\xzilehing (XIII hgindle Ihe xhiI Ih;iI gnI liIlH\\lI ;Il him. and Ihe xInII he ielnxed In xneeninh In ix inei‘edihle. lI‘x ghied nx Ingeihei. :ind :ihhnngh \\ e inII Ieel like we h;i\e lhingx In pi‘nxe \\iIh l)n'I_\ I’I‘eII) 'I‘hingx. nni hiiekx ;n‘e ;Ig;iinxl Ih;II xxnne will. We're all in Ihix Ingelheif he Innghx. ’e\ en II we h;I\en‘I gnI Ihe Indlelnng i.ieI\eIx.'

w dexpiIe Ihe Innixnine'x xneeexx xinee Ihe_\ IUI'IIICII l;ixI Sepleinhei. inelnding ;i lnp Ihi'ee dehnI :ilhnni. ghmillg I'exie\\.x. and ill Ihe xhdpe nI' ‘lInng Hung \nn‘i'e “end. ;I ennIendeI‘ Ini indie :InIhein nI Ihe )eui. Ihe \iI;thI\\ nI Hniiil‘x innxnnl |‘;l\l ix h;n'd In xh;II\e. MM :1”. Ihe Iiheinnex Ine nn\\ \xidel} I'eengnixed Ini kiek xI;nIing Ihe eIn'I'enI inIeIneI eenli’ie Innxie xeene h_\ heing Ihe

Iii‘xl hand In ennnnnnieule iegII|;ii'l\ \xilh penple

Ihi‘nugh nnline hlngx and ni’gdnixing gigx in Ihen n\\n I'IIIIx and lne;d drinking hnlex. II} himkiiig dn\\n Ihe h;in’iei'x henxeen Innxleiun and Ifiin. Ihe} :iIII'ueIed liIUll\;IIIII\ nI II‘IIH\\CI\. In;in_\ nI \kIInIII Innk Iheii' liheI’Iinex \\HI'\iII|‘ \ei’} xei'innxl} ;IIILI xiinpl) eun'I geI nxei Ihnxe head} d;i_\x. luinenling Ihe xpliI in Ih;iI iennie puI‘Inei'xhip :ind Iinding hnIh |)nhei'I_\ and Hdi'iil'x nexx pinieeix |;Ieking in xpui'k.

‘I‘he |)iI'I_\ l’I‘eIl} I‘hingx II'UIIIIIMII ix heginning In Iii'e nI~ Ihix gIIIiIude. ‘('nnip;n'ixnnx In Ihe

lihei'Iinex :n‘e ine\iI;Ih|e.' he ;IIIIIIII\. ‘zind I eun'I ignnie Ihe Iiiel Ih;II in} nld hund iII'L‘ Ihe I‘euxnn penple :n‘e IixIening In Iix ;iI :iII hIiI l ian I'eull} \\;III[ In he ;ixI\ed uhnnl Ihe Innxie I'm making nnu '. enanunI IIIIeinnnx IihnnI III} p;le are Ii drug. I I'e;i|ixe | hgn e ;i eei'Iuin dehI In penple In e\p|;Iin \\h;II happened hnI iI nnl_\ gnex xn IIII‘. \Ve'i'e \\ ell nn Ihe mu In heing ;1 hand in nIn' nun i'ighI and Ihei‘e \\ill enine u pninI \\hen I Ill\l \xnn'I he ;Il’\L‘\I \\ iIh Ihnxe LIIIL‘\IIUII\ an} inni‘ef

lvixlening In HUNT/(H) In .\I1\II'/I(‘I'('. Iln\\e\Cl'. iI'x I‘eininixeenl nI Huiiil'x nld nIiIIiI‘x I‘I'unlie IIIIIILNI}. Ihe Innxie III;I_\ he IighIeI'. iinhiied \\ iIh u neuInnnd IeineiI}. hIII Ihe xnngmiling Iheinex Ieinnin. :i xI;iIeinenI \inh \xhieh he gigi'eex. "I'he

\gihlex nI |n\ e and ln_\;d1_\ and :In gippi‘eeiulinn nI

Ihe \xni'ld :n'nnnd me ;ill inII \ei‘_\ iinpni'IunI In nie. Sn nI‘ enin'xe Ihe_\ enine Ihi‘nngh in Ihe xnngx.‘ \thl i‘einuinx In he xeen ix hnu Inng Ihix IIIIlIdi inIei'exI in Ihe e\-I .ihei‘Iine‘x neu hund xx i|| |;ixI. nI'. ;Ix Hui'III hinIed III i‘eeenIl}. \xheIheI' IheI‘e ennld \\ ell he ;I pnthilii} nI' Ihein Inuking innxie Ingelhei' again iI~ l)nhei'I_\ eleLInx up Hunnnnnd ix dune hixlginuiie uhnnI iI ulI: ‘(';Ii‘| xuid iI ux inni'e nI' ;i ne\ei' x;i} nexei‘ Ihing I‘theI‘ Ihun ['1 Hill mmm /\ Imp/Mi. Ynu ne\ei‘ knnu \xilh Ihnxe I\\n.‘ Rnxxnmundn uddx. ‘BIII \\e 1‘ch ennIidenI

Dirty Pretty things are (left to right) Anthony Rossomando, Carl Barét Gary Powell and Didi Hammond

IhuI \\ e eun inuke I'eeni‘dx IngeIheI I'ni‘ :i uhile.‘

II' |)ii‘I_\ l’i‘eII} 'I‘hingx ix deinned In he :1 inei'e ehupIei' in Ihe nII/UII I)n|iei'I'\/|§;u‘{il xugu. il inukex I'ni' un iinpi'exxixe nne all Ihe xuine. and :1 much inni‘e innxieulh enmpelling nne Ihun un_\Ihing nnl nI' Ihe Huh} \iILIIIIIIIL‘\ einnp Ihnx I‘III‘. h xeeinx Ihix. hund ix :In iInpnI'Izini purl n! Ihe BIII'III I'L'IIIIIIIIIILIIIUII pi'neexx. and in Ii‘_\ing In Iind hix nun \niee he hux Inunuged In pi‘ndnee \Hil‘h pueked \xilh gripping xIni'}Ie|ling and uddieIixely IighI Inelndiex. lI nn/ex hnIICxI} and LI genuine [Mixxinn xn nI'Ien hieking in u pan-.-\I‘eIiex. u;inn;ihe-eI‘;nnined eIiInuIe. :\nd i! Ihei‘e can he an} pninix e nnienine II‘HIII Ihix inneh xeundzIIi/ed Iind II'ugie IiIIiIii'. il xni‘el} Iiex here.

Radio 1/NME stage, Sunday.


I The Cribs 9r Milburn. °;'..,- rind of «'1‘,‘;YI;“, Minn/iii; ',I’?IIII’ tj'IziI ()IIIIIIIIII‘fl .1an Jana-t I',‘:(I 104080 .‘/‘:H 3;? ‘:', III‘: (,I?:’,I {/‘:r‘: J17

T't‘: T’JIJ ’1? III‘:II ’jéifYI‘).

i, ;. 9’1", THE LIST 15