Glasgow Mondays
I Burn at the Bttll ('lub. l lpm 3am. £5 £3 (tree In pub and cltrb stall). Weekly. A top party atmosphere is guaranteed at the live-year-nld stall night ntit. thanks to thumping dance classics. l‘rnni deep to disco. unleashed by Norman and lens.
I Mondays at Bamboo. ltlprii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Sotil and tank with Robin B. student lav es with Toast (ev- Shack). There's also R&H With Scottie B.
I Passionality at ('trbe.
l l.3llpm 3am. £3 £3. Weekly. Pleasing chartistry l'rnm DJ Shawn Roberts. who does his best In resuscitate the weekend tor the gay/mixed crowd.
I Poptimism/Rocktimism at the (iarage. I lpm 3am. £4 (l'ree). Weekly. l)oes c\actly what it says on the tin. :\ healthy dose (it both pop and rock l'nr midweek party people.
Glasgow Tuesdays
I All Star Tuesdays at Bamhoo. l()pm 3am. £4 (lrec). Weekly. In the main room Kash plays R&B and hip pop and in the lounge Andy Wilson drops all time classics dri/lled with a little rock and itidie.
I Fluff on the Needle at ('ltih |)tih. ltlpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Funk. soul. liotrse and disco accottipanied by live insti'trriientals with Marky Mark and lt‘iettds.
I l&|Sounds at Bar Bloc. 9pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Roots. rock and reggae in a dtib stylee with Andy Tay Inr and Paulie.
I Kaleidoscope at AB(‘2.
l lprii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Retro music policy digging classic rnek'n'r'oll. sotrl. ltmk. ptirik and psychedelia lt‘ottt the crates ol' (ills to the present day with resident Paul Needles.
I Killer Kitsch at the Bull.
lt).3()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. litian and Dave play all yotrr lavnurite elcctrn mixed in with some Xlls sy'lllll. hip hop and anything else they l‘ancy. Downstairs. Ross plays sotrl. funk and disco.
I Rock Karaoke at the (‘athotise.
l lprii 3am. £4 (l'ree £2). Weekly. Willi the complete A 7. ol‘ rock and over 3500 songs at your disposal. how can the show-oils among yntr resist'.’.
Glasgow Wednesdays
I Elegantly Wasted at Bltrtr.
ltlhni 3am. £3 (tree). Weekly. A new student night (or the more discerning student type. ('oektails and everything at student prices.
I Gain at the (‘athotrse. l().3()pm 3am. £3 (£l ). Weekly. DJ Dec and DJ Deviant provide a blend of industrial. metal and rock for all you iiiid-weekers.
I Joints & Jams at the (‘athotise.
l lpm~3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Hesky and Big Al continue to play a mix ol‘ old and new R& B. hip hop. soul and ltmk.
I Octopussy at the Arches.
9.30pm» 3am. £4. Weekly. This new student night asks only that you bring your swimwear. We kid yoti not.
I Scottish Drum & Bass Weekly Sessions at the Liquid Lounge. lt).3()prii 3am. £2. Weekly. The relaunch of Triple A: Access All Areas. Scotland‘s only weekly l)& B night. with a name change to rellect the fact it's now run iii conjunction with the more established names ol’ Scottish l)&B.
I Tipsy at MAS. l lpm—3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. DJ (‘utz. lllytis and Stattrs scratch tip the finest times this side of a Manhattan block party circa 82.
I Tongue in Cheek at Bamboo. lt).3()prii—3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. DJ Miguel plays R&B in the main room. DJ Toast playing chart iii the lounge and Andy Wilson plays rock in the red room.
Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.
Edinburgh Thursdays
>31 Bang Bang You're Dead at ('alc Royal Bistro Bar. 9pm larii. £3. 25 .May. Eclectic mix running the alphabet l‘rnm Aphex Twin to Ziggy Stardust lt'otri Je/ebel and Brilliant ('hang pltis a live set l'rnm (iay Against You. All proceeds to Amnesty International.
