


I Looking for lovely non- student to share large flat in New iiigtoii area. l-‘urnished room with double bed. £225 pcni. utilites not incltided. Large liyingrooin. kitchen. cable TV and Internet access. Ayailable l9/06/06. 0l3l 620 WW

I Large double room ayailable (Orchard Braeilt) min walk to w est end. l’reler lion smoking professional. Mod kitchen/bathrtiom. Large bal- cony. Rent £300 pm excl bills. Ayailable Mid Jtiiie. ('all 077489660l4.

I 150 pounds per person / month (based on two people sharing a room) in lidinburgh close to IIeriot wait and Napier am. 2 double rooms for two cou- ples. cotiiicil tax included. 07963 342 272 ax‘ailable 27/06.

I Room in new .1 hetirooiii flat tip for grabs a.s.a.p.all mod cons, wood floors. parking. chilled flatmates.internet. bath- room and on sweet shower.250 per/mon + con/tax.and deposit. 07722 I79 I39

I Room to rent from 2 July in flat with 4 others.20 mins walk to Princes St. 5 mins to lloly'rood Park. £2S0 pciii + ("l' + bills. (‘all ('laire. 07739 465 783

I Very large double room for 2 people to let in Polwarth gardens. with 2 double beds and plenty of bedroom furniture. Available until end of July only? £50 each p/w 07730 505 I36.

I George Street - Furnished room in beautiful Victorian townhouse flat. bay window lixingroom with castle views. fitted kitchen. gch. bright and sunny. £3 l0 pciii 07738 I54 286

I Double room available in conyerted warehouse flat. sharing with one other profes- sional. The flat is close to the trendy shore area with bars. restaurants and shops all with walking distance liasy going person preferred. £300 per month pltis bills. 07Sl5 I07 I77

I Great room in gay friend- Iy' home. All bills included in £350 rent pcin. House has all mod cons and Internet. Mtist be pet friendly! Far West lidinburgh. Sharing with l female. Ayalible now? 07940 547 069

I 2 large rooms spacious top floor Marchmont flat. Separate lounge. large kitchen. Sharing with male and female. young professionals only. £360/iiionth inc (‘T exc bills. [ind July. Call (‘iigi 078Il 800 540.

I Double room available in modern spacious flat with two other professionals. Close to Shore and city centre. Flat has garage parking and all mod cons. £300pm + bills. Tel 07734 724 038

I Double room available for n/s female professional in flat off Easter Rd. Newly fur- nished. all mod cons. free park- ing. broadband. Immediate entry/July. Rent A£265 + CT + bills. 013! 656 9656

I I'm a 26 yo Basque girl. I'll work for 4 months in Iidinburgh. I don't know any- thing about the city. sol would like to rent a single room with friendly flatmates to make my yisit comfortable and memo- rable. I will pay up to 350 pounds. And i would like to lixe close to the centre of the town. i/as79(a hotmailcom

I Bright double room in 2 bedroom modern I.eith flat. Looking for respectful. clean. professional to share with same. £375 pcm inc. bills (y (’.'l‘. Broadband Internet. Tel. Iimiiia on 07958 7X4 738.

I Double room for one in spacious Bruntsfield flat. shar- ing with 4 others (female. 30's. Professitinals/mature student - seek similar). Reasonable rent + bills + deposit. Ayailable mid Jtily. Please call 0|3I 229 8002. I 4 bedrooms to let in large house. liully furnished / double garage / large garden. Lots of extras. £350 - £450 per week during August.

Tel: 07727 I57 l83. limail: ahmedburwaiss (0 liotmailcom




V I Saw You hot pastry chef on my first day. You gave me tablet and now you're a keeper. (‘ongratulations on your new job. very proud of you. (‘an't wait to see you after a decent sleep...what time is it'.".".’ R xxx [l/55I/22

V I Saw YOU ('hicaboo, my barbie foot may be sore but my heart hurts more. I'll always be your scruffy puppy. Phone me sometime soon. we did these better together! Bambina I)ing xxx [7551/23

V I Saw You at the West lind Festiyal. then again on Victoria Road that afternoon. Will we pass each other a third time‘.’ I am often wandering the latter... [7551/24

V I Saw You. gorgeous girl at the Gomez. concert. ABC. front stage. You were with your friend and l was older guy behind yotl. Also spoke to you yery' briefly on the C(‘A ('afe steps later. Wow. you're beautiful? Luv 2 hear from u. [T/55l/25

