
Tl JF'SDA { 1 Ale

‘l'heChorus112A1 1230. (1.00 TheMagnificentAmbersonswm 1245 LittieFish1151 3.30. 11.30. Angel-A1151 4.311. 11311. 11145.


Asterixand Cleopatra1l'1 12.30. Angel-A1151 2.30. 4.30. 11.45,

Littie th1151 3.30. 11.110. 11,311

The Magnificent Ambersons 0‘01 11. 30,


Love+iiate1151 12.30. Angel-A1151 2.30. 4.30, (1.311. H45. Little Fish1151 3.30. (1.00. H.311,


Axhlnn Lanc. Hillhcail. 0141 33‘) 8444. Hi Sun: £5.50 hulnrc (111111; £0.50 111111“. M1111: £3.501'I‘11c 1110: £4.50 111-1011- (111111; £5.50 alicr. Sludcnlx/UxU’: £3.50 111111 snailahlc11111-101110 l-‘ri 8111111111111: £3.50; Ki1lx'('lul1 Sal 31011111132: £2.50.


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest1l2.-\1 2.40. 5.45. 3.55.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (Parent 81 Baby Screening) 1 12.-\1 10.30am.

Superman Retums112.1\1 112011111. 2.20. 5.25. x. 35.


Confetti (Senior Screening) 1 151 Malincc \Vcd: 10.30am.

Curious George 11'1

Maiincc 151i: 10.30am.

The Goonies11’(;1

Malincc M1111: 10.30am.

iianny McPhee 1l'1

Malincc Sat 1% Sun; 10.30am.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 1 l2.»\1

l)ail_\': 11.50am 11101 M11111. 2.45. (1.00. 0.00.

Superman Retums 1 12.»\1

l)ail_\: 11.20:111111101\\'cd1% 111111. 2.25. 5.35. 8.45.

Superman Returns (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1 12.1\1

Malincc'l'lm: 10.30am.

lMAX Theatre

(ilasgtm Scicncc (‘cnii‘Lfi .50 Pacific Qua}. 0141 4205000. £(1.‘)51£4.‘)51. 10‘; Llixcuuni 1111 panim 111‘ more than 10111:


T-BOX 3D (l'l |.1.5. 3.4.5. 30 Mania 11'1 11111111. 2 3



T-Rex 3D1l'1 Daily: 1.15. 3.45. 3D Mania 11'1

Daily: 110011. 2.30.

Ddeon At The Quay

()11 i’aislt‘) Ruad. 01-11 42‘) 7027. 1111.0 aml(‘(‘h1111king: 0871 22 44007.:\111111\ £0 (prcniicr scatx £0901; Concessions £4.251prc1nicrxcah £4501. l-‘amil_\ lleL‘l “(1.

REESE/3110. TheBreak-Dp112.-\1 12.45. 3.30.


Golmaal11bc1 1.00. 4.30. 8.15. Dvertheiiedge1l‘1 11.45am. 2.15. 4.45. 7.15. «1.30.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.-\1 11.15am. 12.30. 1.15. 1.45. 2.30. 4.00. 4.45. 5.15. 11.00. 7.30. 8.15. 8.45. 0.30.

Superman Returns 1 12.911 10.45am. 11.30am. 110011. 1.00. 2.00. 3.30. 4.00. 4.30. 5.30. 7.00. 7.30. 8.00. 9.00.


56 THE LIST 30 Jul—3 Aug 3006

«4.1/14' 1 1.1:"

TheBreak-lip112x1 [)11111 1 15. 400. 1145. «1:11

Garfield: A Tale of Mo Kitties 11

Hall} 11 00.1111. 115. 3-15. 1115. x45 Golmaai112.-\1

i'rl \Vt‘ii 5 zU Overtheliedge1l'1

Dali} 11.311.1111111111 5.111. 145. 015.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 1 12.31

l):11|\' 1045:1111. 1215. l 15. 200. 3-15: 445. 5 30. ‘15. .515. 111111 .-\1\111;11L'i'1‘11k $.11 11 15 Stormbreaker 1 11111

Hail} 1000:1111. 11111111. (1.31). ‘Hlll

Superman Retums112-\1 Hail): 11.30am. 11111111. 100. 200. 3.30 4.00. 4 311. 5 311 “1111. 311. 3,011. 0.111).

