A comedy room where all that exists is love? Haven’t these guys heard of the joy of the bearpit? Seems not, as the folk at the State Bar relaunch their Saturday night as The Comedy Womb in which comics old and new are welcomed with open arms (can a womb have arms?). Frances Healy does the compering here with Stu Who?, Billy Kirkwood and AL Kennedy all up for it. 1w Snafu [in (ixaz;_<;<)'.iz Sat 13-1 Jun.

Edinburgh Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York Place. 555' 7372. lpin. I-‘ree, Ilanixh that morning-alter Iceling \\ ith a doxe ol' tree tt‘ormi laughter from imprm \tarx Paul (irahani and Stuart Murphy

The Sunday Night Laugh-In The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 T372. .\‘.3tlpm. £«l t£3; £I memhet‘x). Perrier .\'e\\comer nominee Mark \\'at\on doex ltt\ thang \\ ith the gorgeoux \xee Suxan ('alman and \Iightl} higger Bill} Kirkxxood. Bruce I)c\ lin rulex the mic. See pre\ ie\\ l'or (Iiliiian.

Monday 26


The New Statesman King‘x ’I'Iieatre. 207 Bath Street. 3-H) I I l l. 7.30pm. £7 £22.50. Rik .\la_\all returns a\ I‘tlllllcttl qu \ ie .-\Ian II'Stard \xho ha\ lltl\\ detected In NC“ l..IT‘UlII'. Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. 33.3 Woodlandx Road. 0870 (will) till55. 8.3tlpm. £4. Team Monke} thetter knoxx n ax Sand} .\'e|\on. .\I|en (‘halmerx Paul Pirie and Raynond Mearnxi \pice up a dull \xeeknight mm more \ponlaneoux \ketchex. muxic and gagx.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 72"). 8.30pm. £I. \euhiex \trut their xtutt under the caring e}e\ ot~ Suxan ('alman and Padraig II) land. (heck out the ne\t hext thing\. or much dream\ craxh below _\our e}e\. \ot had tor a duid. Sec Pi‘e\ texx tor ('alman.


The New Statesman Kittg\ Theatre. 397 Bath Street. :40 I I I I. 7.30pm. £7 £32.50. See Mon It»

Red Raw The Stand. 333 \k'oodlands Road. 0870 ()(XI 6055. 3.30pm. £2 t£l inemherxl. The cotnical \ irginx strut their \tul‘l' under the caring e) es ol‘ Kevin Bridges and Padraig Il)land.


Shamwagon The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.3tlpm. £4 (£3 £3 inemhem. The Penn} Dreadl'ulx of Jamie .-\nder.\on. Humphre} Ker. I)a\ id Reed and Thom Tuck are joined by t‘ellon Bedlam alumni Idil Sukan and Peter (‘aineron tor a night oI~ imprm ixed hilarit}.

Wednesday 28


The New Statesman King'x Theatre. 397 Bath Street. 240 I l I I. 3.30pm «R 7.30pm. £7-~£22.5(). See Mon 3h. Best of Irish The Stand. 33.3 \Yotxllantlx Road. 0870 ()(XI (1055. 8.30pm. £7 (£6). Bejesus and hegorrah. it\ more coined} impom from the IimeraId Isle. Jake ()‘Kane. Michael Redmond. John Henderxon and Padraig II} land all dance like leprechauns under a rainhoxx on a pot ot gold drinking Magners. Ma} he. Don Ouixote’s World Cup Comedy Night The Liquid Ship. I7I I75 (ireat \Yt‘xlc‘l'tt Road. 33l I‘)()l. 8.30pm. £3. The \er) ITI'\I \Yorld (’up coined} night t’rom the nice guy at Don Q. Bringing _\ou all the Tun are .\I(‘ Bill} Kirknood. Jason .-\rn~tein. Mark Nelson. Ja)‘. I)a\id Barr. Quentin Re} noId\ and (‘hris Broomtield.


Best of Scottish The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £61£51 £3 lllcttth‘t‘H. Patriotic CttltlL‘Ll) night \Nllh \‘Iadiinir Mch ish. Joe Ileenan. Dex McLean and John Row. It‘ll be a hoottsl mon. In all likelihood.

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