A year ago. Echline Primary School in South Oueensferry earned its green flag as an Eco-School. iorning a worldwrde organisation that promotes sustainability in schools and their communities. Echline's depute head teacher Heather Gray led the way.
‘We started about two years ago. I had been doing a lot of work on grounds improvement, and it kind of grew out of that.
‘We really don't have much problem with discipline here because the kids have got loads to do. We've got a trim trail and traversing walls to play on. We‘ve also got a pond and we recently put in a fantastic birdbox that's linked to a TV. There are tadpoles in the pond and blue-tits hatching in the box and the kids get to see all that.
‘I sold the idea to the staff by telling them it hits a lot of the curriculum. For example, we had kids monitoring the gas bills and putting them onto graphs, so that hit maths, and some activities involve IT skills. I also linked it to enterprise education: if we're writing begging letters we get kids to write them — it works much beflen
‘Eco—Schools have bronze. silver and green flag levels and
This page lists a selection of organisations which campaign for, and provide expert advice on, improved approaches to sustainable development in Scofland.
Sustainable development
Edinburgh and Lothian Friends of the Earth Scotland |.iliil\'\ lluiiw. Hiiljgi‘xx Slit-cl. “l ‘N liiliiliii.illiiii .illil li'\t‘lll\'i'\ \\\\\\.lili' \kllllillltl lily ilk
BTCV * \ll‘illi'llllll l’l.ii'i'. lll il “3
.\ 'illl l’im lili'\ illllltlllllllllli'\ ltll
iiiill\ lilll.ll\ .iiiil i'iilliliiiillilii'x in liiipiiixi' llii'ii Intuil i'ii\ lliilinii'lil llilnil;.‘|i piai'lii .il .ii'llnli \\\\\\ i'\i' iilg.‘ ilk
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (‘lixiiimli‘i Hi‘lhi'. Hk'lll‘l \\.iil lx’i'xi'aii'h l’.ilk. \\i‘lllli‘ \iiilli. lx’ii'i’.iiliili. HI 1| -l l" ".“lh Si'ix t‘lll .i ll.iilli‘\\nlk
\\ llliiii \illii'li \\\‘ll,llltl \.lll li'ilili‘i‘ llii‘ .illiiiillil ill \\.i\li' il l‘ll‘tlll\\'\ and deal \\ illi \\.i\li‘ l\ illiitliii’i‘il ill .i iliiili' \ll\lil|ll.ll‘|t' \\.l'\ \\\\\\ \cpa ill}: ilk
Glasgow and Strathclyde Si Hi\\\\i‘ll\ (“it'\\ i‘lll. \li'ikli‘liggx. l’.ii\li'} (ligalilxalinii liii wi'ial li'xpiilhll‘ilil} lll \‘ullaiiil \\\\\\ .igi'liila \i'iiilaliil lily
Aberdeen Shared Planet Society
I iitliilll Ht‘lhk'. 5H 53 (.l‘llk‘?k‘ liiiilliilx. ()lil \hclili‘i‘ll \lllli.ili'il \\ll|l ilii' I’i'ni‘li‘ A. Hand iii‘tmilk. .i l k \liiilclll tuiliitxiiglillig iiigallixilinil plm iillnj; iii.ili‘ .iilil giliilalii‘i' ll‘l illlli'li'nl \C.lll\ i'.tllll‘.!l:_‘ll\ \\\\\\ .ihilll .ii' ilk \li' In" . Scenes \\i‘\ii‘l l.ill;_'\. lli\i'l.illili'. l-.ill. lil\i‘l'ili'\\. lllMlh i_‘l 1m \i‘iillixh
i‘ll\ ilulliili‘lli ili‘\\\ \lli‘
\\ \\ \\ .xi‘i‘iii‘x iii; ilk
Scottish Environment LINK I (il‘nni‘lliil lliiiixc. Show Riniil. l’i‘llh. (ll'.‘~.\ ifitNLl l‘i‘llllll lui Scull.”le \iiliilit.ii_\ i‘ll\lli‘llllli‘lll illgitlllMllli‘lh
you‘ve got to reach certain criteria for each level. There were seven elements: litter. waste minimisation, energy. water, transport, health and wellbeing, grounds — and now they‘ve brought in biodiversity too. So each stage of the school took responsibility for one element and each has two representatives on the eco committee.
“The kids are hugely enthusiastic. They do a newsletter that goes out to the community; and they decided to have litter police who go out and police the playground.
