Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days betore publication for Glasgow to and for Edinburgh to henry© Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore. For ticket outlet intromation, see Book Now.

Thursday 6


Popup ( 'Iutha \aultx. Stockucll Strch. 553 55)” Alprn l‘tcc 'x\ \Pt‘ti up .v\rah Strap Iltct'h .l \louctl tit)\\ll ('urc' \\ c \anl ol l’op l'p Ill thcw \cr‘} pagcx. i.ttlllL'il|llfJ thcn \rnglc 'luc}. \Vhat _\otl lulu}: to Na} " Scc prc\rc\\. pagc ()5 I City, Corporeal, Well Kept Secret, a Means to an End, Typhoon and The Silent Project 'l'hc (Kithotixc. I5 l'nion Str‘cct. 3-18 mun 7pm £5 ()\ct' l~1x \hou laino and I Hate Becomes the Hero, Nothing from Nowhere, Drama Before Flight and The Arsonists liar'll}. IN) ( .i_\tit' Sllt't'l. U37” "()7 “WM. 7 illptlt, Scc \Vctl R I The Plimptons 'I chat ()x na. .12 (Mayo l.anc. i57 453-1, 8pm. £2. Anothcr ol ‘ahxurtlo pop' hand 'I'hc l’lunptonx~ \_\lllpt)\llllll\ ol pop. I W-T—N, This July, Rune and Well we Ain’t Winning ltar't‘l} ltlpxlttll‘xl. 3M) ('I}dc Strcct. 0370 ()07 (NW). 3pm £5. ()\cr' l-l \hou. ludic/cruo bill I Baldego, Porchsong Anthology and Aaron Lavery 'l'hc|lllti Ship. |7| I75 (ii'cat \chtcr‘n Road. iil Will. .\'.3llpnl. l‘r'cc. inc ('and} Scmronx night (ii acouxtic \L‘i\. I Endor and V for Victory Nlc't"rt'S|L';I/). -12| Sauchichall Str'cct. 333 (Mill). 8.30pm. (ilamcgran quar‘tct cotttpar‘ahlc to a ruor'c rnclodic .v\rah Strap \\ ho r'clcaxctl thcir‘ \inglc ‘lloltl ()n' on Sn} Dirt} Rc‘col'tix. I The Incendiary Bats, Rocketfox and Gdansk ch \olc (arc. 50 (iii King: Str'cct. 5.53 loih’. 0pm. [-1. local hand tr‘iplc hill. I Live Music Mc('hur||\. 4() High Str‘cct. 552 2 l 35. 0pm. lir'cc. Ncu hands night. mth liuc-up to hc conlir‘rncd. I Standard Lamp Sessions 'l‘hc Halt Bar. Hill \Voodlttntk Road. 35: 00W). ‘lpru. l‘r'cc .-\cou\tic \tltgcl/xoltg“l‘llL‘l’ night \\ ith act\ to hc contir'ructl, I Breschnev MacSor‘lc} 'x. 42 Jamaica Str'cct. 2-18 85M. lilcctr‘ouica l'r‘orn l’cr'th. I Miss the Occupier, Just Another Dream, The Fb35s and The Absolute 'l‘hc liquid i.tlllll:_'L'. 9-1 \VLNI chcnt Str'cct. 353 (i333. tthc. l’unch} llitilL‘ punk rocking lrorn .\il\\ thc ()ccupicr‘.


I New Found Sound Sulma} ('ougatc. (it) ('ougatc. 235 (3760. 7.30pm. tthc. Scmilinalx lll thix hand comp.

I Paul Annianelli and The Dirty Martinis 'l‘hc Jain Houxc. 5 Quccn Strcct. 220 4380. 7. itlpru. l-‘r'cc hct'orc ltlpm; U al'lcr'. Italian \utgcr' accompanrcd ('alah Bro“ n on gurtar' t'or' \otttL‘ ttc‘othtlc Ct“ L‘l’\. it‘iiti“ Cd it) \ua\c pop t'roru thc Dirt} Mar'tinix.

I Cayto, Pilotcan and Valium Banncr‘ntan\. \rtltlr} Strcct. 556 3254, 8.45pm. £4. l’oxt»r‘ock and punk rock trout (axto.

I The Third Man and Distant Soul \thtlchinkicx. 4 (v South Br'idgc. 5.57 5l l4. 0pm. l5rcc. lrnlic action.

I Reptiles ('ahar'ct Voltau‘c. 3t» .‘~.\‘ Blair Str‘cct. 2206170. lttpm. £5. Maxmc Attack \ocalx mcct dounhcat .-\phc\ in in glitch clcctr‘onica t‘r'orn thc chtilcx mth DJ support from ()llic 'lccha tthc llcrhaliscr) and thc ’l‘rouhlc crc“ at thix (ilcntiddich lndcrwndcnt .\li\.

Ste'eobhc‘r‘ics Correct iIC" 'e

29 Apr) USua‘ L 5: rules act: ..


Music news that’s heading up north to stand in a muddy field.

The big gig news this issue has to be the announcement of rap mogul Jay-2's Glasgow gig ($500, 22 September). A rare live outing for the hip hop legend who announced his retirement from the live arena just a couple of years back.

Gomez. The Raconteurs and Dirty Pretty things lat the Corn Exchange 9. 21$ 8. 28 August respectively) and the Automatic (at the Ligurd Room, (M August) are the latest signings for this year's T on the Fringe. Other new gig announcements Include Dragontorce (Barrowland. 9 December); The Presrdents of the United States of America tCarlrng Academy. 22 August); Juliette 8. the Licks (ABC. 4 October): Embrace (Carling Academy, 10 October); Eric Bibb (Queen's Hall, 13 October) and finally Deep Purple and Styx (Clyde Auditorium, 1 May 2007).

The big man of opera, Luciano Pavarotti pulled his Glasgow show earlier this month. A new date has been confirmed as 18 November, again at the SECC. ‘Pavarotti suffered a set-back while recovering from surgery last month,’ explains the tenor's London-based manager, Terri Robson. All original tickets will be valid for the new date.

Unfortunatly Toots & the Maytals'

“(Nib E"


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dinburgh . Eabaret Voltaire

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inquiry ll‘iiit .ltll\/

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'lit ‘.i‘.uii.lilii.i;linl

ets Scotland. EDlNBURGH Ripping.

Edinburgh gig will not be rescheduled as planned and is now cancelled.

Contrary to what you may have heard from some Radio stations that have been playing the first single from Roddy Woomble's solo album, ldlewild have not split up. They have just started recording their sixth album and will be appearing at the Mull of Kintyre Festival in Campbeltown, 19 August. For more details, visit

Heist) Lids the Stereonhovncs are back out on DVD L..:"It}u.'i§jt‘

St," ‘.//t}rit3:"t,‘t? Oftrt‘a’ from Ltwatm: Entertar'ne'tt.

«he 3:. . ‘15.; Lb .c, 9.8 gum. a. ,.,c.

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GLASGOW Tickets Scotland

. . . 23")", THE LIST 67