Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays

C uh

I ’.' at thc Bull ('Iuh Ill illprn iaIn U IlIch \kcckl} Stcxtc and Hand IuInInagc through that lL‘Utltl\ to IIIIIIg _\ott all thc good xltlll lhctc'x Iltc IIIlIl ll\c lMtId. xII c\pcct a lcxl ol cclcctIonIca. IIIchItcchIIocaIc} and otth noIdx thc} '\c lllxl Inadc up

I Bunker Thursdays .II lltc BunkcI BaI IIIIanght ktIII l'lcc \Vcckl) BunkcI BaI Ix lion xta_\Ing opcn uIItII lain .It

\\ cckcndx .ttttl (ilaxgon llttllc xlalnallx l‘oolx (iold .uc InanuIng thc dcckx cach and cchj. lhIIde.n

I Cigarettes and Fuck All at lhc Butthll} and thc l’Ig ‘)pIn 3am I'Icc \Vcckl} Motonn. northctn xoul. hlucx. cIcctIo. IndIc. thc xtull )ouI gIanIn caIIx IIonc and thc IccoIdx )oul dad cant IcnIcInth luntng

I Club Olum at Bar Bloc. ‘lprn ianI l'I‘cc \Vcckl}. Ncn nIght IIoIII I)IIt} Marc IDcathkletNNh plux an aIra} ol Iatth linc gucxtx .\'aonu and “HS Ix l’op Illl JIIII arc on hand nrth x}ntln InachInc lun and SnIathka I27 JuII lt‘llll'll tor a tI'IuInphant out tthc xtagc xhon.

I Freakmoves at (Ilaxgon School ol .-\I‘t I lpIn .kun U (LII \Vcckl), [hm hm Iup hop nIght loI thc xtudcntx. nrth |)Jx Dana and \'Icc L'I loI' (iS.\ xludcntx alth‘ InIanght. lI‘cc hclorc.

I Freakscene at l’olat Bar I IpIn 3am {-1 (HI, chkl}. Brand ncn. Who and altcrnatn c xoundx l'I'oIn John l'I‘cakxccnc I Lemon . . . The Kings of Indie at ('IuII l)uII. IllpIn .iarn. Ur (HI \Vcckl} 'l‘hc xharpcxt IndIc cutx and thc lchhcxt IndIc hItx.

I Panic Room at MAS. £4 \Vcckl}. I)J\ l)a\c Young and JIIII (icllatl) IXI'MI lltixl a night ol Indic and rock, .-\x an c\tra IIonux. Inc hand nightx snitch placcx n Ith l‘ool'x (iold l)Jx c\cr_\ loI‘tnIght.

I Radio Clash Summer Party at IlIc Suh ('Iuh. I()pIn .iatn. H IL'Z I'I'cct. 37 Jul. ()nc ol'l Sununcr pat'l} mth Maxh tXl-M Scotland). \'Ic (ialloua) tRadIo l I and (‘lIn/I Inaga/Inc l)Jx plux a In c act )ct to hc continucd.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgon School ol .'\l‘l. Itl .itlprn 2.30am. [3 (£3). \Vcckl} In thc \'Ic Bar. lll li Scan & llltxltpltpp} p|a_\ to an IncI‘caxIngI) lt'cn/ch crond. Anothcr BcI‘IIn c\port. \aInoxh Inakcx a Incl). cI'aI) outh' \IIII'dI} In c appcat’ancc t27 Jul). Scc pI'c\Icn. pagc ”"

I Riff Raff .It BaInhoo. I lpIII Jam. {4 tl'I'ch. \Vcckl}. lll}tlx Bronn pI.I_\x thc hcxt III Rth and IIIp hop. 'Ioaxt p|a_\x clcctro. pop & rock III thc Rcd Room nhIIc Maxh dclncI'x .I ‘Back to MInc' xct lII thc l.oungc. Wc likc thc xound III that

I Rubbermensch .II :\B('3.

I IpIn 3am Li tllt‘cl. \Vcckl). .-\ ttcn nIglIt l'oI Indic kIdx and IndIc lmcrx. .-\nd_\ \\'leIIII Ix III chat'gc \\llll lllttllllll) \IxItx lI'qu nonc otth~ than Alan McUcc Ik‘l't‘tllltlll Rccordxt.

I Skint at thc ('athouxc l lpnI 3am £4 (£3). \\'cck|_\. liIno. l'unk. punk. cI'oxxmcr. rock. goth and hardcorc tuncx lI'oIn I)J Bill) Moat.

I Thursday Club at Ihc (iaragc.

I IpIII 3am. £5 Il’rch. \Vcckl). .-\ l‘ll ol c\cI'_\thIng th'c l‘I‘oIn 70x. IndIc and chart to R& B and claxxic rock anthcutx.

