
Glasgow Women’s Library

A111on§2511111.11‘rg1} ol ll1llt'l noun-1141111} L'\L'111\.111L'llhl'lll') l\ curt-1111} lontIIIg

3(‘1111111c'\ l’opt'orn. a \litil’l \cricx ol 111111}\~.11I1111'11111\ \paumng tluu' ml) (lL’LiltlL'\ 01 1111111111 1110) 1111115 111L'11L‘L'1llltl\\lll lk'\111)llllt'tl (51111 0141 552 8345101 lllHlt' 1111111‘111111101111111) l)I)I)l\ .1[)l;ILt'

lllljl’Slj/n/ .7",

Pakeezah (Women Only Screening) 11') (i 1111


Axlilou 1.1111L'. llIlllIcaIl. 0141 339 8444. 111 Sun £5,501w101c0pm; £0.50altc1'; .\lou. £3 50; 1111' 11111. £4 50111-1011- (111111; £5.50 allci‘. Stutlcutx/UAl’: £3.50 Iuot.1\;111;11)1I'.111c1 (1pm l‘l'l 81111); ("111111 £ 3.50: K111x' ('1111) 8111\1111'1111132: £2.50.

11111111750/1/ 7?,

The Da Vincl Code 1 12m 230 5.35. 8-15.

The Da Vinci Code (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I 12.11 10.30.1111.

X-Men: The Last Stand I 12A) 12.45. 300. I130. 0.00.

11111)/\‘( I211 111UHSDAY 1

The Da Vinci Code I I2.-\1

Hail): 11.30am 111111 \\'c11 19 11111).

2. 30. 5.35. 5'45.

The White Countess (Parent 8. Baby Screening) tl’( I)

.\latincc'1'11u: 10.30.1111.

The White Countess (Senior Screening) ll’(il

.\1;11111L‘I' “1113 10.3011111.

x-Men: The Last Stand 1 12.1\1

1x111}: 1.20, 4.00. (1.30. 0.00. Zathura ll’( 1) .\l;11111cc8at 1& Sun:

IMAX Theatre

(Max:200 St'lt‘liL'C(‘C1111'C. 50 l’tiL‘lliC ()1111}. 0141 420 5000. £0.95 (£4.95). 10‘} discount on partics 111' 111011' than lour.


I‘I~IURSD/\Y 12:")

Allen Adventure 3011') 1.45. Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3011') 12.30. 3.00.


Allen Adventure 30 11')

111 Mon: 1.15. 3.45.

.\1atiucc 111112 12.30.

Cyberwodd 30 11’( I)

Matincc 111112 1.45.

Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 30 11') .\latiucc l'l'l .\lou: Poseidon I 12.-\1 11111: 3.00. 5.30. 8.00.

Odeon At The Quay, Glasgow

()11 1)1|l\1C_\ Road. 0141 429 7027. 11111) 111111 ('(' hooking: 0871 22 44 007. .‘\(ll|ll\ £0 Iprcmicr \catx £0.90); (‘oncmxionx £4.25 tprcmicr \cats £4.50). 151111111} tickct £10.

12.30. 2.30.

1H L.) BSD/LY 23;


The Da Vincl Code I 12.-\) 11111111. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.30. 4.30. 5.00. 5.30. 7.00. 5.00. 8.30. 0.00.

MI:3: Mission Impossible III I 12.-\1 noon. 1.45. 2.45. 4.45. 5.45. 7.45. 8.45.

PrimeII2.-\1 1.00. 145. (1.30. 0.15. WaitingII51 3.45. (1.30. 0.15. x-Men:The Last StandI12.-\) 12.1 1.15. 1.45. 3.00. 4.00. 445. 5.30. (145. 7.30. 8.30. 0.30.

54 THE LIST 25 Ma —8 June £0015

. 3K \‘1. '

I'm Not Scared

As the excellent Cinema Sud: Filmmaking in the South of Italy season comes to a close in both cities, still worth checking out is director Gabriele Salvatores and writer Niccolo

Ammaniti’s intelligent 2003 political thriller set in the oppressive heat of the Basilicata region of Italy in the

19705. Salvatores’ new film Ouo Vadis Baby? will be reviewed next issue.

I GFF Glasgow (Mon 29 May on/y). FI/Hl/iOt/SO. E(//lll)tll'g/1 (Mon 5 Jun on/v).


The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Senior Screening) I l’( 1 1

51111111001110: 10.30am.

Curious George It')

l-‘ri \Vcd: 1.45. 4.15. (1.45.

A150 matincc Sat Mon: | 1.30am.

11111: 12.30. 3.15. 5.45.

The Da WnchodeI12A1

Daily: noon. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.30. 4.30. 5.00. 545. 7.00. 8.00. 8.45. 9.15.

A150 lalc l‘I'i & Sat: Fanaa I tho 1

Daily: 12.15. 4.15. 8.15.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown It')

Matincc Sal Mon: 1 1.30am.

MI:3: Mission Impossible III I 12.4)

1-‘ri Wed: 011111). 2.45. 5.45. 8.45. 9.30 1 not Tue)

Thu: (1.30. 9.30.

Poseidon I 12A)

10.30. 11.30.

11111: 12.45. 3.45. (1.30. 9.15. PrimeI12.-\)

1'11 511111 & \VCIl: 9.15.