I Beat Root Juice at the Jan Bar. ll).3()Pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Alto-beat. Latin and ska l'rnm resident hand the (ioat Stew ()rchestra. plus DJ Barney and the odd liv e gttest and spinner.
I Bounce at Po Na Na. I lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Student night down Po Na Na gets the place jumpin' with its llll\ nl' hip hop. urban. R&B and drinks promos. I Colours present John Digweed at ('abaret Voltaire. lllpm 3am. £8 £|(). 35 May. ()ne ol the most influential and important house l)Js in the world. Enough said.
I Fur Burger at Ego. l lprii 3am. £3. 8 Jtrri. Night for girls who like girls. dirty jokes. innuendo and at) ever- eclectic ltitlsic policy. Boys please remember. yntr need a lcriiale escort for entry.
I Genetic at (‘itrtis (Tub. l lprii 3am. Free belore 1 1.30pm: £3 alter. Weekly. Still a mighty popular sniree that showcases alternative. indie and Io-li.
I Glenfiddich Independent Mix at ('abaret Voltaire. l().3(lpni 3am. £5. l Jtiri. The Trouble l)Js once again linst this slice of what's lint in the world ol dance with live sets from Reptiles and Peripushers pltis DJ sets from l'nabombers (Electric ('hair) and Peter Parker (Fingathing).
I The GOuLaG BeAt at ligo. It).3()pnr 3am. £3. 25 May. Monthly. Punk. garage. new wave and good. honest t'ock‘n'roll.
I The Snatch Social at the Liquid Ronni. l lprii 3am. £5. Weekly. ('nmedy capers from Harry Ainsworth and Tony ('arter at this cheeky cabaret-cum-diseo. Babes and Trendy Wendy (monthly resident) supply hip hop and ltrnky tunes. (‘heck for more into.
I White Heat at (‘abaret Voltaire. ‘)piii~3am. £5 (£4). ls’ Jun. London‘s influential indie club returns armed with an arsenal ol‘ quality live hands. Ladyltru. Fuck ()l'l‘ Machete and the Damn Shames. while DJ ()lly and Matty provide the tunes for dancing.
Edinburgh Fridays
I Absolute Beach Party at the Venue. l().3()priie3arii. £tbc. 26 May. Featuring tech-trance legend Scott Mac. I Awooga! at Wee Red Bar. lt).3()pm—3arii. £3 belore midnight; £5 alter (£4). 26 May. Hip hop. electro. techno and breaks mash-up from Mista Biscuit and (iorariosaur.
I Badaboom at Massa. |()pm~3am. £5. Weekly. The best in commercial
R& B and urban licks with guests from l.\'tra and Radio I llying in fortnightly. I Beatroot at Ego. l().3()prii—3am. £4 belore midnight; £(i alter. 26 May. Residents Ryan Turner and Yan Palys play house. tribal. prng and techno with a guest slot of funky techno and acid house from James Talk (Spoken Recordings).
I Blaze at Ego. l lpm—3am. £5. Weekly. DJ James Longworth ignites the gay weekend with a chart and funky house soundtrack. Get yourself primped and preened for the Edinburgh heat of Mr Gay" UK (Jun 2).
I Cult at Po Na Na. lllptri 3am. £35” belore llpni; £5 alter. Weekly. DJ Nikki and l'rierids dig tip the very best in ltiiik. disco. R& B. house. kitsch classics and Part} tartis at this cool daticelloor mash- tip.
I Departure Lounge at the (‘aves. lllpm 3am. £ It). Io May. Another night ol' world beats. electro ran and Latin rhythms l'rom very special live guests. Bra/ilian legends. A/y mtrth. Pltts a guest DJ slot l'rnm Zagtrcrro alongside regulars Astroboy and ('aiiiiny. See preview. page 33.
