35 China Town I l2.-\I I \l‘l‘ax \lIhhaI llurmaxi.all.L“\la~Ian .»\lrhhaI llIIrnIaualla. lllIlld. 2lIII5I Karccna Kapnnr. \hahId Kapnnr. .’\I\\llIl_\k' Khanna IJIIIIIIII llIIll}\\IInIl llll’lllcl ()III “II III/l A'IIIIIIIIII/ IJ/lIl/HUL‘II
Three-step Dancing (Ballo a tre passi) l l5I ISalxaInII' \lcrcu. llal}. 2W”! \lIIlIclI' ('thnIII. (‘aInlInc I)ll\k"\. Yacl x\l\L‘L.I\\I\. l’IcIIn \Iha III7IIIIII SI'INIIInx aIIIl C\U\'.lll\t'. \lI-II'II llll\L‘\ [IIIIII'~~IIIII.II .IIIIl aIIIaII'III .lLll>l\ III a \L'lIL'\ nl lnur CPlMNlC\ hawd nII Ihc \I'.I\IIII\ l’aI‘l nl (Int-Ina Sud l'IlInInakIng III Ihc SnIIIh III Ital) “humor II/m I/II'IIIII‘. (I/IIIQIIII. I'll/II/IIIIIII. I‘.I/lIl/’HIL'/I
Time to Leave (Le Temps Qui Reste) I 1M 0... ll'lIlllk'llh ()/nn. l'IaIII‘I'. 2IIII5I \lI-lx Il l’nIIpaIIIl. .lcannc \lnrvau .IIIII \alcrla llrIInITlI'IlI'xI‘hI H5IIIIn U/nIIK IIIII'\I llII'lI l\ Ihc \I‘I'nnIl lll lll\ IIIlny} nII llIIIllllIllljJ RnIIIaIII lL'.ll\ hI' ha\ AIDS hIII II\ I'anm llc kL'k'P\ II IInIII lnx hn) lIII'nIl aIIIl I'\I'I‘}IIIII' k'l\k'. L'\k't']‘l lnI lll\ Il_\III;_' )JIIIIIIlllIIIlllt'l I.\lnII'aIII. \ \Irugglc In .II'I'I'pI llllll\L'll cnxucx l’nucrlul IIIII kc} \IIIII} III a thlnnIxIII‘ lIlc \IIIIIIIIIg In an aid RL‘UIllllllk‘lltlt‘tl. (ilIIsgIIII l-I/m Ilium-I: (i/IIIuIIII .‘ l'l/Hl/IHHH'. I:I/III/III/u/I
* Tony Takitani II'I coco III.”
lI'lII\\k;I\\II. Japan. 2(III4I l\\t‘l ()gala. Ric
\lI}a/aua. ShInnhara lillxdllllllll. "(Innn Sec
II'\ II'“. pagc 4 i, I‘l/In/IUHH'. IzI/m/uu'u/I. Tristan + Isolde I l2:\l 0.. I Km lll RI'} IIIIlIl\. (iI-rnIanVl 'K/l 'S, 2IIII(II .l.llllt'\ l'rancn. Snphla .\l) lt'\. Rulm SLWKCll. I2IIIIIIII .\ lIIlllilMllllL'l) Innunlcd prnduI‘IInn llial'x [IIIIII‘IIIaII‘Il rcgularl} \\ IIh lll\ IgnraIIng .It‘llnll \L'IIIICIII'L‘\ .IIIIl \L'l Ill llIL‘ IIIII'L'\l IIl Dark Ago llrIlnn. I'I'IIIIIII I [\lI/ilt' llll'll\ lIla' Sllillxt'\[k‘ill't"\ II’IIIIII'II + .lII/I'I'I. nn lhc llll\lHl'lllllL'\ nl \laI-crnxxcd ln\ Cl\. (i/IIIQIIII l’l/I'l I'III'IIII'I'. (i/Ilsgrm.
