Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.
iiiL' iIIIL‘L'. i’uikiii'uii. “Kai 3”” Sim” \Iiuii L5~10II_-1H0hclIIII' 5pm
\iIIiI 'lhi) ('iIIIIi' L i HI) IL‘ 50
\iIII) iiill) \IIIIII‘III L i ~I) IU
\iIIi) 'IIIIII ()_\|’ l‘lHII L i “0 i'.ililli_\ iiL ht'i L i 5 -\ii iii'ixi'iS i‘L'iIIIL' IIIIIIII
i- i ii)
ii‘ii'Ifl l‘.’ .1.
Curious GeorgeII'I II.ISIIIII. ISI). The Da Vinci Code I i3:\l 5.05. HIS. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Il_2\) ll |5uiii. |.~i5. -i 15. () I10.
Hard CandyIIxI IIIIIIIIII. ISI). I I5. (I-i5. ‘)
(I {5. I) 05
PoseidonII3,\I .iIIII, (Iii IIIII).
RVI|’(I) IIIIIluiiI. ICU. 5.40. 0.0“. s30
TheWiIdIi') Il.iIl;IIII. I20. H5. X-Men: The Last Stand I |2.\) I.I)I).
iiii (I iil_ XXII.
Ilili IA‘I L'ia Ii IUHSIIAY L90
The Adventures of Greyiriars Bobby Ii') \iuiinu' Sui: I 1.50mi). Aquamarine I l’( i I i);ili}l l 1.00mi). I I5. 3.15.
Big Momma’s House 2 Ii’( I)
\iuiuu‘c Sui: I0.00uii).
Chicken Little Ii")
\igiimci' Sui: |0,00um.
Curious George 0)
Hull}: i. ii).
The Ca Vinci Code I I2.-\)
“I'L‘kiiguv i2”. i-iii. 3.3”.
Sui Ik Sim: 5.45.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
5.45. i). i .5.
|)u)l\: i|.l5um IIIIII Sui). |.45. 4.I5. (Isii): IIIIS
Hard Candy I is)
“tckdup: ll.5iiuiii. I50. 4.15.045.
Sui Ik Sun: 0.25.
The Lake House II’(;I
Hull}: ll.00uii) IIiIII \Vcd). L50. (I, ‘0. ‘Hlil.
Little Polar Bear: The Mysterious Island Il‘)
.\iuiiiii'i' Sui: l0.00uiii.
Over the Hedge II')
Sui & Sun: l|.00um. nIIIII). I00. 2.00. AIII). 4.00. 5.00. (I00. “I)I) TJS. Uiiil.
RV Ii’(})
|)uil_\: i|.00uni IIIIII Sui ). l2”. 5.40. 000 Mini Sui Ik Sun).
Ultraviolet I IS) Hull}: 5.30. 5.30. The Wild Il') Huil): H.30um. X-Men: The Last Stand I I2.-\I Huil}: 8.30.
Cineworid Benirew Street
" chl'rc“ Sircci. ini'II unIi (‘(' hooking: I).\'“I 200 2000. .-\IIIIII my) IL‘S.2II ‘ .\lIIn 'I‘hu). (‘hiIII/xiIiiicnix/I‘IIIIL‘L‘xin)nx: £4.20. iiiiiiil} iickci L‘l7 ISIIII 'l'hu: H.500). Below Ipm ull iickcixr £3.80. l'nlimiicii (uni: LIIW‘I pcr munih.
BrickIISI \I.I5.
Curious GeorgeIi') II.I)IIIIIn. III). The De Vinci Code I l2.-\) noon. |.iI). 3.30. 4.30. 730. 8.45. ElectionIIxI HS. (v.40.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Driit I|2.~\) |0.l5um. l2.-i5. 3.30. 0.15. U00.
Friends with Money I l5) 3.00. 8.45.
56 THE LIST _ '5 .Iu
Hard CandyIIxI IIIIIIuIiI. 1‘0. ~11”.
(I ~15, W2” Imagine Me and You I I: \I I I IIII.IIII. [Ii 2 :II_ SIS x10
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I2 \I 1 III I. (I IIII_ I) I)I) The Omen I ISI (I Jil. ‘)V iii
ll) NLIHL lilil. :5Il.
PoseidonII2.\I II) IIIIIIII. 100. NI). (I :0, H50
nVII’III III-Wu”). IIII). HI). I» II). MI).
Secuestro ExpressIISI ll :IIIIII. 43H. 0 ‘0
Thank You For Smoking I I5) I I III I.IIII. III), ISI). i)~iii_ II II)
AnUnfinlshed LiteIIZ.-\I I215. ZSI). s :I)_ K II)
United 93Ii5) Il.-10.Iii). 2.30. 540. N20
TheWildIl’I l2.~10_ 250. 5.00_ “I)I) Woli(Lobo)IISI I240. HI). IIZS.
X-Men: The Last Stand I i::\l
IJIS. JIII), K00, SIIII. 000, “IS. 3.15. IIIIiI/W A: IIIUFISDAY 190
Aquamarine I l’( I I
Hull}: 10, SIIum. I250. 5.30. 3.40.
The Ca Vinci Code I I2.I\) \Vcckiiu'u: I230. |.20 IIIIII 'l‘uc). 4.10. 500 Mini ilIL‘I. 7.50. 3.50 ililli 'l‘uc). Sui Ik Sun: -i.|0_ 7.50.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Oritt
Hull}: 12-15. 5.30. 0.15. 0.00. .'\i\ii luic i'I'l Ik Sui: 11.40. Fearless I I5)
l)ui|}: IIIIIII). 2.40. 5.50. 8.20.
:\i\II Iuic i‘ii'i & Sui: ll.00.
