I Spies in the Wires ( Lllmrcl \Hllnllc. W) 4\ Hlnn KLllccl. 33H Blah llpnl lulu U Spit-x m lllc \\ ncx umllnnw with .l \lIn\-.(lm|.n l‘Cl“ L'Cll llI(llL‘ killh llL';l\}‘-\L'Ij1l|l\ i‘.\ul .nnl (iunlnj: Hun land] \wlgh III will lhcn mxn Inc All .1\ lnllc I)H\k'\ rcprcwnl l:\ul and HM“ \L't} \qnnn- up lHl (inlllnf: l’lmlnu'll Ill \Ulllllllkilllll will) [In In!

Angus I Hairst Festival \annx \‘cnucx “II-1| H739” lnm'x MU} Lllk 8w lnc


I Bin the Park RIH'lxIth l’ullx. l.L‘\llL' leli. lll W2 ll’fil‘lll llnln “I‘ll! live l'Ilv‘x \ul} nun chnml \\Illl Inc lm'nl nu k lmmlx .n dung-hmndmg L'Hlllpt'llllllll. Inn Inn and (Innu- lcnll


I Think:Fire, Lileblind, Sell Out Story and Pretentious Thoughts lln- (ullmnw. l5 l‘nmn Sllu'l. llX (mun, 7pm. U ()wr l-lx \lnm. llunlxil'nv haw rvccnll} \nppurlcd l'nm'lnl IN :1 l‘m'ml. i.llt'i‘llllll up lhc hanmn} lnclm.

I Brant Bjork 8- the Bros Han-ll}. jun ( lulc Sim-l. 0370 (m7 0009 3pm. L H). ()\Cl l-l\ \llmx. I)L‘\L‘l‘l \lnllL‘l‘ ruck lH};lll_\ llll\ [nun Ill lhc \llnpc ul .luxh llUlllllk'K Hld K)l|\\/I)L‘\L'l‘l SL‘\\IUII hulld} llmnl “lurk. plnx lunncr lllt'llli‘t'l\ nl l'n Manchu.

I The Ronelles, Blind Pew and Hip Parade 'l'lu' .-\lt'lk'\. 35 l :\I'3_"\lc Stu-cl. UH?” I-lll 7533. 3pm. U). 'l'lml I‘m‘kcrx llu' Rnncllm plnx lhc hlutw} luck ul lllnul l’cxx.

I Whispers in the Attic 'l‘yhgn ()\ nu. -l3 ()lngu lune. ‘57 4534. 8pm. [3. l:\pmlmcnln| mnxic and [k'l'llll‘lllllllk't' pucll').

I Pigeon Detectives .nnl The Holloways \m-'n'\lc.u_\. -1_‘l Snuthlclmll \llu'l. “WWW \ Wyn. l)nul\|c lull H! mm nuln' [m l, npxhn'tx

I Rainmen \nnncl l)H\\ l.“ “I \llllvlnlc Rudd. ~13: lll‘lfl -\ illplll l ICC RHle L'Hu'h

I Reckless Fleck, Groove Trench Warfare, Call Me Charlie .nnl Parlabane i‘lll} \lnll} K. ‘H‘ \lnuwll Sln'ct. Ill (fill .\ illpnl Ll. Intlntllnf: run} In pm! \illi‘ \M'L'kl} \lln\\\.l\k' nl lncnl Indw l‘.lll\l\

I The Sleepy Jackson and 7475 King: Intk \\.1h\\.lh llul. 31mm \Inu'nl Sum-l. III *2“! X llllnn L‘l <ll iilL' SIL'L'P} Jilt'kxull gllL‘ it'll ll} llk' u't'cnlm' lukc Jutlwn. nnu' .1 \llllijJ} “mm. mm ;m L‘\;lll_‘_'L‘ll\ll\ lllll\l\,ll plt'ilk'ilk'l.

I The Pedestrians, Villa Nova .md Halcyon l ill) Nulc ('ulc. *0 W Km}: SII'CL‘I. 55* “WK ‘lplll Ll Hillt‘\_\. gnrngc} unnlm llL‘dllllllC llnx lmnl lull. \nppurlul h} punlq myle \'Il|;l \um I The Coy Dogs Md'hnlllx. All) llljgll 811111.553 2| *5. lllpnl l-Icc Ruckulnll}.