U-Carmen eKhayelitsha I l2.'\l 0... (Mark l)IIrnlanl-.\la_\. Snulh .'\lll\'.l. 2(NI5I l’aIIIInI' .\la|clanc. .-\nIlI|I' 'l‘xhnnl. laingclua lllnu. /.\\ I'Ilungilc SIdIIm. l2IIInIII 'l'hIx L'IIllllllllllll) Ihcalro l\ll llhn prnlu'l IlcwlnpcIl and \CI III a Snulh Airman ln\\ nthp 2U lllllL‘\ IIIINIlc ('apc 'l'Imn l\ \nInI'IhIng nl a dI-Ilghl. l'caIIn'Ing a \\lInlL‘ Plt‘llllll'd nl \\ L‘ll l'lL'\lIL'Il liltllt'\ illltl gaI'nIlI'nII-n hangmg nIII llI/I‘I'x IIpcra III Ihc thxa Illalccl Ill Ihc \hchccnx and tlll5l} \Ircch nl l‘.l\ll;l_\L‘lll\ll;l. IInhuI'd \\ IllI a lancIIc I'm-lg}. lll|\ llllll can'I l'aII III Illll‘l'L'\\. (i/IIIQIIII I'I/m I'III'IIII'I‘, (i/Ilwun.
United 93 I |5I O. Il’aul (irccngraxx. l'S. 2IIIIIII ('lIrIxIIan ('lI-Incnxnn. Gar} (‘IIIIIIIIIII‘k. l’nll} Adanh. ()pal .-\|ladIn I llhnin. Sec rm Ic“. page 43. (II'III'I'II/ II'II'IHI’.
Wah-Wah I |5I CC. IR'Ichard I: (iranl. lll'llillll/l'l'dlit'U/Siilllll Alrn‘a. 2(III5I (iahricl By'nc. Miranda Richardxnn. liIIIIl} \Vahnn. Julie Wallcrx. \n‘hnlax llnulI. ("I-ha lnII'II'. ‘NIIIIII. Scc I'm IC“. pagc 42. (I'lmgun IVI/m l/II’IIII‘I'. (i/Inunn _' II/m/IIIIIII'. IzI/IIIIIIII'u/I,
Waiting I ISI 0 IRnh \chIIIrIck. IN. 2005) R}an RC)IIIIlIl\. .-\IIIIa liII'Ix. .lll\llll lung. l.uI\ (in/man. 04mm. Rcall} crap taxi Innd rcxIauranI-xcl ('II'I‘AI lll\llll‘L‘Il cnIncdy ll \llliln. anI'I hnIhcr. (I'I'III'I'II/ I'I‘II'IHI'.
* Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low PI’ICO I l5l ... (Rnhcrl (lI‘CCIMHIlIl. l'S. 2005i 05min. Su- prm It“. page 3‘) and l't'\ IL‘\\ \. [\IIIIL' 4U. (I‘ltl\flllll I‘ll/III I'III'IIII‘I'. (i/IIIQIIII.
War Photographer I ISI .00. I(‘ln'IsIIan l‘rci. S“ II/crland. 2lIIIl I JaInI'x Naclituc}. 00min. ’l‘hIx “(ill an ()xcar llll\ }car I'nr hcxl l'caInrc dncumcnlar). l’arI nl chnrlagc \caxnn. Film/mun: IleinlIIIru/I. When a Stranger Calls I ISI
.0 (Simon \chi. ['8. 2(IIIIII (‘aInIlla llcllc. 'l'nnnn} Flanagan. Kalic ('axxId}. 80min. l’nnr reworking nl~ Ihc Incdincrc laIc 7(I\ lrcak callcr hnrrnr lhrillcr. (;("l("'(ll I'I'II‘IIH'.
The White Countess II’( iI COO IJaInI‘x l\III‘}. l'K/l'S/(icrrnan)/(‘hina . 2(XI5I Ralph liicnnc‘. .\‘alaxha Richardxnn. \xmcm Rcdgraxc. l.}IIII Rcdgraxc. 158mm. SCI In late 103le Shanghai. Mcrchanl
lxnr} \ laxi cwr Iihn Ingclhcr uplnrm Ihc curinm rclaIInnxhip hem ccn a rcl‘ugcc \VllIlL‘ RIIstIIII CUUIIICN\ rL‘IlUCCIl in a \anlIIl lilc III lliC L‘Il} '\ bah and a Illsllllhlnnul
52 THE LIST .5 May-8 JURG 2006
IIIIIIII'rl S delnIIIaI Il Icnnw I. du'ph l‘ClL'IHCIl h} IhI' dcalh~ nl lll\ u llk‘ and IhIlIlrcn \lklllll\ nl \InlI'III cwnh III IhI- pnlIIIgal IIIIIIInIl nI l‘HIk (‘hIIIa IhaI alw rnhlwd hIIII nI lll\ \Ighl \lIuhl hIII llllk'lL‘\llll:_' (IIIMII IIIII. (r/II‘I (Irv.
