i/1,trrerr'it'rr,'r rotor n,
trrp to “t l’r-ter', ~' ar‘, .‘rrz' Lil‘: ‘llllrfrffi rt turf} rrrr rr1r rrr'.prred another trrp 'ater .rr :)()():lhr’1Té1,',’irlf:.llti;’yit} 'rr, r;r,rrrrr ire/m z? [erw 'J.'r/’ .‘Jrrrf' l'lrlr'fit
see any rrlrotr ,grar Ilrt. of TM:
rs set rn the Fienrrrrar‘,
lrrrrlrlrrrrr rrr the 'rrxtre'r urrtrl returned home ar/l tel? :rladl hadn't seen thwr‘. lr/rulrl'r't i)t:ll‘,‘\/(: what ‘.‘.’;r‘- it lrrkltr’l at The hurldrng a strong skeleton not a dead one; one whr' tr hart Leer: forgotten and tned to starrrl as long as rt (torrid. alone. Many people knev.’ of rts power and rt had moved everyone who had seen rt. lt rs the tlrllrtrtr-sf. that a hurldrng lrke this eerrlu stand rn Sir'otland. whreh rs so rntirrentral. i ‘./(:ll though only the hones are on sho'.v. the hearrty and trope that it eornmrrnreates makes rt verj.‘ mueh alrve. Malcy Duff ldrnhurgh
ROUGH JUSTICE tread Sonra Leal's trrghtenrrrg letter Wrth tears rn my eyes. When l eontaeted Drane Ahhott's offrr‘e. l was delrghted to he rnfor'med that she wrll he drseussrng the teat tamrlvs srtuatron Wltit the l tome ()ffr<:e. However, rt rs the duty of all of us to retle<:t on the many rndrvrdrrals rn srrrrrlar srtuatrons who do not possess the (:ommrtment and itfllittlli‘. of Sonra t eat, What Sorrra has done rs prove that rt you tell enough people. someone ‘.'.rll always lrsten.
Oh telexrsron 'ast week I sax‘r a woman desr‘rrt red as 'hysterreal' when she suggested we are ‘sleepwalkrng rnto rteo» tasr‘rsm' \vrthrn thrs rtorrrrtr\.. A day or two later. i watched a BBC news hroadr‘ast
What YOU Mad Hot Ballroom Grosvenor Hilton, Glasgow, Fri 12 May
2 THE LIST 5‘53 May—:4 a’u" Cede
Simon & Anna Sports events prO/ect manager 8 r‘adrograp/rer Thetango dancers from the BBC advert were awesome.
The List,
r 0 I' /; tip ‘ \[y’rvw‘z;{ .I. Y .I (Mr. /\0“:yb, (1’ ‘1 a I(’ 7’" rittl“’r't'.tit'xorrrerr.‘rhr
re; n" ‘"t the rJK. the tan era ;»‘r'r' ed tr Hashrrrg on I: .'.t‘lt|r}l’} ltrerr- .‘nrsr‘ottrr'rg fru‘. .vhrte ‘rnen. streets and
tr rrle' nrrt‘, harrrl'rr'; or. to lr,_ 'rrvl r'r t'r-- we! on L, the ’thllffltt lr'‘:rl. eorrlrt arrrrmst wee the pornt. hats
Ally Sinclair
i5, ernarl
l .vould lrke to offer some harkground to letters you have puhlrsned ahorrt our Sehoot of Drama(‘1()reatrvelndustrres.
Queen Margaret tJrrr'./ersrt\, (Jotlege aegurred the old ‘(iatr-'.'.’a3,/' (tornplex rn the t‘)‘.lfls. \‘thh the ; ssrstanee of grants. new L)tlli(l|t‘.(]fl were eorrstrrrrted. others altered and some work done on the orrf theatre. It was always known that the works rn the tElfltts would not he enorrgir for our long term use.
In 7005) a survey was taken whreh revealed srgnrfreant prohlems rn the old Hiater'xay'. It was elosed rmrnedrately for safety reasons whrle .ve earned out emergeney work. The rrurrrher of detrereneres made rt apparent that ever: work on the old hurldrng to rerntoree stahrlrty would he very expensrve. wrth no guarantee of srreeessful restoration.
lhe hest estrmate rs rn exr‘ess of S‘2.-1m W/Ulttt/i makrng any rrrrpr‘o\.rerrrerrt to the fa<:rlrtres. We therefore came to the ‘.'|(;".'. that 'the Gatexxay . . . he uewed as a . .
. lrahrlrh .' unahle to even
support tturrent uses. The Board of Goxernors made a dertrsron to drspose of rt, Our Sehool of Drama and the Creatrxe Industries wrll
14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE
or The List at the CCA
350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3JD or email
' 4'r‘l" 1L1 ' if" . ' ,k I ()f
’JMl C .r‘. .’
tr'rrd‘rrv: fawrlztrea for rrrrr
‘.'.'e are atrrr tertts at the ne.'. (tdtttptw, In Musseltrrrrrh, and we trerre.“ rur r,larrs r.‘.'rl| enahre Hilltitrl‘r’.‘ and staff to dexeloi the .vork alread‘, done. and ensure that the s: hoot rontrnues as one of the UK's ieadrrrg sehoots of drarrra and perfrlrrrrarwe.
