'x \\.ih \\.ih Hut _‘ '.‘.1 St \‘iuteut \tieet .‘2l ‘2 "l .\‘ illpui t‘ lunk \oul luolheix lioiu \uxtmlm
I Stepping Stones Iht- Linn Houxt' N Queen Sheet. 22¢) UNI 'piu uuthug'hl l‘lt't' lake tlux oppoituiut} to emu- the Lou Houxe \t.t;'e. \llim them “It.” _\ou‘it' nude ol. .uitl lltl\\ll‘l_\ he \Imppetl up In pl.i_\ lutuie ‘L'l;‘\ (‘onLiet ('.t|.u\ lhouu ou MUM l-l‘l‘lh’2 Il )ottkl like to yne ll .l g'o I Black Tax, Step on It, Today we Fight .Hltl Heroic Doses Milmn (‘\l\\-‘__'.llk'_ (N (Klug'dlt'. 2.2% (Him I illpm [5 (old l)t‘.ttl ll.tlltl\ lllt'lll Ul toek
I Open Mic \\ lll\llt'llllll\lt'\. l h \oth lliltlt'e. 5‘7 *l H ‘lpui l-iee Juxt llllll up .iutl peilotiu
Tuesday 25
I Nanci Griffith, The Del McCoury Band .llltl Edwina Hayes we no Suuthiehull Street. ii2 22 *2 7pm l,2* Nam! hung.“ lolk .mtl touuti} tog'elhei mth het heuutnlul \oit'e. luillmut \onggmmng' and eiuotloiml t'oiuuuuueut I With Setting Ashes, Sanguinus, Aerial Caused the Haunting, Mengele, One Day Remain .mtl Anaphora lllt' (Killlotlxt'. lS l llloll Slieel. 2-13 ()()llll 7pm Li ()\t_'l ll. \hov. Rot'k .uitl metal lull
I Jim McAteer It'll.” ()\ll.l. ~12 (Mayo lune. W7 A524 3pm L2 llluex/lollx guituiixt .llltl \iuyei"\ouemitei
I Ricky Warwick, Capturie .llltl Recliner HJIH}. 2()ll('l)tlt' Sim-t. ll37ll‘)ll7ll‘)‘)‘) 3pm £7 l:\ .'\|uu}.'ht_\ \lH_L'L'l \\llll\t' tlt'lltll \Hlo .tllltllll /tlHtHI\ A XII/In \kux L'Hlllpdlt'tl In Slt'u' l'..tllt' guitl loiu l’ett} h} Rummy" .uul ll.l\ mole i'eeeutl} heeu LUllillMlldlllH’ \'.llll Hill} I)ull_\ ol lhe ('uh on .I new lmutl tullt‘tl ('lletlx l)l;tl\|o l’ltlx .ttnthllt \UPPHII
I Dirty Little Faces, Metro Riots, Trap 6 and Phelix Culpa Km}: 'lut'x \Vuh \Vuh Hut. 272;: St \intenl Street. 22| 527‘) K lllpiu L5 lontlou \plllllx} plllllxx but) little l'utex mth \tlppnll lrotu the /.ep inllueneetl Meuo RlHl\ I Right Hand Left, The Whisky Works, Gdansk and Symbolics Niee'u‘Sleu/y ~12! Suuehielmll Street. 333 (Nllll X ,lllpiu L5 ngjlll Hand |.elt\ mllueneex range lroiu |.etl /.ep to Bloc l’ I Junk and The Fortunate Sons The liquid Lounge. 94 \Vt'xl Regent Street. ‘5 l (1%” lilttex}l\h \ounih lot the Run l-oule} Clltltll\t'tl l'ortuugite Silllx
. Lach (lttlmrcl \v'llllilllk'. V) W lilitll Street. 22“ (ll-H) 7pm U) ()HL' ol the leaders ol the New York untt-lolk mmemenl on his (iet ()ut ol the House tour.