Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.
Thursday 22
Crime Fiction Reading Group ()ttakai'x. l‘nit (I. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Sticcl. 3.53 I500 (I 3llpin. lhis timc around thc group lakc a look at l);tllll_\ King's \Iilo'x ‘Itll'tlllt/(‘IL Much I\ wt in lhc \amc ciapp} itmn ax lll\ l'lttlttlh dchut Illt‘ “(HQ/(ll lhti/‘it \.
Quintin Jardine \Vatcl‘xtoltc'x. l5‘~ I5“ Satichichall Sticct. 5503034, 03th. L3. 'l‘hc prolitic Scottixh crimc llti\L‘ll\l latmchcx l1|\ hiand ttc\\ hook [Mal llllt/ Hit/ml,
Christopher Brookmyre and Mark Billingham Botch Bookx. l'oi't Rclail Park. 3‘)” Brown Walk. 773 30W. 7pm. {I i'cdccmahlc .thttllhl purchaxc. lop modcrn ci'nnc liction \xritcr\ Brookmy‘c and Billingham \harc ccntrc \tagc. rcadmg li'om lllcll' lttlt'xl l'L'\pt'L‘lt\ c lltl\L'l\. .l lulr‘ lair llt'tl III liloml uml lltutl li’lIii'A l’t'ni 1/ and Illll‘lt'tl.
Angus Constam Blackncllx. 53 5‘) South Bridgc. (333 3333. (rpm. l‘rcc. \Vc‘t‘c not \lll't‘ uhat thc tcchnical tci'm tor a piratc c\pct't l\. piratologixt pci‘hapx. hiit Konxtani l\ ottc. llix ncxi hook lilacllnwnl c\aminc\ thc latcxt ltixtot'tcal and arclmcological i'cxcai‘ch \tll‘l‘ttlllltllllg' .»\mcrica\ mod notorious c\amplc.
* Borders Book Festival thl’lttlh \cnucx. t).\’7l) (tllh’ (Hill lllllLN and priccx \ar}. Sonic hot ll;tltlL'\. including Rot} Brcmnci'. :\nnc Uonman. Jcnnic lirdal. .-\|. Kcnncd} and Ian Rankin. arrnc iii \lclrmc tor l'our da'u ol' litcrar} tun. Scc
\\ \\ \\.hiit'dct'xhtioklcxti\a|.oi‘g loi‘ thc l'tlll progiainmc.
Melrose * Borders Book Festival \‘arioux \l‘lttlt‘x. 087“ (illB (Hill SL‘L‘ llltl 33.
Saturday 24
West End Writers Celebrate Scottish Pen llilllicad l.ihrar_\. 348 B}i'c\ Road. 33‘) 7333. 3 4pm. l‘i'cc. lligh prolilc Scottish aiithorx including [ob Strachan and Alison .\h||ci' \xill hc rcading and highlighting thc \xork donc h} Scottish l’li.\'. \\ hich supports pcrwcutcd. llllpl'htlllt‘tl and c\ilcd \xritcrx and cncoiii‘agcx co-opci'ation hctxtccn \\l‘llL‘l'\ in thc intcrcstx ol‘ li‘ccdom ol' c\pi'c\\ion.
Borders Fun Weekend Bot‘dct'x Book\_ l'nit 3h. l‘oi‘t Kinnaii'd Rctail Park. 057 4(Hl. 'l‘itncx \ai'). l-rcc. l'iiit tor all thc lainil) in axxociation \\ ith (‘i‘aigmillai‘ Bookx t'or Bahics and Starhuckx. \\ ith ai‘tx. crattx. dancc and \tor}tclling acti\ iticx and |i\c tnuxic l'i‘om thc Zucchinix on thc Stinda} at 3pm.
Melrose * Borders Book Festival Varioiix \cnucx. 0870 (MB (NU-«l. Scc Thu 33.
Rainbow City Book Launch (it) .-\ri (‘cnti‘c. 3 Markct Strcct. 53‘) 3993. 3.30pm. l'i‘t‘c‘. Join \Vord l’oocr for thc latmclt ot Rtlllll’tlll' ('il_\'.‘ Sin/“I'm from law/mm. (I'm. Bruituul uml 'lriimcniili'r liilntlmrgli \tliicli complcntcntx thc cuiTcnt c\hihition of thc samc namc at the (‘it_\ .-\n ('cntrc.