I Evol at the Liquid Room.
It).3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. lidinbtirgh's longest running indie night. With the trsual mi\ ol the best current and classic alternative. crossover ltlltc\. It's ttlt institution.
I A Hard Days Night at Subway
(’ow gate. llprn 3am. £3. 20 May. Fortnightly. Strbway 's newest alternative night (it indie. sotil arid rock'n'roll.
I Late Nite Groove at the Jan Bar”. midnight 3am. £5. Weekly. Regular Friday night ltiiikstravagari/a with live bands and l)Js. Funky ia// beats limit the Resistance «It» May).
I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Bier-hairs.
I lpm 3am. £5 belore midnight; £(i alter. In May. Two ol Edinburgh's best collectives join l'or‘ces. Space Face residents Pepe Santamaria and the Blonde Flash bring the R&B. hip hop. ltiiik. disco and more while Tokyo Blti take care ol the home and disco.
I Modern Lovers at ligo. l lprii 3am. £4 £5. 2 Jtiii. A post-iiioder'nist mis ol soul and ltiiik. jan. ska. garage and psyche provided by residents (‘raig and Mr Divine. For more into check
I Nightstrike at Rlil). l().3l)pm 3am. Free belore midnight; £3 alter. 2(i May. Monthly. 'l'echrio. electro and hi-tek lttllk l‘rom Polaris and Future Mythology.
ii: Obscene at the Venue.
lt).3()pm 3am. £(i. 2o May. The drum it bass collective are yet another quality night bidding adieu to the Venue with their last night under its root‘. DJ 'l‘eebee (Moving Sliitdow)joitis a lull resident crew for a full on larew ell party.
I Planet Earth at ('itrus ('Itrb. lt).3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Music from l‘)7(i through to 198‘). in other words. a healthy dose ol punk. new wave. new romantic and electro-pop.
I Steelworks at Studio 24.
l lpm- 3am. £5. 26 May. Newest rock night for the home of rock that is Sttidio 24. The best ol‘ modern rock and metal is melted together in the l-‘oundry. guitar anthems from the 7()s 90s in the Molten Lounge.
I Sugarbeat at (‘aharet Voltaire.
l l.3ll[)lll<5illll. £7. It) May. You never know what to expect down Sugarbeat with Tim and Je/ (l'tah Saints). This month they have Hybrid (des & FX) and their cinematic breakbeat.
I Tokyo Blu at the Venue. l().3()pm~3am. £(i bel’ore midnight; s alter (£6). 3 Jun. The Live House Sessions ptit in their last ever slinw at the Venue. and in fact the last ever house night at the Venue.
=E< Troublegroove at (‘aharet \‘oltaire. l lpm~3am. £|() (£9). 2 Jtiii. Trouble and t'ltragroove join l'orces to bring yntr (iood Times man Norman Jay MBE. See preview. page 3 l.
I Vaudeville Cabaret Club at the Bongo ('lub. 8.3llpl1172itlll. £7 (£5 members). 26 May. Embracing dissident cabaret with a dash of Berlin glamour. Paris intimacy and ('hicago speakeasies. ('ircus. theatre. music. and burlesque all combine for your entertainment with plenty of 'dancing and rum'.
Edinburgh Saturdays
I Bumpin and Stompin at (‘orn Exchange. ()prn—lam. £9. 27 May. The best of soul. garage and everything in between as the Soul Boys once again take over the Corn Exchange with Dave
l‘.\lst)ll (Wigan (‘asronu l‘ony Wiggan (Shetlield) and Darren leach (Newcastle) spinning the best in northern sotrl. Motown and modern sounds alongside the Scottish contingent.
I Burly Too .tt Mariner's
ll) 3ltpm 3am. £7 £.\‘ 37 May
Monthly The gay and bi men's club lllttl.\ tlL‘Slg'llctl It) l‘c‘ clllh) \ttlt‘ lllt' dress code' denim. sports. industrial. llllllttt‘ltl. rubber. krlts. leather May sees a construction theme give your hard hat a polish.
