Stand. 333 \Vtxxllatldx Road. 0870 600 6055 8 30pm £4 ’l'cam Monkc} thctter known ax Sand} Nelson. Allen ('halmcrx. Paul Pine and Raymond Mcarnxi hrmg to} to a Monda} night \tith \ketchcx. \tand up and some cheek} tttttxtc


Red Raw 'lillt' Stand. 5 York Place. .553 7373 8 30pm £I. Watch in delight/horror ax htaxe neuhtcx attempt to make _\ou laugh/shame their lrlL'lttl\ and tamil} lttllllt':\l1tlt'l'\()ll and Vladimir Melin hit make \me thingx don't go too mong See caption lot Mc'lm let.

Tuesday 1 1


Red Raw The Stand. 333 \Vtxxllandx Road. 08706006055 S3llpttt. £2 t£l lttt‘tlllX'ISl. 'l'lioxc poor ltml\ hreakmg itito the “odd ol coined} tr} their hext. \xith the lt)\ mg \ttpptit'l of And} Sir and Jamie .«\ndeixoti


Melting Pot The Stand. 5 York l’lat‘t'. 558 7373 8. 30pm. £5 t£4 £3.50 memherxi. A chance lot upcoming \Kl'llL'l'S to we then \ketchex tx-rlormcd on \tage \klllt _\oti. good audience. deciding the

Wednesday 1 2


Fringe Previews The Stand. 333 \thidlattdx Road. 0870 (ile 60.55.

8. 30pm. £6 t£3 memhcrxi. Vladimir Mclax ixh tot uhom there i\ a caption) ollct‘x a line! Ill\lril'\' o/ Semi/mid ahead ol ltl\ anticipated Fringe \liou. l’ollowed h) the tll\ me Rcwrend ()hadiah Slt'p[X'tt\\tillt' Ill and lttx \t't lel Him/(l ('Iiur/n' Sheen Do." I mean. \\c' all uant to klttm. tltttt'l \\‘t".’


Last Laugh Comedy The Arcade Bar. ~18 (‘ockhurn Street. 330 I397. 0pm. £3. New mtdxteek comedy evening hoxted hy tltlpl‘t‘xxinntSI and raconteur Kcara Murph} u ho t\ ‘liddie l//ard “tilt lL‘\\ makeup and more (ilaxgou ‘.


The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 9pm. £6 (£5 £3 memhcrxl. Wee l;t\\ Suxan ('alman controlx the mic ;t\ BB(' Scotlanth John (iillick. .-\lc\ llot'ne. Jtilia Wilson atid Rick) Sparklex attempt to cheer tip your 'l‘hurxda} hltiex. Sec previext' for Alex Home. The Snatch Social The Liquid Room. ()c Victoria Street. 335 3564. l lptn 3am. £5. SL‘L‘ Thu 6.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jttttglt‘tlh. l'(i(‘ Building. Renl're“ Street. 08707 870707. 7pm. From £l0. .Mike \Vilkinxon. Roh Rouxe. Scan Mco and (iar) Delane) are \er} lltltlt} gentlemen. B} coincidence. the) 're performing all weekend in a Jongletirx near )titi. ‘l'uould he rude not to go. See .5 RL‘axth tor Roh RUUSL‘. The Stand The Statid. 333 \Vtxxllanth Road. 0870 600 6055. 8.30pm. £8 (£7 £5). The \ ihrant Ra) mond Mcarnx i\ the compcre thix e\ ening. Join him and Simon Bligh. Sand) Nelson. (ic‘rr) (irant and Stan Beian tor a handle ot~ latighx.

Edinburgh Jongleurs Comedy Club .lUttglCltrS. ()mni ('entre. (ireenside Place. 08707 870707. 7pm. From £ l0. And} White. the \er) cherend ()hadiah Steppetmollc lll. Roh llcene) and Geoff Bow are all on one litie up. .