V I Saw You on the traiii from GLA to Wemy ss Bay on

I I/6. You had a pretty face. long dark hair (speaking Italian or Spanish) wearing a green blouse and blue jeans. I watched you on the train and a ferry but didn't base the courage to speak to you. I lose your smile. fantastic girl. pleease write back to me. Wanna meet you again... U/55I/26

V I Saw You in the Botanic (iardens. liriday 7th. You're in a blue spottedt t-shirt. with black shorts and a w liite bag. I'm in a black t-shirt and sun- glasses. We caught each others eye again and agatii btit you were surrounded by friends. lnti'igued,’ [755I/27 VI Saw YOU bookworm. gor- geous with your long dark hair in listitiire house on Thursday. Quantum Theology '.’ Yes please. I'm captured. my companion was my collegue. ['/55l/2.\’

V I Saw You last Saturday (3/6) in MacDonald ('row Road about 5pm. You were in front of me. I cringed when the lady standing next to you asked if you were a basketball play er. jttst becatise of your height. So you remember)’ If you're single and fancy a drink then drop me a liiie :—t [755l/29

V I Saw You behind the best bar in (ilasgow (not really the best is it'.’il w asnt drunk enouin to giye you my number. You were too sober to ask. l.o\ely hat? [755l/30

VI Saw YOU. tlly ace of spade. moshing at Motorhead. I want to buy you a studded waist— coat one day. Xxx ['/55I/3l

V I Saw You at The Loft. (‘hilling with a beer on the hottest day of this year. Red top, cool jeans. [755 l/32

V I Saw You for your birth- day looking I0 years younger behind Bar I0?? Watch your neck! Happy Birthday again my loye.l)reaiii Team xxx [755l/33 VI Saw You Mr ('harm - I met you 32 years ago and I'm still under your spell. l)a\'id (iaiy (‘airns. I'm yours. [755I/34

V I Saw You Brenda Q. Making eyes at me. Test me senseless. and I'll see you bet- ter. [755I/35

V I Saw You ex il (iernian doppleganger from my pal Nick. Stop staring yer gix ing me yon willies? [755l/36

V I Saw You sassy waitress in Amalfi. We were your only ctistomers. I stole the lollipop. Let's drink Sicillian wine and talk. [755l/37

V I Saw You to the (BMW. wishing i could see you again sooner than weeks away? here's to a month of fabulous times ahead xxx [7550/29

V I Saw YOU hot c&b girl on your first day. l gaye you tablet. You are very much my type. You are indeed my lox ely dinosaur. [7550/50

V I Saw You The l)iy ine (‘oinedy were amazing. Shame I didn't get your number or we could Iiaxe seen them together. We met in the (larage on Mon 22nd.We talked Neil Ilannon and Raymond .\Iearns. l-‘ancy Something for the Weekend‘.’ [7550/31

VI Saw You .\Ir J. my sexy man. can't wait to go on hols. I know we w ill base such a great time. Loxe exery moment we are together. Rx [7550/32

V I Saw You crying because of what I had done. I loye you. Somehow I always has e. some- how I always will. I hope you feel the same. Jxx [7550/33

Classified Personal


V I Saw You Michelle. I met you in X-pensix e TV shop, talked about youi 6 year old and how you make dinnei exery night' Where we come from. l)timtrieshire. .-\nnen Academy. ('an I get you a beer someday llope so'\ [75.50/34

V I Saw YOU pretty solicitor girl from Peebles in the 500 cltib looking great You left before I could buy you a drink I'm the tall boy with the glasses l.ets meet [75.50/55

V I Saw You iii Brel. Micro James Dean with a beard. sparkling eyed llol‘l‘ltl [7550/36

V I Saw You in Brel. Sat 20th May - Seth ('ohen without the suntanl (iood smile. good choice of beet" [75.50/37

VI Saw You l-.rik. You liax e a loxely beard. you is pure litiiiibaloid aina/ing. [75.50/33 VI Saw You in the (il’l‘. You sat across from me. you were beautiful and made me laugh. I think you noticed me. Sorry about .\ll).x [7550/39


V I Saw YOU in The Street. You look like you shop in ['i'ban ()titfitters. You borrowed my (the barman'si lighter. You are hot. [755l/l

V I Saw You Big John Malcolm? Are you as good in the bedroom as you are with a pair of scissors-J [755“:

