The Soup Tours layery \Vetl. l’ollok llouxc. l’nllok ('ountry Park. 2060 l’ollokxhawx Road. (ilb M l0. 12.30pm. £l0. Weekly tours looking at a dillerent aspect ol l’ollok llttuSL' each time l’ricc lllClllth\ a light lunch.



From Life in the Freezer to Planet Earth lil(‘(‘. l5ll Morrtxtin Street. 473 2000. 7.30 0pm. £3 til i. A chance to lllltl what it's really like lilming wildlile programmes in Antarctica straight l'rnm the mouths ol the llll("\ Alastair l'iotlicrgill and Vanessa lierlow lll. I’ur! of I)iyi'oi'er .‘lllltll't'llt‘ll.

Food <3 Drink

Chocolate Connoisseur Evenings ('oco ol llr‘trtixtlicld. llr‘tinhlield. 22K 4520. 7.30 8.30pm. [10 Learn all about chocolate and how it's made l'rnm bean to bar. Booking essential.

Saturday 24

Activities & Events

Island Treasures Royal Botanic (iartlen. lny'erleith House. 552 7l7l. l 1.30am. £4. Discoyer why island plttltlx are so important to Us all by taking a tour ol the 'l'emperate l’alm llttllSC. Booking adyi\ed. IKAZE and guests The Yard. 22 liyre l’lace Lane. 476 4506. 7pm. l-‘ree. The acclaimed refugee drama group and friends present this evening ol' [wrl‘oriiiance muyic. poetry and storytelling. Rll'.


Holy Corner Community World Festival ('hrixt (’htirch. Morningxide Road. (m7 3633. l0am 4pm. International street market complete with lood Slitllx and demos ol ('hinese. Bollywood and l’lamenco dance. l’lus drama. \y'oi‘kxlttipx. lace painting and a bouncy castle.


* International Kendo Enbu Taikai 2006 (‘entre lor Spotts arid lixercise. l‘niy'erxity ot~ lidinburgh. 4o l’leasance. 650 258l. l0am 5pm. £5 (£3.50). See llitlist. The Edinburgh Moonwalk The Meadows, .‘ylclyille l)riyc. (ll-183 74l~l30. Midnight. See picture caption

Activities & Events

Open Day and Storyfair Scottish Storytelling Centre. 43 45 High Street. 556 957‘). noon bpm. l5ree. (‘ome and explore the new btiildiiig. meet the storytellerx and join in the fun as the (‘entre celebrates its new home.

Melodic Moments Royal Botanic (iarden. lny‘erleith llouxe. 552 7l7l.

2 5pm. Free. While away a Sunday afternoon lying on the grass listening to some light ja/I. and easy listening in the gardens.

Styletrlal Battle Session The Bongo (‘lub. Moray House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 2—bpm. £2. Show oil your B- boy/B-girl moves followed by a competition with [Us and pri/es from 4pm. Spectators welcome.

Monday 26

Activities & Events

Beermatting! (‘ameo (‘iiiema Bar. 38 Home Street. 223 «ll-ll. 8pm. Free. ll‘ you're an ideas person and like a chat oyer a beer or two. then get yourself along to this networking eyent t‘or ereatiye and original thinkers.

Wednesday 28

ActIVIties & Events

Volunteer Night STA Trayel. 27 Forrext Road. 226 7747. 7.30pm. Free. See Glasgow. Thu 29.


Susan George St John'x ('hiiieh. l’rincex Street. 225 J 321 1 2pm .\ talk by llllS academic and global .lc‘ll\l\l to mark the tlllltl\L‘t'\ttl'} ot the (LS coiilerciicc at (ileiieaglex llimklttg‘ L'SSL‘tillal.

Thursday 29

Activmes & Events

Raleigh Information Events Napier l'riiyerxity. Schnnl ol l)L‘\l:_Ill and Media Artx. .\lerclii\ton ('aiiiptix. 10 (‘oliiitoii

Road. 0207 37l S585. 5.30 Spin. l'r'ee.

See (iltthUH. “Cd 23.

