Acoustic Ladyland

I Creative Destruction (‘aharet Vollait‘e. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 MW). 9pm 3am. £o hel'ore l lpm; £8 alter t£5i. New indie cltih night with plent) ol' li\e acts to keep things interesting. this instalment l'eatures Rieser. Jack Butler. the Pedestrians. .\l_\shotgunsister and more the. All raising lunds tor the Big Issue l-‘oundation.

I The Rab Howat Band Bannerman's. Niddr} Street. 55o 3254. 3pm. liree. See Stm 25.

I Acoustic Open Mic The Tron. 9 Hunter Square. High Street. 226 093 l. 9pm. l‘ree. See Sun 25.

I UNIT, I Am Blip, Rob Park and Sister Blades The Left Bank. 37 (iuthrie Street. 225 9744. 9pm. l’ree. l.i\'e showcase l'rom the Institute for lilectronic Artists.

I Hobo The Bongo (‘|uh. Moray Home. 37 Hol)rood Road. 558 7o04. l0pm 3am. l‘ree helore I lpm; £3 alter. See Sun 25.


I Acoustic Ladyland and The 44s King Tut's Wait Wait lltit. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £8. (ienre- defying ja// line-up. l'eaturing aw ard- winning .saXophonist Pete \Vareham. shock-haired drumming powerhouse Seh Rochl'ord and creative keyhoardist Tom (‘awle_\. drawing inspiration lront the likes ol' Hendrix. (iang ol‘ l’our. ('oltrane and .Moiik.

I Emer, Capulet and PAN l3th Note (are. 50- 60 King Street. 553 M38. 9pm. £3. limer are an emo-influenced trio.


I Lorraine, Hill 8. Johnson and Roy’s Iron DNA ('aharet Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 ol7o. 7pm. £6. See Sun

I Stepping Stones The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 22o 4380. 7pm midnight. Free. See Mon 20.


I Fife Schools Rock Band Competition Rolltes Halls. Kingdom Centre. 0l592 (ii I l0l. 6pm. £4. (‘ome along and spot the talent of tomorrow with hands from .-\uchmut_\'. Balwearie. Beath. Bell Baxter. Dunl’ermline. lmerkeithing. Lochgell)‘. Madras. Queen Anne. St (‘olumhas and \Voodmill.

Tuesday 4


I Lostprophets (‘arling Academ) Glasgow. l2] liglinton Street. 0870 771 2000. 7pm. S()l.l) ()l'T. ()xer-l4s .show. Welsh nu-metal tykes making considerable inroads to the Stateside market. Known to engage their fans in a

massi\e gatne ol British Bulldogs when the} pla} |i\e.

>i= Suzanne Vega 'l‘lie ()ld l-‘ruitmarket. ('andleriggs. 287 55l l. 7.30pm. £l7.50. The lirst major ligure iii the humper crop ol' lemale singer/songw riters w ho rose to prominence during the late 80s. characterised h} restrained l‘olk-pop and highl} literate l_\t'ics.

I Fragile and Centuries Cry Barn}. zoo (‘l'\tle Street. 0870 907 out»). 8pm. £5. High class screaming emo and metal. I Uncle Fritz and AN Byrne Tchai ()Vllil. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. l'nplugged strummer};

I Midlake King Tut‘s \Vah \Vah lllll. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £6. Texan quintet inlluenced h} 70s l‘olk rock and oned h) Jason ‘M_\ .\'ame ls liarl' no less.

I Glasgow Songwriters Blacklt'iars. 30 Bell Street. 552 .5924. 9pm. Tree. l-‘ortnighth gathering of the musicians' collectne with l‘eatured artists. open mic and a strict original material polic).

I We are the Physics, The Costapeens and In Ernest l3lh .\'oie (are. 50 o0 King Street. 553 M38. 9pm. £3. l’unkish hill.


I The Jackals ('aharet Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 ol7o. o.30pm. £5 l£4i. Jangl} guitar pop with heart lrom the Jackals headlining this New liound Sound night.

I Capulet, Gasgiant and Eagleowl Henry's (‘ellar Bar. 8 loa Morrison Street. 228 9393. 8pm. £4. (iuitar soundscapes l'rom (‘apulet.

