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The Living Room

Laura Savia, of Manhattan-based Atlantic Theatre Company, takes us to a great music bar in the East Village.

Iwenltl reennnnentt nne nt the hest small ntnsua‘ elntlr: Ill New Ytlllx. the [hilltl Rnt ‘lll. en the ln‘.'.'e' Fast tzltle, lhnngth the. l lung Runnt hat: heen tire-J" : tn! :1 ‘.‘.llllt‘. l'\e nn|\ reeentlt started nntnt; and M

It tn he nne at the hest plt'ltTUS; te see annte nt It»: went runner songwriters: Ill Nev. ank a: well (1:: t1 rnek'n'rnll and alternative ltlt‘lx. It \nn want tn sew what the ten snnntx'ntert; .1ntt tlltlSlt‘lélllE‘s tln lll tlw'r down tune. Cheek nut the Littng Rnnnt. It IS an“ Intimate, laltt tuck Ilttle t‘lnh. ttfvi Lllkll()\‘.. htw. Stanton and Rut tngtenl.


Hannah Schwartz, manager for online sales

at Sony, diverts attention towards the The Hole

birthplace of NYC punk. As one half of DJ outfit Optimo, and an in-

It an out—et-tov.ner asked to see ~.'.t‘ere. the mo «1:: demand DJ in his own right, Twitch has been hang out In Nev. York. I nettle; telé Mill in :lta't. mafia. uniquely placed to observe New York city‘s trom the Meat Packtng tltstut‘t 5mm, hntel tws musical underbelly.

leLllld txlanhattan. Instead. wcnttl mute htm to :29»:- St " '. ° '

up hIS Chan Tmlors and come Jenn to the East x J. ' .' :

thlage around Tompktns Sahara Park, There. smack

In the mtddle of the Rent neeght‘mhmfitl are some 3"