I Wigwam Thursdays at \Vignatn.

I lpIn Rant. [—1 IlI'ch. \Vcckl}. DJ Mark} Mark plgn'x an cclcctic InI\ ol' pop. chart.


xoul and deco at tqu ncn lhIIde.n nIght thndIg donn \\ Ignarn na}

Glasgow Fridays


I Babaza at Bc Io ‘lpIII ;ant to IlIch \\cckl_\ l’aul lIa}IIoI. Roxx \1\\1lllnlll\\ BIll_\ Joncx pla} raucoux R.\B and hca\_\ hip hop

I Ball Breaker at Illc ( atltottxc

Ill illptn iaIII I‘JI \\cck|) ()II l.c\cl ()nc. l)Jx Hall} and Bill} pla} claxxu Iock. :‘latn IIIctal. luul. III.'t.Il_ nu Inctal. cIno. hIp hop I onxo\cI althIIatIx; Iock and danc c l’lIcn

I Boogiedown .ll IIIIIII hachIIt-III

lllprn iatn LQ IlIch \M'ckl} lunkcd up Ian. deco and IaIc grooxc Ix thc InaIn courxc lot thc cwnrng nIth laxhtngx ot lunk} ltottxc loI dcxxctt. courtcx_\ ol xtaInaIt Stcnatt RcId

I Brown Baggin' It aI tltc (Iatagc IIpnI iaIII L5 It.i lIcc I “cc-kl} Ihc .»\ttIc hoxtx IctIo. BIItpop and alt. nhtlc thc l'ngtnc Roornx pla} chIIch out chaIt IIoIII c\cI’} cIa BIIan xnItchcx thc IcIIIotc and p|a_\x .I InuItItudc ol cuIIcnt pop through to chaItx III thc IIIaIn gall and thc (I: channcl xptc cx It Up \HIll Rtkll and xottl

I Bunker Fridays at thc Bunkcr Bar Inc \Vcckl} BaInlIoo‘x .v\nd_\ \\leon unlcaxhcx IIIx onn III'and ol IndIc. clcctIo. pop and rock on thc BunkcI patronx

I Burly at tltc .'\tchcx Ill ltlptn iatn L'IIIILXSI 4 .-\ug Monthl} l‘Ilt'lltll} InaxculInc cIuII loI ga} and III IIIcII 3* I I.catth. Induxtrral. Iockxtrapx cncouragcd MtIxIc ll'ttlll lll l‘l Scan and R;I_\tno.

I Camouflage at Soundhatn

lllpIn 4am t7 IUII ZS Jul Monthl} (’atnoullagc lucakx \\llll l’Io \IInlrxt lx'ar‘IIn tMI\cd BI/ncxxl. Bcatnilc IIncI. BI'Ian l)'Sou/a tl’ogo VogucI and l'cxttlcttlx.

I Canvas Club at :\rta. ‘lpIn laIn. L5 tlI‘ch \Vcckl). ltatldx pltlx l)J Joc I)cchan p|a_\Ing lunk and part} claxxtcx I Coded at Vault. I IpIu .larn. £5 tt-ll \Vcckl). Stc\cn Mc(‘I'ch'_\ Ix thc main man nhilc thc lIkcx ol BIIl) \Voodx. Bill} KIlkIc and Amanda l’rIcc ioIn III IIoIII mm to tunc.

I Cotton Cake at Bar Bloc ‘lput .latn l-I'cc. 2| Jul. Monthly 'I‘hc) llltt} lunc Iclt thc Art} hut thIx quIIIIIcI \L‘l‘Slttll at Bloc tx mm to kccp thc clcctro lo\ Ill. ('otton (‘akc lllttxxt\ c happy

I CTRL+ALT+DEL at ('('.-\. Spnt laIn Inc El Jul. Monthl}. .\'c\\ nIght lI‘onI lzlcctrohu xtahlc. Kcnn and \VIIIIaIu pla} tt ll\L' hour clcctro xcl.

I Festival at .-\B('. I IpnI .iaIn. (U) \Vcckl}. liuan .\'cIIxon docx lhc honoqu \\ Ith hIx hag ol l'unk) clcctro xoundx and L't'oxx gcnI'c lI‘ccl'oI'In InI\Ing plux gucxtx I Friday Street at Baqu'a Blanca ltlpIn 3am. £5 33 Jul. ('Iaxxrc Inod xoundx. (Illx px}ch and Northcrn xoul \\ Ith I'cxIdcnt l)Jx .\lIkc_\ ('olIqu and Paul Mollo}.