Shore Poets Thc (‘anons' (iait. 333 (‘anongatu 556 MM. 7.45pm. £3 (£1 l. Edinburgh's t‘a\ouritc platform for li\ c poctr). This month. \xords t‘rom Mcg
32 THE LIST 23 Jun—(3 Jul 2006
Batcinan \khoxc conti’ihutionx to modcrn (iaclic poctr} and litctataic ll.:\c hccn lllllllCll‘L‘. plux l’aulo l)..ntc. Brian Johnxtonc and minus trom Boh “um; and lricnds
Borders Fun Weekend Hindi-ix llimkx [int 30. l‘HlT Kinnaiid Rctail Park. “5‘ ill-ll ’linicx \at} l'icc Scc \al 31
Melrose * Borders Book Festival \.tllttll\ \t-nucc. iix‘ii ma mot Scc lllll 2‘
Tuesday 27
Visible Ink Writer's Group llii- \M-o land llotcl. 35 l’;i|nict\ton l’lacc. (I05 \ltih " ‘lpm. £3 it! i'. lll'\l lllllL'l\ lt'cc. (ict _\oui ct’catn c tiiiccx llomng at llll\ lricndl). \xcckl}. nn\cd \xritci'x group. \cu lllL‘llllk‘H alua} \ \xclcomc.
Wednesday 28
* The Edinburgh Book of Nentieth-Century Scottish Poetry \ational l.iht‘ar_\ ol Scotland. (icoigc l\' Bi‘idgc. 330-1531. "pm. l‘rcc. tickctcd. l’i'omincnt poctx including .lanct l);ll\lk'_\. .’\lan Riach. 'l'cxxa Ranxtoi‘d. and ('hristinc l)c l.uca. i‘cad thcn' \xork atid guidc ux throtigh \omc ol' ll1l\ nco antholog} \ highcxt highlights.
Thursday 29
Laura Marney .\liichcll l.ll‘l';tl"\. Sill North Sti‘cct. 337 300‘). (I Spin. l‘t'cc. l‘n‘ml} cxtahlithg hct'xcll ax onc ol lhc c\citing ncu \oiccx on thc Scottixh lilcrai‘} \ccnc. thc (ilaxgim author mti‘oduccx hcr third no\ cl ()Iili SIM/luv l’t'o/Ili' (in In ('limt ll.
Fiction Reading Group ()tlak;il'\. inn 0. Buchanan (iallcl'ics. Buchanan Strch 353 1500 (Ipm. ('hi'ixtophci‘ Brookin_\rc\ xlll I‘llll (“Ill (iii/rim ('Iilll Sl'lllt'tlllt' lImw (III liw' \\ ill hc thc hook undcr tll\t‘ll\\lttll at thc latcst hook group \t'\\itlll.
Dr Fred Freeman National l.ihi'ai'} ol Scotland. (icorgc |\' Bt'idgc. lll3l (I33 534.5. 7pm. l'lL'L'. llL'lNL'lL‘tl. lull] litlk :tlttl htci'aturc historian l'rccman l'or thc launch Ul- lltt' (tulip/(Iv XII/1m Ill lt’rtlti'l‘l limnuliill.‘ liilumi' l. part ot a lixc-mlumc \L‘l'lL‘\ pl'tKlllL‘L‘tl lot Bl'ccllilt-skll-Rt‘c‘ot'dx.
Bards in the Park 'lollc't‘iixx \Vintcr (i;tl‘tlL‘ll\. 'lollct‘oxx l’ark. \Vcllxhot Road. (>40 lh’l‘). | 3pm. l‘rcc. .-\ inonthl) mccting ol' poctx. \\l’llL‘l'\ and thcir l'ricndx. i‘cading l'i‘om thcir oo n and othcr poctx' “HI'k. Aiming to cncoin‘agc participation in thc \pokcn \\t)l'tl. llll\ I\ an idcal platloi'm l'oi' thc tcntati\ c [k‘l’ltH’llltlllL‘C i‘cadcr and poct. .\'c\\ mcmhcrx alua'u oclcomc.
Tuesday 4
Visible Ink Writer's Group 'l‘hc \cht lind llotcl. 35 l’dllllL‘l‘xlttn l’lacc. (m5 Xltmo, 3 9pm. £3 tL'I l; lll'\l lllllL‘l'\ l'i'cc. Scc 'l‘iic
Wednesday 5
* Denise Mina ()ttakar'x. l'nii (l. Btichanan (iallcrics. Buchanan Sti'cct. 353 1.5le. (I._3(lpm. l‘t'cc. tickctcd. Scotland\ crimc princcxx rcadx trom hcr ncu thriller l'lu' [hurl Hour. ltcr \ccond ttm cl t'caturing t‘cixt} hcroinc and \lcuth rcponcr. l’add} ML‘Clttttt. SL‘C ['0 1c“.
Greg Palast St (‘oliimha's B_\ ‘l'hc ('axtlc. l4 Johnxton 'l‘crracc. (too 0334. ". 1 5pm. l-‘t'cc. 'l‘hc aoard-uinning ['8 im cxtigatn c journalist and author ol' intcrnational hcxt- \cllcr lln' Bur lh'Iiiot'rtii't lloIii'i (‘tlll But. launchcx .lmml .lltttllioim'.