I Tramp Attack and The Gilded Angel llnl‘ll}. Inn ('lulv Sllu'l. “3”” WW WW". I“. lllpln L5 1H» lnlxnlunxl) nnnlml gnmllnnc l.I\cpmllI.nl .u‘l. pin} lllj.‘ nn :nldicliwl} nhxnnl lwlcml ul \ixlllik'. cunnn) ruck ul llll\ l'unlluuxc llllell.

I The Freelance Hellraiser Ilk- .’\I‘L‘llL‘\. Kl) Xilklluml SllL‘L‘l. U37” Jill 7528. llpnl. [-1 Huh l. t'h Him)! l, (‘nl nml pnxlc clm‘ll'unit‘n nu'u‘llnnl llu' l‘I‘cclnnL‘c llt'lll'nm‘l prunmlcx lux ncu ullmnl Hill/mu fur ( "Int/um r M lll|\ munlh‘x llln/kricg llnp. unh (’lm'lm nll Spcul |)Jing_'. Scc ('Inlwx. mgr 3h. lul prm in»

I Shitdisco Turbo Sound System (ilnxglm Schunl ul .»\I‘l. |h7 chlrcxx Slrccl. 353-153], llpm. £5 ((3). Su' I'm 7.

Debut solo album from lDLEWlLD lead singer RODDY WQOMBLE '

lecturing members of IDLEWILD and sons AND oA’uoH'rens '

with Km Rusby, Karine mph» mom,ng

Andy Cutting. Ian Cm. Donald 5m. Michael Mg... and Dave \ Produced by john HeCushor < ' r

24 luly 35 My 16 luly 27 luly 18 july 3 l. luly

2m Sougust

I august

0 records

74 THE LIST 6 ~30 Jul 3006

hutch party on“ 642230 0|)! “0 20" M I3 303 0000 0207 308 0022 0045 402 400i ' 0010 107.51" 0010000 0l00 0l309 “l l0

I The View .ml The Law 1 ll\"»\.xlt‘l_ ill \lutluclmll \llccl. N1 HRH llcc lwlwn' Ill1lell_ii-1;uxllcl (mtknn' 2.1mm") nhln' nnxlnusln Hum lluntlcck iiik' \ I!“


I Alex Hodgson, The Bradleys .lilli The Flavours iilk' ltllll ilHilM‘. .‘ ()nccn \uccl. 33“ “Ml hpm Ixct' lwlun' lllplll. t‘ lwlnlc l.nu_ {~41ch |)_\n.nnn pull.n .nhl \llllllh llt‘lll lln' “mulch

I Lee Paterson, Blue Vintage City .nnl Roguestar \\ lnnlclnnlm. l h \unlll lllnlfgc, ‘9’ *l ll (will live lwluu' nmlnlglll. L 1 4|ch Rm k. Mum .nnl pup \|‘\\'i\ llUlll I’Mcan. \xnll \Ulllk' \l.l\llllllll1ki\lll;f Hum lx’wz'llc\l.n I Denied Sons of lglesias, The Fatalists .nnl The High Lines Sulmn} (km pm: (“I ( km 5.2m: 3.“ (WM) illl‘lll I'n'c \Ik'il‘lilt it'll ilk-ill pull.” [ml llnm llu' lk'lllml \nm

I Rieser .nhl Safehouse Ill-nu \ (l'lIJI “41.3 Hm \iHlll\ull \llu'l. .7.‘.\ HUM Rpm Ll \Ilunn l.lllll\ll [Mnu In: Imllc Hllllll RIva

I Type Press, The Black Spring .nnl Washington Irving ( “.llnlumul llnt'kpnt'kclx. NJIn'l'lelt'II} \un'l. 1'!» “Ill 8 illpnl L" ik'k'\l\_ ()lmn .nnl i',iillll‘lllj_'ll lnnnlx pl.|_\ .l nn\lnlc nl

.lll luck .nnl Imln‘ [mp

I Sans Trauma, Funkspiel .nhl The Wintergreens llnnm'lnmn'x. \nldl} Slu'cl. 55h {I‘ll 8 5pm Ll ltdlnhulyll cpn' nuln'lxh

I Eddi Reader ()nn'n'x ||.i||. (‘lcllx Slll'cl. is; Nllllll Upm L I "5” l L I R illl ()nc ul (Ulllk‘llll‘llldl) Illlllxll nnNt'K Imdlng Lulu-x Int'mlnunlmp pup. |.://. lnlk. Hurnx nml |\.n||.ul\.

