Films screening this lortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Accomplish (Double Bill with Joe Kid on a Stingray) tl’(ir ((‘has \airri. l'ls'. 2005i lerrrrn Ari insight into Seotland's best riders )ott'\e nex er heard ot due to their underground status l-r/nr/rurm'. Inlrn/mrelr.

The Adventures of Greyfriars Bobby l l 'l ... tJohn Henderson. l'ls'. 300M ()lner ( ioldrrrg. Jarries (‘osrno. (ireg Wise. ('hrrstopher l.ee_ loJrnrn. In H453. John (ir‘a) died and his larthlul terrier guarded hrs gras e in lidirrbtir'gh's (ire) lriars Kirk lot l-l )ears This Is a whrmsreal fietion lll\til\ mg dogeatehers. elite orphans and eonrm rng eourierllors lt's elleetrte as ehrldreri's entertainrrierit. and adults w ill enro} seeing the likes ol Lee and ()'llanlori being upstaged h} the wee \Vestre llllposlor. This is eharrt} sereenmg in aid ol Barnardos. the Dogs Trust and the Journalist ('har‘it}. (‘rm'n orlrl l’rrr'A/reuil. (i/rnerm'.

Alien Adventure 30 tl'r COO.

(lien Strassen. Japan. 200] t \'oree ol John llrwle. llotilr lganners, 37min, An alien raee looking lor a planet to eolorirse find earth and urrforttrnatel} enter a theme park where the} eatise rnueh amusing rria_\hetri. l.lI.-l.\' 'l'lii'ulrr'. (i/userm.

Alien Autopsy r I2.-\r 0. (Joint) (‘anipbelL l'ls'. 2005i l)ee|an Donnell). Ant Mel’artlin. ltill Pullman. ()rnrd l)ja|i|i. ()Snrin. While \isrting the IS. an old man shows Ra} tl)onriell_\ l a filrri depietrng an extraterrestrial autopsy. After Ra} and his friend (Ear) tMel’artlint ha\ e bought the filrii on behalf of a l'l"()-obsessed gangster. the duo find that the eelltiloid is eorrtipted. so the} fake the film. Based on the true slor} of aimless w rde boss Santilli and Shoefield. Alien Auto/Mi" boasts a e|e\ er premise but a distinetl) aserage eseetitron. (ilusgrm I'ilm VII/ll'tlll'i'. (i/usemr;

Almost Famous r lSr .00

(Cameron (‘row e. l'S. lelll l Kate Hudson. l’atriek l"tigit. Bill} ('rtidtip. l23min. Writer-dit'eetor ('rowe’s antiibiographieal re-\ iew of America's 70s roek seene is seen through rose-tinted shades. Though it isn't an expose of the underbelly of roek'n‘roll. it's a ritagieal earpet ride that appropriates the most exhilarating elements of the seene and makes of them an enormously satisfying. often \er'} funny drama. (‘row e's \er)‘ personal film. seen through the eyes of teenage roek journo William Miller (l‘tlgill. nex er takes the la/} eliehed route. nor does it lapse into parod). w hieh in these post-Spinal 721/) days. is no mean feat. And in the luminous Kate Hudson. a star is born. (ilusgmr' l‘r'lm 'I‘lieutre. (r'lmgmr;

Amadeus Director’s Cutrt’or O... (Milos l‘oriiiart. l'S. I‘m-1t Mtirra) Abraham. 'l'om llulee. lili/abeth Berridge. l72min. erether w e need a new \'et‘.sion of l:til'tlittti.s ()sear~w inning life of Mozart is a riioot point. Sereenw riter l’eter Shafler's slot')’ of Vienna eourl eomposer Antonio Salieri and his plot to engineer the downfall of Wolfgang Amadeus Mo/art. a ‘giggling. dirtyniinded ereature' with a (iod-gis'en musieal talent. thankfully remains intaet. But what is most elear from a repeat Viewing is the undiminished qualin of Abraham's perforinanee. gis'ing depth to a glitterball of a lliOVie whose eolotirful surface eotild otherwise be too di\'ertitig. (i/usgmr' I'ilm 'I‘lreutn'. (i/mgori‘. Aquamarine (PU) COO tlili/abelh Allen. ['82. zoom lirnrna Roberts. JoJo. Sara Paxton, Jake .\lel)orrnan. Arielle ls'ebbel. 103mm. See Also Released. page 4b. (ieneritl rt lease.

