Cyberworid 3011111. H.111} 145 Poseidon113.\1 0.1.1:. < 111. x111 T-ilex 3D11'1
H.111} 1310
Ddeon At The Quay
1111121011") 110.111.0111 43‘1 3113" 11111» .11111 ('1' 110111.111“: UHF‘I 33 441111- \1111115 L11 11111'11111'1x1'.11\ L11 001. 1 111111'\\11111\l.135 11111-11111'1 \1-.11\1.4 5111 1.1111111 11111-11411
The DaVinciCode11.‘,\1 1115 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
1|.‘..-\1 1345. 115 11110. 345 JustmyLuck1l'111 1315. 11111. «111. >115
Knishllfm 11111. 415. 74s
The Lake House11’1i1 I 15. 145. 1115. 345
(Net the Hedge 111 10 45:110. 11 10.1111.
11111. 3011. 1 111. 4.10 1.1111. 1‘00. 310
Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man’s CheSt113.-\l 10 11111111. 110011111. 110011. 1110 .1110 310. 1111. .1111. 5111. 1.1111. "00. 301101111010. 10111
The Wind that Shakes the Barley 1 151 x 111
11111)/\Y1' 1111111f31)/\‘1/ In)
Aquamarine 111111
M1111111'1' 1'1'1 .\1011.\\1-111k 11111: 111011111.
The Da Vinci Code 1 1.‘..\1
1101' 1‘11 1k 8:11 11 15
District 13 1 151
011111: 1.45. 4.15. 11.45. 11.15 .'\|\11|;111'1'111k 5:11: 11.45. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 1 13.11 01111): 13.15. (100.
Firewall (Senior Screening) 1 12.-\1 .\1;111111‘1"1'111-' 10 30.1111
Hard Candy 1 131
1.:111'1-1‘1 1M 8111 11111111133411. JustmyLuck11’1i1
0:111): 1.00. 515. 8.15 Krrish1l.?:\1
1):111_\1 X 15
TheLake Houselmn
Hull}: 8.45.
Overthe Hedge11'1
0:111}: 1100:1111. 114511111. 13.45. 1.15. 2.15. 1.00. 1.45. 4.45. 5.45. 1110. 7.15. 0.10.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.-\1
1);111_\: 1045:1111. 11.15.1111. 110011. 1.00. 3.00. 3.30. 3.311 4.10. 530. (1.00.
7.011 8.00, 000. ‘110. :\1\11|;111‘1"ll1\ 5:11; 10. 10. 11.30. TheWindthatShakesthe Bariey1l51 01111}: 3.45. 3.10.
X-Men: The Last Stand 1 l3:\l
01111}: 13.10
Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge
8110111101' 1.1‘1x111'1‘ 1’;11‘11. 1111133111111 R0011. ('0111111111341'.1111011111':013311434434.('(' 110011111111013311433000. L5.(101L4.50 111‘1'01'1'11111111, ('111111/().-\1’: L450; 8111116111: L-i.'1‘111‘;III il1‘k1‘l\i L450; 5111111111 L4. Provisional times only available at time of going to press.
1110118010 1; 1.011
TheDaVinciCode113A1 . 7.30. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 113A) 11.30.1111. 3.011. 4 15. 7.30. 1155. Hard Candy1l.\'1 114011111. 3.30. 5.00. 7.35. 10.05.
Just my LUCK11’UI 11 3511111. 305.
4.40. 7.20. 0.50
The Lake 11005811111 1135:1111. 1.55. 4.45. 7.0.5.
TheDmen0517411. 111.15.
Over the Hedge 11') 111011111. 114011111. 13.10. 3.10. 3.40. 3.10. 4.30. 5.00. 5.30. 7.11). 7.40. 0.30. 10.01).
Pirates oi the Caribbean: Dead Man's
Chest112.-\1 1115:1111. 110011. 1011. 3.00. 3.30. 3.15. 4.15. 5.15. (1.00. 7.00. 7.30. 8.30. ‘115.
Reeker1151 1111011. 355. 530. 550 111111
“.1111. 110111111. 1411. 110
United931151 4511 X-Men:TheLastStand11_‘-\1“l5.
‘1’111/4’ 71011-3117”
TheDaVinciCodesljm 11.1111 .1 1%. * :11 .\1\111.111'1ll1\ 3.11 District13115.
1).111_\ 11 30.1111. 145. 4 30. 3 .‘0. 112§ '\1\111;1i1‘1111\ 8.11 1140
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 1|3.»\1 11.1111 11 111111 '\1\111;111' 1'11 1\ 3111 Hard Candy1lm 11.1111 I005 :\I\1111111‘ 1‘111\ Sill Just myLuck1l’1;1
111.1111. 200. 4 15. " :i‘
13 35.1111
13 4011111
I);1l|) 11 3511111. 305. 4 40. '30. ‘1 50
.\I\111.111'I‘ll1\' 5.11 133011111
The Lake House 111111
H.111}. 113511111. 155. 4 45. 105 040
.\|\01;111-1-11.\ $.11 13. 1011111 TheDmen 1 151
0.111}: 7.40. 1040
Over the Hedge11‘1
0:111}. 11 10:11". 114011111. 1310. 3.10. 340. 110. 4.10. 5.00. 5.10. 710. 7 40. ‘1. 30
:\1x0 1101' 1'11 1\ 8:11: 11.50
Pirates ot the Caribbean: Dead Man’s
011111. 1115:1111. 110011. 100. 3.00. 2.10. 1.15. 4.15. 5.15. 11.011. 7110. 7.30. 3.30. ‘115.