* The Wicker Man I\I 0000. IRIIhIn llaIIl}. IR. 102‘“ l lexard \\IIIIIl\\IIIIl. llllll I'kldllll. l)I.IlIL' (.IlClllI‘. Ingrid I’III. (‘hrixlnphcr l cc llI2IIIIII \ III-\nIIIl} II'IIhaII- Pl‘llkk'lllIlll I\\nnd\\aIIlI .ll'll\t'\ .II a II'IIInII' SI'nIIhh leand In Inn-\IIgaII' a \IhIIIIIgIIl IllMll‘pCdldllxt' and hI'I'nIIII'x In\nl\I-Il III llKIll pagan l'IlIl.Il\ -\ llaIIIIIII'I (lawn. \Kllll \ninc C\llL'lllk'l_\ \tal} and I'InlII' lllIIlllL'lll\ (i/mgnn III/u I/II III/I (ihiqunI
The Wild Il I O. ISIIWI' \\ Illl.IlII\. l'S. 2IIIIIII KIL‘lk‘l SIIIhI'IlanIl. .l.tlllt'\ llL‘lIhlIl. l‘IlIlIL‘ l//.IIIl. JIIIII'aIIC ( Iainlaln ‘l-lInIn Sec II'\ It“. page 4‘ (II III III/
H'll I1\I'
The World’s Fastest Indian I I: \I . IRngcr l)IIII.IlIl\IIII. \L'u /.I-aland/l 'S. 2INI5I .-\IIIhnII_\ llnplanx. (‘hrhlnphcr l.a\\lnrd. llrut‘c (iII'I-IIuIIIIIl. l’aIIl RnIIIrL'III'L l)IannI' ladd 122mm. RI'IIII'Il \I'u /ca|andcr llIIII \lIIIIIn Illnpkinw Iraxclx \\ IIh lll\ I‘I2llx lndIan liIIIlIII't‘}L‘lC lII l‘ldli Spt'ul \Vt't'lx .IIIIl.
\\ IIhnIII a II-aIII nI lInIIlIng. hc \CI\ Ihc land \pccd Iu'nrd n\ I'I andan agaIn. Hull and Ilrcar} laIIIIl_\ lllill ()i/l'l’IL laI/m/III/Ivlz. X-Men: The Last Stand I l2.'\l
O. IllII'II RalnI'I. I'S. 2IIIIIII l’aII’II'k SII‘uaI’I. llnghlat‘kinan. llalII' licrr}..\'1rlan \lI'Kcllan, lll-lllllli. Scc II'I IL‘\\. page 42. (I'I'III'I‘III I'I'lI Im'.
Young Movie Makers Festival lllk‘l SIM-Hal \I‘II'I'IIIng nl llllll\ Inadc h} _\nIIII3_' pcnplc lrnIn l2.le l.nIhIan SchIIIIh and I‘IInIInIInII} haxcd grnnpx \Inrkrng III I'nllahnraIInn \\ IIh lilm and drama prnlI'xxInnalx. 'l‘hc prngrannnc Includcx unrkx lI‘nIII l’cncallland l’I'IIIIar} Schnnl. \VhIIccraIg l’rnnar} Schnnl. and lhI‘ (III‘lhaIIIl l’I‘nIL'L‘l. II’I'IIIIIIIII I‘III'IIII'I‘. III/lIl/IHI'Q/l.
Zathura Il’(iI O. Ilnn l'a\ rcau. ('8. 200m Jnnah ltnhn. Jn\h llulchcrmn. lllil Rnhlnnx. | liinln. 'l'nn hrnIhcrx cmhark nn an adwnlurc a\ [hen \t‘l-ll hnardgarnc I'IIInIN In lIlI'. l'nInxpn'cd chIlIlrcn'x lanlax} alnlig Ihc \aInI' lIan nl'.lIImIIn/I .X'I'II'I'II-Il I'I‘lI'IHI’.
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.
Glasgow _
:5“ Saut'hlchall Sli't'k'l. Hl-ll :52 I‘ll)” llIIIleIIIg\ lllJl ISIII‘NW ‘4“
The Short Film Project II I ‘ :II HUI/«I f I“ I\
The Short Film Project ll'I " II SAIIIHE‘I/II ‘.I IN
Frescoes II’I‘II Hill.