The WildIl')

111 5101119 Wed: 12.15. 2.30. 5.00. 7.15.

'l‘uc: noon. 2.00. 4.00.

11111: 1.45. 4.15.

X-Men: The Last StandII2A1

l);111_\: 12.15. 1.15. 1.45. 3.00. 4.00. 4.45. 5.30. (1.45. 7.30. 8.30. 0.30. Alxolatc 1'1th Sat: 10.15. 11.15.

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

Shoucaxc\urc Park. Langmuir Road. Coatbridge. Info 1in: 01230 434434. (‘(' hooking: 01230 438000. £5.00 (£4.50 bcl‘orc (1pm). Child/()Al’: £4.50: Student: £4. 111C 1111 llL‘le'lxi £4.50; .801th111 £4.

TH11R§DAY 25

ConfettlI15) 945.

The Da Vinci Code I 12A) 1 145.1111. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.15. 4.15. 4.45. 5.15. (1.30. 7.30. 8.00. 8.30. 9.45.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown It'1 11.30.1111. 2.00. 4.30. MI:3: Mission Impossible III I 12A)

11.00am. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 4.00. 4.30.

5.00. (1.30. 7.00. 7.30, 8.00. 0.30. 10.00. 10.20.

Primetl2A) 11.50am. 2.20. 4.51). 7.35. 10.05.

She’s the Man I 12.41 11.00.1111. 1.30. 4.00.

SilentlilllII5) 10.15.

16 Block5I12A1 740.

WamngII51 11.40.1111. 2.30. 4.55. 7.20. 0.50.

When a Stranger Calls I 151 115511111. 2.25. 440. 745. 0.55.

X-Men: The Last Stand I 12A) 114511111. 12.15. 2.15. 245. 4.45. 5.15. 7.15. 7.45. 945. 10.15.

EMMLZQidU 5013K!

Curious George 0')

Daily: 11.40am. 2.20. 4.40. 7.00. The Da Vincl W9112A)

l)ail_\: 11.45am. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.15. 4.15. 4.45. 5.15. (1.30. 7.30. 8.00. 8.30. 9.45. Also lalc Fri Sun: Ice Age 2: The Meltdown It’) Dull): 11.30am. 1.55. 4.20. 7.00. MI:3: Mission Impossible III I 12A) l)ai1}: 11.00am. 1.30. 2.00. 4.30. 5.00. 7.30. 8.00. 9.30. 10.20. Alxolatc liri 81111: 11.00. 12.30am. Primetl2A)

l)ail): 7.35. 10.05. :\l\t)1ttlc 1507781111: 12.35am. She’s the ManII2A)

l)ail_\': 11.00am. 1.30. 4.00. meThlofLordIl’U)

1)ail_\: 11.30am. 2.10. 4.35. Walting115)

Daily: 9.50.

Alxo latc Fri—Sun: 12.10am. WhenaStranger CaIISI15) l)ail_\': 9.55. :\1\t) latc Fri—Sun: WWIIdIl') Daily: noon. 2.15. 4.30. 7.20. 9.30. .-\l\t) latc Fri—Sun: 1 1.45.



10.45. 11.15. 11.45.

X-Men: The Last Stand I 12A Hail}: 11.45am. 12.15. 12 .. 2.45. 3.15. 4.45. 5.15. 5.45. 7.15.

7.45. 8.15. 9.45. 10.15.

Alxolatc 111 Sun: 10.45. 12.15am.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(11111111 Awnuc. l’lIocnix lill\111L'\\ Park. 0141 8870011. 11111110141 8870150. (‘(‘1111111t111g_vzux71 22010001550 (£4.25 Mom 111 lwloi'c (1pm).

('1111I1/( )Al’: £4.20; Sttitlcntz £4. 'luc all lit‘lxt‘lxj £3.75.


Confetti1151 0.50.

The Da Vlncl Code I 12A) 114511111. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.15. 4.15. 4.45. 5.15. (1,30. 7.30. 11.00. 3.30. 045. Ice Age 2:The Meltdown Il'1 113011111. 2.05. 4.35.

MI:3: Mission Impossible III I 12A) 11.00.1111. 12.30. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.30. 4.00. 4.30. 500. (1.30. 7.00. 7.30. 3.00. 030, 10.00. 10.20. PrlmeII2..\1 11.50.1111. 220. 4.50. 7.35. 10.05.

SllentlilllI151 10.15.

16 BlocksI12.-\1 740.

WaitingI151 11.40.1111. 230. 4.55. 7.20. 0.50.

When a Stranger Calls I 151 115511111. 2.25. 440. 745. 0.55.

X-Men: The Last Stand I 12.31 114511111. 12.15. 2.15. 2.45. 4.45. 5.15. 7.15. 7.45. 9.45. 10.15.


Curious George It‘)

Daily: 11.40am. 2.20. 4.40. 7.00. The Da VlnchodeIl2A)

l)ail\: 114521111. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.151 4.15. 4.45. 5.15. (130. 7.311. 8.00. 8,30. 9.45. Alw Iatc l5ri Sun: 11.45. lceAge2:TheMeltdownIt.'1 Daily: 11.25am. 2.05. 4.35. 7.00.

10.45. 11.15.