. Glad to be bi {clockwise from top left): Saffron Burrows. Lou Reed. Frida Kahlo. David Bowie


Around 200 bisexuals are expected to arrive in Glasgow in July for BiCon, the annual national bisexual gathering. But what exactly does this (decidedly niche-sounding) event involve? How do bisexuals identify themselves in a world divided into gay and straight? And can they really have the best of both worlds?

Huge developments have been made in the gay movement in the last 30 years. Legislative changes have made it tricky to discriminate against gay men and lesbians in their work and personal lives, and media perceptions of ‘the gays’ are slowly improving. Yet the old misconceptions of bisexuality still exist.

People who refuse to identify as gay or straight - whether they choose to adopt the label ‘bisexual’ or not - are still perceived as being indecisive: either they must ‘really’ be gay (but too scared to admit it), or they must ‘really’ be straight (and just looking for something new). These stereotypes, often reinforced by the media, lead to bisexuals being forgotten by both the gay and straight communities. Thus, in addition to the prejudice faced by anyone who has same-sex relationships, bi people are commonly believed not to really exist.

In fact, Britain has a thriving community of people who find themselves attracted to men and women. Some very strongly identify with the word ‘bisexual’ while others, although comfortable with their sexuality, may wish to avoid being labelled. The bi community is very diverse, and is arguably the most progressive part of the LGBT movement, usually engaged in active discussion of issues surrounding gender, sexuality and relationships.

BiCon is a great way for bi or bi-friendly people to get involved in the UK bi community. For those with more than a passing curiosity, day passes and weekend passes will be available. (Alison Eales)

I Glasgow Caledonia/r Unrversrtv. Thu 73—Mon 77 Jul www.mconQOOGorg.uk

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to gayGlist.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.


I Burly The Arehes. 30 Midland Street. 0870 240 7528. l0.30prn»3ant. £l0 (£8). (‘lub for gay and bi-rnen. 25+.

I Fresh The Polo Lounge. 84 \Vilson Street. 553 I221. l lprn—3arn. £5. Popular

Merchant ('it} elub.


I Blaze ligo. l4 l’ieard) Place. 478 7434. llprn- 3am. £5. [)1 James Longnorth ignites the gay weekend.

Saturday 8


I Drag Idol Libert) at Brookhn's Bar. l24 Seagate. (H.382 200660.

l lprn»2.30am. £6 (£5 before rnidnighti. Dress up and sing _\our lake breasts oil.

60 THE LIST 6—20 Jul 2006


I Feline Masquerade (Katzenball) (ilasgou l'tlttt 'l‘heatr‘e. l2 Rose Street. ‘2 Sl2\ .»\ tourne} through ehangrng attitudes to lesbianism l’arr or the .‘llrlr [villi/ll: oat lt/m I't'xrrttu' or: tour


I Booty Medina. 45 4“ lotlnan Street. 225 b3l3 lllprn 3am £3 betore midnight. £4 alter Sunda} metal with DJ l)ale l.trsh and Simmone lilaek

I Taste The liqurtl Room. ‘le \tetor‘ra Street. 225 25M llpm 3am £5 belore ll 30pm. £33 alter t£li member‘si House. garage and lunk} l'S house gems

Monday 10


I Feline Masquerade (Katzenball) (ilasgtm l'llltll 'l‘lieatre. l2 Rose Street. 332 .S'l2S. S.45ptn See Sun 0

I Passionality (‘nbe. 3-1 Queen Street. 220 S000. Il.30pm 3am, £2 £3, l’leasmg ehartistr) lrom l)J Shaun Roberts

Tuesday 1 1


I FUN ('ube. 34 Queen Street. 220 S000 ll.30prn 3am. £3 t£2). .-\ mu ol older classics and lun tunes.


I Vibe ligo. l4 l’rear'd) l’laee. 47S 7434. llprn 3am. £4 (in) night \Hlll James l.0ttg\s'orlh on tlte (leeks.

Wednesday 12


I Allure The Tunnel. S4 Mitehell Street. 204 NW). ll.3(lprit 3am. £3. llapp}. eheesy pop from 1)] Darren and the gins behind l’ussiottttltl}.


I BiCon 2006 (ilttsgtm ('aletlottttttt University. ('ov. eaddens Road. 332 008 l. Times and prices vary. See pres iew Edinburgh

I Fur Burger ligo. l4 l’ieard) l’laee. 478 7434. llpm 3am. £3. Night l'or girls who like girls.


I Fresh The l’olo Lounge. 84 Wilson Street. 553 l22l. llpm 3am. £5. See Fri 7.

I BiCon 2006 (ilasgtm (‘aledonian l'nixersit}. (‘oueaddens Road. 332 ()(ixl. See Thu l3.