I Funhouse at BaI'lI}. l IpIu Darn to \Vcckl}. .-\ night III punk and IndIc pop \\llll l’aul .\'ccdlcx. Scott Duncan and thc Utltl lt\C act.

I Jackin’ DC at thc l'nncrxal.

I lpIn 3am. to IL'SI. 3| JIII. .-\n clcctronIc part). \xrth a locux on thc xoundx ol ('Iucago houxc and l)ctroit tcchno

I Kinky Afro at thc Suh (‘Iuh

I lpIII 3am. (S ZS Jul. Monthl} .-\gaIn. anothcr Inanuuoth Inonth loI' thc .-\ll'tt poxxc “till a gucxt I)J appcarancc lI'oIn Radroactnc Man (Warp. Rottcr'x (ioll (‘luIIL Slccplcxx crcn Inc ISuhplatc/dalI'IadaI pqu I'cxIdcntx MI Malro and Dougal l’crInan.

I National Pop league at \Vtmdxrdc Social (‘Iuh 8.45pm 2am. £4. ZS Jul Montth l’oxt-punk. (1%. IndIc-pop. laughing. good pcoplc. dancing. hcartx on

xlcc\cx and III Inouthx tcaIx kaxIng hand xhakIIIg and xIIIIIIIIg

I Offset a:( III\' I IpIII “.tllt 1‘ I‘c‘I \\cckl} l)ancc claxxrcx and tall houxc IIoIII chIdcnt I)Jx

I Old School Funk .II thc HIIII

llll‘lll ;.llll Lt» \\.‘c'kl} (roIdIc Jack and (‘Iatg plat old xchool |a// and luzzk claxxtcx

I Pressure I Iltc \Icllcx to Htprr. lam Ll: :5 .lttl ('clcl‘Iatc )catx III \lattr \\lIlI tlIc Innx and tthI \oIIIa palx \IaIII lunk d \oId. llIc ScpaIatIxtx Ilncn \cc toI lo\ch IlncI. l cc \aII llonxkr and (‘lllt‘lltlllt do thc honoqu \ IIIIIxt toI aII_\ tcchno ltull \cc lcatuIc pagc 3-1

I Pukka Funk aI Iltc IIIIIIIct

I lpIn iaIn D It iI \\cckl_\ BIg houxc IIIght lIoIn lxIIx lxccgan lain 'Santox lhoIIIxon and \J

I Rocket at BaIIIhoo Ill ‘ltptn ‘aIII LII ILII “cc-kl} llouxc IIquu ltIItt‘I(IcII!l \l and ('IaIg I .l\\x. R.\B and hIp hop nrth \lIgucl and Stcx Ic Solc III tIIc loungc

I Smash Team Disco .II Iltc llold Iunch \dInIIal BaII I IpIII idlll ‘5 IUI 3| Jul ('aIIchIaII IIIItlId.I_\ xpcttal lIoIII

S l I) c Icn ll cwtymc gocx on IIoIId.n hon .IIc ('anchIanx xuppoxcd to hax c a paIt_\ nIth tthI lIIcIIdx (‘akc and Icll} \\|ll IIc proxIdcd SIIIathc} and Icann pla} Iccotdx

I Syntax Sound System at Illc (ilaxgon School ol \It leIII iaIII LIH IESI 3S Jul Nathan (‘olcx I\\ Igglcr’l'alun ('l) low I lIIIngx hIx tcch houxc xound to thc \It_\ SuppoIt lIonI chIdcnt l).|x .J.l\\' S}nta\ and MI Man \\llll \Ixualx In \ .l (‘hIIx Scc pIc\ Icn. pagc

I Tunnel Fridays at IIIc IIIIIrIcl

I IpIn iatn L5 IUI \\cckl_\ I .nIxh houxc and urban “max

I Turbo-Fun at [BC (il.l\:~‘tl\\ School Itl .'\l'I IIpIII .idlll L51£~1ItHiS;\ Studcntxtt \\cckl_\ SIIIIInIcI lun hoxtcd It) Kon\ ()In l’a\ c\cI_\ ncck \\|lll a rotation ol chrdcnt I)Jx Includlng ShItl )Ixco Illx. l’at'k .-\tlack |)Jx. (ioodhand. I IIon lllx and Nok Ia Rok pqu ultra xpchaI xcctct gtlcxlx.

