There are so many stand-up comics trying to earn a living these days that it‘s genuinely frightening. One quick glance at the Fringe programme will give you an indication of just how many. So, it makes it more likely for you to get noticed (natural comic ability aside) if you have an ‘angle‘. When he first started out, Patrick Monahan's angle was his Iranian roots. Yeah, but surely Omid Djalili got there first? Well, maybe, but Monahan adds Irish and Geordie to the mix and there you have it: one original stand-up.

But you can't pursue a career purely on a gimmick (or is that just being horribly naive?) and fortunately, Monahan has substance to add to the background. In his 2004 Fringe show, Game On, he took that title literally and arrived with a basket of games and recollections of stuff such as ‘shitbang‘ where you put a firecracker in dog excrement and await the results. Last year. he gave us his Road Map to Peace in which he questioned whether a world without war can ever actually exist, and if it does, did Freddie Mercury have all the answers? It may be several million miles away from the comedy heroes he had as a child (he often cites Dave Allen as the number one) but there is a playfulness about Patrick Monahan that is infectious. At this year‘s Fringe, he will 00 the Right Thing as he ponders how the smallest decisions can change your life forever. (Brian Donaldson)

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy® Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan.


The Thursday Show l’hc Sumtl. “1 \\‘uutll.mtl\ Raul. HVH mm NBS .\'..‘~(lpm. in H5 (3 mcml‘ciw, Ihc ii‘i‘t‘pi't‘\\ihlc Raymund \lmrnx t‘ullll‘t‘lLN .l lt‘xiiixicmnt‘ lek‘ll [inc-up ul‘ .\ Brulcliplct‘c. Dunn} Hoyt. \\ ill Riglmtlx and Brendon Burnx, Soc 5 Rmth lt‘l Bumx.

40 THE LIST. »

Cosy Comedy Cafe ( )m mt- Rmii. J l“ H.111] \Iict‘l. I“ fill \ Wyn} :1 Mb“ \ llL'\\ \t-nuc lni Iiit' (‘nmctlt (pm: m hm! Hill} Hunkt'ix .mtl Ilic Iiiipinimi‘i‘lc tic“ tin Iht'ii thin; lily} "iv inmul l‘} the tin 1m- \l\.l.i:1t'_\ (l\‘\H\l.\, uhu'il lw g‘icx Isuzu; 31c! liizigt' \ll«\\\ \t'c t.l;‘ll\‘ll Ini (ll‘\ii\"\


The Thursday Show lilt" \Imtl. 5 \wik I’Litc. 3“ "2': ‘lpm to :5 1‘ iiit'ml‘cix- .lwt‘ llcgimn l\ Mini timiiiixii; th li‘l .m cwnm; Itailuzmg it'll Innntcnl. \\ll\\\ll~'\\\Ll\\\ll.1i int-\wizltli‘t'11km: (imnl \lxlt'iicl! \\.l\ lumi} \litimcl I eggs. Linus \ntit'iwz: .mtl lliii} kii'k'mwtf .in \llUl ihcii \lLil!

The Snatch Social I?‘.‘ l :.;;;:.i lx'wwrit.

A \.. \..t. .‘ 3'». .,‘.ii :1; 1‘ l ..:;\‘:\' H.:::‘.

\t'muwt'f: .;:.,i Iwrij. l .::1.'z .11 1315 .. .mi, tltxtw Hil‘t'x .mtl I:.‘::\l‘. \\.‘T\l‘. l11~‘l‘.'.l‘.:'. \um‘lx


Jongleurs Comedy Club lwnclcm»

l (l( Hillhli'rc lx’cnlic‘s. \Iit'cl, HV’H" ‘1'“. ‘l‘ll. :_ T" \‘.::i l’\.[\l\.ll. \nlizwn‘. llizw '.l; Kimmy! ( .iit‘_\ \l.ii\.

'.:\|‘I1l\,“ll\\'.ll]\i \l.:ii \Iliik'l\|‘ll Lakt‘ In lilt’ \I.:.'t' lil.l’.i\ .l \klli‘lt' li'l ill \i‘lll\‘\l\ li‘l ~‘llt' t"-t‘llll‘.'.'. .zntl jmii \.lll lung .11 (.lll!‘ R1131 .illt'lx‘..iltl\

The Stand lllk' \l.:ii.l. ;;;\\l‘\‘\H.lll\l\ Rum) ll\ ‘H mm lill\\ \ HIV”) 1\

I‘.‘ 1‘ mulliin \li l<.i§iii\~iiil\ \Immx 1x lli.‘ \1( HI! .I iiiz'lil lt'.llllllllj.' I]1\‘;“'IZV\.“11\liI\II1\1“IllfillIl]\.\1ullL\ lli.iltl1pi.xtz lit-mi} ‘Hiz' Huntl- Ilwttt' .mil llit' /.u'-. \\1H Ix’itlmiilx \t't‘ |x’.'.:\n11\l«-i Ilium


Jongleurs Comedy Club liillt‘lt‘lllx llmm ('t‘iilit'. ( iit'clhlilt‘ |’l.itt'. ll\ .ll“ \"H‘H‘ ~pm fill \Minlwl. lxmm ll.l_\\'\. Ix’nimic l thunk .lllil It'll Illlliitt'lll [‘IU\ [\lk' llic l‘lt‘ t luh Liuplix The Illt' \lJllil. \ \lllk I’le’k'. “5 1‘": ‘lpm 1M! L‘ lllt'llll‘t'l\l lllk' ;'i~i;'t'nii\ \l|\.lll \luiiiwii |\ )nlll linxl .lllil \l‘llll‘t'lk‘ lui llit' \‘\\'lllll“.' \llk"\ |Ulllt'\l l\_\ llit' MAI} It‘ll Iiiiiutt'lil. \litlmvl I cum: |.lllll\‘ \Ihlciwn .llltl MHIllf.‘ \li lhn \\|lli\ Ill-cl. lint lmnl .llltl tumul} \xlml llli‘lt‘ \lllllll )Hll \mnl'