I Taylor ( )ld ('lmnl I’m. *3 llnnl} ('u‘xu'nl. \t'\\llll\t'll. ‘53 ll ii ‘lpnl l'l't‘t‘. SUV ll! 7.

I Open Mic llulnn' Sum-l ll.u. (N llulnu' Sllu'l. 0. illpln. i‘lt'k'. 8w l-n " I Fast nml Ride This Train lhc Ilnngn (‘Iulx \lmn} iillll\t'. i" llnl_\lnml anl. 558 “NH Illpnl Run [5, luv clnlwx lm llu' pnu' ul unc .|\ l’nxl I'L'llll'll\. 'I'llc lwxl Ill llllel cncl'y} rnck'n‘rnll. pnl'ngc nml punk \\llll llu‘ gnwlx. nngulnl' pnnkx. llu' l H\\ \llllx. \xlnlc Knit 1 Im 'l mun 33mm nll n‘lwl umnu') on _\unl um.

I Les Bot! llcnl) \ ('cllnl Hal. .\' Hm Mul'l‘lwn Sll‘ccl. 323 ‘l “N llpnl Mm l5 till), l-u'm‘h lnnyungc ).'.nnj_'v Im'kclx playing at llnx llnxllllc Du} \pu'ml nl (ilk l'l't‘llL‘ll pup til\\'lllt'(|llk‘ Sllllt' (N


I Hairst Festival \lnluux \‘cnuu'x. ll|_‘~ll 373545, lllllt'\ \.n_\ Ulw Su- luc ll.


I The Ghosties, Amber, Voyeur, Well Kept Secret, Psycho Babe and Trashride Suicide l‘lll) \illll}\. \Ilc ('nnl'l. l5~lll:gl1\llccl.ll|2‘)3 235' ~l7-l_ 7.30pm. L-l. lnlcxl I'ln)\ Klllj.) ul llnndx llcnl.

Saturday 15


I Open Stage l'lu- llnll ltu. lull \Vumllnmlx Rmnl. *5: WWW» -l 3pm l'l‘L'L‘. SL‘L‘ Sill N.

I The Jetpack Penguins, Hiding Places, Daybreak .zml Carol Creighton chlrcu l'crr}. .\ll\lL‘l\lHll (jun). 'l'hc llmnnnclmx. lllh‘lx 20* SH ".illpnl, £5, l)n}lH'cnk .HL' 4: (ilnxgmx null]! unmng lul lhc nnlhcnm mnnd ul KL“ and (hidpln).

I lnjuns nml Billy Bates ltnl'l}. 3h” ('|_\dc Slrccl. llx‘n nu“ wow Hpm U ln_|nn\ arc Sky" l;ul\ lugghlnn Juno .nnl llct‘lnr \Lu'lnncx lln'ulhu ul \l}|c\. .-\l\';\ M} In! \thc din-1w wuml cncumpnxxcx lull. lulk. rcggnc .nnl [nun \I} In hnl lmx .ll\H dle n cnmpnnwn In 'lmn \anh .nul SIL‘L’i} Dan.

I The Basement King link \Vuh \Vuh Hut. 373;: SI \‘mccm Sllccl. III

‘. “l \ “Wm {M \nuxc luncxnnlllx mllucntc‘l l‘\ |)\ Lu] .nhl “mutual I“ lnlwlmnlcx lllcl uml

I Damiens the Regicide, Remember Remember ,ml The Heterosexual Dollar \1\ c'n‘\lc.l.'\ l.‘l \nn lnvlmll \un‘l. 1;; WNW

\ anl lhc puxl [mklnx' .nnlm'nl clullnnltn lnunllnlch \xcn' lnlnn'llx In \l‘u‘llllJ

I Thunderstruck \nnm-l Ihm g

h' 'l \nlmlnlc lx'mul. 1.‘ l HIH‘

.\ illplll ii\'\'