Professor Richard Kerley Dean, l-arutty of Brrsrrress and Arts. OMI JC. Ldrnhrrrgh
SPRINGER IS SPRUNG would lrke to :;elehrate the return ot Jerry Sprr/rger the Opera USlOr to lidrnhrrrgh. The r‘rty has an rmportant plarte rn the hrstory of JSTO. The / rst predreted that JSTO would he a hrt rrt wasr and plar:ed me. one of the performers. on the eover of the 2002 Festrvals rssue. Nohody
fall”. w "l" ‘ fr'rr'. ‘1 " trearrrast 'r .‘ 'ra~ t‘eer‘r derrrw 1 t«. .r .r'r‘; .rrrrr‘ of rnrsrrrtarrrxrtzr x".
The prr‘.'.’r-rtrri rrrrrwr :s r" integral feature rt \/.()‘r'\) ()hjer‘tors r .rr‘rnot xturnayh the sourrvf of tier»; rir' dressed as Arnerrrarr trarle' trash lll‘r'_}lltr} rrror‘k r pera ltrr‘hard ltrrrr'ra I nrusrr; e3e.ates \.'.'hat would he seen as ‘a seed‘, and hlasphemorrs surrpt' rnto a moving deprr tron ot the parntul (:rreurnstanees some people frnd therrrselves rrr.
Isalrrte The t rst for trerrrg wrth us from the start. Wrthorrt you or the support of your readers the legend of the
“Draper Man' would never have
grown rato wnat rt rs today. have more farth rrr your gurdanee than rn whatexer ‘truth’ the moralrsers spout. Wills Morgan
AKA 'Morrtel' rrr JSTO
Jim Bovill By emarl
l was among the first to move rnto the new semrnary whe'r rt
help | earr. I am partreular'ly keen on hrs Ideas relatrrrg to musrr: and the hurldrng. Perhaps rt could also he useful as a centre for guret study. scholarly research. rnedrtatron and reflectron.
opened rn 1966. rn my final year of study for the prresthoo'l. Havrng spent the prevrous :3 years rn deereprt and. let's say. modrtred aeeonrmodatron. to move rn to such a hrrrldrrrg was a toy and a thrrll. My own sprrrtual odyssey has taken a ltrrrrrh-‘3r of unexpected twrsts and turns srnee then. hut strll reeall that year wrth great affectron. For the hurldrng to have reaehed rts present state rs a rratronal drsgrar;e for whreh several rnterested partres should feel ashamed.
I have (:ontaeted Murray Grrgor and offered any
Kathy & Martin Nurse 8 /ewe//er
We only found out about this at twenty to seven tonrght. It's great. There aren't en0ugh opportunrties to do ballroom dancing rn Glasgow.
Norma 8. Alan Miller Scott/sh and UK bar/room dance champ/ons
It's great to see so many people interested rn dancrng.
CONTRIBUTORS Publisher 8 General Editor
Editor ‘. . 5:3,,
Deputy Editor V L. z , .
Subeditor p a“ 1
Research Manager
Research I LIL“; r! Ft k; Lt‘ LL."
ztrtl l‘rrlwr‘ \f'm' ,I‘.‘ fl} hm‘
‘rniftw .r\., a. u .l h ‘I ‘-' 'e if ‘t‘tr l‘.‘ {10‘ ‘ltritXr" El ‘wlx {lam \r' lrlrrr n Mh \r;.'rét‘f.v hirtrL ir‘Mt 4' Sr’wtr’arttr hrr'v
Editorial Intern
,‘r'ra'v‘ r t‘vr'.
SALES & MARKETING Advertising Sales Manager RarhOiShmttlK
Senior Media Sales Executive lirrnrrt he'tlteth’
Media Sales Executive
Rrr 'rro' Malttrrrtn
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Promotions Manager
Strvrr ltrr'rs
Promotions Assistant Marlolwrnr- Stirrft‘
Circulation Manager
’er Earrrx'wrr.
krrsta Rrrtrvrtsmr Production Manager Srrmn :Ulltlll Designer t u ‘, low-m Production Assistant Trldiidlll (.trrrrstnn
ADMINISTRATION Accounts Manager Georgette Rr-rrmrl- Accounts Assistant Manager llnnna laylnr
Accounts Maternity Cover Gemma Board
Sran Bmarr
Edinburgh Office Manager Katre SUP}.
Glasgow Office Manager Sharon Stephen
SECTION EDITORS Around Town Rartrarl Strr-r't Books Brran Donaldson Clubs Henr ,' ttorthrrrnrn tenth Sandra Marronr Comedy Erran Donaldson Comics Paul Darr-
Dance Kell; Arm-r
Eat 8 Drink Barr ,' Shrattr/ Film Paul Dale
Gay Robrn law.-
Kids Kc-ll. Aster
Music Marl RobertSOn
rmth Norman Chalmers. Carol Marr. Kenn; Mathrézerr irorra Shepherd;
News Allan Padchttr:
Play Henry ttorthmorr:
tenth larn Davrdson;
Shop tlrclr. Barley Television Brran Donaldson Theatre Steve Cramer Travel Rachael Street Visual Art Alexander Kennedy