‘Da Funk' Again there was a tliscussion here between picking this and '.'\li\e‘ trom their new wa\e l'.l’ dehut release hut |)a l-unk crossed o\ er more than an) track helin'e or since on art} dance label. It started lite as a slow hurner. selling 2000 copies mm the lirst ‘) months hetore going on on to create nia_\hem all around the world throughout the mid ()lls. \Ve e\enttial|} deleted it when 35 thousand \ in} Is had been sold.
SKINTRADE ‘Andomraxxess' 'l'he Aberdeen dtio made a l‘ew great singles tor Soma in the early 90s and this one stands the test ol~ time. It was one ol .'\ndrew \Veatherall‘s biggest tracks too and we still pla_\ it. Well ahead ol its time and a stand out earl} release.
‘Juan is the Teacher" liw'an l’earson's lirst incantation was as .\laas until he was mistaken tor limo in a re\ iew one time and so started using his own name. '.luan is the 'l‘eacher' is a heautil'ul creation. an earl} glimpse of the great producer in de\e|opment. He's now producing the Rapture and 'l‘rac} 'l'ltot‘n.
‘Track 2' ('urrently working with .lohn Hospital and lVlZII'L‘U Bernardi (Ht lllc‘ \tltlll lt) lic‘ l'c‘lc‘ttsc‘tl album by his new group The Separatists. l’erc} X is looking to the liuture. We ha\e gone hack in titne to this special release from his earl_\ days as l’erc)‘ X and it‘s still in the ho\ ol a lot of current techno l)Js.
ENVOY . This is one of many great I'illVU'V moments and was championed by the likes of (’arl (‘o\ and (‘olin l)ale as limo} was emhraced h} the teclmo communin limo} is returning ne\t _\‘ear with new material which is long o\'erdue.
‘Biq Sur Highway' We were l‘ortunate enough to release the last ever Ballistic Brothers remi\ with their interpretation ot~ Scott (it'oo\e l‘eaturing Rn} .-\_\'ers‘ ‘lixpansions‘ and we also got a single project from Ashle} BL‘L‘tllC itltd l)lesc‘l I‘L‘l‘tll'C Xpt'c‘ss 2 took oil for them. This is perfect house music. which. again. stands the test ol' time: still sounding strong and liresh toda}.
20:20 VISION
‘Future We' Ralph Lawson has ;tl\\;t}s had a strong tie to Soma. llis '()taku Project‘ was among the lirst records we released. and ‘liuture Rememln'ance' is a special tune that still sounds t'resh toda}. \\'e alwa_\s took the Soma \‘ihe to Basics in Leeds where Ralph is resident and he's still a frequent guest at our nights in (ilttsgow. most recentl} on his 20:30 Soundsystem live tour.
'thm ow This is simpl} a massi\e anthem tor Silicone Soul and for Soma. lt launched (‘raig and Graeme on the international scene and the}
ll,t\c‘tl'l liH‘lsL‘tl l‘ack \lllc‘t‘ Elills‘}'\k‘ lll\l tnnshed then thnd alhum. then hest is )c‘t to come and '.\a\e our Souls' is set to keep them up there at the top ot the house music tree \\e almost included the llloundation ienn\ ot \ilieoiie's '(‘hicola' hut we didn't want two tracks h} the same artist when we onl_\ ha\e l5
‘Diabla' llns is ltl(i. l'unk d'Void had alread} tnade wa\es til the techno scene hut “Iliahla' was p|a_\ed h_\ e\er_\one. and exert with renn\es trom l\'e\tn Saunderson and the llackei. hut it was lais Sandherg's own \ersion that became a true classic |~unk d'\’oid is working on his lourth alhnni tot Soma and he is still one ot our hrightest talents.
'Misspent Years' \\'e hammered this when l.ttke and Josh released it originall) at the hcginning ot the ‘l0s tttltl \\ c‘ \\ L‘t'c‘ tlL‘llg'lllc‘tl lit get lllt' chance lti tlt) the rerelease and hring an old classic to the toreground again a couple ol _\ears hack when we coupled it with Silicone Soul‘s ‘l)arkroom l)uh' ot the original classic.
‘Tokyo Glitteratti' \eclor l,o\ et's .4\l\':\ \lat'tilt Wheeler lttts lttiw completed two alhums l'or Soma. There are so man) tracks hoth amhient and electrilied to chose trom. including the ama/ing ‘.\Ielodies and .\lcmories' . ‘lilectrolmtic l)isco' and ‘Suicide .-\ndroid’ hut we ha\e plumped tor the suhlime "l'ok_\o (ilitteratti' which stands otit. Its intro hecame the soundtrack to a tasteful ll.\l\\' ad\ertisement last )c‘at‘ and it is ol'tcn Used as music tor TV. so in a wa} it has
L‘t't l\\L‘tl in ct.
‘Don't See the Point' l'rom his lirst single ‘('hiccwappa’ to the current '.\'e\ er Want To See You .-\gain' .-\le\ has alw;t_\s aina/ed us. constantl} altering his st_\|e while at the same time deseloping a trademark sound ol~ electronic hliss. ('urrentl} putting together numher three in Soma‘s l).l mi\ compilation series .S'i'i I’i Hi /*i'. .-\le\ is getting massi\e all twer. hut the ho} wonder is going to he taking a hreak alter linishing his current world tour to promote his latest album Mum/n/iu.
‘Dial Zero (Mode Selektor Renix)’ 'l‘his is \er_\ l‘resh and was onl} released last month. .\ great new artist ot~ ours lrom New York remised h} (ierman nutters Mode Selektor who make one ol the biggest records (it the _\ear and one which will he played out
tor a long time to come.
Slam host the Soma 15th Birthday at Pressure, the Arches, Glasgow, 28 July, with special guests Funk d’Void 8: Phil Kieran, The Separatists (live), Vector Lovers (live), Lee van Dowski and Quenum. Log onto somarecords.com for more info on the label.
’x THE LIST 25