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You've got to teel a bit sonv tot Davnd Momssev. Flom Goldon Blown In The DeJI to Shmon Stone's tut ot Bntwough In Basie Instmet '3. his senpts tend to have the word 'hown' on each page. So. It's nucle to see hun show ott his shlnv seouse lungs as he takes .I hlte Into Blackpool's Inoml htne once more as the wwked Ripley Holden in thus one—ott specml ot the senes whneh plevnouslv teatmed Dawd Tennant as .I singing detective. Holden may claim to be .I saved soul but one flash ot hls sInIsteI gun and you know the good people ot the nolthwest me set to: mole tugged detmueheu: And songs.