Activities & Events

The Big Summer Ball :\\\L‘tttl‘l_\ Rtmtth. 54 (it'tit'gc‘ Street. 220-1549. 7.30pm. £17.50 “050. Stiiiiiiier shindig ttl'g'dlllSL'tl by the tolk behind the bars at Roda and Soli'x. with the Squashy Bag ceilidh band and l)! Dolphin Ho). ('alt 55% Soon or 555 Tow lot“ tickets.

Activities & Events

Canada Day Party llic .\le;itloyy\ llai'. ~12 4-1 littc‘c‘lc‘ttclt Slt't‘c‘t. 007 (i007. b’pm. £3. 'You don't hay e to be ('aiiadiaii to celebrate. elil' Join the capital's (’amikx at this celebration ol ('anada'x birthday. complete with pub qui/. Qticbccoisc cltipx and clieexc tpotitittel and ('anadiaii music tappai‘eiitly tlicrc\ more to it than just Bryan Adams and (‘clittc l)ititil) .-\ll proceeds go to charity.


alt Edinburgh World Justice Festival The Augustine (lunch. 41 43 (icorgc l\’ Bridge. 003 20“).

l0am 4pm. liree. See llillixl.


Spokes Sunday Rides t'sher llall. l.othian Road. 228 l I55. l0aiii. l’ree. l{\plore the l.ttlliitttt\ on two wheels by joining these guided cycle rides. lt'x nothing too strenuous. btit usually laxtx around 7 litillt'x. including a lunch \top. l’ah. that\ nothing!


Wednesday 5


The Debt Tribunal llie \iESUSlltlc‘ ('liiiicli. ~11 -15 (ieoige l\ liiidge. NW 2ltl‘l hpiii \ l‘lll‘llc debate with iiiteiiiatioiial \l\‘.tl\t‘l\ and the cliazne to ct‘llllll‘tllc' to a ltit'\\.tj_'t' toi (ioidoii litiuyll on the e‘. e ot ltl\ departiiie loi the (i\ \ltllllltll

Thursday 6

ACUVIUGS <3 Events

The Shiants: Exhibition Opening Sc'tlllhll Poetry I ibiai'y. .5 ('iicliion'x (line. (‘aiioiigato .55“ 2550 a .\ 30pm l-iee. ticketed \leet the .tlll\l\ and iiiti\ician\ behind the SH \ \llllllltt'l e\liil\itioii

Ongoing Edinburgh

Activities & Events

Summer Nights at the Observatory l‘.\ei‘_\ l‘l'l Royal ()l‘St'HdlUl) \ixitoi (t'ltltC. lilaclxlitl'tl lllll. (itiS Slitl

2 S..l_5piii. L' ‘50 t £2.5lli. U) lamin \ iew iiiiagex ol the \llll llSlllfJ the Royal ()l‘SL'l'MtlHl‘} .\ \ttldl' lt‘lL'ScUlK'S. lxt't'lt )Htlt C} t‘\ [\‘t'lt‘tl lttl \llllSl‘t‘lS. cltt‘t'lt Hill iiieteoritex and find otit where to look loi Saturn and Jupiter llookiiig L‘\\t‘ Stitch and Bitch l‘.\el‘_\ the. the lioiigo ('ltib. .\loray llttlISL'. ‘5 llolyiood Road. 55S "till-1, "pin. l iee. llie wool based reyoltitioii \pieadx II\ it mg»


Antarctica: A Continent for Science l'iitil lliti 22 .ltlll. l'.l('( '. I50 .\loi'ri\oii Street. 300 3000, 2 lllpiii, l'ree, (iet an iiixight into the releyance ol Antarctic science to otii lllltlt‘l'SlttlltllllfJ ol our world. I’m! or Hm Hlt'l sill/tilt Ht (1. Conan Doyle and Joseph Bell - The Real Sherlock Holmes \\ed 5 Jul lit 22 Dec. Surgeonx‘ llall .\ltl\t‘llllt. Royal ('ollege ol Stirgeoiix ol l'diiibiii'gli. \icolxoti Street. 522 Ill-1‘). \loii l'l'l noon ~lpm. £5 il.'3i. .\ \peeial e\liibition lttttlxiltg' til lltt' lllt‘ til Joxepli lit‘ll. lttl'tttt‘l PIL'SltlL‘lll ol the Royal ('ollege oi Surgeoiix. and hix l'c‘lttllttlhltlp with the creator ol Sherlock llolmex. Sir .\i'tlitir (.tttltttl l)tty lL‘.