Saturday 22

(3|; 1ng y >\."./

Jongleurs Comedy Club ,lilll}'lk'lll\. l (i(' lliilltling'. Ix’t'nlicu \lit't'l. HRH)" \"HWF "pin Lli \t't' i ll .‘l

The Hit" \ldllil. ;;;\\lll‘\H.lH\1\ Rim) H.\"‘ii hill) nil“ .\ mp... [Ill \w i ll 3|

Comedy Womb llu- \lJlk' It”. l-l.\ HHHJIHI \lict'l. H.‘ II“) ‘lpni U) L5) (‘lllt‘llllll '(‘l' lx’t-tnultlx. l’.m| l’iilt- .llltl 8.11M} \t'lwn ingmlmlt' llic \IJIt' H.” \l.i},‘c lliiii’l [‘lk'lk'lltl fuu'w gut .lll}lll|llj_'

l‘k‘llk'l l0 (1“


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lHlllet‘llh. ()mm ('cnlit'. ( llk'k'll\lllk' l’|.it t'. lib—Vi“ Vifli“ "pm Ll V \t-t- l :1 2|

The Stand lhk' \ § \HIL |’|.iu‘. <53 *3“: N illpm L I“ \‘x' I II II


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service lllk'\l.lll\1. iii\\imtll.iiitl\ Rim). civil mm my“ x liipm 1.1 It; (I iiit‘ililwixl \lit hut-l Rt'illllillltl [martin-x Urinal} \kllll llit' ht'lp ml \lit'lmcl | typo. \l Kunmh. \lit'lmcl \l.inlc_\ .lllti thk \1l‘ll.lll\i


Whose Lunch is it Anywaf.’ lilt' \Llllkl. < \iiik I’lmv. <<\ "I": lpm l'it‘t' Rugul.” li'ccxlflt' point-ll} \Kl/.lltl\ l’.iul (imlmm .lll\| Mimi \lmph} lllL' up lllt‘llll.lf_‘lll.1lli‘ll \kllllJlli‘lllL'l \llkk' ml impim .1tlli‘ll

The Sunday Night Laugh-In lin- \lnlhl. < \uik Plum: ‘55 "3“: \ illpm 1—! it: Ll Int-inlwiw Hiiitc [lulu] illi\l\ lhk' Ullkl In )«im \wt-k ‘~‘-llll \nlun} \luii.i_\. \i.m Ht"-.lll .uhl l’hil “film. the lll.1ll )im \dll l‘ldlllt' it)! “if Hm '\ (inf. \‘t' Hlllhl li'l “MIN

(1,: U .l\(

Monday 24

G asgox'x Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance lhu

SLlHtl. :;;\\\N‘\Hd”\1\l<“x1\i.HS—H()(“’ N55 \ z“pm L4 [c.1111 \lnnkc} 'lk‘llL'l

knmxn .n \mtl} \t'lwn. \llcn (‘lmlmt'ix l’.xul l’iiit' .mtl R.i}iiiuiid

r _

1 I

'..’- I

He’s just another foul- mouthed Aussie isn't he?

He takes chances 2

v y r. i ‘1? v at

But not just on stage l. l ~

t'wt'r.w.-.M.-wr» : z: w: Iv I y, 3. v . ,.;.'i HI“? v, I r 'i .. :2. ll' 3 .w ,"H 'i lea". a WWW ‘l l lul' .’§ :,1 ' "1:0 ’3 ; ’t ' it l’ {1' "' If . H"""Til 'Illixiiow! l' til'i'ltilwml. lllw‘wm“ 11‘ "- .m. iii-Ml r EU" in

Goat gearii ;‘ ' '11?

' t li'rl ‘.' w lilu". .-.r .: '3' ’"ij’ii‘ 'lixl.' l " "Yi..{ii':} ‘-'L.,i' ' ' ill, 'zzw i :wv 'rr' wt is u. 2.1: l'Iir':-“.~:'-T' a .v .'.l‘°:f‘ Emmi, < l~‘:i. .7 ,; [Mt/1i .' Not to be confused with H 'il'i MM, Hui ,. f'w ll.-:" 2;, illwl {,{ ‘ii’ rl/ll'tf ' /"/" li"‘[ ,/'

7* T' mm m: w u «z ’~".’"{1|’_E‘:i":i'l’2’,' ‘r:i»;;1’_-,-r_u "?

\1L‘.llll\l\Pltt'llpiltlllll\KL‘L'LJHflhlV-llh muic \pnnluncuux \kt-lt'ht'\1t .mil


Red Raw 1 hr Slum]. * \uilx I’Liu'. “H "3": .\ illpm Ll \anth llit' llk"~‘-hlt'\ ll.l\lllj_' 4! ;_'n at the Inn. with mipim (llltlt' Juimc Mulcwin .‘intl thallium; llhlllllilll \IILhdL‘I l.cj_'j_'c \hcphciiliny [llt'lll .ilunj; l.ll\L‘ lunn} um: \llccp.

Tuesday 25


Red Raw ’Hlt' Slullil. Kt“ \\HH(“;llltl\ Rildtl. HHle ()le (#55. H, illpm. 2;: (LI incinlk'rxi \uv. lulk In the L'HlllL'tl} \Mii'ld In} their dig-gum :il 'xuur lccl. w llL'dtl will}. wk ' l 'nt'lu (ini') Littlc and \llghtlcl Leggy \HH hc lllL‘lc In nmkc \lll'c llix all lukcl} him.