with something braye and innoyatiye. You‘ll struggle to find any sliyers of prehistoric rock stagnating quietly in glass cases with only a yellowing strip of paper secured by two pins with a Latin name on it. which conyeys nothing to anyone outside academia. Similarly. the notion of organising items

definitiyely' by subject matter. time frame or

genre has been. to an extent. discarded. Instead. exhibits have been charged with new


energy and are juxtaposed to ma\imise their

ftill (educational and enioymenti potential. (iiant seabirds. giraffes and elephants (including the museum's more famous resident Sir Roger) stand proudly beloyy a World War ll Spitfire fighter. The plane hangs suspended. like a giant camouflaged gymnast. poised at the top of his routine. filled \yith kinetic potential. Look closer and you'll see that the wing tips of the giant iron beast clear the \yalls

Sophy Cave‘s ‘Expressions‘ installation spans the length of the East Court, in the newly- refurbished Kelvingrove Museum. The renovation project took three years to complete.

l‘y l\\ti lllcltcs Hll t'llllct stile. \cctllt'ss lH say. ll l’L‘t|llllt'tl ti lL'ill Hl L‘ll‘L'lllL'L'llllg' lit j_‘t‘l ll Ill lllt’lt' (iray delights iii the cunning gioupings ol obiccts. Suits ol aiiiioiii stand poised to engage llt battle. pitsctl Ilt‘\l lit sllalks. llL'\l lo artiiadillos. ne\t to the clothing li‘otii piisoiieis ol concentration camps. the designs ol \yai. their inspirations tioiii nature and the biutally destructiye results all encapsulated in one space. 'l’liis teclinitpie is applied lietpieiitly throughout the building; Ill this case. giyiiig \icyycrs a more rounded understanding ol the nature of \yarlare. and generally pieseiitiiig a more tlii'ee-diiiiensiiinal insight into some Hllllll iteiiis lroiii the museum collection on display. One other inspired idea was to trim e soiiic ol the art collection doyyiislatrs onto the ground floor. llll\ for the most part was a reaction to the tact that three tpiarteis of \isitors to the gallery don‘t \enture beyond the e\teiisi\e ground floor; not a huge surprise when you Utllsltlcl lltc llltlll\;llltl\ til llcllts Hit tllsplay. lllal may take sc\cral \isits to get round iii their oun right. 'lo use a iiiusical iiielaplioi. the small but significant groupings on the ground floor and. shrewdly. tlie ('harles Rennie

Mackintosh collection is the etpiiyalent ol' the