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Shelter head for T in the Park for the next phase of their ‘Home is . . .’ campaign. Allan Radcliffe reports.
hcltcr Scotland's ‘lloinc is
‘ campaign. which
aims to collcct 5()()() quotcs
about tlic importancc of homc
from pcoplc up and down thc
country. will bc sctting out its stall
at 'l‘ in thc Park this wcckcnd. The
charity aims to prcscnt thc quotes
(including thc thoughts of somc
wccl-kcnt cclcbs. right) to
politicians. cncouraging thcm to
mcct thcii' promisc that cycr‘yonc should hayc a homc b_\' 2012.
Archic Stoddat't. tiit‘CL‘IUf ()i.
Shcltcr Scotland. said the charity wcrc dclightcd with thc rcsponsc so far — but hc urgcd othcrs to log onto thc wcbsitc to hpr kccp thc prcssurc on Scotland’s politicians.
‘Pcoplc hayc rcspondcd to thc campaign with rcal thought about what homc mcans and gchn us somc brilliant insight into how important it is.‘ hc said. 'lt just shows that Scottish politicians have to stick to their promise that cycryonc in Scotland should have
10 THE LIST 6- Qt‘ JU' .7006
a home by 2012. liycryonc should have a home; no one should bc dcnicd that basic right.
‘Wc'd love cvcryonc to come along to thc Shcltcr Scotland tcnt at T in the Park to tell us what homc mcans to them and hpr us to keep thc pressure on Scotland's politicians to stick to their promisc that cvcryonc should have a home.”
Christopher Bmokmyre
I spent five months sharing a Cramped bedsit With two other people. Everything about that time felt wasted. transitony. and vulnerable. Home to me is somewhere secure to retreat to. and somewhere that gives me a strong sense of belonging. Any time I haven't had those things. I've felt like my life was on hold. Allldh from Sons 8- Daughters Home means everything to me. lt's so important to feel you have a home; it’s about people. not about places. My home is wrth the peeple I love. Zero Seven Home is your own. Your own space to be in. and feel you can shelter from the world. To keep your family safe in. To cook your food. FOr me it needs to have an open fire. and a garden. And hopefully some decent neighbours.
Rob da Bank I cant imagine not having a home — it really is where my whole life is grounded ~ it's a safe place for my wife and baby and me to be — and when I shut the door behind me I can close Out the crazy Outside world for a while . . . And I've got a spaceship in my garden which I couldn't live wrthout!
Matt Black of Coldcut The word ‘Home' symbolises where I live. Physically. emotionally, mentally. ‘The arrow struck horne‘ means the point was made to the heart of the matter. I am often away. which is great. but love to have a base to come back to. Home is where the heart lives. more than a house it is the complex framework that holds my family unit safe and on many levels provides a structure for existence. Without it. my life would be rootless. I am grateful for having a home. Finding somewhere good to live has always been difficult for me and although I do not own my Current home. I value it. | write this from home. and send it with the hope that all who wish for a home should have one . . . It is. in my opinion, a basic human right.
‘l'm not going to commit myself because I don’t want the hate mail.’
‘I can’t see why anyone from Scotland wouldn‘t support England in the World Cup.’
‘We do have offers from some major magazines. Popular Mechanics was talking about doing something . . . ’
‘Take That were all on the dole when I put them together all that time ago and they weren’t doing too well when I relaunched them last year. Talk about ungrateful.’
{, ' .,
‘The times I sold out, it was for money. You feel real shitty. You hate the script, and you get up in the morning and you dread going to work. The seven million dollars you get doesn’t make up for that feeling . . . ’
‘He can touch mine too if he wants to.’ rm ;/ ~ w