\\ \\\\ \i‘iillllik iilj:
BRISC I’liiiiluli-x llli‘ _L‘.lllli‘llllf..‘ iii
an lliHlllli‘llLII in iiii linixi‘ piihlli’ .l\\.ili'lli‘\\ HI I‘liilltylial ill\i'r\il} in Scotland \i\iitllllxi’iiipilk
The National Trust for Scotland \\i'lll_\\\ Hiiiiw. lb ('li.illiilli' Siiiiali'. liliiiltiilph. HI 1I ll 1 ‘l illll
\\ \\ \\ lll\ tilt: ilk
WWF Scotland I lllli‘ l)iiiiki-lil. lliiliki'lil. l’i'l'llixliili'. Hi {all i‘hjllll l’.ill til \\ \\ l~ l'K. milkin}: Ull l\\lli‘\ liiini .i iiiiiiiili-l} Si‘iilthh pi‘ixpi-i'liw \\\\\\ \\\\l liking; i'iili‘ .ihniil, \i'illlaliil .ixp Sustrans Scotland lm l<.iiitlnlpli (‘li'xi’i‘lli l.illlll‘lll_L'll. ill ;I 5“) .\ l .73 Hit- l K\ liniilliip \ll\l.tlll.ll\li' ll.tll\|lilll i'h.ilil_\ \\\\\\ \ll\ll.lll\.tllj__' ilk
Transform Scotland l,.iiiil»\ llllll\L'. Hiliyi'xx \lii'i'l. l i'ilh. laililihiilgli. H] il in" “ll (Lillipalpn ltll \lhldllldhli' ll.lll\|ltlll \\\\\\ ll.lll\ltlllll\\'tlll.tllil 0|le Scottish Executive Sustainable Development
\\\\\\ \i’nllanil gm ilk ’liipii’x \ll\[.t|‘|i‘ |)i'\i‘liipiiii'lit
Forward Scotland hill l-lmi. l’illlillllh lll‘ll\k'. 3| lliill.i \iii'i'l. (il.i\§_'ii\\. ill-ll 33: ;till“ \ i|_\il.iiiili’ urgaliixillnli .il llli‘ liniilili; .‘ilpi' ill pliigli'“ iii \ll\‘li‘ ili'wliipilii'lii ill \i‘iiilaliil \k‘.\\\ It‘l\\.llil \ii‘llallil i\lf_' ilk
The Business Council for Sustainable Development, United Kingdom \ii .li‘lltlll l‘.l\k'il iii-liiiiik. liailliiilf; lli‘lll llii- plai'llial .ippllialiiili ill \ll\i.llll.ll‘l\' ili'\i'|npllii'lll \.ilili'\ .inil iii'l\\i~lkill_~_' kliuv. li'ilyi' hi-lui'i-li llli‘llll‘i'l ill;.illl\.illnii\ \\\\\\ hixil
ilk iii ilk
Energy Saving Trust Scotland
I lii'iiili.i;_'ili;; i-lii'lg} cll'li‘iclii') and thy ilili';l.itliill \‘l li-iii'xmhlc clile \i‘llltk‘\ llilii ilii' i‘i‘iiiliillili’‘l'li' til wilt-IF
\i\\ \\ 01 ill}; ilk
Sustainable Scotland Network 85\ ()llli'i‘. l l\l|.tllil\ I am. Stirling. Ill"\(\ it“: ‘5 local .tLlIllUllIliN milking; lugclhi'l Till .1 \Ll\1.illl.ll‘li‘ Sti'llallil
kudos. The kids boast about their green flag and they really take pride in it. Ross Finnie the Enviroment Minister came to visit in December. and a few weeks ago we had 24 visitors from an Eco-School in Iceland.