The Ballad of Jack and Rose i l5) 0... tRebeeea Miller. 128‘. 2005i (‘amilla Belle. Daniel Day-Lewis. (‘atherine Keener. l l lmin. After li\ ing on an abandoned island eornmune for man) years. Jaek (Day-Lew is) is eoneerned abotit the unbridled incestuoUs hormones of his Iii-year-old daughter Rose (Belle). He pays his girlfriend Kathleen (Keener! to

The Proposition

Yeah, OK, we keep going on about this but this really, really might be your last chance to see this fantastic film on the big screen. John Hillcoat’s visceral. poetic.

ultraviolent Bushwacker revenge thriller starring Guy Pearce, Danny Huston and Ray Winstone is a beauty.

erm, mate.

I F/llll/l()(/f§(?. Ed/riht/rgh from Fri 85‘- St/rr 2:3 Jun tin/t.

rnme into his home w rtli her ehildr‘en. triggering the start of Roses rebellion. .-\ri arresting lullab} to htrrnari irriperfeetrons. Arthur Miller‘s daughter. Rebeeea's \‘iseet'al \er'se of a film does how e\ er stiller when ll panders lo llo|l_\wood riarr‘atrx e eomentions the ehees} epilogue beingl partretilarl) unneeessar'}. I'l/IIl/IHHH'. Iir/iIi/iure/r.

Bando and the Golden Football rl’( it t('heik |)oukoure. (iutnea/l"ranee. W‘Ht Abotikar‘ Sadrkr Sotrrriah. Salil ls'eita. llabib llarrirriotrd. Mariam Kaba. 00mm. The stor} of rnisehie\ous l()-_\ear—o|d llando. who. despite a series ol rnisad\entures. is taken under the w rrrg ol a litiropean soeeer seout to pla} pt'olessionall} o\erseas. Alongside

pt'o\ iding a panorama of ( iuinean errlture the film also poses the question; should litirope be permitted to steal awa} Alriea's best footballing talent'.’. Kurt/r Iii/in/mre/r Arts ('elrlre. Iii/inlrru'g/t.

Barefoot l l2:\l l'l‘il Seliw eiger. (ier'man). Zoom 'l‘il Sehw eiger. Johanna Wokalek. l lh'rnin. ’l‘wo worlds eollrde when pla}bo} Niek meets ps_s ehratrie patient l.eila and art impromptu roadtrrp takes them on a eomed) —drarna. fair) tale journey of self-diseo\ er}. Part of New (ierrnan (‘rneriia season. (i/meou I-i/nr Theatre. (ilusemr .' I’i/Iil/lrlllw’. Iz'ilrIrIiure/r. Belleville Rendez-Vous r I 3M 0... t8) l\ain (hornet. lirariee. Zorm 80min. l)lllllllltll\e. eltib-footed Madame Sou/a prepares her orphaned grandson ('harnpiori to be a world-beating eselist b} personall) stiper\ ising his arduous training regime. But during the mountain stage ol the Tour de l5ranee. ('harnpion is kidnapped b) blaek-surted men lrorri the l5reneh Mafia and whisked aeross the Atlantie to the CH} of Belle\ ille. it‘s up to gratin} and ('harnpion's belo\ ed dog Bruno to perform a daring reseue. although the} eari rel) on assistanee from the elderl} Bellex ille Sisters. a song-and-danee trio who once performed \\ lth l'it‘ed Astaire. Rather speeial kook) eartoon from Hanee. that shows l)rsne_\ the door to real inspiration. Part of the lidinburgh Brewele Film l5esti\al. (it/ntm‘elti/lU/3. (i/iiwim .' [flint/rouse. Edinburgh.