.\1x11 1:111' Ill 1\ 5111' 10.15. 10.45. 11.45.
1).11|}‘ 1005
.\|\0 1:111: 10 1k 8:11. 1335:1111. RV11’(}1
I);111_\: 1100:1111. 1.50.
United 931151
01111}: 113511111. 3.15. 4.50 7.35 X-Men: The Last Stand112.»\1 01111): 114511111. 3.15. 4.45 7.15 0.45
:\I\011111- 1'111k 5:11: 1330:1111.
Showcase Cinema, Paisley
(11111111 :\\1‘11111‘. 1’1101'111\ 111011111“ I’;1l'k. 0141 XX71N111.1111113014| 3870150430 1111111111111211371 33(111XX1.L5.501L4.35 M1111 1-1'1 111-1011‘ (1111111. ('111111/( ).\1’: L430. 8111111'111: L4.'1‘111';11111111-0: L 1.75 Provisional times only available at time of going to press.
The Da Vinci Code 1 13A) 7.30. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
100. 4.15.
113:\1 11.3011111. 3.00. 4.35. 7.35. 11.55. Hard Candy1lxu 7.15. 10.05.
Just my Luck 11’(il 113511111. 3.05.
4.40. 7.211. 0.50.
TheLake House1l’01 1135:1111. 1.55. 4.45. 7.10. 11.411. TheDmen1l51740. 111.15
Over the Hedge 111 1 1.1011111. 114011111. 13.10. 3.10. 3.40. 3.10. 4.10. 5.01). 5.30. 7.10. 7.40. H.111. 0.30. 10.00. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.»\1 1115:1111. 110011. 100. 2.00. 2.10. 51.15. 4.15. 5.15. 11.00. 7.00. 7.31). 330. ‘11 Poseidonlllm 1155:1111. Reeker1l51 11111111. 3
linited931151 111.00.
X-Menflhe Last Stand 1 13:\l 1145:1111. 3.15. 4.45.
TheDaVinci Code113.-\1 01111}: 1.011. 4.15. 7.35. .'\1\0 1:111‘ 1'11 1& S111: 1045.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 11" \1 11.1111 II 30.1111. 3011. 4 35. 335. \I\111.1i1'111 1\ \.11 13 35.1111 Hard Candy 1 1.x» I).1|l_\ 111115 \I\1\I.111'1111\ \.11 Just my Luck 1111. 11.111} II 35.1111. 305. 4 40.
\I\111.111'1111\ \.11 The Lake House11’1l. I).1ll\ 11.35.1111. 150. 4 45. '05. 0411‘
\|\01.1i1'1'11.\ \.11 13 10.1111 LittieManhattan 1111;.
1340.101 3 30.
13 30.1111
1).111_\ 1105.110. 155. 4 .‘0_ '011 1; lg
-\1\1111111'1111\ 3.11 II 35 TheDmenll51
|).111\ “40. 111411
0:011 11 10.1111. 1140.11“. 1310. 310. 3.111: 1111.110 5110. $10. ‘10. "411. 0111
.\|\11 1.111‘ I'll 1\ $.11 11 50
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest1l:.\1 11.111) 11 1511111. 310. 115. 415. 710. 3.111. 0.15. .-\I\11|;1l1'1111\ 5.11 1145.
Poseidon 1 13.\1 1):111\ 115511111. 3 35. 1010 :\I\1| 1:111' 1'11 1\ 8:11: 13 300111 United 931151
0:01) 4 50. ‘7 35
X-Men: The Last Stand 1 I3 '\1
0:111) 114511111. 315. 445. 715. 11.45
x\1\111;111‘ 1'11 1\ 5111
1101 Clydebank
(11111: 111'331011111 ('1'11111'. ('|}111'11;11111. 01531 33 44 007. L5 701L470.\1011 1'11111'101'1‘ 5111111. (’111111/( ).'\1’; L4 311. 8111111110: L570 1L4 711M011 11111 111'101'1' 5111111.
31111. 7011.
1111011. 100, 5 [5 (11111.
1015. 1045_
Aquamarine 0’01 1 10. The Da Vinci Code 1 13.11 4.40. 3.10. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
113:\1 1131111111. 1.40. 4.111. (1.411. 0.10.
Just my Luckll’m 13.40 130 11.00. 3.40.
TheLakeHousewm 1.10. 1.40. 11.30. 3.50.
DvertheHedge1l'1 11 1011111. 13.10. 1.30. 3.30. 150. 4 50. 11.10. 7.10.
3.10. 0.30.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s
Chest112.\1 104011111. 110011. 100. 3.011. 3.30. 4.30. 5.311. 7.00. 3110. 0011.