Cineworld Parkhead
lhc l'nIgI'. l’IlllxllL‘IIIl. thl 2”“ 2H1 NI .\dIIlI L54” IH XII thnII‘ 5pm
.\lnn llill. (‘hIlIl UNI I t5 5H
.\lnn 'l‘hIII SIIIdI-III. {5.7” I L"
.\lnn l‘hIII. ().\l”l'lHlI, U "(I laIIIIl} llt‘le‘l llt'lxt'h l‘k'llllk' IIIIIIII' (3.4“,
The Da Vinci Code I Hm I l,llll;IiII. |.3II_ 3.20. 4.40. 5.4II, HIIII «IIIII. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown Il‘I ll5lIanI. 2.lI(I.
Mlz3: Mission Impossible III I IJ.\I ll.55anI. 2.55. 5.25. .\'.|5. PrimeII2.-\I 4.|5. n45. IIIS. WaitingIISI nnnII. 2.|5. 4.5“. “.II5. ‘).2l).
X-Menz‘l'he Last Stand I l2:\l IIRIIaIn. l.()(I, 3,IIII, y‘III. III), (I_(III_ TIIII, 8.30. ‘).3II.
Curious George I I ' I
l)aIl_\: ll.l5aIn. |..‘~I). 5.45. (IIIII.
The Da VinciCodeII2.\I l)ail_\: ll.(I()aInIIInISaII. l.2(I. 2.20. 4.40. 5.35. XIII), xsn
Kinkou and the Sorceress II \laIIIIt'I' \aI ll Wan: Madagascar .1
MI:3: Mission Impossible III I I 3 \I
Had} ll 55am. 2‘5. ‘25. \ l5 Poseidon I I: \I
lhII llINIaIII. lII5. 1lI'."l*. ‘ .‘H. I)_‘§
llall\ ‘III5
ShrekZII I
[mm IIIIIIJm~ IIIII Kill). 5llII‘ "IIII
x-Men: The Last Stand I I j \» l).IIl\ ll Wain. IIIII. III“. 4 in: IIIIII~ IIRS \ lII II_‘II Zathura II’III \lalIIII‘I' Sal
Cineworld Benfrew Street
2 Rk‘llllt'“ \III'I'I. Inln and ( '(‘ IIIIIIkIIIz' UV] jIIII jIIIIII \IIIIII III jIIII< jII ‘ \lnn l'hIII (‘hIlIl \lllIlI'lll\ I‘nIIII'wInIIx 131.2” l'aIIIIl} III'kI'I L l 2 I\IIII lllll [15 NH llI'lnII' lpIII all In I\\'I\ t. i Mi l'nlIIIIIII‘Il (‘aIIl L I“ ‘N III‘I IIInIIIlI
{ lII.
.llI “:H "II
BrickII5I l.‘~ll_ .1 III. II-15_ II §II ConfettlII5I |23II. Hill. 55” x |\ The Da Vinci Code I l2.\I III IIIIIII. lllNIaIII. IIIIIIII. III”. I 5H. 2 2H. IIII, S III, 5_.lII_ "IIII. .\IIII. \ III. ‘).|l).
ICC Age 2:The Meltdown II I ll lIIIaIII The KingII5I I: III, ill). IIIIII, 8.4”.
Mlz3: Mission Impossible III I I2 \I ll).3lI.IIII. ll)”. ll”. 4 III. -l 5H. " “I. XIII).
Once in a Lifetime I I5. Ian, IIIIII, xjn Pflmell2:\l III.5II.IIII. II.3II. RSI).
IIIIIIaIII. 2“. l 2”. lgll.
illl \ \II,
3.2”. Waiting I l5I llKHarn. 2 I”. -l 4”. TIIII. 0.25.
George Clooney’s wonderfully taut chamber drama about broadcaster and journalist Ed Murrow‘s crusading campaign against the communist
witch hunt by the House of UnAmerican Activities in 19505 America kicks off a short season of films to mark the International Press Institute’s World Congress, which takes place in Edinburgh. Other films in the season include Christian Frei’s War Photographer and Karim Trai'dia's Les Diseurs de Vérité (Journalists).
I FI/IW‘IOI/se. EdI/IDIIrg/I fro/7‘. Fr/ 26 - Mon 29 May.