Halt Light I 15)
Mix Sui: Il.00um. 2.00. 5.00. 7.50. iiiJi).
Sim 'i‘hu: iliiiili. 3.00, (I00. 000, Hard Candy I IN)
i'i'i Ik Sui: [0.30um. 8.50. li.—iil.
Sim 'i'hu: ll_0I)uIi). [.30. 4.|0. 0.20.
Imagine Me and You I l3:\) \\I‘L‘kiiii}\: L50. 0.30. Sui x Sim: ll.00uni.
The Lake HouseII’UI
Hi I& Sui: l 1.50mi). 2.50. III-15.
Sun 'i’hu: l0.20um. l2.50. 3.30. I).l0.
lilil, 3.30. (i. ii).
.20. 8.10.
Amadeus: The Director's Cut
Lucky Number SIevinIIxI [IIL- 13:0~ IIHI. S III. .\III)
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I 2 \I
\\L'L'i\ii.i}\ 1.10. .\‘ .10
The Omen I IS.
ill I\ Sui HUN”. 2 50. 1-10. I\ 10.
Sun Hm III mun). IINI. ‘50. 0-10. ‘) iii
Over the Hedge II I
Sui Ik Sun l000um. ll I)I).Iiii.
il.‘~0um. nIIIIn. l2-10. l l”. l “I. 300. 2-10. {III 1.10.4“). S III. SJI). I. II). "50. .\3I)_ .\'_5Il_ II) IS.\
11.00 mm Siiii). Poseidon I i:.'\l \Vi‘i‘kii.ii\\ iii5il.ilii. IIIIII 'l‘III-I, I) III) XIII Ik Sun I» SI). II I)I) Pretty Persuasion I Is.
I II). ISII. II in
Hill}: 1|.00um. I50. 410. 0.50. Vii) RVIi’(il
\VcI-IIIIIV. II)..iI).IIII. IIII). ‘~ II). 550 Sui Ik Sim: ill-iiluni
Thank You For Smoking I IS)
I)Iiilx: ||.00um. |.iII. i 50. I). W. I)I)(L
.'\i\Ii lulu ii) I\ Sui: I l 20. Ultraviolet I IS)
I)ui|\: I l.lIIuni. 1.40. {50, (I, II). 3.30..
.'\i\II i'l’l Ik Sui luic: l0.50.
An Unfinished Life I l2.-\I \VL'Ckiiii} \j X. iii.
United 93 I I5)
l)uii_\: 3.00. 5.40 3.20.
.-\|\II l'i‘i Ik Sui: l|.l(I. The Wild Ii') i);ili_\2 l|.00uiii. |.00.
The Wind that Shakes the BarleyIISI i);lii}2 II.I)I);IIn. 2.00. SII), 3.20. .'\i\U iiiic i‘I'i IV Sui: ii.|5.
X-Men: The Last StandII2.-\I
i);lii_\l I:.IS. 5.00. (IIII), 3.30.
‘) l'niwrxii} Awnuc. 330 5522. L4 IL'S).
Hidden (Cache) I iS) 7.I)I).
Belleville Bendez-Vous I I 2.-\ I SIII: 7.I)I).
Soldados Del Salamino I l Sui: 5.00.
Glasgow Film Theatre
i: RH\C Siii‘i‘i. Hi-ii :5: 51:3
('uic hui -\ll [)I'IIIIIIIiunt‘cs hunkui‘lc iixcnmgx L5 ILJ) \iuiinccx Iik‘iuic 5pm) LJ 50 IN 50) i'il IiwiIIIc 5;)111) L‘ 50 I £2 50) (Ii’l' ('ind‘uiii iii‘itik‘i\ Li nil .Iii [‘i'It‘iN (ii'i \.i\i‘i\ L3: .5” ILIT SUI ii‘ \L'L' .2 iiiilis i\.iii\i ii)! iiiiL'L' munith
IIIIIII‘SDA‘I ..‘ .ILI' ThankYouForSmokingIISI WI). (xiii. 54.2
36 (Dual desOrievres)IISI HI). .\_‘II Ouo Vadis, Baby? I IS) II III)
FIJIIIM .‘ 4 .II IN The Wind that Shakes the Barley I I5) 2 i0. 5 ‘0. 8 I5
Thank You For Smoking I IS) :I)I). (III) 3.45.
The Adventures of Creyhiars Bobby II‘I i|5iiuiii
The Wind that Shakes the Badey I I5) 2.30. 5.30. S15
Thank You For Smoking I IS) WI).
(I, iii H ‘15.
Happy Endings I IS) VIII)
Amadeus - Director’s Cut Ii’( i) I in No Sweat I IS) S. ‘0.
The Wind that Shakes the Barley I ISI 7.I5.
Thank You For Smoking I IS) 7.45
The Wind that Shakes the Barley I IS) I.I)I). .HI). .\'.l5.
Thank You For Smoking I IS) WI). (xiii).
Paradise How I IS) IIIS.
Happy Endings I IS) 800.
Paradise How I IS) INS.
The Wind that Shakes the Barley I I S I 2.45. 5.30. HIS.
Thank You For Smoking I I5) .IIII). (1.30. 3.4.5.
The Wind that Shakes the Barley I I S)
2.30. 5.30. Thank You For Smoking I IS) 500. 8.45.
The KickIIm (III). Paradise How I IS) Hi5.
Milos Forman’s quintessential music biopic gets a welcome screening in its fully restored form. Peter Shaffer's screenplay (adapted from his own stage play) is a joy and Tom Hulse in the lead, as annoying as he is, is little short of miraculous. There are few better ways to spend a Sunday. I GF—T. 08890:: Sun 25 Jun OP/I'I.