Breuer's best-known projects are the Wessin chair (bottom. middle) and the Whitney Museum of Modern Art (top right). But the Hungarian-born. Bauhaus-trained designer (right) had many more strings to his bow. including a series of domestic projects.
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weeks. You have to be ver} good triends bel'ore _vou can sul‘l‘er each other for two weeks on a boat! We had a wonderlul time together.
When we went to (ireece. at the outset we agreed not to talk about architecture. I guess we did hold to that. We speculated a great deal about Me in (ireece in the da_vs ol the Athenians and the Spartans. and even before that in Mycenae. We speculated about what these people were like. given that they created such wonderful architecture. 'l'herel'ore in some ways we could not follow our original plan not to talk about architecture. becatise lil‘e expresses itsell~ in architecture. He and I both believed in that. l
think‘he was'verdv interested in. lite. and life One of the great modernist architects of the twentieth iiiilié‘lir’fll'él mini iiiirirfciiivi:733313 ii: century, Marcel Breuer, was an inspiration to another Zi'iifrliiTitiiiiiiuliii.Vigil:13-well.if: great architect, IM Pei, the designer of the famous glass 353,331.33?;’,‘,',;,;7;‘;,,:g;:_“;,g‘fi:3,,“;,;;f;,]§g,:; Pyramid at the Louvre in Paris. Here, Pei explains why in life: hc'rcmurkcdw mun Jukingly- that he Breuer’s legacy deserves to be celebrated. :‘;:I?l2‘n';kf Lilli; 2.3131511?) iildl-iifliniificii
20 THE LIST 5- 3.’ Jo.“ 33-30
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_v acquaintance with Breuer dates back to the l‘)-l()s. He was a bachelor then: we both were. We becatne very close triends and I knew him very well. He was more than an architect I admired. he was a real triend. Later. he and l and our wives sailed together twice in (ircece. each time l‘or about two