get £250 funding when you reach bronze and that‘s it. The green flag doesn‘t even come with a flagpole - ours was kindly donated by Port Edgar Marina. But ideally, we‘re looking at citizenship. It‘s maintenance of the planet, really.‘
‘It does a lot for the school‘s
‘It doesn't bring in money: you
\\ \\ \\ \ll\l.llll.l|‘|i‘ \i’illlaliil llt'l
Do a Little, Save a Lot l,iii-i;_'_\ i'llli'ii‘lii'} liiii‘liixili' Him in li'iliii’i' }tllll i‘lli‘lfg} iiillpill \\\\\\ iliii'li.iii;ji- iii-l Sustainable Development - The Government’s Approach (iiixi'llillii'lil\ \ll\l;llll.ll‘lt' iii-\i'lupllii‘lil \\k'l‘\llk‘. plm lilliij: yiililalii’i' .iliil lliniljglil plmnkllip ltlk'il\ nil him in piilxiii' .i liinli' \ll\l.llll.ll‘li' [Mill \\\\\\ \ll\l.llll.ll‘li' ili'\i'|iipilii‘lil gm ilk
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Sustainable Development 1 \\ \\\'l‘\llt'. .ill .lllllltllll.tll\i' \iiiili'i' nl mpcrllw \\llhlli llii'l illli'il \.ll|llll\
x} \li‘lll «in \ll\l.tlll.ll‘li' iii-\i'liipliii'iil
\\ u \\ llll illjJ i'\.l. \il\lili'\ lllili'\ Sustainable Development International l’im ltlt'\ up in il.ili- til\i'l.lj_'i‘ Hll ki'_\ \ll\\li‘ ili'wliipnii'lil l‘liti'i‘\\i'\ .tllil |\\l|L'\. \\ llll .i \ll.ili‘)_'li' liii'iix Ull llli- lullim up in. and lllll‘li'llli‘llldlll'll ill. the \Mil'lil Sillliiiiil Hll \ii\i.iili.ihli' |)i-\i'|npiiii-iil. and [lip l'.\' \lllli'llllllll lkwclnprllclli (llldl\ .l\ iii-ll .l\ «in lillk'\l tlt‘\k'lll[‘|llt'lll\ llillll lht' (‘SR \i-cliil \i \\ \\ \ll\ltlL'\ ill};
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) lil'illgx iiigi-llii'l’ wilti' l.\ll iilli' iiiliipailli'x ili .i \hillt'll i’tlllllllllllli'lll in \ll\l.llll.ll‘li' ilL'\L'll‘[‘lllClll lllliiiigh i'iniiiilliii j_'ltl\\lll. i'i’iiliiglial' and \iii Lil pulpit-m \i. \x u \\l\ \il iii; UNESCO - Decade of Education for Sustainable Development l’im ltlk'\ .i hnml i.ili;_'i' iil lllllil'lllallilll iili Rcwlillliili V 351. “inch \\.l\ .iiliipli-il h} thi- l‘lilii-il \.iliiill\ (ii-nclal .\\\L'llll‘l_\ ill |)L'k i'ilihcr 3”“: In piniiiiiti' \ll\l.tlll.:hli' l)t'\t'lllplllk'lll iliii'lli; lhc ili'iaili‘ 2W5 Illlvl.
\ux \\ portal iilli'xiii «ti; i'iliiialliilii'll i". Earthtrends .\ll nilllllc i‘iillcctlnli nl lelitllllalli‘ll li‘;.ii'ilillg the cm Il'tllllllL'lllal. wiml .illil ciivilnliilc iii-nth lllal \llapc niir‘ \\ i ‘l M ‘A \\ u ixil'lllll‘i‘llilx \\ iii ii;
As promoted by Scotland‘s Environment Minister Ross Finnie on World Environment Day last month.
1 I promise to shower instead of bath
ll taken fi’i‘ it: if» llll' -‘; lo. llll .l lnlll‘. a filltl‘fi/(‘l user. l3 to 17“ litter; iii-r lllllllllf‘
2 I promise to put a water saving device in my toilet Devicef. i All ri~<luii ‘.‘J.tli'l \‘ras‘itailt: ll‘, fill to tuft pit t'lll
3 I promise to turn the tap off when l brush my teeth lhit; \‘Jlll cut your water usage ha, around [5) per cent.
4 I promise to use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones The UK l)ll‘,’f§ arnunrl i'i’ ll) lllll|l()ll l)(lll(:ll(313 per year and (limppui :1, ()l lll().‘;l of them, creatiriii around (50,000 tonnes; of Within.
5 I promise to use a ‘bag for life’ or reuse my plastic bags. The average Bl'lllf3ll person uses; 290 carrier bags; per ,ear
6 I promise to dry my washing on the line - not in the tumble dryer
A liirlil’)l0 (in/er uses; 2’1) kilnwr-ill hours to dry a lull loail (ll cotton 7 I promise to boil only the water I need, rather than filling the kettle every time It's; quicker and cheaper this; way. 8 I promise to share my car journeys to work with a cofleague
Littshar'e enables i'rieriil’mrf. to arrange shared car Journeys}. It now arranges nearly 30 million iliiles; of shared Journeys annually. Register at littsl'iareorg.
9 I promise to use a climate payback scheme to reduce the impact of my air travel The CarbonNeiitral scheme (carbonneutral.conii calculates the pollution caused by a Journey: and can plant trees to neutralise the carbon produced. One tree ($8.50) is required per half tonne Of carbon ledeB * C’Qlllvalem to a return flight to Barcelona.
10 I promise to organise or volunteer for an environmental project
Your local Volunteer Centre can help you contact a SUItable Organisation. Log on to W‘JNLVOIUHIGGFSCOllaHFl.lflfO.