Léopold Sédar Senghor 1906-2001 l'iitil l'l'l 30 Jun liiot Suni.

lnxtitut l'l'dltc‘ttlx d'lzctme. l3 Randolph

Around Town

('iexteiii. 225 51cc \loii \\ed .\ l ii

" 1Ham 5 :l’t‘llt. lliii noon 5 1t tpiii. Sat " illdllt 2pm liee liix'iitiieiitaiy e\liil\ition \c'lt‘l‘idllllg' llie toiiiiei l’iexideiit ot the lx‘eptil‘lit o: Senegal Planet Football (Weltsprache Fussball) l iitil \at 2 \ep litt‘l \tlll* \oitli l diiil‘iiigli \tl\ (critic. l5a l’eiiiiyyyell (hurt. ‘I5 2l5l \loii \at lllaiii lpiii liee ('ollal‘oiatiye e\hil\itioii ol toothall related t‘llllIS tioiii pliotoeiaplieh \tith ax lleiiii (Liitici lil\‘\\t‘ll. \laiiiii l’aii aiid lleibeit l l\l


The Royal Highland Show llltl

22 Sun 25 Jun Royal llielilaiid t'eiitie. lnghxion. 11* Non Llh LlS it! 1». tilox lice \iiiitial aeiit iiltiiial i.i:iil\oiee coiiii‘lete with cute too\. liaiiy llitl\t'\ .iiid lots ot otliei laiiii related ltlll

Food (‘1 Drink

Teatastingsl \eiy In that lt'.tllittl\t'. \\e\t Ritliiiioiid Stieet. NC 0000

Iliaiii opiii liee ll_\ oiit a l.iltj.'t‘ ol global lea\ tioiii |.t\llllllt‘ dragon peail to tliiyxaiitlieriiiini llowei \\llll iio obligation to buy

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market l \t-iy Sat ('axtle leiiate. 052 5030 "ant .‘piii .\loie lotal. titiality. ethical piodtite tliaii yittl call \ltdlkt' .t \tiek .il


Boost Your X Factor l \eiy llltl

\\ ll \l l'. ill \\t'\ll‘lllll (lime. \\e\tei lldllt‘S. -15.S 320', l ipiii l-iee liee \oiee eoacliirig loi anyone under 25. teaching \oeal lt'cllllltlllt‘S aiid littllllttlllt'S.

Zoot Swing l'yei'y \loii ('ale Royal. l“ \\e\t lx’egixtei Street. 550 25W ql‘lll L150 l 9. 3.5m Swing that thing at tlie\e lllll clawex ibegiriiieix “pin. llll|t|t\\t‘l\ Spiiii.

Social Swing Night l-yeiy liie llie lioiigo ('liib. .\loiay lltttISL'. V llolyinnd Road. 55S Willi “pin H 50 ti. 3 50: lleginiieix \ldll at fil‘llt. tollow ed by Iltlpltt\t'l\ .it Spiii l'iee \Ht'ldl dancing lioiii ‘lpiii'

Paintings to Design via the Mac layeiy .\loii \Ved imtil Wed 2 \ug National (ialleiy ol Scotland. ('lnie l‘.tltlc'.tllttll ( ‘eiitie. l he \lotiiid. 021 (ijllll. 2 -1 illpni, l‘iee_ Hill!» in \r'\\|t)ll\ looking at how to ll.tll\lttlltt a t ltl\\l\.ll painting into a modern deogn.

Of all the crazy things you could do to raise money for a good cause, this has to be one of the most bizarre. At midnight, over 7,000 women (and a few men) will be setting off from the Meadows to power-walk a marathon. Not only that, but they’ll all be wearing decorated bras to raise awareness of breast cancer. Now there’s a sight to behold when you’re staggering home from the pub.

I The Meadows. Meli/i/le Drive. Edinburgh. Sat 2-1 sort '.-./a/»<:,*

.92 ," ,. ’. THE LIST 29