I Band Showcase \Vlilsllehlnkles. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5| I4. 9pm. l‘ree. See Tue 27.

Wednesday 5


I Billy Talent The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. . 32 ll20. 7pm. £0). ()\er- l4s show. Toronto punk t_\ pes wielding imaginatnely-named second alhurn Bil/r Iii/en! II.

I Hate Becomes the Hero, Nothing from Nowhere, Drama Before Flight and Backlight :\B(‘2. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £5. ()\er- l4s show. limo punk hill.

I Acoustic Open Stage The Hall Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 352 999i». 8pm. Free. See Wed 28.

I Michael Simons Tchai ()\ na. I69 l)ean.ston l)ri\e. (>49 7258. 8pm. £2. See Wed 28.

I We are Wolves and Duchess Says Nice'n'Sleal}. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8.30pm. £thc. Duchess S;i_\s are Moog rockers from Quebec.

I Achilles Bar Bloc. l 17 Bath Street. 574 (1066. 9pm. Free. New York mathcore.

Just because it's got a saxophone in it doesn’t make it jazz. This east London quartet have as much in common with the Stooges or the Streets as they do your average post-bop quartet. Their new album, produced by Paul ‘Bloc Party' Epworth is nearing completion and these shows will showcase their sound; rhythmically manic but as melodious as a snake charmer.

I King Tut's. Glasgow, (5‘ Jul; Cabaret Voltaire. E(//Ill)t//(]/l, Wu! :3 Jill

I Without Malice l3rli Note ('ale. 50 o0 King Street. 553 lo38. 9pm. £3. l.ocal indie action.


I Acoustic Ladyland and The 44s ('aharet Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 (il7ti. 7pm. £7. See Mon 3.

I The Bedford Falls The Jam Home. 5 Queen Street. 22o 4380. 7.30pm. l‘rec. Semi—acoustic t'ools rock and pop.

>1? Makoto Ozone Trio Ja/l ('entre. The l.ol. 4/o (irassmarket. 4o7 5200. 8.30pm. £ l 2. Que ol' the higgest names on the Japanese ja// circuit.

Thursday 6


I City & Corporeal, Well Kept Secret, Jata, A Means to an End and Zicron The ('athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 248 oo0o. 7pm. £5. ()\ei= l4s show. limo rock line-up.

I Hate Becomes the Hero, Nothing from Nowhere, Drama Before Flight and The Arsonists Barn}. Zoo ('l}de Street. 0870 907 0999 7.30pm. See Wed 5.

I The Plimptons Tchai ()\na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. Another ol 'ahsurdo-pop' hand the l’limptons'

s_\ mposiums ol' pop.

I W-T-N, This July, Rune and Well we Ain’t Winning Barn} ltipslairsl. lot) (‘l_\th Street. 0870 907 099‘). 8pm. £5. ()xer- l4 show. Indie/emo hill.

I Endor, Room to Let and V for Victory Nice'ri'Slcail}. 42| Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8.30pm. (ilaswegian quartet cornparahle to a more melodic .-\rah Strap who released their single ‘Hold ()n‘ on Sa} Dirt) Records.

I The Incendiary Bats, Bocketfox and Gdansk l3lh Note (ale. 50 on King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. £4. l.ocal hand triple hill.

I Live Music Mc('huills. 40 High Street. 552 2 I35. 9pm. l’ree. See Thu 22. I Breschnev MacSorle) 's. 42 Jamaica Street. 248 858l. lilectronica l‘rom l’erth.


I Reptiles ('aharet Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 (076. l0pm. £5. Massixe Attack \ocals meet dow nheat Aphex Twin glitch electronica l'rom the Reptiles with DJ support l'rom ()llie Teeha (the Herhaliseri and the Trouhle crew at this (ilenliddich Independent Mix.

I The Bedford Falls The Jam Home. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 7.30pm. liree. See Wed 5.

I Sara Mitra and The Dirty Martinis The Jam Home. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 7.30pm. lr‘ree hel‘ore l0pm; £3 alter. Voung ja/l \ocalist. Sara Mitra. is joined h) Paul Kirh} on piano l‘ollowed h} sua\e pop form the Din} Martinis.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.