V I Saw You four hairdress- er-ish style people in the Street. Ilello blonde mullet/pink and black Ladytron cut/block fringe/designer curls Xtina Aguilera. I‘d do all of you? [755 l/.3

V I Saw You cute stubbly boy in The Street 3Ist May. (ireen jacket with yellow arm- bands. I was sitting right behind you in a khaki shirt. How about a drink'.’ [755 l/4

VI Saw You at Vibe. You rock. I heart you. you are one sexy mofo. You had jeans and spiky hair and you turned down my lap- dance. Let's get together. [75.5 U5 VI Saw You...SKlBSf Yott are more of an ant-knee to meee. but precious as a pool game all the same. [755l/6 VI Saw You Sarak ‘w'ig-

w am' w ith a new pilot iii The Street? I thought you were sin- gle? l drowned my sorrows with a pint? [755l/7

VI Saw YOU :\ttssie .\lel in your hot short dress at The Street. (‘an you fix my prescrip- tion’.’ [755I/ts’

V I Saw YOU l)J l.eo Sayer - what's with the .-\tissie boy on your arm‘.’ Single'.".’ liither of .‘Uu‘.".’ [755l/9

V I Saw You Lorna's 'had 'em'? You went off for a burger? I wanna go off with you? [755 UN) V I Saw You extremely hot orange haired barmaid at The Street on no wax Thursday. I'll be back. [755l/Il

V I Saw YOU foodmarket manager of Nancy Nicols? You almost turned me straight. . .btit I still lose you? [7/55l/l2

V I Saw You It! I co t)'Sayei and John \lalcolm' :\re you botli single ' Saw you play the shop. you botli made me bop' [' 55l 1“ VI Saw You Sal in sunny \ladrid. dreadful tiogs. biaxe smocks. not a tan Ill sight and .in Italian we should nexei liax e paid toi' l’ xxx l'55l l4

V I Saw You .‘\I|I_\ and (Jane let‘s twist again’ Youis coinpulsixely

["55 l Vl5

VI Saw You on the lit btis opposite ('ameo l was in a green I andioxei Wished you'd iiimped oil the bits and iumped in with me' Wotild loxe to see yotii sunny smile again ["55lx’16 VI Saw You struggling with the textuie of Turkish l)elight' Yoti don't fool me. imssy Thank you fora loxely afterntxin. See you on safari .'\xxx l'/55I/l7 V I Saw You wasp lady. and your bright yellow work upstairs at the l-'.('.'\ I think it rocks btit you lock so much more' l755l/I.s‘

VI Saw You. I know .t giil in a lingerie shop, whose beauty makes my heart stop. If she'd be mine. I'd think hci kind. otIl honeymoon would suiely not flop? Sit/ie.’ l755l/I9

V I Saw You dark hair w eat mg white shorts at the 'l‘hi‘iepmiiir Resei'xoii. you rolled oxer the fence (lucky fence) I could hardly ride my ltlke home. [755 l/20

V I Saw You :\lexis in the stripes. ()pal Lounge (Sat 3rdi, We sat outside smoking. you ptilled filters from your bag. Please get in touch, [755l/2l VI Saw You (7 left without gixing you my number. Do you want it‘.’ l755l/22

VI Saw You with Mr glori~ ous fit baw head. leaning like .i pole dancer iii the cafe. (‘ome round to my gaff I7550/l

V I Saw You and I'm think- ing it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're per- fectly aligned, J xxx [7550/2 V I Saw You dancing like a proyocatixe mongoose in the 'l‘raxerse. Your one trouser leg tip and one trouser leg down rocked my iocksl [7550/3

V I Saw You at the Tray erse .-'\ is for adorably minxy. l for insatiable. .\I for magnificently hot. I. is for effortlessly sexy and I. is for ellll.,,l fancy you? [7550/4

VI Saw You smiling proyocatixely whilst playing pocket billiards at the bar in the Tray crse. Will you be my loye monkey '.’ [7550/5

V I Saw You Amy'.’ Looking like the Queen of Sheeba work- ing hard behind the bar at the Trayerse. Your beauty is incom- parable. see you from the bush- esl [7550/6

V I Saw You alpha. braxo, charlie. echo. fanny. golf. hotel. india. Juliet. kilo. lima. mega. nos ember. oscar. putrid. que- bec. rotneo. sierra. tango. Util- yerse. yictor. whisky. x—ray. yankee. lulu. I lose you Doug? [7550/7

22 Jun—i, Jul 230‘; THE LIST 109