I Diggity at the t-stahhsliiiieiit
ltlptii 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly DJ Fabulol. Harry 3|). Rico and M(‘ Flow get down with their bad selves. playing vvildsty le Rth. hip hop and street will I The Egg '.tl Wee Rctl Bar
llpm 3am. £4 belore midnight; £5 alter. Weekly. Still the best llll\ ot riidic. (itls garage. northern soul. ska. 7le punk and new wave you‘re likely to stagger across. A well loved institution that l'clttscs to change.
I Fever at ligo. llprii 3am. £ Ill ( £.\' members). 27 May. Monthly, Taste mainstays l'isher ck Price and Martin Valentine are on the main lloor. while the Visitor and Katipuss take at) anything goes attrttrde into the (‘octeati Lounge.
I Final Drum 8: Bass Party at the Venue. Ill.3llpin 3am. £ls’. 3 .ltlll. The name says it all the last l)t\B party at the legendary Venue with spinners lrotii Manga. Rogue State. Nplrcrt. Mischrel arid ()bscene iorned by special guests (Time and Status (Breakbeat Kans).
I Fish Fry at the .la// Bar. I lpm 3am. Free belore I l.3llprii; £5 alter. Weekly. Scottisli lit/I. ltiiik. soul and Latin bands join DJs lirik l)‘\'iking and Astroboy including the Mn piano and ('trban trumpets ol Das (‘ontras (37 May ). who have been coriipared to the Bees and (it‘oov e Armada. and party Latm and llamenco l'rom the Kinkeys (3 .ltrn).
I Flaunt at Massa. l lpm 3am. £tbc. 27 May. Night ol timeless cltrb classics and dirty house with Tommy (iallo and Jon lidwards.
I Give it Some! at the Hotigo ('luh.
I lpm 3am. £4 belore midnight; £(i alter. 3 Jun. (inirig lt‘otl) strength to strength. l)JRetl(i's dancing cltrb is back with the usual selection ol ltiiik. soul. lit/l and rare groove to get your leet moving and ptit a smile on your lace. Reggae. roots. ska and dtib upstairs lt‘nrii Decoy Roy.
I Liquid Soul at Po Na Na.
lllpni 3am. £3 belore I lpm; £(i alter. Weekly. (iel down early lot” this consistently capacity t'clr'o-(lisco and funky house night. l’eattrr‘ing Po‘s own Mark B on the decks ltlslllg‘ classic and batig tip-to-date l'unky house tor those in the know.
I Luvely til the Liquid Room. lt).3()pm 3am. £|3 (£|() members). 3 Jun. A saucy soiree with a lttll-ort. driving house music. with residents Tommy Kay. Dean Newton. (irtitn Stone and Jon lidwards.
I Messenger Sound System at the Bongo (‘lub llprn 3am. £7.50. 37 May. Bass ol bowel-shitting proportions as the mighty Messenger Sntrrid Sy stem blasts out the best in righteous roots and dtib reggae.
I Mission at Sttrdin 24. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4 members). Weekly. Night ()l metal mayhem. goth rock and more thHll the dark side. Willi new top floor specials ol gntli or l‘rcaked ntrt electro and darkvv ave.
>i< Optimo at the Venue.
10.30pm 3am. £8. 27 May. The most riotously inventive club night iti Scotland with their last ever night at the Venue (with Strper Saturday upstairs). I Stereotype at Berlin Bierhaus. l()pm~3am. £7 (£5 members). 27 May. Huggy's top notch hnUse showcase some rising stars in the shape of Scott Mochar 64; Scott Wilson (AKA Sntrl Kitchen). plus Master ('aird. Kris Lindsay and. of course. Huggy.
25 May-8 June 2006 THE LIST 35