.-\1\11 lult' ill 1\ Sal 1‘1 ill. 11 ill

Take the Lead (Senior Screening) 1 12 \1

MailllL‘L' 101" Ill 311.1111

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

Shmwaxc1.1'151111'1’11111. l..1n;:1111111 R111111. ('11111111'111321'. 111111 11111“: 012 311 4 344 3-1 (‘(' 111111111114;01231143311110. 1151101111511 01-11111-0111111. (‘111111/().»\l" £4 50. 510111-111 £4. 1111‘ all iickcix. £4 50. 8111111111 £4 l’1'11xixi11nal [1011‘s 11111} a\ailal\lc :11 111111- 1115401113: 111111055.


1311. .1 1111_


The Da Vinci Code 1 12.-\1 12,45. 4,15. 730.


1 3:1 «1,4,1


The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo

1i._\ likinr :1Ni- ‘5. 111111

Jus‘ my LUCk'i’(I 55.1131 _‘115 1.111“); 1,;H

The Lakeiiouse11’11 1': 25.111. :55 1.15 “115. 11.111

Overthe Hedgevl 11 311.1111. 11 10.11:: 131113111 3.111. ‘1]11_.1111 51111

< {11 111. 5.111. \1 {11

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest112\1 11 15.1111. 11111111. 1110. 31111. 3311. :15. 111111 “1111. 311~ \111 1115 Superman Returns 1.‘ \ 1205. 1115. ‘115_x115.0:< United931151‘45‘ 111311 “View The Last Stand 1.‘ \1 1145

:15. 51%

11 115.1111.

2 15 {LR 1:5 (‘115

The Break-Up 1 1 2 \ Hall} 11 30.1111. 315. “55. 1111111. I11 :11 -\l511i.1lt‘ i‘111\ 5.11 l.‘ 511.1111

The DaVincl Code112\1

H.111} " 35

31511 1.111' 111 1\ \11 111111 Garfield: A Tale of Mo Kitties 1 l Huh 1! 20.1111. 2 .20. 1.25. ‘1111. 0 10'

\151111111‘ ill1\‘ 3.11 Just my Luck 11’1 11

1511 ' _‘5_


H1111) 11 35.1111. 205. 140. '20 The Lake House 11’111

|)a1l_\ 040

Mm 1111111011" 1'11 1\ Sal l2 10

Over the Hedge 11 1

Hall} 11 10am. 1140.101. 2 10. _‘ 10. “L 51111. “Ill. 11311

.\l\11 1.111' [11 1\ \111 ll 5”

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man‘s Chest E .‘ \

I).lli\ '1: 15.111] 11.111111 11111 .‘ 111. ‘11,: ;15 :1s \;\ “H” -IN‘

5 31! \ 311’ 3) 15

\151':.:T.’117.\ \1'. .1’1‘ “25 ;\ Stormbreaker11‘1.

I).lli\ i ‘1l_1;1_~, '1" _‘1i _‘ .‘5 \\‘

-l 511‘ 5 ‘11 ‘15} «1b

\1511 1.1lt‘ i 11 1\ \11 i.‘ ll‘.111 Superman Returns 1.‘ \-

I‘.111\ 11"5101 1.‘ :;5_ 11511115 '115_ \115 \115

\1511l.111'1111\ \.1t 11135 113‘

Showcase Cinema, Pals :

(11111111 \\.'11111' 1'11111-111\ |l11\;111'\\ l'.11l 1111155‘111111|11111111115\‘11151111 hunkmy11\'l“_‘1111111113~51 \11111 111 111‘11111‘ 11111111 (111. 1 11\1’

L-l .‘ll. \111111'111 11 111.: .111 ‘11'1..'1\ ~ '5 1’111\1\11~11.1l111111‘x1111l\ .1\.1 1.11111: .11 '11.‘

115 {11‘ {5


TheDaVinciCode11.‘\ 1'10 115

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 11.‘\1 11 ;11.1111. .‘llll. 13‘ '2‘. ‘1“ JustmyLuck11’111 11 351111 .‘05

.1 .111 ‘311 11x11

TheLakeliouse11’111 11 145. ‘115_ 11111 Dverthe Hedge'l 1 11 111.1111, 11 1".1111. 131112111 2111. 1111. 1111 51111

5 311. 111. ".111 11111

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man‘s ChBShllM 11 15.1111. 11111111. 11111 200. 2 30. 315. 115, 515.1100. "1111 311. h 311. 1115

5.1111. ‘1 1.

The perfect summer romp, or a limp follow up to the cracking original? Critics are in near- universal agreement that this film's a turkey, with none of the charm and the Chutzpah of the film’s first outing. But audiences in the USA are voting with their feet. They’ve given Pirates II a massive thumbs up, and have broken all box office records for a film in its first two weeks of release. IGFF Glasgow 18.x