I Fur Burger Tu isl, 26b l)ub|in Street.

538 7775. lllprn 2am. £5 l£4l. See Thu [3.


I Death Disco The Arehes. 30 Midland Street. 0870 240 7528. llprn 3am. £l0. The Usual deathl) diseo with speeial guest aprwaranees.

I BiCon 2006 (ilasgovt ('aledonian l'niVersit}. ('oxt eaddens Road. 332 003]. See Thu l3.


I Upstairs Downstairs ligo. l4 l’ieard) Place. 478 7434. l lprn 3am. £(i. ('amp anthems. the best land worst) of the .S'lls and 00s. and the best ol Jo}.


I 50 Ways of Saying Fabulous (ilasgtm l-‘ilrn Theatre. l2 Rose Street. 332 Sl28. The arrixal of a new boy at sehool leads Bill} (10%” a path of sexual amtkening. Parr oft/re 201/: Imzdon (jut I'll/Ill I't'iltt'u/ on tour.

I BiCon 2006 (ilasgtm (‘aledontart l'nnerstl}. (30“ tuttltlelts Ritatl. .3 3: Wibl See Thu 1 3


I Garden Party I (iii l‘ ('entr‘e tor Health ts \Velllwmg. 0 lloxse Street. 523 IN“ 2 5pm lltsem er \\h.tl goes on at the eentre and how )ou ean get rmolxed I Booty Medina. 45 4" I othtan Street. 225 h3l3 lllpm 3am £3 betore midnight. £4 atter See Sun 0

I Taste The liquid Room. 0e \ retorta Street. 225 25M l lpm 3am £5 betore ll 30pm. £S alter t£b membersi See Strn


I 50 Ways of Saying Fabulous (ilasgtm l'rlm Theatre. 12 Rose Street.

3 32 Sl2.\' S 45pm See Strti In

I Passionality ( ‘ulie_ 34 Queen Street. 22b H000 l I 30pm 3am £2 £3 See Mon It)

I BiCon 2006 (il.t\go\\ ('aledonian l'nnersil}. ('oueaddens Road. 3320081 Times and priees \ar) See Hm I 3

Tuesday 18 I

Glasgow I FUN (MW. 34 Queen Street. 22h S‘Nll ll.3llpm 3am £3 t£2i See l‘ue ll

Edinburgh I Vibe lago. l4 l’ieard) l’laee. 47S 74 34 llprn 3am £4 See Tue ll.

Wednesday 19

Glasgow I Allure The Tunnel. X4 Mitehell Street. 201 l000. ll.30pm 3am £3, See Wed l2


I Happy Endings l‘tlmhouse. HS l.othtan Road. 220 5032. S2llpm, |)on ‘HH‘ Upprnlll‘ Hf .Vt‘l Rtxis' ll/l) t‘ttlllt'tl} drama. l’url of the 2lII/r Loin/on (im I'rlnr I-mn-a/ on (our.

Thursday 20


I Horse The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 220 4 380. 7pm. £20 l£5ll me three eourse meal). l,i\e set lrom the unstoppable stingslt'ess.

Scene and Exhibitions


I Bennets Xll 0H (ilassltirtl Street. 5.52 57(il. Wed Thu & Strn l l.3llpm 3am. l'l'l 6’; Sat ll.30prn 3.30am. l‘riendl}. late night diseo venue reeentl)‘ relurbrslied alter a major tire.

I The Polo Lounge 84 Wilson Street. 553 I221. Mon Thu 5pm latri. in Sun 5pm 3am. (lay/mixed Merehant ('rt) elub. uith se\eral rooms and a downstairs danee lloor :tl llte Weektntl (£5 alter

l lpmi

I Sex, Love and Homophobia l'ntil Sat 15 Jul. 0’ (iallery, X7 X0 Saltrnarket. 552 7578. l’hotographie prints depieting the global struggle against homophobia lrom a next book by Vanessa Baird.


I CC Blooms 23 24 (ireenside l’laee. 556033]. Mon 6}: Hi Sat 6pm 3am. Sun 8; Tue Thu Xprn 3am, The east coast seene queen pumps out danee and eheese delights e\er)‘ night.

I Mst 268 Dublin Street. 533 7775. Mon Thu noon 2am. Sun l2.30prn lam. Formerly the Neuttmn Bar. no“ reopened alter a style revamp.

I Rainbow City: Stories from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Edinburgh l'nnl Sun 0 Jul. ('it) Art ('entre. 2 Market Street. 520 3003. lllarnr 5pm. Free. ('olleetion ol memorabilia looking at how the capital's LGBT lives haVe ehanged between the l6th and 21st centuries.