ITusk Fridays at IIka ‘lprn Earn U tll’ccl. \VL‘L'lxl} (‘laxxlc houxc .tttlllclltx IIoIII thc carl} Utlx nrth ('hIIx BIgu//I

I Vice at thc ('athouxc I IpnI iarn t5 1(3). \Vcckl} l)J MaI'tIn Bach I.\l'.\lI hoxtx an IndIc Iock part} on lc\ cl l\\li \\llll tuncx old and ttcn. lIoIn .'\lL‘llt' .\lonkc_\x to /.cppchn.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Beat Down The Up at I uh \orc ('alc. ‘lprn .laIII l‘Icc \Vcckl} lSltl l\\l\l t:\l\‘.-\ thc SluInth'Iack on (' SIdc lIa\ rccoI'de pla_\x Iock‘n‘Ioll and x_\ntIIctIc IohotIc xoul

I Bunker Saturdays at lltc BunkcI Bar Inc \Vcckl} .\l'.\l'x Maxh Ix on hand nrth a ncn ncckl) chIdcnc} pla} mg a IIII ol c\cI'}thIIIg “till a good IIaxx IInc and an clcctronrc houxc tIp

Caledoniasoul .II \Voodxtdc Social ('Iuh ‘lprn ZaIII £5 32 Jul (Ict )IIIII C\L‘l \lli\L' til Nitl'lllclll xtttll plltx .t ltcaltln dollop oI claxxIc cutx ll'ttlll thc \aultx .Ix

n c xa_\ goodh} c to (Ilaxgon 'x gIcat ("alcdonlanxoul (ict doan I)ou'll nc\cI gct thc chancc agaInI to thc oIIgIIIaI dancc InuxIc on duxt} \IInI gIooxcx \xrth gucxt D] And) I.upton

3? Death Disco .II lhc .'\lcllL‘x

I IpIn 3am {Ill 33 Jul Mottlltl) l:\pcct thc uxual glIthn. gIIt/}. dark. dIIt}. dcathl} deco nrth a xpchal gucxt .Ippcarancc h} MaI'tIn Moxcrop t:\ (‘cI'taIn RatIoI. Jon da SII\.I. I)J MIngo (io plux a lIonc Mcat l)Ixco I'ooIII nIth JaIIch llIIIaId. :\ndt‘c\\ Back IliIIIchcnc} I and \tall Il)IxcopIaI

I Deathkill4000 .It Bat'll}. lllprn iaIn £5. 3‘) Jul. Monthl} \Vccp. xolt and tcarx ahound ax nc xa} goodh} c to HINDU“

The latest Club news


Some quick Glasgow news. Club NME will be taking a break over the summer, returning with the new term and more indie goodness in the autumn. There's also a few changes at the Riverside Club as they ditch their Saturday night ceilidhs, with club nights opening at 10.30pm rather than midnight, so that's a whole hour and a hall of extra dancing time. There's also a revised roster with Utter Gutter and Chix on Dex moving to Saturdays (2 8r 9 September respectively) to take advantage of the earlier opening hours.

Also look out I. ;I :III II'II‘It'tl ooenrng III "art. a. ‘II I <IIIII I'Irry‘ through August wuh IIIany ( lull“. Sl'l‘tlltllg ztarn or 5mm llLtflIMffr throughout the I-e:;trval ; . You may have spotted the XFM Weekender, Ocean Terminal, 29 July (see preview page ??) and their rather tasty line-up that covers everyone from Tom Middleton to Andy Rourke. We have 4 pairs of tickets to give away. To be in with a chance of winning please send an email marked ‘XFM’, with your name and address, to promotions© by no later than 27 July.

Finally we have another competition, you lucky, lucky readers It you caught Cut Copy}, tinctured) live net at 'I III the Park and were left wantrng more. you can now own their llllX CL), plus as a nice prIIner tor Nathan Cotes," show at Syntax Sound System (see preVIew page ??) we have copies of hrs Wrggle lIilX. Both are berng released as part of Fabrree ever relrahle CD serIes, and toe wurner‘) Will reeerve a copy of both {HIM-:3. to he III thh a chance please send an eIIIaIl marked 'FABRIC' wrth your name and address. to l)l()'ltOllOllS(wllSl.C() uk by l Aug

Not to non} though, |)IIt} Marc and p.le arc IIIIIIgIIIg thc UK L'\pct'tcllcc to anotth \L'lltlc .tllcl tltc xtttntnct noxcltlccd. tcchno and thc \ktil'lxx

I Dirty Record: at (Ilaxgon l IIl\L'lxlI_\ I‘nIon Illprn 3am Li It: lIch \Vcckl} l’aul \‘Jtc l.\l'.\l| :1ch ltclttttd tltc Ich kx to dclncI a xclcctIon ol Rth. IIIp hop. onII and deco ()pcn l)c\ Ix lor up and coming l)Jx and rum n cckl} donnxtattx III I)ccp (I. attcr a ll'cc l)J \IIIIkxhop IlroIn SpInI


22 J .: '; I: 27/, THE LIST 35