Beyond the Sea r IZAr 0.0

tls'exin Spaee}. l‘S/(ierrnan) /l'K. Zoo-1i Kex in Space}. Kate Bosworlh. John (ioodman. Bob lloskins. llh‘mrn.

Aetor/drreettit"s Spaee} is attempt to set legeridar} singer llobb) Harm's short life lnlo some kind l'osseresque sel pteee led musreal drama is both adrrirrable and guilt) oftlie label Warm} proreet' llut Spaee} hools. w riiees and generall} .rets his heart otit through a series ol prett} llllplt'\\l\ e seqtrenees shame about Paul Um; \Jtrrtr Attanasro and Loren/o Slit/u I\ (‘areaterra‘s eheeseball ol a serrpt Still. a re\ealirig towilongr sltee ol lllll\ histor}. (ir‘mrenm; (i/useuri.

Big Momma’s House 2 r Mir

0. tJolrn Whitesell. l'S. Zoom Martin l..rwretiee. lultori l.ell|ane. \ra Long. 00mm. l-‘Bl agent Maleolrii 'ltrrrier reneer goes tinder'erwer' as llrg Momma again. Yaw n, ('riren ur/i/

I’urk/u‘irrl. (i/uwun .‘ ('rm'tr u/‘li/ [dirt/Hugh,


Bound for Glory r t’( tr 0.0. Ashb}. l'S. I‘l7oi |)a\ id (‘arr'adrnea Melriida l)r|lori. Rand} ()tiard. Rorrri} (‘os l-lts’rnrn. A bropie or one of Arrier‘rea‘s greatest lolk singers. Wood} (itrthr‘re. who left his tlllsl-tle\;tslttletl 'l‘e\.is home in [he l‘nlls to look lot' work. Hill} to tltserw er the stillererng arid strength ol .-\rrierrea's working elass. This is one or .-\shb_\ ‘s \et} best films whreh has been bew rlderingl} o\ erlooked. l’at‘l ol the Haskell \\t'\let


season lr/IIt/rurru. ldrrt/we/r Breathless (A Bout de Souffle) r|5r .0... r_le.rtt l ilk (iotlard. l l.lll\ e. l‘fi‘lr Jean Paul llelrrrorrdo. leari Seller-J ‘Nltiitrt .-\ killk l’arrsrari pelts \lllllllldl tlielrnoridor and his \rrreritarr errltrrerrd tSeberg l drrlt through a world ot stolen ears and arirrless rorriarrt e towards an rriesorable downbeat hnale (iodard's debtrl leattire pro\oked quite a stir rrr its da} tor its \illt'llk'k' .rrroz'arrte w rtlr the \l‘ll\k'llllllll\ ol lllllllk 1' brrt tod.r\ rt slalltls as .i \ lti\ e lt'llel lit lltt' Atrrerreart ll llto\ re Llllllk' pn trite

3i i‘f\HJ(JH \t u r III/1'." Kiln/H, Iii/III/llllz‘il Brickr 15!... tharr lolirrsoril \. Juli! Joseph ( iotrlott l t'\ ill. \illd /.ehetrret. lirrrrhe de R.r\trt. \latt ( )'| eat; llllrirrn (leek) loner literrdan r( rordori |,e\ tilt is hax mg a bad week llts rrrrrkre es girltrierid is dead and his rrrxestigatroris are leading nowhere (in his side. Ire has the lirain If Hear} r .rrid llk it girl sophistrt .rte rrr_\ster} woman I .rrrra r/elretrier i, but their he erosses high \\ liool klllllk‘ lord the I’m rl.trkas llaasr arid his lllll\\ le ler r.\o.rh l‘lerssr ('orrrrrrerrdable btit deepl} llaw ed and oeeassroriall} trrrrgs update ot the elassre lilrrr iron to a modern l'\ high sehool setting '\ tot ettort. (' tot C\k'kllll(lll \r /4 r In] It /r rl\f




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,. 'I THE LIST 49