MATT MADDEN 99 Ways to Tell A Story (Jonathan Cape)
COO 3' . r: ‘ ,.b ‘ ' ‘. ,. :0 . Q " . O. I A I,” , 53" l’ ‘I At. ‘ ‘ " I ' "I ‘1" l‘tii w w ' ' '~ .’ ’"": ' 1' . '1 "~ i' t a t: z. 'I I : ":H'o° t"! 'i"{' 'I": ' 3'”) "tif'I i"! I-" "I 1"" t~;"'t.".lir l '1 "‘ t) It lot }‘I II °' ".° ‘iilti'lflr iii: ‘t ~ ' " I 't‘ slittl'Hfltii' " t " . . ' v llrtlr'titm t X r‘ o‘ I ' ' I F.1d, ‘kl(i ll" H I' ltl I l” ’ l ' . ' ' intuit: )‘i‘:§t.i"‘"l‘> fl»:*°.'~~-"~ v l,‘:li1".’lt"i’jll:i},"Ullf'w, .t‘~.t z' 1. ggtttiiixu, .trnagn titrtittlt, : it .' “if 2" : r'izitii tirirt llll'l 51?»; :m.’ 117.. f' if “fi’ll'fiflxllil. til-wilt: lll regal-m l." thwlwiy' ,‘ lyvlitrldeit tells his. fgifr- gar: 'llilf int/"av ttn. t "Illfrfll‘lllflfd’ftitl ‘lttri, :‘ t“ " i' ‘ l "1 l)’ltlr,l)llll(llll§liltlfll'llti :7 ,"YT‘,-'Y‘l.fl 1. H1; aft at; :(l to gram: titw track int? (Qttfttlt‘5‘9l
:ttfrrrztr-:t:tf“k" J' ' tzi‘sutt‘ativr: .'.'T" '. “aw blown "M l.«.'e- it 1 l. :siifttwtrr‘t ’l‘7; ttll tr mm,
‘,()tl triteteuttul.
; ; ll'ltfll", N’LllillllIJl-ti
TO TELL A STORY Egig‘iwim EXERCISES IN STYLE Primitif (Kingly Books) MATT MADDEN so.
A ., now-v. rat. ,7 t..
“‘w'irré. Stair-rt 7' ‘2'“ "W
Ci) ir;i;i'.'<:il (if) 2: a' liar-q ,‘ 1"" rllétlllliil tor (stot‘fidrfliiriti H' 1 wl‘ ‘ " 1 Madden: hook also :wtt ' l t: l“ reads "t.'.«'<:l| in our: szttag l1" "7 ' tow 'It " tdtirira; ‘.‘.'lll’Ll‘u. a r iar‘trfl -.-:; :4" 15:31“; T' r,-
ot iritertexttizil joke; unwind, liaisfi'afr/t becoirie apparent The
book iltigl‘t have
(l’lJfi'lLilt‘f) I lt'. _"litl'
'ltr' ,. i "'Y, It 't to"?!
benefited lltflll auttrryrai hair," It”: f'tbm'ia“ :I‘ L:<;rtiihettt;ir‘;.: (I: the; a ‘ai‘tzz‘;‘_:;.;il Stu"~ A l‘: other hand the {natures ‘.'Y é}, f) " r, .":lll’,l‘ for I
speak for thennxixm. mrtrl at
tMilr-s Fielder
iwnAlMlT‘, A H l (l' ., .r l‘
TAT" l5) "S‘flll'n irratrl‘
AN'll HEP)
GARTH ENNIS 8: JOHN SEVERIN The Punisher: The Tyger (Marvel) 000
"read, Jim/l art. .‘.",i',"
We all km the scribt. Frank Castles lama, were 'no'xm down gangsters. and since then he has wreaked blood; revenge on crane as ultimate anti-hero. the Punisher. leaning a trail of COrpses. carnage and cartilage in his make. A one mar: arms, whose
:areer has L89”.
BRIAN AZZARELLO & EDUARDO RISSO 100 Bullets: Strychnine Lives (VertigofTitan) 0...
ll“ .o. n, I l" t' ' " lillll i II ‘ ’ H” ‘T( ' i'”’ l" ll 1 lI A ‘ {I 1‘ V. 7‘ll. I‘ I .II [g P ' I! . ill . .‘ ‘I. I “ I " "“I, t‘ “ 1 0‘ ‘ ,1] "I‘,I 'I ' I II ’I . ’, 1‘l‘!{. 7' V . 1,4. t :l ' '1; I I 1" It I ‘
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'téfl’ll/ “4:”: ‘: fiction