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 9pm. £8 t£7~£5 members). The pla) t‘til .-\le\ Home (See preview) is joined

Paul Sneddon must need at least one double

take in the mirror every morning to remind him who he is. Some of you may recognise him as simple old Paul, others know him as the brilliantly named Bob ‘The Gob' Doolally, a football observer who puts the pun in pundit and the anal into analysis. For these two shows, though, he will be Vladimir, first up easing some comedy virgins on the road to stand-up fame in Red Raw, and secondly offering a preview of his forthcoming Fringe affair, A Brief History of Scotland.

The Stand, Edinburgh, Mon I()./t//.' The Stand, (“i/(tarmac WWI ’.” ./w’

h)' John (iillick. Julia \Yilxon and Date 'l‘wetttyman. SUSHI] Morrison rulcx the tnic. She\ on radio doncha know


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleuix. l'(i(‘ Btiildiiig. Rent'rcxt Street. 08707 870707. 7pm. From £l3. See Fri 14. The Stand The Stand. 33.3 \thxllandx Road. 0870600 6055. 8.30pm. £8 (£7 £5). See Fri 14. Comedy Womb The State Bar. H8 Holland Street. 333 3l5‘). 9pm. £6 t£5i. Fran lleal)‘ lno. not that one). (‘arh Baker and Patrick Rollink do their thing uhile (iary Little headlines. Jtixt don't lttL‘xx with hint; you have been named.

Edinburgh Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurx. ()mni (‘entrc. (ireenxide Place. 08707 870707. 7pm. From £l3. See Fri l4.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 0pm. £8 (£77 £5 memherxi. See Fri 14.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 \Vtxxllandx Road. 0870 600 (1055 3.30pm. {.1 in u memherxl. Mr Redmond hoxts another perfect end to the neck with :\|e\ llorne. (iem' (irant. (itts 'l‘auxe and Michael Manle}. Sec pre\ ie“ for Home.


Whose Lunch is it Anywar.’ The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. lpm. Free. See Sun 9.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 8,30pm. £4 t£3—£l membersi. L'hcr-hitch Bruce l)e\lin hosts the perfect end to )our \teek. Andy White. Julia Wilson. Rthx Baillie

atid Rick Mollatid do it all hit _\otit' onc Well. the} '0 tr} and make _\oti laugh. an} “at.


Red Raw 'l'hc Statid. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 8.30pm. £l. l-or onl} one \hm} pound )ou can \xatch the \tarx ol the ttiturc meat it otit on \tage tot _\oui plt‘thlll‘t‘. under the protection ol (iat') little and And} White

Tuesday 18


Red Raw lltt‘ Stand. 333 \Vtitidlattth Road. 0870 600 6055. 8, i0pm £3 t£l lttt‘ltllk‘hl. (iar} little and .\'eil McFarlane guide iicucomerx to cttlllt'tl} on their rock} path to tame. 'l'lie} ‘re like a L‘t‘t)\\ hctueen Siiiioti (‘ou ell and Boh (ieldol. ll Simon ('oucll \xax lllttll_\


VWX The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373 8.30pm. £3 (£3 £1 lllL‘llllk‘l'Sl. Stexeii Dick IS the .\l(' on a night teattiring \onie next ach l)cnn_\ Bo}ce and a talking hoer head. Nope. \xc‘w not got a clue uhat'x going on either

Wednesday 1 9


Benefit Evening for Childline 'l‘he Stand. 333 \Voodlanth Road. 08"“ (>00 6055. 8.30pm. £5. l.mevtip to he continued. htit ttSSUFL'tl to he a\

man elloux ax c\ er. .-\ group ot charitahlc comedianx gi\e their time tor tree to ram- monc) tor the north} c'ltlht'.


Fringe Previews The Stand. 5 Yorl Place. 558 7373. 8.30pm. £6. The man “Hit the ra/or tongue. Mr Frankie Bu} Ie.


Jason Manford lliw .en More, l.i<t ll"ll‘ ttii- lcldlt. liwltw' haul .it Tlllt‘iltlllltl tliw ‘tii lh‘li'l lyre tart liiit who can tt‘.lll\ blami- liiiii Still, laut wait}, Ptflllt‘.’ tioiiiitiot- look; wt to

.irta isti‘t tiniviit lt‘”


(tainw out an Illlllll‘itfil‘.‘t" lllllllt‘ allot lllf;()‘.‘.’lt lltt’ 'lli‘V.‘ .l.i‘;oti lvlatitotrl twill lit’ lust ,iir ill'ltl lllt' (Z()ltt(?t. Sow ttL-attiit», page .’.‘ Hit? Sta/id, lt/l/ll)l//t}/l_ //r 7' 8 Sat 8 Jul. trio Sta/id. (Elinor m. Sir/i 0.10/7

Alex Home the sporttarztilaily |llll()‘/(lll\/if chap If; taking a w-ar olt how all tllitllilt‘; l ltllftf‘: but litiro llt‘ shows up to Rout) tliost: (l()lll(:(ll(2 liiimir, llowuit} Wliat hltttl oi ll(}f.ll conceptual triarltitm; ‘Nlll lir- llif (itattitiri iii) to lion“? filftf prox'irrw Hlt’ Sta/til. [thrilling/i, Hit; 75‘ Sat l") ./i//, ll)“ .‘Jta/irl. (il'lStjtntC Sun to Jul

Rob Rouse ( )nr: of lll‘. pith/IONS; t)lll)ll(;ll\,’ tiliritrr; loattirorl Hoiisr: on a F3l)£l(;()ll()l)t)(ll and that ltlfd about stittis; Ht) lllf; l)()‘,/l,‘ill r;liartti to tho tiilt l’lr;as,r: lorriivr: liiiii liis; lV ‘slll‘; and burst a vessel at his r.oiiit;rlir; (,lfjt'llll.’ll“," Son 5) Roasorif, Jory/ours. Glasgow, In M a; Flat 77') Jul

Frankie Boyle As, Mr H pi'rzt‘iarr:$, to storm tlir: l ririgr; for his first full run at the dung, hr.- gots ltl‘; ioko‘; lll goat a‘. lit: 'lCSSOf‘, Ill) trr l){:ltl(} Hit) VON/3 of H/aclr Alllttl'lt,‘/l. ()lllll': a (,lr’lllll that. Hit) Sta/id, lr/rriburgfi, lrl/rw' 7‘) .li//

[‘l‘L‘St'HIS Illr' litlt r’ H] ll/(lr lnlr‘l‘lr rI slide the Retetctid ()hadiali Steppcimolle lll letx ton mto lllS liol} world and ttSkS tltc‘ t'\\t'ltlt.'tl ttttc\tltitt ll'liul Him/(l (‘lim/ii' .S/iu'n I)“

Last Laugh Comedy lltc -\rc.ide Bat. A1H('~K'l\l\tlt‘tl Street. 330 I307 ‘)pm i} .\ night ot tpialit} l.tll‘_‘lllt'l lot a hargaiti price

Thursday 20


The Thursday Show 'I lie Stand. 5 Yuri. Place. 558 ~7373 ()pm £6 t£5 £3 ltlt‘lttlk‘l'Sl Joe llccnan IS )otir cliarttimL' hoxt tor ati etcning tcattirmg Jetl limocent. ulio \lttnkx US in. hat litc \Hltlltl he like ll (irant Mitchell \xax ltmnj. Mtcliacl Leggc. Jamie Andcrxon and Bill} Ktrk\|.txxl alxo \trut lltctr \ttlll.

The Snatch Social The Liqutd Room. ()c Victoria Street. 335 356-1 llptn 3am. £5. Sec Thu 6.

;_ y", ,. 725‘. THE LIST 43