RV1I’(11 113011111. 1.40_ 4.10, (1.40 The Wild 11'1 1050:1111
X-Men: The Last Stand 1 12M 0.10.
11111)/\Y /' IliIJI1fSI)/\Y 111
The Da VinciCode113..\1
1);11|}: 15.40
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 113.-\1
0:111}: 13.40. (1.00. JustmyLuck11’111
01111}: 1.10. 3.40. (1.30. 3.50.
The Lake House11’111
01111}: 3.10. H.411. LittieManhattamHh
I);111\‘ 11.30.1111. 140. 4.00. 11.30. 5.10.
011111 111011111. 11.40.1111. 130. 150. 4.30. (1.10. (1,40. I530 The Pink Panther11’111
011111: 1100:1111.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest112.-\1
0:111}: 1030:1111. 110011. 1.00. 2.00. 3.30. 4.30. 5.10. 7.00. 3.00. 000. RV1I’(}1
1);11|_\: 1040:1111.
X-Men: The last Stand 1 12m 1);111_\: 1040:1111.
3511111111'\111'1'1 1111111111135 11.\“11 ‘55
I3 31 11.11 1011' 311111111 10101111011011 11111' 0131 33335011 \1.11111'\1‘11111_~.' \111'1-11111;'\ L5 ‘111.L1‘111\11»111111\1'1011‘ 1111111 ("0111 \ L ‘ 5111\1-1011' 1111111. L4 .‘11 .1011 \101111'\11'111 11.111111111111.11\1.111 1111\1'1x L4 \11111I.1\ 110111111'11111\ L5 11.3501 \\1‘11 11151 \1111\\\ 1111'.1111 \1'11‘1'11 LI 101 111111001110 1111' \1'11'.1111 11111
L 1 50113 5111101 11.111'110 1.111'1\ .11111 11.11111'x 11111\ 1111-1111\ 1.11111101111‘1 \1'111‘1111‘x .111' .1\.111.11\I1* .11 1351111 \1‘.11. 0111‘1111;' 111x111111111'11101 .111 x111'1'11111_-.'\
TheCave oitheYeilow Dog (Die Hoehie DesCeibenHundes)1l’1;1 1011. 111%.
i111. "|5_1l.‘11 Thank you for Smoking1151 110. 1.10.
36(Duaidesorievres)1ln I.‘5 TheWindthatShakestheBarieyllm 13111. i_‘11.11_‘11‘01111
11111141 11111115111211 1 1‘
The Cave of the Yellow Dog (Die Hoehie Des Celben Hundes) 1111 11
0.1111 .‘00 .1311. 1.411. 111s ,-\I\111;111‘1‘ll1\ 5.11 11 15
Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid 1 1M 1:111'1'11 11 30
The Proposition 1 151
1.111' 8.11 11.10
The Proposition 1 I51 1 Pat Garrett and BillyThe Kid 1 131
.\’1;111111'1- $1111 1 10
The Story ottheWeeping Camel 111111 0.1111 1 511
:\I\11\\1'11 (150
Thank you tor Smoking 1 151
0:01) 4 10. (1 10111111 “1111. ‘105 :\I\11 11111‘ 1'11 1\ 5.11 11 40
TheWind that ShakestheBariey1l51 0:111) 13 1011101811111\' 111111. 3 3011101 811111. 1115. ‘100
Clneworld Edinbu 3h
1-011111;1111p;1111. 00111111 811111 34111 11110111111110111\' ('11'1111 (.1111 1100111111' 11111-41371 3011 3000 (1111' 11:11 .‘\111111 L111L5.30.\‘10111'11111'1011'5111111. ('111111/xlu1l1'111/1'11111'1‘xx1011‘ L4 1211111111111 1’111‘1‘. L 1.71) 1111 p1‘111111110111'1‘x 111‘1011' 110011. 11111111} 1111111 L17 11'1111} p11“ 1111111111111'11 1110\11'x1 L10 ‘1‘) 111:1 1111111111
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 113:\1 1135:1111. 1.45. 405. ‘100 Feariess (Huo Yuan Jia)1l51 115011111. 3.30. 4.45. 7.05. ‘125 JustmyLuck11’111 11301111. 150. 4.10. 11.111. 350 TheLake House11’111 815. DvertheHedge1l'1 1130:1111. 110011. 1310. 1.00. 1.15. 305. 340. 110. 4.00. 4 111. 500. 1100. 1131. (1.45. 7111. 3,111. 11.45. 010
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s
100. 130. 5.55_
Chest112A1 110011111. 11 5011111. 1340. 1.10. 3.15. 105. 155. 4 45. 510. (1.30. 7.10. H.110. 3.15 ‘) 15_ I015
PrettyPersuasionHHl 13.10. Reeker1l51 3.45. 5011. 7.10. 010. ThankyoutorSmoidng1151 x411 Ultraviolet1l51 12.10 TheWindthatShakestheBariey1151 3511.
For films showing between
1, 2’1.J111’/1/1‘,THE LIST 57