I Jan Douglas 8. Primetime Strathdure. 3 5 Blacklriars Street. 5‘2 “"35 Split l'iee .la// \Utlntl\


I Fair Witness and The Dirty Martinis llt‘ .lalll lltllISC. Queen Street. 22o 4380 " 30pm l‘ree heloie lllpm. £3 alter lino lair \\ itness pla} out lolk} ’jaH} organic music with two sets ol co\ers lroin the lhrt} Martinis

I Louise Holden & Friends l\'o_\.tl l._\ceum l'heatre. (irmdla) Street. 248 4848 8pm £5. l’resentmg 'lastes ol .la/l‘. an unpredictahle selection ol standards lrom this classical pianist. rock drummer and lolk cellist comho

I The Band Lyne .la// ('entre. The lot. 4/o (irassmaiket. 407 5200 8 30pm £71£or led h} ('anadian

composer ’hassist loin | _\ne locussing on improx isation and hass

I Beat Hoot Juice The Jan Bat. l ('hamhers Street. 2204290. 10.30pm. l‘ree. .-\l'ro~heat. |.atm and ska liom resident hand the (ioal Stew ()rchestia. plus l).l Barn and the odd |i\e guest and spinner.


Riverboat Shuffle (ilasgow Science ('entre. 50 Pacific Qua). 420 5000. 7.30pm. £22. The JaI/wegians. l)a'~e Wilson 8 the l'ptown Shulllers and (ieorge l’enman‘s lax/men entertain sou as )titi sari down the ri\ er on the PS \Va\er|c"\. Britain‘s oldest sunning ocean going l’addlesteamer. l.ea\es promptl} l'rom (ilasgow Science ('entre. it"! I” [lie (iltixeuu ./u:;‘ l’t'\llltl/.

Kerry Tracey Bastille 'l'axerne. o2 .'\rg_\le Arcade. 22! 8917. 8.30pm. l-ree. Selllpenned compositions and standards lrom the Bill} Holrda} inlluenced )Hllll}: Scottish pianist and singer. I’ur! n/ Illt’ (iluxemi .ltig': l'i'xiiiul.

3‘53 The Fusion Experience liluu. 50 'l‘rongate. Merchant ('it}. 548 I350, 9pm. lice. l’unk-lilled ja/I set lrom Raynond Harris and hand. l’tll'! u; the (iluxeun .luc: /‘('\!lltl/.

Hermie Longalong Blacktriars. 3o Bell Street. 552 5924. 9pm. l‘ree. 'l'enor. alto and soprano sax. little and wind s}nth pla;er. ot'iginall} lrom the Philippines. once resident in (ilasgow. and now hascd in l,:\. I’ll/'14)] l/Ir' (iluuym ./(I.".‘ l‘r'xlll'ul. 3:1 Late Night Jazz Club (it) Inn. l'iinnieston Qua}. 240 I002. l0.30pm. liree. Late night sessions lrom l'ionna Duncan and her trio. plus special guests. I’ll/'1 (if [he (i/uwmi ./t1.".‘ I'i'xlilul.


I Brian Kellock Trio Ja/I ('entrc. The Lot. 4/o (Erassmarket. 407 5200. 7,30prn. £8. l-ollowing drummer John Rae’s return lrom New Zealand the trio reconxene lor another hig-swinging. loot-stomping. ltiii tilled perlorrnance.

I Guest Bands Night The Jan Bar. l ('hamhers Street. 220 4290. 9pm. l‘ree. Stan the weekend in sl)le at this weekl} night l'eaturing top guest groups lrom lidinhurgh and (ilasgow. Hosting the saxman Russell Henderson's ('l) Launch i23 Juni l'ollow ed h} hehop and swinging standards l‘rom the Jack l-inla} Quintet 430 Jun i.

I La Rumba Caliente Jan (wire. The Lot. 4/() (irassniark‘el. 22l 8806. l0.30pm. £8. l.i\e perlormance losing the sounds oi South and ('cntral America to produce unique. funk} and highl} danceable sounds.

22 Jun-i, J‘Jl 290‘. THE LIST 77