I Eskimo Girl, Babybones .nhl Otterley l *Ih \ulv (1m: w W hm:- \llm‘l, *‘i lhifi "Inn 1‘ llllcllvx lunnlc m ulcnllwn ml \nnnm llll .nnl (i.|ll‘,'\'l

I The Hugh Reed Explosion

\l\( 'lnnllx, 1H liljfll \uccl, “7 .‘l W Illpnl l In- lmnl lt'l'k‘llli \\llU lmx \\\.l[‘l‘t'\i lux \clwl l mlmpnnlx In: .lll I \l‘lnxltlll

l (llulnugll

I Claire Ward, The Bradleys .nnl The Dirty Martinis Iln' l.nn llunw * ()nu'n \ln‘vl, .‘A‘h HRH hpnl llvc i‘t'illlk' llllllll. l‘ l‘x'li‘lx' l.l|ll.l ()unlu [mp .nul [nun HIle

I Size Queen, The Hussys .nnl Big Hand \\|n\llclnnk1v\ l (\ \Hlllll iillll}'t'. V“ ' *I ll hlnn ln'v lu'lnn' Innlnn'lll. ! 1.1!ch lmln' .nnl \kJ lull

I Rother 8: Moebius ( pllxm-l \l‘ildllk'. ill :5 lilJll \ilk'til, .‘l‘llhl 'h 'pnl l. ll lx’.nv llw .xp'u'nmnu‘ llHllI l\\n Kmuum k lcycnlk \xhu. lwlun-n llk‘lll. lmw .ippmlml lll lllr llkm nl \t'u'. lx'mlhwuk. ii.lllllHlll.l .nul ( 'luxll-I I Magdalen Green, The Nisted Melons, Get Set Go .nnl The Makos \ulmn} (huynlc. h" ( 'uupnln (li‘llh . illplll Ll illlilk' [lllh .1 lil‘\\‘ Hl plug‘ lll\i\ llUlll lllx' l\\l\lml \lx‘lnlh I Theme, Green Orange, Sweetheart .unl Kid Canaveral Ill-nu "x ( .t'ii.” |l.n. 3 I‘m \lnmmn Sllt‘t'l. 375 ‘H‘H 3pm {-1 Rm k .11le Imln'.

I Tramp Attack, Five Day Hemmingway .nnl Bukana (ulmlunmn Ilnt'klmt lxlx. i()nvvnxlmn Sllk't'l. l?“ ',‘.?.‘i 3 i‘llllll li‘ lIn-Iplullmn \kllllc [mppvh u-Iuln \Hlll l'.(lllll‘l|l_‘_‘ll nuln' \nplmll

I The Common Redstarts .nnl Miss the Occupier Hnnnunmn'x \Illlll} Stu-cl, ‘Rh i331 .\ ~l§p|n l l I'Ic\ll. mu Im'k llHlll llu' ( ‘nnlnmn l\’\'(l\l;lll\. .l\ \llH\\\’.l\ml UH lllx'll llL'\\ \Inylv ‘Snw ll lul \nnl I'm-Ink.



I Hairst Festival \.nlun\ \cnuvx. lllJlI Rafi“ lnum \JI} lillu \n' Inc I l


I \ 1c“ llk'ili illllt'i. l \ It‘\‘. ilk'ili Ruml. lll .‘. ll Bill 10 len H lwn In" lul )uln \‘.ll(lllllll\


I Ultimate Madness Runm \l Ilu' lull, ,3 (l _l.|I\L') Sllx'k'l. ll] glllu (liV'lY' ‘lpln t In \l.nlnc\\ lnlmlc .nl


I Saltcoats Rock 'I ln- l’lnulcnmlc. \\ llllnll (‘nt’ux HI ZU-l Allfi < ll

nunn ()pln I'lu' ()lmlll} lnnnl} L'lllL‘l‘l.1llllllL'lll \ulh \l;n \llltllit'li Inn- up pcrlmnnng un lllc cxcnlx \lnjgc .l\ well .I\ .1 Inngc plugmnnnv

Sunday 16

Glasgow I Evie Sands & BMX Bandits :\ll( ‘3. HH Snmlnclmll \llccl. 4*:
