Around Town



* Summer Weekend Watch the prolessmnals at work and find out more about the complexrties of the game at this Association Croquet tournament. Kelvingrove Park Bowling Green. Otago Street. Glasgow, Sat 8 8 Sun 5) Jul.

* Special Summer Tea Tasting It may be hot outside (emphasis on the may) but a nice cup ot tea is the best way to regulate your body temperature and keep cool. Here you can sample a brand new Strawberry Rooibos blend created by online tea company. The Tea Spot. Mono. 72 Kings Court. King Street. G/asgow. Sat 75 Jul.

* Rat Race The urban adventure returns for the third year, exploiting all the rugged features of the capital as a natural playground and incorporating sports such as cycling, running. climbing (pictured) and space hopper riding. City centre, Edinburgh. Sat 15 8 Sun 76 Jul

* The Fast & Modified Show A bOy racer's wet dream of suped up motors. trade stands. dance music, stunt shows. scantily clad 'burds' and more. Royal High/and Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh, Sun 76 Jul.

If you’re looking for a summer pursuit that doesn’t tax the body but engages the brain. then croquet may just be the sport for you. as Rachael Street discovers.

ttltll l’l'L‘\L‘ttll ttlltl \[Ntl‘l \llllld \Ck‘lll lit git \L‘l'}

well together. ll|\ lll\l attempt to\\' the

prolile ol’ ho\iug h_\ landing a square punch on the chin ol a protester unlortunatel} clashed \\ith the launch ol' the lahour l’art}\ manilexto. l'ttlltt\\lllf_' this. his lora_\ into the more genteel sport ot croquet \xax misconstrued as an attempt to shirk lllllthlt‘l'lttl responxihilit} \\hile the PM \\;i\ on ltolida}. liut uhile ho\ing clear|_\ litx \xith l’l‘ewoth hot headed personality croquet doesltd reall} seem like lll\ kind ot game. Yet. as iu_\ introductor} lesson at the .\leado\\\ ('rotluet ('luh re\eal\. there's a more competith e side to the game than _\ou might imagine.

’l‘he l'irxt thing I learn on arri\a| I\ that Senor l’re\cott and his cronies \\ ere tttost likel} indulging Ill a spot ol' goll croquet at the time ot the lltltttttoth pap lu croquet terms. this share\ a similar l'L‘lttllttlhllll‘ to association croquet. as pool to \ltttttle‘l', 'l'he lormer in hoth cases is a slightl) tnore ll'i\olotl\. last mining game where pla_\er\ take alternate turns. \thile the latter are hoth more mathematical. conternplati\ e \pttl'l\ \\llL‘l'L‘ each [‘l;t}L‘l' can lttttlxt‘ it \L‘l‘lc\ Hl dillerent shots until the) make a mistake and allo\\ lltL‘ll‘ competitor lll lttle‘ tt\ L‘l'.

With the detinitionx ottt ol' the \\a_\. it's time to learn llll\\ to set tip the pitch tor golt croquet. 'lhe \i\ hoops are arranged in [no triangles pointed towards one another. with a strip}. multicoloured stick in the tniddle. l'our ot~ ll\ team tip in pairs. \\ith the colours on the centre pole corresponding to the colour ot each person‘s hall and determining the order or play \\e take turm to get the hall through the tirst hoop until

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someone gets luck}. then e\er_\oue lllll\k‘\ onto the ne\t. .\l_\ initial \hot I\ \xhat I consider to he a stroke ol genius. indicatne ol tu_\ nattual ahiht_\ to master .in_\ sport in a matter ot lltllltllt‘\. landing ax ll does uicel} in hue \\lllt the hoop hut lea\iug rust enough \pace to manoeu\ie the pertett goal \o llll.l_‘.‘|llt‘ mt anno_\ance \‘.lten. trom out ot nouheie. m_\ opponent decides that instead ol attempting to do lllxt'\\|\t'. \he uses her hall to puxh nune oil to the \ide ol the put h.

l‘iu dixgiuntled hut. reco\eiine tputkl}. I use my. ne\t turn to\L' otit Ill} opponent. thus leax lllL' \[taee lot in} partner to score the opening goal.

\\ell. that\ the theor} l nlortunatel_\ lll} hall \[llll\ hack past mt opponent‘s. lea\ lllL‘ ltctx in poll lltHIIIHH and mine lllllc\ .i\\a_\ liom uhere l \‘.attt ll to he.

lhe end result l\ a not too \hahh} l I to our opponents. hecattxe. \kllllt‘ llt_\ partner and l tieaii} need a little longer to warm up. h_\ the end ol the game \\e ha\e e\ol\ed into a ltnel_\ tuned p|a_\iug machine. Had we continued to II hoops. lam comiuced that \tctor} \Mttlltl ha\e heen our» .\ud that's the hcaul} ol the game uhile ll doesn‘t tn\ol\e too tuuch e\ertton under the \ttltttttct' sun. and alloux ample opportunities lor l’lllllll\ hrealtx. ;t retains a coinpetitn e and p\_\chologica| edge that uill \er} LllllL'l’\l_\ ha\ e )ou hooked.

More information about playing croquet in Scotland can be found at

In Edinburgh, call 0870 746 2583 or visit For Glasgow, call Rod Williams on 0141 632 7829.